'ACCOUNT_COPPA'=>'Your account has been created but has to be approved, please check your email for details.',
'ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CHANGED'=>'Your account has been updated. However, this board requires account reactivation on email changes. An activation key has been sent to the new email address you provided. Please check your email for further information.',
'ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CHANGED_ADMIN'=>'Your account has been updated. However, this board requires account reactivation by the administrators on email changes. An email has been sent to them and you will be informed when your account has been reactivated.',
'ACCOUNT_INACTIVE'=>'Your account has been created. However, this board requires account activation, an activation key has been sent to the email address you provided. Please check your email for further information.',
'ACCOUNT_INACTIVE_ADMIN'=>'Your account has been created. However, this board requires account activation by the administrator group. An email has been sent to them and you will be informed when your account has been activated.',
'ACTIVATION_EMAIL_SENT'=>'The activation email has been sent to your email address.',
'ACTIVATION_EMAIL_SENT_ADMIN'=>'The activation email has been sent to the administrators email addresses.',
'ADD_FOES_EXPLAIN'=>'You may enter several usernames each on a different line.',
'ADD_FOLDER'=>'Add folder',
'ADD_FRIENDS'=>'Add new friends',
'ADD_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'=>'You may enter several usernames each on a different line.',
'ADD_NEW_RULE'=>'Add new rule',
'ADD_RULE'=>'Add rule',
'ADD_TO'=>'Add [To]',
'ADD_USERS_UCP_EXPLAIN'=>'Here you can add new users to the group. You may select whether this group becomes the new default for the selected users. Please enter each username on a separate line.',
'AVATAR_FEATURES_DISABLED'=>'The avatar functionality is currently disabled.',
'AVATAR_GALLERY'=>'Local gallery',
'AVATAR_GENERAL_UPLOAD_ERROR'=>'Could not upload avatar to %s.',
'AVATAR_NOT_ALLOWED'=>'Your avatar cannot be displayed because avatars have been disallowed.',
'AVATAR_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED'=>'Your current avatar cannot be displayed because its type has been disallowed.',
'BACK_TO_DRAFTS'=>'Back to saved drafts',
'BACK_TO_LOGIN'=>'Back to login screen',
'BIRTHDAY_EXPLAIN'=>'Setting a year will list your age when it is your birthday.',
'BOARD_DATE_FORMAT'=>'My date format',
'BOARD_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN'=>'The syntax used is identical to the PHP <a href="http://www.php.net/date">date()</a> function.',
'BOARD_LANGUAGE'=>'My language',
'BOARD_STYLE'=>'My board style',
'BOARD_TIMEZONE'=>'My timezone',
'BOOKMARKS_EXPLAIN'=>'You can bookmark topics for future reference. Select the checkbox for any bookmark you wish to delete, then press the <em>Remove marked bookmarks</em> button.',
'BOOKMARKS_DISABLED'=>'Bookmarks are disabled on this board.',
'CLICK_RETURN_FOLDER'=>'%1$sReturn to your “%3$s” folder%2$s',
'CONFIRMATION'=>'Confirmation of registration',
'CONFIRM_CHANGES'=>'Confirm changes',
'CONFIRM_EXPLAIN'=>'To prevent automated registrations the board requires you to enter a confirmation code. The code is displayed in the image you should see below. If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the %sBoard Administrator%s.',
'VC_REFRESH'=>'Refresh confirmation code',
'VC_REFRESH_EXPLAIN'=>'If you cannot read the code you can request a new one by clicking the button.',
'CONFIRM_PASSWORD'=>'Confirm password',
'CONFIRM_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN'=>'You only need to confirm your password if you changed it above.',
'COPPA_BIRTHDAY'=>'To continue with the registration procedure please tell us when you were born.',
'COPPA_EXPLAIN'=>'Please note that clicking submit will create your account. However it cannot be activated until a parent or guardian approves your registration. You will be emailed a copy of the necessary form with details of where to send it.',
'EMAIL_BANNED_EMAIL'=>'The email address you entered is not allowed to be used.',
'EMAIL_INVALID_EMAIL'=>'The email address you entered is invalid.',
'EMAIL_REMIND'=>'This must be the email address associated with your account. If you have not changed this via your user control panel then it is the email address you registered your account with.',
'EMAIL_TAKEN_EMAIL'=>'The entered email address is already in use.',
'FOES_EXPLAIN'=>'Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators.',
'FOES_UPDATED'=>'Your foes list has been updated successfully.',
'FORCE_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN'=>'Before you may continue browsing the board you are required to change your password.',
'FRIEND_MESSAGE'=>'Message from friend',
'FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'=>'Friends enable you quick access to members you communicate with frequently. If the template has relevant support any posts made by a friend may be highlighted.',
'FRIENDS_UPDATED'=>'Your friends list has been updated successfully.',
'FULL_FOLDER_OPTION_CHANGED'=>'The action to take when a folder is full has been changed successfully.',
'FWD_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE'=>'-------- Original Message --------',
'FWD_SUBJECT'=>'Subject: %s',
'FWD_DATE'=>'Date: %s',
'FWD_FROM'=>'From: %s',
'FWD_TO'=>'To: %s',
'GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT'=>'Global announcement',
'HIDE_ONLINE'=>'Hide my online status',
'HIDE_ONLINE_EXPLAIN'=>'Changing this setting won’t become effective until your next visit to the board.',
'HOLD_NEW_MESSAGES'=>'Do not accept new messages (New messages will be held back until enough space is available)',
'HOLD_NEW_MESSAGES_SHORT'=>'New messages will be held back',
'IF_FOLDER_FULL'=>'If folder is full',
'IMPORTANT_NEWS'=>'Important announcements',
'INVALID_USER_BIRTHDAY'=>'The entered birthday is not a valid date.',
'LOGIN_REDIRECT'=>'You have been successfully logged in.',
'LOGOUT_FAILED'=>'You were not logged out, as the request did not match your session. Please contact the board administrator if you continue to experience problems.',
'LOGOUT_REDIRECT'=>'You have been successfully logged out.',
'MARK_IMPORTANT'=>'Mark/Unmark as important',
'MARKED_MESSAGE'=>'Marked message',
'MAX_FOLDER_REACHED'=>'Maximum number of allowed user defined folders reached.',
'PASS_TYPE_ALPHA_EXPLAIN'=>'Password must be between %1$s and %2$s long, must contain letters in mixed case and must contain numbers.',
'PASS_TYPE_ANY_EXPLAIN'=>'Must be between %1$s and %2$s.',
'PASS_TYPE_CASE_EXPLAIN'=>'Password must be between %1$s and %2$s long and must contain letters in mixed case.',
'PASS_TYPE_SYMBOL_EXPLAIN'=>'Password must be between %1$s and %2$s long, must contain letters in mixed case, must contain numbers and must contain symbols.',
'PERMISSIONS_RESTORED'=>'Successfully restored original permissions.',
'PERMISSIONS_TRANSFERRED'=>'Successfully transferred permissions from <strong>%s</strong>, you are now able to browse the board with this user’s permissions.<br />Please note that admin permissions were not transferred. You are able to revert to your permission set at any time.',
'PM_DISABLED'=>'Private messaging has been disabled on this board.',
'PM_FROM_REMOVED_AUTHOR'=>'This message was sent by a user no longer registered.',
'PM_ICON'=>'PM icon',
'PM_NO_USERS'=>'The requested users to be added do not exist.',
'PM_SENTBOX'=>'Sent messages',
'PM_SUBJECT'=>'Message subject',
'PM_TO'=>'Send to',
'PM_USERS_REMOVED_NO_PM'=>'Some users couldn’t be added as they have disabled private message receipt.',
'POPUP_ON_PM'=>'Pop up window on new private message',
'POST_EDIT_PM'=>'Edit message',
'POST_FORWARD_PM'=>'Forward message',
'POST_NEW_PM'=>'Compose message',
'POST_PM_LOCKED'=>'Private messaging is locked.',
'POST_PM_POST'=>'Quote post',
'POST_QUOTE_PM'=>'Quote message',
'POST_REPLY_PM'=>'Reply to message',
'PRINT_PM'=>'Print view',
'PREFERENCES_UPDATED'=>'Your preferences have been updated.',
'PROFILE_INFO_NOTICE'=>'Please note that this information may be viewable to other members. Be careful when including any personal details. Any fields marked with a * must be completed.',
'PROFILE_UPDATED'=>'Your profile has been updated.',
'PROFILE_AUTOLOGIN_KEYS'=>'The persistent login keys automatically log you in when you visit the board. If you logout, the persistent login key is deleted only on the computer you are using to logout. Here you can see persistent login keys created on other computers you used to access this site.',
'UCP_ADMIN_ACTIVATE'=>'Please note that you will need to enter a valid email address before your account is activated. The administrator will review your account and if approved you will receive an email at the address you specified.',
'UCP_EMAIL_ACTIVATE'=>'Please note that you will need to enter a valid email address before your account is activated. You will receive an email at the address you provide that contains an account activation link.',
'UCP_WELCOME'=>'Welcome to the User Control Panel. From here you can monitor, view and update your profile, preferences, subscribed forums and topics. You can also send messages to other users (if permitted). Please ensure you read any announcements before continuing.',
'VIEW_PREVIOUS_HISTORY'=>'Previous PM in history',
'VIEW_PREVIOUS_PM'=>'Previous PM',
'VIEW_SIGS'=>'Display signatures',
'VIEW_SMILIES'=>'Display smilies as images',
'VIEW_TOPICS_DAYS'=>'Display topics from previous days',
'VIEW_TOPICS_DIR'=>'Display topic order direction',
'VIEW_TOPICS_KEY'=>'Display topics ordering by',
'VIEW_POSTS_DAYS'=>'Display posts from previous days',
'VIEW_POSTS_DIR'=>'Display post order direction',
'VIEW_POSTS_KEY'=>'Display posts ordering by',
'WATCHED_EXPLAIN'=>'Below is a list of forums and topics you are subscribed to. You will be notified of new posts in either. To unsubscribe mark the forum or topic and then press the <em>Unwatch marked</em> button.',
'WATCHED_FORUMS'=>'Watched forums',
'WATCHED_TOPICS'=>'Watched topics',
'WRONG_ACTIVATION'=>'The activation key you supplied does not match any in the database.',
'YOUR_DETAILS'=>'Your activity',
'YOUR_FOES'=>'Your foes',
'YOUR_FOES_EXPLAIN'=>'To remove usernames select them and click submit.',
'YOUR_FRIENDS'=>'Your friends',
'YOUR_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'=>'To remove usernames select them and click submit.',
'YOUR_WARNINGS'=>'Your warning level',
'PLACE_INTO_FOLDER'=>'Place into folder',
'MARK_AS_READ'=>'Mark as read',
'MARK_AS_IMPORTANT'=>'Mark message',
'DELETE_MESSAGE'=>'Delete message'
'STATUS'=>'Message status',
'TO'=>'Sent To'
'IS_LIKE'=>'is like',
'IS_NOT_LIKE'=>'is not like',
'IS_NOT'=>'is not',
'BEGINS_WITH'=>'begins with',
'ENDS_WITH'=>'ends with',
'IS_FRIEND'=>'is friend',
'IS_FOE'=>'is foe',
'IS_USER'=>'is user',
'IS_GROUP'=>'is in usergroup',
'TO_GROUP'=>'to my default usergroup',
'TO_ME'=>'to me'
'GROUPS_EXPLAIN'=>'Usergroups enable board admins to better administer users. By default you will be placed in a specific group, this is your default group. This group defines how you may appear to other users, for example your username colouration, avatar, rank, etc. Depending on whether the administrator allows it you may be allowed to change your default group. You may also be placed in or allowed to join other groups. Some groups may give you additional permissions to view content or increase your capabilities in other areas.',