'ACP_BAN_EXPLAIN'=>'Here you can control the banning of users by name, IP or email address. These methods prevent a user reaching any part of the board. You can give a short (maximum 3000 characters) reason for the ban if you wish. This will be displayed in the admin log. The duration of a ban can also be specified. If you want the ban to end on a specific date rather than after a set time period select <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Until -></span> for the ban length and enter a date in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format.',
'EMAIL_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN'=>'Enable this to exclude the entered email address from all current bans.',
'EMAIL_BAN_EXPLAIN'=>'To specify more than one email address enter each on a new line. To match partial addresses use * as the wildcard, e.g. <samp>*@hotmail.com</samp>, <samp>*@*.domain.tld</samp>, etc.',
'EMAIL_NO_BANNED'=>'No banned email addresses',
'EMAIL_UNBAN'=>'Un-ban or un-exclude emails',
'EMAIL_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'=>'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple email addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded email addresses are emphasised.',
'IP_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN'=>'Enable this to exclude the entered IP from all current bans.',
'IP_BAN_EXPLAIN'=>'To specify several different IPs or hostnames enter each on a new line. To specify a range of IP addresses separate the start and end with a hyphen (-), to specify a wildcard use “*”.',
'IP_HOSTNAME'=>'IP addresses or hostnames',
'IP_NO_BANNED'=>'No banned IP addresses',
'IP_UNBAN'=>'Un-ban or un-exclude IPs',
'IP_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'=>'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded IPs are emphasised.',
'LENGTH_BAN_INVALID'=>'The date has to be formatted <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd>.',
'USER_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN'=>'Enable this to exclude the entered users from all current bans.',
'USER_BAN_EXPLAIN'=>'You can ban multiple users in one go by entering each name on a new line. Use the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Find a member</span> facility to look up and add one or more users automatically.',
'USER_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'=>'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple users in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded users are emphasised.',