2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
< ? php
2012-05-10 11:43:25 +02:00
* @ package phpBB3
* @ copyright ( c ) 2003 phpBB Group
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - 2.0 . php GNU General Public License v2
* This script generates an index of some template vars and their use within the templates .
* It writes down all language variables used by various templates .
2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
// Security message:
// This script is potentially dangerous.
// Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script.
// Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it.
die ( " Please read the first lines of this script for instructions on how to enable it " );
$directory = '../styles/subSilver/template/' ;
$ext = 'html' ;
$store_dir = '../store/' ;
$phpfiles_directories = array ( '../' , '../includes/' , '../includes/acm/' , '../includes/auth/' , '../includes/mcp/' , '../includes/ucp/' );
// Template Files beginning with this names are merged together
$merge = array ( 'gcp' , 'login' , 'mcp' , 'memberlist' , 'posting' , 'ucp' );
if ( ! is_writable ( $store_dir ))
die ( " Directory $store_dir is not writable! " );
$contents = implode ( '' , file ( '../adm/subSilver.css' , filesize ( '../adm/subSilver.css' )));
$fp = fopen ( $store_dir . 'subSilver.css' , 'w' );
fwrite ( $fp , $contents );
fclose ( $fp );
$html_skeleton = '
2011-07-09 15:28:33 +02:00
<! DOCTYPE html >
2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
< html >
< head >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " subSilver.css " type = " text/css " >
< style type = " text/css " >
th { background - image : url ( \ ' cellpic3 . gif\ ' ) }
td . cat { background - image : url ( \ ' cellpic1 . gif\ ' ) }
</ style >
< title > { FILENAME } </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< table width = " 100% " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 " >
< tr >
< td >< img src = " header_left.jpg " width = " 200 " height = " 60 " alt = " phpBB Logo " title = " phpBB Logo " border = " 0 " /></ td >
< td width = " 100% " background = " header_bg.jpg " height = " 60 " align = " right " nowrap = " nowrap " >< span class = " maintitle " > File { FILENAME } </ span > & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< table width = " 95% " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 " align = " center " >
< tr >
< td >< br clear = " all " />
' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><a href="./index.html" class="gen">Back to Contents</a><br><br>' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><a href="#lang" class="gen">Language Variables</a> :: <a href="#includes" class="gen">Includes</a> :: <a href="#cond" class="gen">Conditionals</a><br><a href="#remain" class="gen">Remaining Vars</a> :: <a href="#usedby" class="gen">phpBB File Usage</a> :: <a href="#ref" class="gen">References</a>' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="lang"></a><b>Language Variables</b><br><br>{LANGUAGE_VARIABLES}' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="includes"></a><b>Included Files</b><br><br>{INCLUDES}' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="cond"></a><b>Used Conditionals</b><br><br>{CONDITIONALS}' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="remain"></a><b>Remaining Vars used</b><br><br>{REMAINING_VARS}' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="usedby"></a><b>This Template File is used by the following phpBB Files</b><br><br>{USED_BY}' ;
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="ref"></a><b>References: </b>{SEE_FILES}' ;
//$html_skeleton .= "</body>\n</html>\n";
$html_skeleton .= '
< br >< br >
2011-07-06 20:38:02 -04:00
< div class = " copyright " align = " center " > Powered by < a href = " http://www.phpbb.com/ " > phpBB </ a >& reg ; Forum Software & copy ; phpBB Group </ div >
2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
< br clear = " all " /></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ body >
</ html >
' ;
// Open Language File
include ( '../language/en/lang_main.php' );
include ( '../language/en/lang_admin.php' );
$files_to_parse = $php_files = array ();
$dhandler = opendir ( $directory );
if ( ! $dhandler )
die ( " Unable to open $directory " );
$num = 0 ;
while ( $file = readdir ( $dhandler ))
if ( is_file ( $directory . $file ) && preg_match ( '#\.' . $ext . '$#i' , $file ))
$files_to_parse [ $num ][ 'filename' ] = $directory . $file ;
$files_to_parse [ $num ][ 'single_filename' ] = $file ;
$files_to_parse [ $num ][ 'destfile' ] = str_replace ( " . { $ext } " , '' , $file ) . '_' . $num . '.html' ;
$file_to_destfile [ $file ] = $files_to_parse [ $num ][ 'destfile' ];
$num ++ ;
closedir ( $dhandler );
$num = 0 ;
foreach ( $phpfiles_directories as $directory )
$dhandler = opendir ( $directory );
if ( ! $dhandler )
die ( " Unable to open $directory " );
while ( $file = readdir ( $dhandler ))
if ( is_file ( $directory . $file ) && preg_match ( '#\.php$#i' , $file ))
$php_files [ $num ][ 'filename' ] = $directory . $file ;
$php_files [ $num ][ 'single_filename' ] = $file ;
$num ++ ;
closedir ( $dhandler );
$php_files_includes = $lang_references = array ();
//$php_files_includes['viewtopic_attach_body.html'][0] = filename
echo '<br>Parsing PHP Files' ;
// Parse PHP Files and get our filenames
foreach ( $php_files as $file_num => $data )
echo '.' ;
flush ();
$contents = implode ( '' , file ( $data [ 'filename' ], filesize ( $data [ 'filename' ])));
$html_files = array ();
preg_match_all ( '#([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*?)\.' . $ext . '#s' , $contents , $html_files );
$html_files = array_unique ( $html_files [ 1 ]);
foreach ( $html_files as $html_file )
$html_file = trim ( $html_file );
if ( $html_file != '' )
$php_files_includes [ $html_file . '.' . $ext ][] = $data [ 'filename' ];
echo '<br>Parsing HTML Files' ;
foreach ( $files_to_parse as $file_num => $data )
echo '.' ;
flush ();
$contents = implode ( '' , file ( $data [ 'filename' ], filesize ( $data [ 'filename' ])));
// Language Variables -> [0]:tpl [1]:lang
$lang_vars = array ();
preg_match_all ( '#{L_([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is' , $contents , $lang_vars );
$contents = preg_replace ( '#{L_([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is' , '' , $contents );
$lang_vars [ 0 ] = array_unique ( $lang_vars [ 0 ]);
$lang_vars [ 1 ] = array_unique ( $lang_vars [ 1 ]);
// Includes
$includes = array ();
preg_match_all ( '#<!-- INCLUDE ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\+\.]+?) -->#s' , $contents , $includes );
$contents = preg_replace ( '#<!-- INCLUDE ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\+\.]+?) -->#' , '' , $contents );
$includes = $includes [ 1 ];
$includes = array_unique ( $includes );
// IF Conditions
$switches = array ();
preg_match_all ( '#<!-- [IF]|[ELSEIF] ([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]+?) (.*?)?[ ]?-->#' , $contents , $switches );
$contents = preg_replace ( '#<!-- [IF]|[ELSEIF] ([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]) (.*?)?[ ]?-->#s' , '' , $contents );
$switches [ 0 ] = array_unique ( $switches [ 1 ]); // No resorting please
$switches [ 1 ] = $switches [ 2 ];
unset ( $switches [ 2 ]);
// Remaining Vars
$remaining_vars = array ();
preg_match_all ( '#{([a-z0-9\-_\.]*?)\}#is' , $contents , $remaining_vars );
$contents = preg_replace ( '#{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is' , '' , $contents );
$remaining_vars = array_unique ( $remaining_vars [ 1 ]);
sort ( $remaining_vars , SORT_STRING );
// Now build the filename specific site
$fp = fopen ( $store_dir . $data [ 'destfile' ], 'w' );
$html_data = $html_skeleton ;
$html_data = str_replace ( '{FILENAME}' , $data [ 'single_filename' ], $html_data );
// Write up the Language Variables
if ( count ( $lang_vars [ 0 ]))
$lang_data = '<ul>' ;
for ( $num = 0 ; $num <= count ( $lang_vars [ 0 ]); $num ++ )
$var = $lang_vars [ 0 ][ $num ];
if ( $var != '' )
$_var = str_replace ( array ( '{' , '}' ), array ( '' , '' ), $var );
$lang_references [ $_var ][] = $data [ 'single_filename' ];
$lang_data .= '<li>' . $var . '<br>' . " \n " . (( isset ( $lang [ $_var ])) ? htmlspecialchars ( str_replace ( " \\ ' " , " ' " , $lang [ $_var ])) : '<span style="color:red">No Language Variable available</span>' ) . '<br></li><br>' . " \n " ;
$lang_data .= '</ul>' ;
$lang_data = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$html_data = str_replace ( '{LANGUAGE_VARIABLES}' , $lang_data , $html_data );
// Write up the Includes
echo '.' ;
flush ();
if ( count ( $includes ))
$includes_data = '<ul>' ;
$see_files = '' ;
for ( $num = 0 ; $num <= count ( $includes ); $num ++ )
$var = $includes [ $num ];
if ( $var != '' )
$includes_data .= '<li><a href="./' . $file_to_destfile [ $var ] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a></li><br>' . " \n " ;
$see_files .= ( $see_files != '' ) ? ' :: ' : '' ;
$see_files .= '<a href="./' . $file_to_destfile [ $var ] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a>' ;
$includes_data .= '</ul>' ;
$includes_data = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$see_files = '<b>NONE</b>' ;
$html_data = str_replace ( '{INCLUDES}' , $includes_data , $html_data );
$html_data = str_replace ( '{SEE_FILES}' , $see_files , $html_data );
// Write up Conditionals
echo '.' ;
flush ();
if ( count ( $switches [ 0 ]))
$conditionals = '<ul>' ;
for ( $num = 0 ; $num <= count ( $switches [ 0 ]); $num ++ )
$var = trim ( $switches [ 0 ][ $num ]);
if ( $var != '' )
if ( $var == 'not' )
$conditionals .= '<li>' . trim ( $switches [ 1 ][ $num ]) . '<br><b>Negation</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$block_var = explode ( '.' , trim ( $switches [ 1 ][ $num ]));
unset ( $block_var [ 0 ]);
$conditionals .= '<li>' . $var . (( trim ( $switches [ 1 ][ $num ]) != '' ) ? '<br>' . " \n " . '<i>Compared with</i> -> <b>' . trim ( $switches [ 1 ][ $num ]) . '</b>' : '' ) . '<br>' . " \n " ;
$block_var = explode ( '.' , $var );
unset ( $block_var [ count ( $block_var ) - 1 ]);
if ( count ( $block_var ))
for ( $_num = count ( $block_var ) - 1 ; $_num >= 0 ; $_num -- )
$conditionals .= ( $_num == count ( $block_var ) - 1 ) ? '<i>Element of Block</i> -> <b>' . $block_var [ $_num ] . '</b><br>' . " \n " : '<i>...which is an element of</i> -> <b>' . $block_var [ $_num ] . '</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$conditionals .= '<br></li>' . " \n " ;
$conditionals .= '</ul>' ;
$conditionals = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$html_data = str_replace ( '{CONDITIONALS}' , $conditionals , $html_data );
// Write up Remaining Vars
echo '.' ;
flush ();
if ( count ( $remaining_vars ))
$remaining = '<ul>' ;
for ( $num = 0 ; $num <= count ( $remaining_vars ); $num ++ )
$var = trim ( $remaining_vars [ $num ]);
if ( $var != '' )
$remaining .= '<li>' . $var . '<br>' . " \n " ;
$block_var = explode ( '.' , $var );
unset ( $block_var [ count ( $block_var ) - 1 ]);
if ( count ( $block_var ))
for ( $_num = count ( $block_var ) - 1 ; $_num >= 0 ; $_num -- )
$remaining .= ( $_num == count ( $block_var ) - 1 ) ? '<i>Element of Block</i> -> <b>' . $block_var [ $_num ] . '</b><br>' . " \n " : '<i>...which is an element of</i> -> <b>' . $block_var [ $_num ] . '</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$remaining .= '<br></li>' . " \n " ;
$remaining .= '</ul>' ;
$remaining = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$html_data = str_replace ( '{REMAINING_VARS}' , $remaining , $html_data );
if ( isset ( $php_files_includes [ $data [ 'single_filename' ]]) && count ( $php_files_includes [ $data [ 'single_filename' ]]))
$usedby = '<ul>' ;
foreach ( $php_files_includes [ $data [ 'single_filename' ]] as $php_filename )
$usedby .= '<li>' . str_replace ( '../' , '' , $php_filename ) . '</li>' ;
$usedby .= '</ul>' ;
$usedby = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . " \n " ;
$html_data = str_replace ( '{USED_BY}' , $usedby , $html_data );
fwrite ( $fp , $html_data );
fclose ( $fp );
echo '<br>Store Files' ;
$fp = fopen ( $store_dir . 'index.html' , 'w' );
$html_data = '
2011-07-09 15:28:33 +02:00
<! DOCTYPE html >
2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
< html >
< head >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " subSilver.css " type = " text/css " >
< style type = " text/css " >
th { background - image : url ( \ ' cellpic3 . gif\ ' ) }
td . cat { background - image : url ( \ ' cellpic1 . gif\ ' ) }
</ style >
< title > Contents </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< table width = " 100% " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 " >
< tr >
< td >< img src = " header_left.jpg " width = " 200 " height = " 60 " alt = " phpBB Logo " title = " phpBB Logo " border = " 0 " /></ td >
< td width = " 100% " background = " header_bg.jpg " height = " 60 " align = " right " nowrap = " nowrap " >< span class = " maintitle " > Available Template Files </ span > & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< table width = " 95% " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 " align = " center " >
< tr >
< td >< br clear = " all " />
< br > This Style Document is 100 % auto - generated ... no human interaction included . : D < br >
< h2 > phpBB 2.2 Template </ h2 >
< br >
< ol >
' ;
sort ( $files_to_parse );
foreach ( $files_to_parse as $file_num => $data )
echo '.' ;
flush ();
$var = $data [ 'single_filename' ];
$html_data .= '<li><a href="./' . $file_to_destfile [ $var ] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a></li><br>' . " \n " ;
$html_data .= '<br><li><a href="./lang_index.html" class="gen">Appendix A: Language Variable Index</a></li><br>' ;
$html_data .= '
</ ol >< br >< br >
2011-07-06 20:38:02 -04:00
< div class = " copyright " align = " center " > Powered by < a href = " http://www.phpbb.com/ " > phpBB </ a >& reg ; Forum Software & copy ; phpBB Group </ div >
2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
< br clear = " all " /></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ body >
</ html >
' ;
fwrite ( $fp , $html_data );
fclose ( $fp );
// Not only write down all language files, place them into a specific array, named by the template file
// All Language vars assigned to more than one template will be placed into a common file
$entry = array ();
$common_fp = fopen ( $store_dir . 'lang_common.php' , 'w' );
fwrite ( $common_fp , " <?php \n \n \$ lang = array( \n " );
$fp = fopen ( $store_dir . 'lang_index.html' , 'w' );
$html_data = '
2011-07-09 15:28:33 +02:00
<! DOCTYPE html >
2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
< html >
< head >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " subSilver.css " type = " text/css " >
< style type = " text/css " >
th { background - image : url ( \ ' cellpic3 . gif\ ' ) }
td . cat { background - image : url ( \ ' cellpic1 . gif\ ' ) }
</ style >
< title > Appendix A :: Language Variable Index </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< table width = " 100% " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 " >
< tr >
< td >< img src = " header_left.jpg " width = " 200 " height = " 60 " alt = " phpBB Logo " title = " phpBB Logo " border = " 0 " /></ td >
< td width = " 100% " background = " header_bg.jpg " height = " 60 " align = " right " nowrap = " nowrap " >< span class = " maintitle " > Language Variable Index </ span > & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< table width = " 95% " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 0 " border = " 0 " align = " center " >
< tr >
< td >< br clear = " all " />
< br >< a href = " ./index.html " class = " gen " > Back to Contents </ a >< br >< br >
< br >
' ;
echo '<br>Write Language Files' ;
asort ( $lang_references );
ksort ( $lang_references );
$_index = '' ;
$old_char = '' ;
foreach ( $lang_references as $lang_var => $filenames )
$var = preg_replace ( '#^L_(.*?)#' , '\1' , $lang_var );
$char = $var { 0 };
if ( $old_char != $char )
$old_char = $char ;
$_index .= ( $_index != '' ) ? ' :: ' : '' ;
$_index .= '<a href="#' . $char . '" class="gen"><b>' . $char . '</b></a>' ;
$html_data .= $_index . '<br><br><br>' ;
$old_char = '' ;
foreach ( $lang_references as $lang_var => $filenames )
echo '.' ;
flush ();
$var = preg_replace ( '#^L_(.*?)#' , '\1' , $lang_var );
$char = $var { 0 };
if ( $old_char != $char )
$old_char = $char ;
$html_data .= '<br><hr><br><a name="' . $char . '"></a><h2>Letter ' . $char . '</h2><br><br>' ;
$html_data .= '<b>' . $lang_var . '</b><ul>' ;
if ( sizeof ( $filenames ) != 1 )
fwrite ( $common_fp , (( $entry [ 'common' ]) ? " , \n " : '' ) . " \t ' $var ' => ' " . $lang [ $var ] . " ' " );
$entry [ 'common' ] = true ;
else if ( sizeof ( $filenames ) == 1 )
// Merge logical - hardcoded
$fname = ( preg_match ( '#^(' . implode ( '|' , $merge ) . ')#' , $filenames [ 0 ], $match )) ? $match [ 0 ] . '.php' : str_replace ( $ext , 'php' , $filenames [ 0 ]);
if ( ! $lang_fp [ $fname ])
$lang_fp [ $fname ] = fopen ( $store_dir . 'lang_' . $fname , 'w' );
fwrite ( $lang_fp [ $fname ], " <?php \n \n \$ lang = array( \n " );
$entry [ $fname ] = false ;
fwrite ( $lang_fp [ $fname ], (( $entry [ $fname ]) ? " , \n " : '' ) . " \t ' $var ' => ' " . $lang [ $var ] . " ' " );
$entry [ $fname ] = true ;
foreach ( $filenames as $f_name )
$var = trim ( $f_name );
$html_data .= '<li><a href="./' . $file_to_destfile [ $var ] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a></li><br>' . " \n " ;
$html_data .= '</ul><br><br>' ;
fwrite ( $common_fp , " ) \n ); \n ?> " );
fclose ( $common_fp );
foreach ( $lang_fp as $filepointer )
fwrite ( $filepointer , " ) \n ); \n ?> " );
fclose ( $filepointer );
$html_data .= '
< br >< br >
2011-07-06 20:38:02 -04:00
< div class = " copyright " align = " center " > Powered by < a href = " http://www.phpbb.com/ " > phpBB </ a >& reg ; Forum Software & copy ; phpBB Group </ div >
2009-10-04 18:14:59 +00:00
< br clear = " all " /></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ body >
</ html >
' ;
fwrite ( $fp , $html_data );
fclose ( $fp );
echo '<br>Finished!' ;
flush ();