'ACP_PRUNE_USERS_EXPLAIN'=>'This section allows you to delete or deactivate users on your board. Accounts can be filtered in a variety of ways; by post count, most recent activity, etc. Criteria may be combined to narrow down which accounts are affected. For example, you can prune users with fewer than 10 posts, who were also inactive after 2002-01-01. Use * as a wildcard for text fields. Alternatively, you may skip the criteria selection completely by entering a list of users (each on a separate line) into the text field. Take care with this facility! Once a user is deleted, there is no way to reverse the action.',
'JOINED_EXPLAIN'=>'Enter a date in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format. You may use both fields to specify an interval, or leave one blank for an open date range.',
'LAST_ACTIVE_EXPLAIN'=>'Enter a date in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format. Enter <kbd>0000-00-00</kbd> to prune users who never logged in, <em>Before</em> and <em>After</em> conditions will be ignored.',
'PRUNE_USERS_LIST_DELETE'=>'With the selected critera for pruning users the following accounts will be removed. You can remove individual users from the deletion list by unchecking the box next to their username.',
'PRUNE_USERS_LIST_DEACTIVATE'=>'With the selected critera for pruning users the following accounts will be deactivated. You can remove individual users from the deactivation list by unchecking the box next to their username.',
'USER_DEACTIVATE_SUCCESS'=>'The selected users have been deactivated successfully.',
'USER_DELETE_SUCCESS'=>'The selected users have been deleted successfully.',
'USER_PRUNE_FAILURE'=>'No users fit the selected criteria.',
'WRONG_ACTIVE_JOINED_DATE'=>'The date entered is wrong, it is expected in <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd> format.',
// Forum Pruning
'ACP_PRUNE_FORUMS_EXPLAIN'=>'This will delete any topic which has not been posted to or viewed within the number of days you select. If you do not enter a number then all topics will be deleted. By default, it will not remove topics in which polls are still running nor will it remove stickies and announcements.',
'FORUM_PRUNE'=>'Forum prune',
'NO_PRUNE'=>'No forums pruned.',
'SELECTED_FORUM'=>'Selected forum',
'SELECTED_FORUMS'=>'Selected forums',
'POSTS_PRUNED'=>'Posts pruned',
'PRUNE_ANNOUNCEMENTS'=>'Prune announcements',
'PRUNE_FINISHED_POLLS'=>'Prune closed polls',
'PRUNE_FINISHED_POLLS_EXPLAIN'=>'Removes topics with polls which have ended.',
'PRUNE_FORUM_CONFIRM'=>'Are you sure you want to prune the selected forums with the settings specified? Once removed, there is no way to recover the pruned posts and topics.',
'PRUNE_NOT_POSTED'=>'Days since last posted',
'PRUNE_NOT_VIEWED'=>'Days since last viewed',
'PRUNE_OLD_POLLS'=>'Prune old polls',
'PRUNE_OLD_POLLS_EXPLAIN'=>'Removes topics with polls not voted in for post age days.',
'PRUNE_STICKY'=>'Prune stickies',
'PRUNE_SUCCESS'=>'Pruning of forums was successful.',