'BOARD_NOT_INSTALLED_EXPLAIN'=>'The phpBB Unified Convertor Framework requires a default installation of phpBB3 to function, please <a href="%s">proceed by first installing phpBB3</a>.',
'COLLIDING_CLEAN_USERNAME'=>'<strong>%s</strong> is the clean username for:',
'COLLIDING_USERNAMES_FOUND'=>'Colliding usernames were found on your old board. In order to complete the conversion please delete or rename these users so that there is only one user on your old board for each clean username.',
'COLLIDING_USER'=>'» user id: <strong>%d</strong> username: <strong>%s</strong> (%d posts)',
'CONFIG_FILE_UNABLE_WRITE'=>'It was not possible to write the configuration file. Alternative methods for this file to be created are presented below.',
'CONFIG_FILE_WRITTEN'=>'The configuration file has been written. You may now proceed to the next step of the installation.',
'CONTINUE_CONVERT_BODY'=>'A previous conversion attempt has been determined. You are now able to choose between starting a new conversion or continuing the conversion.',
'CONVERT_COMPLETE_EXPLAIN'=>'You have now successfully converted your board to phpBB 3.0. You can now login and <a href="../">access your board</a>. Please ensure that the settings were transferred correctly before enabling your board by deleting the install directory. Remember that help on using phpBB is available online via the <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/support/documentation/3.0/">Documentation</a> and the <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewforum.php?f=46">support forums</a>.',
'CONVERT_INTRO_BODY'=>'From here, you are able to import data from other (installed) board systems. The list below shows all the conversion modules currently available. If there is no convertor shown in this list for the board software you wish to convert from, please check our website where further conversion modules may be available for download.',
'CONV_ERROR_ATTACH_FTP_DIR'=>'FTP upload for attachments is enabled at the old board. Please disable the FTP upload option and make sure a valid upload directory is specified, then copy all attachment files to this new web accessible directory. Once you have done this, restart the convertor.',
'CONV_OPTIONS_BODY'=>'This page collects the data required to access the source board. Enter the database details of your former board; the converter will not change anything in the database given below. The source board should be disabled to allow a consistent conversion.',
'COULD_NOT_COPY'=>'Could not copy file <strong>%1$s</strong> to <strong>%2$s</strong><br /><br />Please check that the target directory exists and is writable by the webserver.',
'DEFAULT_PREFIX_IS'=>'The convertor was not able to find tables with the specified prefix. Please make sure you have entered the correct details for the board you are converting from. The default table prefix for %1$s is <strong>%2$s</strong>.',
'DEV_NO_TEST_FILE'=>'No value has been specified for the test_file variable in the convertor. If you are a user of this convertor, you should not be seeing this error, please report this message to the convertor author. If you are a convertor author, you must specify the name of a file which exists in the source board to allow the path to it to be verified.',
'DL_CONFIG_EXPLAIN'=>'You may download the complete config.php to your own PC. You will then need to upload the file manually, replacing any existing config.php in your phpBB 3.0 root directory. Please remember to upload the file in ASCII format (see your FTP application documentation if you are unsure how to achieve this). When you have uploaded the config.php please click “Done” to move to the next stage.',
'FILES_OPTIONAL_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Optional</strong> - These files, directories or permission settings are not required. The installation system will attempt to use various techniques to create them if they do not exist or cannot be written to. However, the presence of these will speed installation.',
'FILES_REQUIRED_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Required</strong> - In order to function correctly phpBB needs to be able to access or write to certain files or directories. If you see “Not Found” you need to create the relevant file or directory. If you see “Unwritable” you need to change the permissions on the file or directory to allow phpBB to write to it.',
'FORUM_ADDRESS_EXPLAIN'=>'This is the URL of your former board, for example <samp>http://www.example.com/phpBB2/</samp>. If an address is entered here and not left empty every instance of this address will be replaced by your new board address within messages, private messages and signatures.',
'FORUM_PATH_EXPLAIN'=>'This is the <strong>relative</strong> path on disk to your former board from the <strong>root of this phpBB3 installation</strong>.',
'FTP_CONFIG_EXPLAIN'=>'phpBB has detected the presence of the FTP module on this server. You may attempt to install your config.php via this if you wish. You will need to supply the information listed below. Remember your username and password are those to your server! (ask your hosting provider for details if you are unsure what these are).',
'INITIAL_CONFIG_EXPLAIN'=>'Now that install has determined your server can run phpBB you need to supply some specific information. If you do not know how to connect to your database please contact your hosting provider (in the first instance) or use the phpBB support forums. When entering data please ensure you check it thoroughly before continuing.',
'INSTALL_NEXT_FAIL'=>'Some tests failed and you should correct these problems before proceeding to the next stage. Failure to do so may result in an incomplete installation.',
'INSTALL_NEXT_PASS'=>'All the basic tests have been passed and you may proceed to the next stage of installation. If you have changed any permissions, modules, etc. and wish to re-test you can do so if you wish.',
'INSTALL_SEND_CONFIG'=>'Unfortunately phpBB could not write the configuration information directly to your config.php. This may be because the file does not exist or is not writable. A number of options will be listed below enabling you to complete installation of config.php.',
'INST_ERR_DB_FORUM_PATH'=>'The database file specified is within your board directory tree. You should put this file in a non web-accessible location.',
'INST_ERR_DB_NO_MYSQLI'=>'The version of MySQL installed on this machine is incompatible with the “MySQL with MySQLi Extension” option you have selected. Please try the “MySQL” option instead.',
'INST_ERR_DB_NO_ORACLE'=>'The version of Oracle installed on this machine requires you to set the <var>NLS_CHARACTERSET</var> parameter to <var>UTF8</var>. Either upgrade your installation to 9.2+ or change the parameter.',
'INST_ERR_DB_NO_POSTGRES'=>'The database you have selected was not created in <var>UNICODE</var> or <var>UTF8</var> encoding. Try installing with a database in <var>UNICODE</var> or <var>UTF8</var> encoding.',
'INST_ERR_DB_NO_NAME'=>'No database name specified.',
'INST_ERR_EMAIL_INVALID'=>'The e-mail address you entered is invalid.',
'INST_ERR_FATAL_DB'=>'A fatal and unrecoverable database error has occurred. This may be because the specified user does not have appropriate permissions to <code>CREATE TABLES</code> or <code>INSERT</code> data, etc. Further information may be given below. Please contact your hosting provider in the first instance or the support forums of phpBB for further assistance.',
'INST_ERR_PREFIX_INVALID'=>'The table prefix you have specified is invalid for your database. Please try another, removing characters such as the hyphen.',
'MBSTRING_CHECK_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Required</strong> - <samp>mbstring</samp> is a PHP extension that provides multibyte string functions. Certain features of mbstring are not compatible with phpBB and must be disabled.',
'NO_LOCATION'=>'Cannot determine location. If you know Imagemagick is installed, you may specify the location later within your administration control panel',
'OVERVIEW_BODY'=>'Welcome to our public release candidate of the next-generation of phpBB after 2.0.x, phpBB 3.0! This release is intended for wider scale use to help us identifying last bugs and problematic areas.</p><p>Please read <a href="../docs/INSTALL.html">our installation guide</a> for more information about installing phpBB3</p><p><strong style="text-transform: uppercase;">Note:</strong> This release is <strong style="text-transform: uppercase;">still not final</strong>. You may want to wait for the full final release before running it live.</p><p>This installation system will guide you through the process of installing phpBB, converting from a different software package or updating to the latest version of phpBB. For more information on each option, select it from the menu above.',
'PHP_GETIMAGESIZE_SUPPORT_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Required</strong> - In order for phpBB to function correctly, the getimagesize function needs to be available.',
'PHP_OPTIONAL_MODULE_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Optional</strong> - These modules or applications are optional. However, if they are available they will enable extra features.',
'PHP_SUPPORTED_DB_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Required</strong> - You must have support for at least one compatible database within PHP. If no database modules are shown as available you should contact your hosting provider or review the relevant PHP installation documentation for advice.',
'PHP_REGISTER_GLOBALS_EXPLAIN'=>'phpBB will still run if this setting is enabled, but if possible, it is recommended that register_globals is disabled on your PHP install for security reasons.',
'PHP_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Required</strong> - You must be running at least version 4.3.3 of PHP in order to install phpBB. If <var>safe mode</var> is displayed below your PHP installation is running in that mode. This will impose limitations on remote administration and similar features.',
'PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT'=>'PHP setting <var>allow_url_fopen</var> is enabled',
'PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT_EXPLAIN'=>'<strong>Optional</strong> - This setting is optional, however certain phpBB functions like off-site avatars will not work properly without it. ',
'PRE_CONVERT_COMPLETE'=>'All pre-conversion steps have successfully been completed. You may now begin the actual conversion process. Please note that you may have to manually adjust several things. After conversion, especially check the permissions assigned, rebuild your search index if necessary and also make sure files got copied correctly, for example avatars and smilies.',
'REFRESH_PAGE'=>'Refresh page to continue conversion',
'REFRESH_PAGE_EXPLAIN'=>'If set to yes, the convertor will refresh the page to continue the conversion after having finished a step. If this is your first conversion for testing purposes and to determine any errors in advance, we suggest to set this to No.',
'REQUIREMENTS_EXPLAIN'=>'Before proceeding with the full installation phpBB will carry out some tests on your server configuration and files to ensure that you are able to install and run phpBB. Please ensure you read through the results thoroughly and do not proceed until all the required tests are passed. If you wish to use any of the features depending on the optional tests, you should ensure that these tests are passed also.',
'RETRY_WRITE_EXPLAIN'=>'If you wish you can change the permissions on config.php to allow phpBB to write to it. Should you wish to do that you can click Retry below to try again. Remember to return the permissions on config.php after phpBB has finished installation.',
'SEARCH_INDEX_UNCONVERTED'=>'Search index was not converted',
'SEARCH_INDEX_UNCONVERTED_EXPLAIN'=>'Your old search index was not converted. Searching will always yield an empty result. To create a new search index go to the Administration Control Panel, select Maintenance and then choose Search index from the submenu.',
'STAGE_ADVANCED_EXPLAIN'=>'The settings on this page are only necessary to set if you know that you require something different from the default. If you are unsure, just proceed to the next page, as these settings can be altered from the Administration Control Panel later.',
'STAGE_CREATE_TABLE_EXPLAIN'=>'The database tables used by phpBB 3.0 have been created and populated with some initial data. Proceed to the next screen to finish installing phpBB.',
'SUPPORT_BODY'=>'During the release candidate phase full support will be given at <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewforum.php?f=46">the phpBB 3.0.x support forums</a>. We will provide answers to general setup questions, configuration problems, conversion problems and support for determining common problems mostly related to bugs. We also allow discussions about modifications and custom code/style additions.</p><p>For additional assistance, please refer to our <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/support/documentation/3.0/quickstart/">Quick Start Guide</a> and <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/support/documentation/3.0/">the online documentation</a>.</p><p>To ensure you stay up to date with the latest news and releases, why not <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/support/">subscribe to our mailing list</a>?',
'UPDATE_TOPICS_POSTED_ERR'=>'An error occured while generating topics posted information. You can retry this step in the ACP after the conversion process is completed.',
'ALL_FILES_UP_TO_DATE'=>'All files are up to date with the latest phpBB version. You should now <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login">login to your board</a> and check if everything is working fine. Do not forget to delete, rename or move your install directory!',
'CHANGE_CLEAN_NAMES'=>'The method used to make sure a username is not used by multiple users has been changed. There are some users which have the same name when compared with the new method. You have to delete or rename these users to make sure that each name is only used by one user before you can proceed.',
'CHECK_FILES_EXPLAIN'=>'Within the next step all files will be checked against the update files - this can take a while if this is the first file check.',
'CHECK_FILES_UP_TO_DATE'=>'According to your database your version is up to date. You may want to proceed with the file check to make sure all files are really up to date with the latest phpBB version.',
'COLLECTED_INFORMATION'=>'Information on collected files',
'COLLECTED_INFORMATION_EXPLAIN'=>'The list below shows information about the files needing an update. Please read the information in front of every status block to see what they mean and what you may need to do to perform a successful update.',
'COMPLETE_LOGIN_TO_BOARD'=>'You should now <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login">login to your board</a> and check if everything is working fine. Do not forget to delete, rename or move your install directory!',
'DATABASE_UPDATE_INFO_OLD'=>'The database update file within the install directory is outdated. Please make sure you uploaded the correct version of the file.',
'DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_METHOD_EXPLAIN'=>'Once downloaded you should unpack the archive. You will find the modified files you need to upload to your phpBB root directory within it. Please upload the files to their respective locations then. After you have uploaded all files, please check the files again with the other button below.',
'FILES_CONFLICT_EXPLAIN'=>'The following files are modified and do not represent the original files from the old version. phpBB determined that these files create conflicts if they are tried to be merged. Please investigate the conflicts and try to manually resolve them or continue the update choosing the preferred merging method. If you resolve the conflicts manually check the files again after you modified them. You are also able to choose between the preferred merge method for every file. The first one will result in a file where the conflicting lines from your old file will be lost, the other one will result in loosing the changes from the newer file.',
'FILES_MODIFIED_EXPLAIN'=>'The following files are modified and do not represent the original files from the old version. The updated file will be a merge between your modifications and the new file.',
'FILES_NEW'=>'New files',
'FILES_NEW_EXPLAIN'=>'The following files currently do not exist within your installation.',
'FILES_NEW_CONFLICT'=>'New conflicting files',
'FILES_NEW_CONFLICT_EXPLAIN'=>'The following files are new within the latest version but it has been determined that there is already a file with the same name within the same position. This file will be overwritten by the new file.',
'FILES_NOT_MODIFIED'=>'Not modified files',
'FILES_NOT_MODIFIED_EXPLAIN'=>'The following files were not modified and represent the original phpBB files from the version you want to update from.',
'FILES_UP_TO_DATE'=>'Already updated files',
'FILES_UP_TO_DATE_EXPLAIN'=>'The following files are already up to date and do not need to be updated.',
'INCOMPATIBLE_UPDATE_FILES'=>'The update files found are incompatible with your installed version. Your installed version is %1$s and the update file is for updating phpBB %2$s to %3$s.',
'NO_UPDATE_FILES'=>'Not updating the following files',
'NO_UPDATE_FILES_EXPLAIN'=>'The following files are new or modified but the directory they normally reside in could not be found on your installation. If this list contains files to other directories than language/ or styles/ than you may have modified your directory structure and the update may be incomplete.',
'NO_UPDATE_FILES_OUTDATED'=>'No valid update directory was found, please make sure you uploaded the relevant files.<br /><br />Your installation does <strong>not</strong> seem to be up to date. Updates are available for your version of phpBB %1$s, please visit <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/downloads/" rel="external">http://www.phpbb.com/downloads/</a> to obtain the correct package to update from Version %2$s to Version %3$s.',
'NO_UPDATE_FILES_UP_TO_DATE'=>'Your version is up to date. There is no need to run the update tool. If you want to make an integrity check on your files make sure you uploaded the correct update files.',
'OLD_UPDATE_FILES'=>'Update files are out of date. The update files found are for updating from phpBB %1$s to phpBB %2$s but the latest version of phpBB is %3$s.',
'PERFORM_DATABASE_UPDATE_EXPLAIN'=>'Below you will find a button to the database update script. The database update can take a while, so please do not stop the execution if it seems to hang. After the database update has been performed just follow the instructions to continue the update process.',
'SQL_FAILURE_EXPLAIN'=>'This is probably nothing to worry about, update will continue. Should this fail to complete you may need to seek help at our support forums. See <a href="../docs/README.html">README</a> for details on how to obtain advice.',
'UPDATE_INSTALLATION_EXPLAIN'=>'With this option, it is possible to update your phpBB installation to the latest version.<br />During the process all of your files will be checked for their integrity. You are able to review all differences and files before the update.<br /><br />The file update itself can be done in two different ways.</p><h2>Manual Update</h2><p>With this update you only download your personal set of changed files to make sure you do not lose your file modifications you may have done. After you downloaded this package you need to manually upload the files to their correct position under your phpBB root directory. Once done, you are able to do the file check stage again to see if you moved the files to their correct location.</p><h2>Automatic Update with FTP</h2><p>This method is similar to the first one but without the need to download the changed files and uploading them on your own. This will be done for you. In order to use this method you need to know your FTP login details since you will be asked for them. Once finished you will be redirected to the file check again to make sure everything got updated correctly.<br /><br />',
'UPDATE_METHOD_EXPLAIN'=>'You are now able to choose your preferred update method. Using the FTP upload will present you with a form you need to enter your FTP account details into. With this method the files will be automatically moved to the new location and backups of the old files being created by appending .bak to the filename. If you choose to download the modified files you are able to unpack and upload them to their correct location manually later.',
'UPDATE_SUCCESS_EXPLAIN'=>'Successfully updated all files. The next step involves checking all files again to make sure the files got updated correctly.',
'VERSION_NOT_UP_TO_DATE_ACP'=>'Your version of phpBB is not up to date.<br />Below you will find a link to the release announcement for the latest version as well as instructions on how to perform the update.',
'VERSION_UP_TO_DATE'=>'Your installation is up to date, no updates are available for your version of phpBB. You may want to continue anyway to perform a file validity check.',
'VERSION_UP_TO_DATE_ACP'=>'Your installation is up to date, no updates are available for your version of phpBB. You do not need to update your installation.',
'CONFIG_BOARD_EMAIL_SIG'=>'Thanks, The Management',
'CONFIG_SITE_DESC'=>'A _little_ text to describe your forum',
'DEFAULT_INSTALL_POST'=>'This is an example post in your phpBB3 installation. You may delete this post, this topic and even this forum if you like since everything seems to be working!',