2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
< ? php
* @ package install
* @ version $Id $
* @ copyright ( c ) 2006 phpBB Group
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - license . php GNU Public License
2006-12-03 16:12:03 +00:00
* @ todo check for writeable cache / store / files directory
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( 'IN_INSTALL' ))
// Someone has tried to access the file directly. This is not a good idea, so exit
exit ;
if ( ! empty ( $setmodules ))
// If phpBB is not installed we do not include this module
if ( @ file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx ) && !@ file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . 'cache/install_lock' ))
include_once ( $phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx );
if ( ! defined ( 'PHPBB_INSTALLED' ))
return ;
return ;
$module [] = array (
'module_type' => 'update' ,
'module_title' => 'UPDATE' ,
'module_filename' => substr ( basename ( __FILE__ ), 0 , - strlen ( $phpEx ) - 1 ),
2006-09-08 18:00:38 +00:00
'module_order' => 30 ,
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
'module_subs' => '' ,
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
'module_stages' => array ( 'INTRO' , 'VERSION_CHECK' , 'UPDATE_DB' , 'FILE_CHECK' , 'UPDATE_FILES' ),
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
'module_reqs' => ''
* Update Installation
* @ package install
class install_update extends module
var $p_master ;
var $update_info ;
var $old_location ;
var $new_location ;
var $latest_version ;
var $current_version ;
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
// Set to false
var $test_update = false ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
function install_update ( & $p_master )
$this -> p_master = & $p_master ;
function main ( $mode , $sub )
global $template , $phpEx , $phpbb_root_path , $user , $db , $config , $cache , $auth ;
$this -> tpl_name = 'install_update' ;
2006-12-02 13:19:40 +00:00
$this -> page_title = 'UPDATE_INSTALLATION' ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$this -> old_location = $phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/old/' ;
$this -> new_location = $phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/new/' ;
// Init DB
require ( $phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx );
require ( $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx );
require ( $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants.' . $phpEx );
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
// Special options for conflicts
define ( 'MERGE_NO_MERGE_NEW' , 1 );
define ( 'MERGE_NO_MERGE_MOD' , 2 );
define ( 'MERGE_NEW_FILE' , 3 );
define ( 'MERGE_MOD_FILE' , 4 );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$db = new $sql_db ();
// Connect to DB
$db -> sql_connect ( $dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpasswd , $dbname , $dbport , false );
// We do not need this any longer, unset for safety purposes
unset ( $dbpasswd );
2006-12-02 13:19:40 +00:00
$config = array ();
$sql = ' SELECT config_name , config_value
$result = $db -> sql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
$config [ $row [ 'config_name' ]] = $row [ 'config_value' ];
$db -> sql_freeresult ( $result );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// First of all, init the user session
$user -> session_begin ();
$auth -> acl ( $user -> data );
2007-01-28 15:37:11 +00:00
// Beta4 and below are having a bug displaying an error if the install directory is present.
// This bug got fixed, but we need to get around it by using a tiny 'hack'.
if ( ! defined ( 'DEBUG_EXTRA' ))
if ( version_compare ( strtolower ( $config [ 'version' ]), '3.0.b4' , '<=' ))
@ define ( 'DEBUG_EXTRA' , true );
else if ( ! empty ( $config [ 'version_update_from' ]) && version_compare ( strtolower ( $config [ 'version_update_from' ]), '3.0.b4' , '<=' ))
@ define ( 'DEBUG_EXTRA' , true );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$user -> setup ( 'install' );
// If we are within the intro page we need to make sure we get up-to-date version info
if ( $sub == 'intro' )
$cache -> destroy ( '_version_info' );
// Set custom template again. ;)
$template -> set_custom_template ( '../adm/style' , 'admin' );
// Get current and latest version
if (( $latest_version = $cache -> get ( '_version_info' )) === false )
$this -> latest_version = $this -> get_file ( 'version_info' );
$cache -> put ( '_version_info' , $this -> latest_version );
$this -> latest_version = $latest_version ;
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
// For the current version we trick a bit. ;)
$this -> current_version = ( ! empty ( $config [ 'version_update_from' ])) ? $config [ 'version_update_from' ] : $config [ 'version' ];
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$up_to_date = ( version_compare ( strtolower ( $this -> current_version ), strtolower ( $this -> latest_version ), '<' )) ? false : true ;
// Check for a valid update directory, else point the user to the phpbb.com website
if ( ! file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . 'install/update' ) || ! file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/index.' . $phpEx ) || ! file_exists ( $this -> old_location ) || ! file_exists ( $this -> new_location ))
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_ERROR' => true ,
'ERROR_MSG' => ( $up_to_date ) ? $user -> lang [ 'NO_UPDATE_FILES_UP_TO_DATE' ] : sprintf ( $user -> lang [ 'NO_UPDATE_FILES_OUTDATED' ], $config [ 'version' ], $this -> current_version , $this -> latest_version ))
return ;
$this -> update_info = $this -> get_file ( 'update_info' );
// Make sure the update directory holds the correct information
// Since admins are able to run the update/checks more than once we only check if the current version is lower or equal than the version to which we update to.
if ( version_compare ( strtolower ( $this -> current_version ), strtolower ( $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'to' ]), '>' ))
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_ERROR' => true ,
'ERROR_MSG' => sprintf ( $user -> lang [ 'INCOMPATIBLE_UPDATE_FILES' ], $config [ 'version' ], $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'from' ], $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'to' ]))
return ;
// Check if the update files stored are for the latest version...
if ( $this -> latest_version != $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'to' ])
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_ERROR' => true ,
'ERROR_MSG' => sprintf ( $user -> lang [ 'OLD_UPDATE_FILES' ], $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'from' ], $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'to' ], $this -> latest_version ))
return ;
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
if ( $this -> test_update === false )
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
// Got the updater template itself updated? If so, we are able to directly use it - but only if all three files are present
if ( in_array ( 'adm/style/install_update.html' , $this -> update_info [ 'files' ]))
$this -> tpl_name = '../../install/update/new/adm/style/install_update' ;
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
// What about the language file? Got it updated?
if ( in_array ( 'language/en/install.php' , $this -> update_info [ 'files' ]))
$lang = array ();
include ( $this -> new_location . 'language/en/install.php' );
$user -> lang = array_merge ( $user -> lang , $lang );
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
// Include renderer and engine
$this -> include_file ( 'includes/diff/diff.' . $phpEx );
$this -> include_file ( 'includes/diff/engine.' . $phpEx );
$this -> include_file ( 'includes/diff/renderer.' . $phpEx );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// Make sure we stay at the file check if checking the files again
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'check_again' ]))
$sub = $this -> p_master -> sub = 'file_check' ;
switch ( $sub )
case 'intro' :
$this -> page_title = 'UPDATE_INSTALLATION' ;
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_INTRO' => true ,
'U_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=version_check " ),
// Make sure the update list is destroyed.
$cache -> destroy ( '_update_list' );
break ;
case 'version_check' :
$this -> page_title = 'STAGE_VERSION_CHECK' ;
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_UP_TO_DATE' => $up_to_date ,
'S_VERSION_CHECK' => true ,
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
'U_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=file_check " ),
'U_DB_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=update_db " ),
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
'LATEST_VERSION' => $this -> latest_version ,
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
'CURRENT_VERSION' => $this -> current_version )
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
case 'update_db' :
// Make sure the database update is valid for the latest version
$valid = false ;
$updates_to_version = '' ;
if ( file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . 'install/database_update.' . $phpEx ))
include_once ( $phpbb_root_path . 'install/database_update.' . $phpEx );
if ( $updates_to_version === $this -> latest_version )
$valid = true ;
// Should not happen at all
if ( ! $valid )
trigger_error ( $user -> lang [ 'DATABASE_UPDATE_INFO_OLD' ], E_USER_ERROR );
// Just a precaution
$cache -> purge ();
// Redirect the user to the database update script with some explanations...
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_DB_UPDATE' => true ,
'S_DB_UPDATE_FINISHED' => ( $config [ 'version' ] == $this -> latest_version ) ? true : false ,
'U_DB_UPDATE' => $phpbb_root_path . 'install/database_update.' . $phpEx . '?type=1' ,
'U_DB_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=update_db " ),
'U_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=file_check " ),
break ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
case 'file_check' :
$this -> page_title = 'STAGE_FILE_CHECK' ;
// Now make sure our update list is correct if the admin refreshes
$action = request_var ( 'action' , '' );
// We are directly within an update. To make sure our update list is correct we check its status.
$update_list = ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'check_again' ])) ? false : $cache -> get ( '_update_list' );
$modified = ( $update_list !== false ) ? @ filemtime ( $cache -> cache_dir . 'data_update_list.' . $phpEx ) : 0 ;
// Make sure the list is up-to-date
if ( $update_list !== false )
$get_new_list = false ;
foreach ( $this -> update_info [ 'files' ] as $file )
if ( file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ) && filemtime ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ) > $modified )
$get_new_list = true ;
break ;
$get_new_list = true ;
if ( $get_new_list )
$update_list = $this -> get_update_structure ();
$cache -> put ( '_update_list' , $update_list );
if ( $action == 'diff' )
$this -> show_diff ( $update_list );
return ;
if ( sizeof ( $update_list [ 'no_update' ]))
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_NO_UPDATE_FILES' => true ,
'NO_UPDATE_FILES' => implode ( ', ' , array_map ( 'htmlspecialchars' , $update_list [ 'no_update' ])))
// Now assign the list to the template
foreach ( $update_list as $status => $filelist )
if ( $status == 'no_update' || ! sizeof ( $filelist ))
continue ;
$template -> assign_block_vars ( 'files' , array (
'S_STATUS' => true ,
'STATUS' => $status ,
'L_STATUS' => $user -> lang [ 'STATUS_' . strtoupper ( $status )],
'TITLE' => $user -> lang [ 'FILES_' . strtoupper ( $status )],
'EXPLAIN' => $user -> lang [ 'FILES_' . strtoupper ( $status ) . '_EXPLAIN' ],
foreach ( $filelist as $file_struct )
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
$s_binary = ( ! empty ( $this -> update_info [ 'binary' ]) && in_array ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $this -> update_info [ 'binary' ])) ? true : false ;
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$filename = htmlspecialchars ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ]);
if ( strrpos ( $filename , '/' ) !== false )
$dir_part = substr ( $filename , 0 , strrpos ( $filename , '/' ) + 1 );
$file_part = substr ( $filename , strrpos ( $filename , '/' ) + 1 );
$dir_part = '' ;
$file_part = $filename ;
$diff_url = append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=file_check&action=diff&status= $status &file= " . urlencode ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ]));
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$template -> assign_block_vars ( 'files' , array (
'STATUS' => $status ,
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
'FILENAME' => $filename ,
'DIR_PART' => $dir_part ,
'FILE_PART' => $file_part ,
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
'NUM_CONFLICTS' => ( isset ( $file_struct [ 'conflicts' ])) ? $file_struct [ 'conflicts' ] : 0 ,
'S_CUSTOM' => ( $file_struct [ 'custom' ]) ? true : false ,
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
'S_BINARY' => $s_binary ,
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
'CUSTOM_ORIGINAL' => ( $file_struct [ 'custom' ]) ? $file_struct [ 'original' ] : '' ,
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
'U_SHOW_DIFF' => $diff_url ,
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
'L_SHOW_DIFF' => ( $status != 'up_to_date' ) ? $user -> lang [ 'SHOW_DIFF_' . strtoupper ( $status )] : '' ,
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
'U_VIEW_MOD_FILE' => $diff_url . '&op=' . MERGE_MOD_FILE ,
'U_VIEW_NEW_FILE' => $diff_url . '&op=' . MERGE_NEW_FILE ,
'U_VIEW_NO_MERGE_MOD' => $diff_url . '&op=' . MERGE_NO_MERGE_MOD ,
'U_VIEW_NO_MERGE_NEW' => $diff_url . '&op=' . MERGE_NO_MERGE_NEW ,
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$all_up_to_date = true ;
foreach ( $update_list as $status => $filelist )
if ( $status != 'up_to_date' && $status != 'custom' && sizeof ( $filelist ))
$all_up_to_date = false ;
break ;
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_FILE_CHECK' => true ,
'S_ALL_UP_TO_DATE' => $all_up_to_date ,
'S_VERSION_UP_TO_DATE' => $up_to_date ,
'U_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=file_check " ),
'U_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=update_files " ),
'U_DB_UPDATE_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=update_db " ),
2006-12-10 14:33:21 +00:00
if ( $all_up_to_date )
$db -> sql_query ( 'DELETE FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " WHERE config_name = 'version_update_from' " );
// Add database update to log
add_log ( 'admin' , 'LOG_UPDATE_PHPBB' , $this -> current_version , $this -> latest_version );
$cache -> purge ();
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
case 'update_files' :
$this -> page_title = 'STAGE_UPDATE_FILES' ;
$s_hidden_fields = '' ;
foreach ( request_var ( 'conflict' , array ( '' => 0 )) as $filename => $merge_option )
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="conflict[' . htmlspecialchars ( $filename ) . ']" value="' . $merge_option . '" />' ;
$no_update = request_var ( 'no_update' , array ( 0 => '' ));
foreach ( $no_update as $index => $filename )
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="no_update[]" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $filename ) . '" />' ;
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'download' ]))
2006-12-03 16:12:03 +00:00
$this -> include_file ( 'includes/functions_compress.' . $phpEx );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$use_method = request_var ( 'use_method' , '' );
$methods = array ( '.tar' );
$available_methods = array ( '.tar.gz' => 'zlib' , '.tar.bz2' => 'bz2' , '.zip' => 'zlib' );
foreach ( $available_methods as $type => $module )
if ( !@ extension_loaded ( $module ))
continue ;
$methods [] = $type ;
// Let the user decide in which format he wants to have the pack
if ( ! $use_method )
$this -> page_title = 'SELECT_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT' ;
$radio_buttons = '' ;
foreach ( $methods as $method )
$radio_buttons .= '<input type="radio"' . (( ! $radio_buttons ) ? ' id="use_method"' : '' ) . ' class="radio" value="' . $method . '" name="use_method" /> ' . $method . ' ' ;
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_DOWNLOAD_FILES' => true ,
'U_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=update_files " ),
'RADIO_BUTTONS' => $radio_buttons ,
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields )
// To ease the update process create a file location map
$update_list = $cache -> get ( '_update_list' );
2006-12-08 15:20:57 +00:00
$script_path = ( $config [ 'force_server_vars' ]) ? (( $config [ 'script_path' ] == '/' ) ? '/' : $config [ 'script_path' ] . '/' ) : $user -> page [ 'root_script_path' ];
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
foreach ( $update_list as $status => $files )
if ( $status == 'up_to_date' || $status == 'no_update' )
continue ;
foreach ( $files as $file_struct )
if ( in_array ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $no_update ))
continue ;
$template -> assign_block_vars ( 'location' , array (
'SOURCE' => htmlspecialchars ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ]),
2006-12-08 15:20:57 +00:00
'DESTINATION' => $script_path . htmlspecialchars ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ]),
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
return ;
if ( ! in_array ( $use_method , $methods ))
$use_method = '.tar' ;
$update_mode = 'download' ;
2006-12-03 16:12:03 +00:00
$this -> include_file ( 'includes/functions_transfer.' . $phpEx );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// Choose FTP, if not available use fsock...
$method = request_var ( 'method' , '' );
$submit = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'submit' ])) ? true : false ;
$test_ftp_connection = request_var ( 'test_connection' , '' );
if ( ! $method )
$method = 'ftp' ;
$methods = transfer :: methods ();
if ( ! in_array ( 'ftp' , $methods ))
$method = $methods [ 0 ];
$test_connection = false ;
if ( $test_ftp_connection || $submit )
$transfer = new $method ( request_var ( 'host' , '' ), request_var ( 'username' , '' ), request_var ( 'password' , '' ), request_var ( 'root_path' , '' ), request_var ( 'port' , '' ), request_var ( 'timeout' , '' ));
$test_connection = $transfer -> open_session ();
// Make sure that the directory is correct by checking for the existence of common.php
if ( $test_connection === true )
// Check for common.php file
if ( ! $transfer -> file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path , 'common.' . $phpEx ))
$test_connection = 'ERR_WRONG_PATH_TO_PHPBB' ;
$transfer -> close_session ();
// Make sure the login details are correct before continuing
if ( $submit && $test_connection !== true )
$submit = false ;
$test_ftp_connection = true ;
if ( ! $submit )
$this -> page_title = 'SELECT_FTP_SETTINGS' ;
$requested_data = call_user_func ( array ( $method , 'data' ));
foreach ( $requested_data as $data => $default )
$template -> assign_block_vars ( 'data' , array (
'DATA' => $data ,
'NAME' => $user -> lang [ strtoupper ( $method . '_' . $data )],
'EXPLAIN' => $user -> lang [ strtoupper ( $method . '_' . $data ) . '_EXPLAIN' ],
'DEFAULT' => ( ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ $data ])) ? request_var ( $data , '' ) : $default
$s_hidden_fields .= build_hidden_fields ( array ( 'method' => $method ));
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_CONNECTION_SUCCESS' => ( $test_ftp_connection && $test_connection === true ) ? true : false ,
'S_CONNECTION_FAILED' => ( $test_ftp_connection && $test_connection !== true ) ? true : false ,
'ERROR_MSG' => ( $test_ftp_connection && $test_connection !== true ) ? $user -> lang [ $test_connection ] : '' ,
'S_FTP_UPLOAD' => true ,
'UPLOAD_METHOD' => $method ,
'U_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=update_files " ),
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields )
return ;
$update_mode = 'upload' ;
// Now update the installation or download the archive...
$archive_filename = 'update_' . $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'from' ] . '_to_' . $this -> update_info [ 'version' ][ 'to' ];
$update_list = $cache -> get ( '_update_list' );
$conflicts = request_var ( 'conflict' , array ( '' => 0 ));
if ( $update_list === false )
trigger_error ( $user -> lang [ 'NO_UPDATE_INFO' ], E_USER_ERROR );
// Check if the conflicts data is valid
if ( sizeof ( $conflicts ))
$conflict_filenames = array ();
foreach ( $update_list [ 'conflict' ] as $files )
$conflict_filenames [] = $files [ 'filename' ];
$new_conflicts = array ();
foreach ( $conflicts as $filename => $diff_method )
if ( in_array ( $filename , $conflict_filenames ))
$new_conflicts [ $filename ] = $diff_method ;
$conflicts = $new_conflicts ;
if ( sizeof ( $update_list [ 'conflict' ]) != sizeof ( $conflicts ))
trigger_error ( $user -> lang [ 'MERGE_SELECT_ERROR' ], E_USER_ERROR );
// Now init the connection
if ( $update_mode == 'download' )
if ( $use_method == '.zip' )
$compress = new compress_zip ( 'w' , $phpbb_root_path . 'store/' . $archive_filename . $use_method );
$compress = new compress_tar ( 'w' , $phpbb_root_path . 'store/' . $archive_filename . $use_method , $use_method );
$transfer = new $method ( request_var ( 'host' , '' ), request_var ( 'username' , '' ), request_var ( 'password' , '' ), request_var ( 'root_path' , '' ), request_var ( 'port' , '' ), request_var ( 'timeout' , '' ));
$transfer -> open_session ();
// Ok, go through the update list and do the operations based on their status
foreach ( $update_list as $status => $files )
foreach ( $files as $file_struct )
// Skip this file if the user selected to not update it
if ( in_array ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $no_update ))
continue ;
$original_filename = ( $file_struct [ 'custom' ]) ? $file_struct [ 'original' ] : $file_struct [ 'filename' ];
switch ( $status )
case 'new' :
case 'new_conflict' :
case 'not_modified' :
if ( $update_mode == 'download' )
$compress -> add_custom_file ( $this -> new_location . $original_filename , $file_struct [ 'filename' ]);
if ( $status != 'new' )
$transfer -> rename ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $file_struct [ 'filename' ] . '.bak' );
$transfer -> copy_file ( $this -> new_location . $original_filename , $file_struct [ 'filename' ]);
break ;
case 'modified' :
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( $this -> old_location . $original_filename , $phpbb_root_path . $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $this -> new_location . $original_filename );
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$contents = implode ( " \n " , $diff -> merged_output ());
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
unset ( $diff );
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
if ( $update_mode == 'download' )
$compress -> add_data ( $contents , $file_struct [ 'filename' ]);
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
// @todo add option to specify if a backup file should be created?
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$transfer -> rename ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $file_struct [ 'filename' ] . '.bak' );
$transfer -> write_file ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $contents );
break ;
case 'conflict' :
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$option = $conflicts [ $file_struct [ 'filename' ]];
$contents = '' ;
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
switch ( $option )
$contents = file_get_contents ( $this -> new_location . $original_filename );
break ;
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$contents = file_get_contents ( $phpbb_root_path . $file_struct [ 'filename' ]);
break ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
default :
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( $this -> old_location . $original_filename , $phpbb_root_path . $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $this -> new_location . $original_filename );
if ( $option == MERGE_NEW_FILE )
$contents = implode ( " \n " , $diff -> merged_new_output ());
else if ( $option == MERGE_MOD_FILE )
$contents = implode ( " \n " , $diff -> merged_orig_output ());
unset ( $diff );
break 2 ;
unset ( $diff );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
if ( $update_mode == 'download' )
$compress -> add_data ( $contents , $file_struct [ 'filename' ]);
$transfer -> rename ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $file_struct [ 'filename' ] . '.bak' );
$transfer -> write_file ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ], $contents );
break ;
if ( $update_mode == 'download' )
$compress -> close ();
$compress -> download ( $archive_filename );
@ unlink ( $phpbb_root_path . 'store/' . $archive_filename . $use_method );
exit ;
$transfer -> close_session ();
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'S_UPLOAD_SUCCESS' => true ,
'U_ACTION' => append_sid ( $this -> p_master -> module_url , " mode= $mode &sub=file_check " ))
return ;
break ;
* Show file diff
function show_diff ( & $update_list )
global $phpbb_root_path , $template , $user ;
$this -> tpl_name = 'install_update_diff' ;
$this -> page_title = 'VIEWING_FILE_DIFF' ;
$status = request_var ( 'status' , '' );
$file = request_var ( 'file' , '' );
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
$diff_mode = request_var ( 'diff_mode' , 'inline' );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// First of all make sure the file is within our file update list with the correct status
$found_entry = array ();
foreach ( $update_list [ $status ] as $index => $file_struct )
if ( $file_struct [ 'filename' ] === $file )
$found_entry = $update_list [ $status ][ $index ];
if ( empty ( $found_entry ))
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
trigger_error ( $user -> lang [ 'FILE_DIFF_NOT_ALLOWED' ], E_USER_ERROR );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// If the status is 'up_to_date' then we do not need to show a diff
if ( $status == 'up_to_date' )
trigger_error ( $user -> lang [ 'FILE_ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE' ], E_USER_ERROR );
$original_file = ( $found_entry [ 'custom' ]) ? $found_entry [ 'original' ] : $file ;
// Get the correct diff
switch ( $status )
case 'conflict' :
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$option = request_var ( 'op' , 0 );
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
switch ( $option )
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( array (), ( $option == MERGE_NO_MERGE_NEW ) ? $this -> new_location . $original_file : $phpbb_root_path . $file );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$template -> assign_var ( 'S_DIFF_NEW_FILE' , true );
$diff_mode = 'inline' ;
$this -> page_title = 'VIEWING_FILE_CONTENTS' ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
break ;
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( $this -> old_location . $original_file , $phpbb_root_path . $file , $this -> new_location . $original_file );
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$tmp = array (
'file1' => array (),
'file2' => ( $option == MERGE_NEW_FILE ) ? implode ( " \n " , $diff -> merged_new_output ()) : implode ( " \n " , $diff -> merged_orig_output ()),
$diff = & new diff ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ]);
unset ( $tmp );
$template -> assign_var ( 'S_DIFF_NEW_FILE' , true );
$diff_mode = 'inline' ;
$this -> page_title = 'VIEWING_FILE_CONTENTS' ;
break ;
default :
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( $this -> old_location . $original_file , $phpbb_root_path . $file , $this -> new_location . $original_file );
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'NUM_CONFLICTS' => $diff -> merged_output ( false , false , false , true ))
break ;
break ;
case 'modified' :
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( $this -> old_location . $original_file , $phpbb_root_path . $original_file , $this -> new_location . $file );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
case 'not_modified' :
case 'new_conflict' :
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( $phpbb_root_path . $file , $this -> new_location . $original_file );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
case 'new' :
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
$diff = $this -> return_diff ( array (), $this -> new_location . $original_file );
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$template -> assign_var ( 'S_DIFF_NEW_FILE' , true );
$diff_mode = 'inline' ;
$this -> page_title = 'VIEWING_FILE_CONTENTS' ;
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
$diff_mode_options = '' ;
foreach ( array ( 'side_by_side' , 'inline' , 'unified' , 'raw' ) as $option )
$diff_mode_options .= '<option value="' . $option . '"' . (( $diff_mode == $option ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . $user -> lang [ 'DIFF_' . strtoupper ( $option )] . '</option>' ;
// Now the correct renderer
$render_class = 'diff_renderer_' . $diff_mode ;
if ( ! class_exists ( $render_class ))
trigger_error ( 'Chosen diff mode is not supported' , E_USER_ERROR );
$renderer = & new $render_class ();
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
'DIFF_CONTENT' => $renderer -> get_diff_content ( $diff ),
'S_DIFF_MODE_OPTIONS' => $diff_mode_options ,
'S_SHOW_DIFF' => true ,
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
unset ( $diff , $renderer );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
* Collect all file status infos we need for the update by diffing all files
function get_update_structure ()
global $phpbb_root_path , $phpEx , $user ;
$update_list = array (
'up_to_date' => array (),
'new' => array (),
'not_modified' => array (),
'modified' => array (),
'new_conflict' => array (),
'conflict' => array (),
'no_update' => array (),
// Get a list of those files which are completely new by checking with file_exists...
foreach ( $this -> update_info [ 'files' ] as $index => $file )
if ( ! file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ))
// Make sure the update files are consistent by checking if the file is in new_files...
if ( ! file_exists ( $this -> new_location . $file ))
trigger_error ( $user -> lang [ 'INCOMPLETE_UPDATE_FILES' ], E_USER_ERROR );
// If the file exists within the old directory the file got removed and we will write it back
// not a biggie, but we might want to state this circumstance seperatly later.
// if (file_exists($this->old_location . $file))
// {
// $update_list['removed'][] = $file;
// }
// Only include a new file as new if the underlying path exist
// The path normally do not exist if the original style or language has been removed
if ( file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . dirname ( $file )))
$this -> get_custom_info ( $update_list [ 'new' ], $file );
$update_list [ 'new' ][] = array ( 'filename' => $file , 'custom' => false );
$update_list [ 'no_update' ][] = $file ;
unset ( $this -> update_info [ 'files' ][ $index ]);
if ( ! sizeof ( $this -> update_info [ 'files' ]))
return $update_list ;
2006-11-24 14:59:26 +00:00
// Now diff the remaining files to get information about their status (not modified/modified/up-to-date)
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// not modified?
foreach ( $this -> update_info [ 'files' ] as $index => $file )
$this -> make_update_diff ( $update_list , $file , $file );
// Now to the styles...
if ( empty ( $this -> update_info [ 'custom' ]))
return $update_list ;
foreach ( $this -> update_info [ 'custom' ] as $original_file => $file_ary )
foreach ( $file_ary as $index => $file )
$this -> make_update_diff ( $update_list , $original_file , $file , true );
return $update_list ;
* Compare files for storage in update_list
function make_update_diff ( & $update_list , $original_file , $file , $custom = false )
global $phpbb_root_path , $user ;
$update_ary = array ( 'filename' => $file , 'custom' => $custom );
if ( $custom )
$update_ary [ 'original' ] = $original_file ;
// On a successfull update the new location file exists but the old one does not exist.
// Check for this circumstance, the new file need to be up-to-date with the current file then...
if ( ! file_exists ( $this -> old_location . $original_file ) && file_exists ( $this -> new_location . $original_file ) && file_exists ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ))
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
$tmp = array (
'file1' => file_get_contents ( $this -> new_location . $original_file ),
'file2' => file_get_contents ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ),
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// We need to diff the contents here to make sure the file is really the one we expect
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
$diff = & new diff ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ], false );
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
$empty = $diff -> is_empty ();
unset ( $tmp , $diff );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// if there are no differences we have an up-to-date file...
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
if ( $empty )
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$update_list [ 'up_to_date' ][] = $update_ary ;
return ;
// If no other status matches we have another file in the way...
$update_list [ 'new_conflict' ][] = $update_ary ;
return ;
2007-01-21 18:33:45 +00:00
// Check for existance, else abort immediately
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
if ( ! file_exists ( $this -> old_location . $original_file ) || ! file_exists ( $this -> new_location . $original_file ))
trigger_error ( $user -> lang [ 'INCOMPLETE_UPDATE_FILES' ], E_USER_ERROR );
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
$tmp = array (
'file1' => file_get_contents ( $this -> old_location . $original_file ),
'file2' => file_get_contents ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ),
// We need to diff the contents here to make sure the file is really the one we expect
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
$diff = & new diff ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ], false );
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
$empty_1 = $diff -> is_empty ();
unset ( $tmp , $diff );
$tmp = array (
'file1' => file_get_contents ( $this -> new_location . $original_file ),
'file2' => file_get_contents ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ),
// We need to diff the contents here to make sure the file is really the one we expect
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
$diff = & new diff ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ], false );
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
$empty_2 = $diff -> is_empty ();
unset ( $tmp , $diff );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// If the file is not modified we are finished here...
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
if ( $empty_1 )
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
2006-11-26 17:22:32 +00:00
// Further check if it is already up to date - it could happen that non-modified files
// slip through
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
if ( $empty_2 )
2006-11-26 17:22:32 +00:00
$update_list [ 'up_to_date' ][] = $update_ary ;
return ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$update_list [ 'not_modified' ][] = $update_ary ;
return ;
// If the file had been modified then we need to check if it is already up to date
// if there are no differences we have an up-to-date file...
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
if ( $empty_2 )
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$update_list [ 'up_to_date' ][] = $update_ary ;
return ;
// if the file is modified we try to make sure a merge succeed
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
$tmp = array (
'file1' => file_get_contents ( $this -> old_location . $original_file ),
'file2' => file_get_contents ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ),
'file3' => file_get_contents ( $this -> new_location . $original_file ),
$diff = & new diff3 ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ], $tmp [ 'file3' ], false );
unset ( $tmp );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
if ( $diff -> merged_output ( false , false , false , true ))
$update_ary [ 'conflicts' ] = $diff -> _conflicting_blocks ;
$update_list [ 'conflict' ][] = $update_ary ;
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
unset ( $diff );
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
return ;
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
$tmp = array (
'file1' => file_get_contents ( $phpbb_root_path . $file ),
'file2' => implode ( " \n " , $diff -> merged_output ()),
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
// now compare the merged output with the original file to see if the modified file is up to date
2006-11-29 15:51:54 +00:00
$diff = & new diff ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ], false );
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
$empty = $diff -> is_empty ();
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
2006-11-28 16:34:28 +00:00
if ( $empty )
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$update_list [ 'up_to_date' ][] = $update_ary ;
return ;
// If no other status matches we have a modified file...
$update_list [ 'modified' ][] = $update_ary ;
* Update update_list with custom new files
function get_custom_info ( & $update_list , $file )
if ( empty ( $this -> update_info [ 'custom' ]))
return ;
if ( in_array ( $file , array_keys ( $this -> update_info [ 'custom' ])))
foreach ( $this -> update_info [ 'custom' ][ $file ] as $_file )
$update_list [] = array ( 'filename' => $_file , 'custom' => true , 'original' => $file );
* Get remote file
function get_file ( $mode )
global $user , $db ;
$errstr = '' ;
$errno = 0 ;
switch ( $mode )
case 'version_info' :
$info = get_remote_file ( 'www.phpbb.com' , '/updatecheck' , '30x.txt' , $errstr , $errno );
if ( $info !== false )
$info = explode ( " \n " , $info );
$info = trim ( $info [ 0 ]);
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
if ( $this -> test_update !== false )
$info = $this -> test_update ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
case 'update_info' :
global $phpbb_root_path , $phpEx ;
$update_info = array ();
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/index.php' );
$info = ( empty ( $update_info ) || ! is_array ( $update_info )) ? false : $update_info ;
$errstr = ( $info === false ) ? $user -> lang [ 'WRONG_INFO_FILE_FORMAT' ] : '' ;
if ( $info !== false )
2006-11-24 14:59:26 +00:00
// Adjust the update info file to hold some specific style-related information
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$info [ 'custom' ] = array ();
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
/* Get custom installed styles ...
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
$sql = ' SELECT template_name , template_path
WHERE template_name NOT IN ( 'subSilver' , 'BLABLA' ) " ;
$result = $db -> sql_query ( $sql );
$templates = array ();
while ( $row = $db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
$templates [] = $row ;
$db -> sql_freeresult ( $result );
if ( sizeof ( $templates ))
foreach ( $info [ 'files' ] as $filename )
// Template update?
if ( strpos ( $filename , 'styles/subSilver/template/' ) === 0 )
foreach ( $templates as $row )
$info [ 'custom' ][ $filename ][] = str_replace ( '/subSilver/' , '/' . $row [ 'template_path' ] . '/' , $filename );
2006-11-26 12:22:56 +00:00
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00
break ;
default :
trigger_error ( 'Mode for getting remote file not specified' , E_USER_ERROR );
break ;
if ( $info === false )
trigger_error ( $errstr , E_USER_ERROR );
return $info ;
2006-12-03 16:12:03 +00:00
* Function for including files ...
function include_file ( $filename )
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
global $phpbb_root_path , $phpEx ;
2006-12-03 16:12:03 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> update_info [ 'files' ]) && in_array ( $filename , $this -> update_info [ 'files' ]))
include_once ( $this -> new_location . $filename );
include_once ( $phpbb_root_path . $filename );
2006-12-06 15:47:50 +00:00
* Wrapper for returning a diff object
function & return_diff ()
$args = func_get_args ();
$three_way_diff = ( func_num_args () > 2 ) ? true : false ;
$file1 = array_shift ( $args );
$file2 = array_shift ( $args );
$tmp [ 'file1' ] = ( ! empty ( $file1 ) && is_string ( $file1 )) ? file_get_contents ( $file1 ) : $file1 ;
$tmp [ 'file2' ] = ( ! empty ( $file2 ) && is_string ( $file2 )) ? file_get_contents ( $file2 ) : $file2 ;
if ( $three_way_diff )
$file3 = array_shift ( $args );
$tmp [ 'file3' ] = ( ! empty ( $file3 ) && is_string ( $file3 )) ? file_get_contents ( $file3 ) : $file3 ;
$diff = & new diff3 ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ], $tmp [ 'file3' ]);
$diff = & new diff ( $tmp [ 'file1' ], $tmp [ 'file2' ]);
unset ( $tmp );
return $diff ;
2006-09-02 14:34:20 +00:00