2012-11-09 17:10:48 +01:00
< ? php
* @ package migration
* @ copyright ( c ) 2012 phpBB Group
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - license . php GNU Public License v2
class phpbb_db_migration_v304rc1 extends phpbb_db_migration
function depends_on ()
return array ( 'phpbb_db_migration_v303' );
function update_schema ()
return array (
'add_columns' => array (
$this -> table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array (
'field_show_profile' => array ( 'BOOL' , 0 ),
'change_columns' => array (
$this -> table_prefix . 'styles' => array (
'style_id' => array ( 'UINT' , NULL , 'auto_increment' ),
'template_id' => array ( 'UINT' , 0 ),
'theme_id' => array ( 'UINT' , 0 ),
'imageset_id' => array ( 'UINT' , 0 ),
$this -> table_prefix . 'styles_imageset' => array (
'imageset_id' => array ( 'UINT' , NULL , 'auto_increment' ),
$this -> table_prefix . 'styles_imageset_data' => array (
'image_id' => array ( 'UINT' , NULL , 'auto_increment' ),
'imageset_id' => array ( 'UINT' , 0 ),
$this -> table_prefix . 'styles_theme' => array (
'theme_id' => array ( 'UINT' , NULL , 'auto_increment' ),
$this -> table_prefix . 'styles_template' => array (
'template_id' => array ( 'UINT' , NULL , 'auto_increment' ),
$this -> table_prefix . 'styles_template_data' => array (
'template_id' => array ( 'UINT' , 0 ),
$this -> table_prefix . 'forums' => array (
'forum_style' => array ( 'UINT' , 0 ),
$this -> table_prefix . 'users' => array (
'user_style' => array ( 'UINT' , 0 ),
function update_data ()
2012-11-10 13:32:44 +01:00
return array (
array ( 'custom' , array ( array ( & $this , 'update_custom_profile_fields' ))),
function update_custom_profile_fields ()
2012-11-09 17:10:48 +01:00
// Update the Custom Profile Fields based on previous settings to the new format
$sql = ' SELECT field_id , field_required , field_show_on_reg , field_hide
2012-11-10 13:32:44 +01:00
$result = $this -> sql_query ( $sql );
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2012-11-10 13:32:44 +01:00
while ( $row = $this -> db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
2012-11-09 17:10:48 +01:00
$sql_ary = array (
'field_required' => 0 ,
'field_show_on_reg' => 0 ,
'field_hide' => 0 ,
'field_show_profile' => 0 ,
if ( $row [ 'field_required' ])
$sql_ary [ 'field_required' ] = $sql_ary [ 'field_show_on_reg' ] = $sql_ary [ 'field_show_profile' ] = 1 ;
else if ( $row [ 'field_show_on_reg' ])
$sql_ary [ 'field_show_on_reg' ] = $sql_ary [ 'field_show_profile' ] = 1 ;
else if ( $row [ 'field_hide' ])
// Only administrators and moderators can see this CPF, if the view is enabled, they can see it, otherwise just admins in the acp_users module
$sql_ary [ 'field_hide' ] = 1 ;
// equivelant to "none", which is the "Display in user control panel" option
$sql_ary [ 'field_show_profile' ] = 1 ;
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$this -> sql_query ( 'UPDATE ' . $this -> table_prefix . 'profile_fields SET ' . $this -> db -> sql_build_array ( 'UPDATE' , $sql_ary ) . ' WHERE field_id = ' . $row [ 'field_id' ], $errored , $error_ary );
2012-11-09 17:10:48 +01:00