diff --git a/phpBB/includes/page_header.php b/phpBB/includes/page_header.php
index 35e4ebc60d..f16fcd1b05 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/page_header.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/page_header.php
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if ($config['gzip_compress'])
if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS)
$u_login_logout = 'login.'.$phpEx. $SID . '&logout=true';
- $l_login_logout = $user->lang['LOGOUT'] . ' [ ' . $user->data['username'] . ' ]';
+ $l_login_logout = sprintf($user->lang['LOGOUT_USER'], $user->data['username']);
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if (!empty($_REQUEST['f']))
$reading_sql = 'AND s.session_page LIKE \'%f=' . intval($_REQUEST['f']) . '%\'';
-$sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, u.user_allow_viewonline, u.user_colour, s.session_ip
+$sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, u.user_allow_viewonline, u.user_colour, s.session_ip, s.session_allow_viewonline
WHERE s.session_time >= " . (time() - 300) . "
@@ -87,19 +87,20 @@ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$row['username'] = '' . $row['username'] . '';
- if ($row['user_allow_viewonline'])
+ if ($row['user_allow_viewonline'] && $row['session_allow_viewonline'])
- $user_online_link = '' . $row['username'] . '';
+ $user_online_link = $row['username'];
- $user_online_link = '' . $row['username'] . '';
+ $user_online_link = '' . $row['username'] . '';
if ($row['user_allow_viewonline'] || $auth->acl_get('a_'))
+ $user_online_link = '' . $user_online_link . '';
$online_userlist .= ($online_userlist != '') ? ', ' . $user_online_link : $user_online_link;
diff --git a/phpBB/includes/session.php b/phpBB/includes/session.php
index 55155c2087..8b04dbea3c 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/session.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/session.php
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class session
// Create a new session
- function create(&$user_id, &$autologin, $set_autologin = false)
+ function create(&$user_id, &$autologin, $set_autologin = false, $viewonline = 1)
global $SID, $db, $config;
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class session
- SET session_user_id = $user_id, session_last_visit = " . $this->data['session_last_visit'] . ", session_start = $current_time, session_time = $current_time, session_browser = '$this->browser', session_page = '$this->page'
+ SET session_user_id = $user_id, session_last_visit = " . $this->data['session_last_visit'] . ", session_start = $current_time, session_time = $current_time, session_browser = '$this->browser', session_page = '$this->page', session_allow_viewonline = $viewonline
WHERE session_id = '" . $this->session_id . "'";
if (!$db->sql_query($sql) || !$db->sql_affectedrows())
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ class session
$this->session_id = md5(uniqid($user_ip));
- (session_id, session_user_id, session_last_visit, session_start, session_time, session_ip, session_browser, session_page)
- VALUES ('" . $this->session_id . "', $user_id, " . $this->data['session_last_visit'] . ", $current_time, $current_time, '$this->ip', '$this->browser', '$this->page')";
+ (session_id, session_user_id, session_last_visit, session_start, session_time, session_ip, session_browser, session_page, session_allow_viewonline)
+ VALUES ('" . $this->session_id . "', $user_id, " . $this->data['session_last_visit'] . ", $current_time, $current_time, '$this->ip', '$this->browser', '$this->page', $viewonline)";
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ class auth
// Authentication plug-ins is largely down to Sergey Kanareykin, our thanks to him.
- function login($username, $password, $autologin = false)
+ function login($username, $password, $autologin = false, $viewonline = 1)
global $config, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
@@ -1209,13 +1209,16 @@ class auth
$method = 'login_' . $method;
if (function_exists($method))
- if (!($login = $method($username, $password)))
+ $login = $method($username, $password);
+ // If login returned anything other than an array there was an error
+ if (!is_array($login))
- return false;
+ return $login;
$autologin = (!empty($autologin)) ? md5($password) : '';
- return ($login['user_active']) ? $user->create($login['user_id'], $autologin, true) : false;
+ return ($login['user_active']) ? $user->create($login['user_id'], $autologin, true, $viewonline) : false;
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
index 86f3091b94..7663920180 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_admin.php
@@ -214,29 +214,27 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Disallowed_groups' => 'Disallowed groups',
'Remove_selected' => 'Remove selected',
'Advanced' => 'Advanced',
- 'Applies_to_User' => 'Applies to User ...',
- 'Applies_to_Group' => 'Applies to Group ...',
- 'User_can' => 'User can ... ',
- 'Group_can' => 'Group can ... ',
- 'Option' => 'Option',
- 'Allow' => 'Allow',
- 'Inherit' => 'Inherit',
- 'Deny' => 'Deny',
- 'Basic' => 'Basic',
+ 'USER_CAN' => 'User can ... ',
+ 'GROUP_CAN' => 'Group can ... ',
+ 'OPTION' => 'Option',
+ 'ALLOW' => 'Allow',
+ 'INHERIT' => 'Inherit',
+ 'DENY' => 'Deny',
+ 'BASIC' => 'Basic',
'USER_PRESETS' => 'User presets',
'ALL_ALLOW' => 'All Allow',
'ALL_DENY' => 'All Deny',
'ALL_INHERIT' => 'All Inherit',
'INHERIT_PARENT' => 'From Parent',
'ACL_PRESET' => 'Preset',
- 'Inheritance' => 'Inheritance',
- 'Inheritance_explain' => 'Select the subforums you want to inherit these permissions',
+ 'INHERITANCE' => 'Inheritance',
+ 'INHERITANCE_EXPLAIN' => 'Select the subforums you want to inherit these permissions',
'PRESETS' => 'Presets',
'PRESETS_EXPLAIN' => 'To update or delete an existing preset select it from the list.',
'SELECT_PRESET' => 'Select preset',
'PRESET_NAME' => 'Preset name',
'EMPTY' => 'Empty',
- 'Auth_updated' => 'Permissions have been updated',
+ 'AUTH_UPDATED' => 'Permissions have been updated',
'acl_a_server' => 'Alter Server/Email Settings',
'acl_a_defaults' => 'Alter Board Defaults',
@@ -270,46 +268,54 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'acl_a_restore' => 'Restore Database',
'acl_a_clearlogs' => 'Clear Admin/Mod Logs',
- 'acl_m_edit' => 'Edit posts',
- 'acl_m_delete' => 'Delete posts',
- 'acl_m_move' => 'Move posts',
- 'acl_m_lock' => 'Lock topics',
- 'acl_m_split' => 'Split topics',
- 'acl_m_merge' => 'Merge topics',
+ 'acl_m_edit' => 'Edit posts',
+ 'acl_m_delete' => 'Delete posts',
+ 'acl_m_move' => 'Move posts',
+ 'acl_m_lock' => 'Lock topics',
+ 'acl_m_split' => 'Split topics',
+ 'acl_m_merge' => 'Merge topics',
'acl_m_approve' => 'Approve posts',
- 'acl_m_unrate' => 'Un-rate topics',
- 'acl_m_auth' => 'Set permissions',
- 'acl_m_ip' => 'View IP\'s',
+ 'acl_m_unrate' => 'Un-rate topics',
+ 'acl_m_auth' => 'Set permissions',
+ 'acl_m_ip' => 'View IP\'s',
- 'acl_f_list' => 'See forum',
- 'acl_f_read' => 'Read forum',
- 'acl_f_post' => 'Post in forum',
- 'acl_f_reply' => 'Reply to posts',
- 'acl_f_edit' => 'Edit own posts',
- 'acl_f_delete' => 'Delete own posts',
- 'acl_f_poll' => 'Create polls',
- 'acl_f_vote' => 'Vote in polls',
- 'acl_f_announce' => 'Post announcements',
- 'acl_f_sticky' => 'Post stickies',
- 'acl_f_attach' => 'Attach files',
- 'acl_f_download' => 'Download files',
- 'acl_f_html' => 'Post HTML',
- 'acl_f_bbcode' => 'Post BBCode',
- 'acl_f_smilies' => 'Post smilies',
- 'acl_f_img' => 'Post images',
- 'acl_f_flash' => 'Post Flash',
- 'acl_f_sigs' => 'Use signatures',
- 'acl_f_search' => 'Search the forum',
- 'acl_f_email' => 'Email topics',
- 'acl_f_rate' => 'Rate topics',
- 'acl_f_print' => 'Print topics',
+ 'acl_f_list' => 'See forum',
+ 'acl_f_read' => 'Read forum',
+ 'acl_f_post' => 'Post in forum',
+ 'acl_f_reply' => 'Reply to posts',
+ 'acl_f_edit' => 'Edit own posts',
+ 'acl_f_delete' => 'Delete own posts',
+ 'acl_f_poll' => 'Create polls',
+ 'acl_f_vote' => 'Vote in polls',
+ 'acl_f_announce' => 'Post announcements',
+ 'acl_f_sticky' => 'Post stickies',
+ 'acl_f_attach' => 'Attach files',
+ 'acl_f_download' => 'Download files',
+ 'acl_f_html' => 'Post HTML',
+ 'acl_f_bbcode' => 'Post BBCode',
+ 'acl_f_smilies' => 'Post smilies',
+ 'acl_f_img' => 'Post images',
+ 'acl_f_flash' => 'Post Flash',
+ 'acl_f_sigs' => 'Use signatures',
+ 'acl_f_search' => 'Search the forum',
+ 'acl_f_email' => 'Email topics',
+ 'acl_f_rate' => 'Rate topics',
+ 'acl_f_print' => 'Print topics',
'acl_f_ignoreflood' => 'Ignore flood limit',
'acl_f_ignorequeue' => 'Ignore mod queue',
+ 'acl_f_postcount' => 'Increment post counter',
- 'acl_u_viewonline' => 'View all online',
- 'acl_u_pm' => 'Send messages',
- 'acl_u_avatar' => 'Display avatar',
- 'acl_u_email' => 'Send emails',
+ 'acl_u_viewonline' => 'View all online',
+ 'acl_u_viewprofile' => 'View profiles',
+ 'acl_u_sendemail' => 'Send emails',
+ 'acl_u_sendpm' => 'Send messages',
+ 'acl_u_readpm' => 'Read messages',
+ 'acl_u_chgavatar' => 'Change avatar',
+ 'acl_u_chgcolor' => 'Change colour',
+ 'acl_u_chgemail' => 'Change email address',
+ 'acl_u_chgname' => 'Change username',
+ 'acl_u_chgpasswd' => 'Change password',
+ 'acl_u_search' => 'Search board',
'Prune_users' => 'Prune Users',
@@ -397,6 +403,8 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'Use_SMTP' => 'Use SMTP Server for email',
'Use_SMTP_explain' => 'Say yes if you want or have to send email via a named server instead of the local mail function',
'SMTP_server' => 'SMTP Server Address',
+ 'SMTP_PORT' => 'SMTP Server Port',
+ 'SMTP_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Only change this if you know your SMTP server is on a different port',
'SMTP_username' => 'SMTP Username',
'SMTP_username_explain' => 'Only enter a username if your smtp server requires it',
'SMTP_password' => 'SMTP Password',
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php b/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
index 59cf9ccbdf..dc0b786bca 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/lang_main.php
@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ $lang = array(
'SEARCH_SELF' => 'View your posts',
'SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => 'View unanswered posts',
+ 'LOGIN' => 'Login',
+ 'LOGOUT_USER' => 'Logout [ %s ]',
+ 'LOGOUT' => 'Logout',
'REGISTER' => 'Register',
'PROFILE' => 'User Control Panel',
'SEARCH' => 'Search',
@@ -197,13 +200,15 @@ $lang = array(
'POST_TOPIC_LOCKED' => 'Topic is locked',
- 'Enter_password' => 'Please enter your username and password to login',
- 'LOGIN' => 'Login',
- 'LOGOUT' => 'Logout',
- 'Forgotten_password' => 'I forgot my password',
- 'LOG_ME_IN' => 'Log me on automatically each visit',
- 'Error_login' => 'You have specified an incorrect or inactive username or an invalid password',
- 'Index' => 'Index',
+ 'LOGIN' => 'Login',
+ 'TERMS_USE' => 'Terms of Use',
+ 'PRIVACY' => 'Privacy Policy',
+ 'FORGOT_PASS' => 'I forgot my password',
+ 'LOG_ME_IN' => 'Log me on automatically each visit',
+ 'HIDE_ME' => 'Hide my online status this session',
+ 'LOGIN_ERROR' => 'You have specified an incorrect username or password. Please check them both and try again. If you continue to have problems please contact a board administrator.',
+ 'ACTIVE_ERROR' => 'You have specified an inactive username. Please activate your account and try again. If you continue to have problems please contact a board administrator.',
'Private_Message' => 'Private Message',
'Private_Messages' => 'Private Messages',
@@ -250,6 +255,7 @@ $lang = array(
'NO_TOPIC' => 'The requested topic does not exist.',
'NO_POSTS' => 'No Posts were found.',
'NO_POST' => 'The requested post does not exist.',
+ 'NO_USER' => 'The requested user does not exist.',
'Stop_watching_forum' => 'Stop watching this forum',
'Start_watching_forum' => 'Watch this forum for new posts',
@@ -265,7 +271,7 @@ $lang = array(
'VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC' => 'View previous topic',
'NO_NEWER_TOPICS' => 'There are no newer topics in this forum',
'NO_OLDER_TOPICS' => 'There are no older topics in this forum',
- 'POST_IGNORE' => 'This post was made by %s who is on your ignore list. To display this post click %sHERE%s.',
+ 'POST_IGNORE' => 'This post was made by %1$s who is on your ignore list. To display this post click %sHERE%s.',
'POST_BELOW_KARMA' => 'This post was made by %1$s whose karma rating of %2$d is below your desired minimum. To display this post click %3$sHERE%4$s.',
'POST_ENCODING' => 'This post by %1$s was made in a character set different to yours. To view this post in its proper encoding click %2$sHERE%3$s.',
'DISPLAY_POSTS' => 'Display posts from previous',
@@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ $lang = array(
'DELETE_POST' => 'Delete',
'DELETE_POST_WARN' => 'Once deleted the post cannot be recovered',
'REPORT_TO_ADMIN' => 'Report this post',
- 'POST_BEEN_REPORTED' => 'This post has been reported',
+ 'POST_BEEN_REPORTED' => 'This post has already been reported.',
'wrote' => 'wrote',
'Quote' => 'Quote',
'Code' => 'Code',
@@ -305,8 +311,8 @@ $lang = array(
'VIEW_RESULTS' => 'View Results',
- 'MESSAGE_BODY' => 'Message body',
- 'MESSAGE_BODY_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter your message here, it may contain no more than %d characters.',
+ 'MESSAGE_BODY' => 'Message body',
+ 'MESSAGE_BODY_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter your message here, it may contain no more than %d characters.',
'TOPIC_REVIEW' => 'Topic review',
'TOPIC_ICON' => 'Topic icon',
'POST_ICON' => 'Post icon',
@@ -496,11 +502,11 @@ $lang = array(
'ABOUT_USER' => 'Profile',
'CONTACT_USER' => 'Contact',
'USER_FORUM' => 'Forum statistics',
- 'USER_PRESENCE' => 'User presence',
+ 'USER_PRESENCE' => 'Forum presence',
'USER_POST' => '%d Post',
'USER_POSTS' => '%d Posts',
- 'POST_PCT' => '%.2f%% of total',
+ 'POST_PCT' => '%.2f%% of all posts',
'POST_DAY' => '%.2f posts per day',
'TOTAL_POSTS' => 'Total posts',
'ACTIVE_IN_FORUM' => 'Most active forum',
@@ -619,17 +625,6 @@ $lang = array(
'No_email_match' => 'The email address you supplied does not match the one listed for that username',
'New_password_activation' => 'New password activation',
'Password_activated' => 'Your account has been re-activated. To logon please use the password supplied in the email you received',
- 'Send_email_msg' => 'Send an email message',
- 'No_user_specified' => 'No user was specified',
- 'User_prevent_email' => 'This user does not wish to receive email. Try sending them a private message',
- 'User_not_exist' => 'That user does not exist',
- 'CC_email' => 'Send a copy of this email to yourself',
- 'Email_message_desc' => 'This message will be sent as plain text, do not include any HTML or BBCode. The return address for this message will be set to your email address.',
- 'Flood_email_limit' => 'You cannot send another email at this time, try again later',
- 'Recipient' => 'Recipient',
- 'Email_sent' => 'The email has been sent',
- 'Empty_subject_email' => 'You must specify a subject for the email',
- 'Empty_message_email' => 'You must enter a message to be emailed',
'FIND_USERNAME' => 'Find a member',
@@ -657,6 +652,16 @@ $lang = array(
'AFTER' => 'After',
'NEVER' => 'Never',
+ 'SEND_EMAIL' => 'Send Email',
+ 'NO_EMAIL' => 'You are not permitted to send email to this user.',
+ 'CC_EMAIL' => 'Send a copy of this email to yourself',
+ 'EMAIL_BODY_EXPLAIN' => 'This message will be sent as plain text, do not include any HTML or BBCode. The return address for this message will be set to your email address.',
+ 'FLOOD_EMAIL_LIMIT' => 'You cannot send another email at this time. Please try again later.',
+ 'RECIPIENT' => 'Recipient',
+ 'EMAIL_SENT' => 'The email has been sent.',
+ 'EMPTY_SUBJECT_EMAIL' => 'You must specify a subject for the email.',
+ 'EMPTY_MESSAGE_EMAIL' => 'You must enter a message to be emailed.',
'Group_Control_Panel' => 'Group Control Panel',
'Group_member_details' => 'Group Membership Details',
diff --git a/phpBB/login.php b/phpBB/login.php
index 793e261ea1..41b61df083 100644
--- a/phpBB/login.php
+++ b/phpBB/login.php
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ if (isset($login) || isset($logout))
if (isset($login) && $user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
$autologin = (!empty($autologin)) ? true : false;
+ $viewonline = (!empty($viewonline)) ? 0 : 1;
// Is the board disabled? Are we an admin? No, then back to the index we go
if (!empty($config['board_disable']) && !$auth->acl_get('a_'))
@@ -50,13 +51,18 @@ if (isset($login) || isset($logout))
- if (!$auth->login($username, $password, $autologin))
+ if (($result = $auth->login($username, $password, $autologin, $viewonline)) !== true)
- $template->assign_vars(array(
- 'META' => '')
- );
+ // If we get a non-numeric (e.g. string) value we output an error
+ if (!is_numeric($result))
+ {
+ trigger_error($result, E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ // If we get an integer zero then we are inactive, else the username/password is wrong
+ $message = ($result === 0) ? $user->lang['ACTIVE_ERROR'] : $user->lang['LOGIN_ERROR'];
+ $message .= '
' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_LOGIN'], '', '') . '
' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '', '');
- $message = $user->lang['Error_login'] . '
' . sprintf($user->lang['Click_return_login'], '', '') . '
' . sprintf($user->lang['Click_return_index'], '', '');
@@ -65,25 +71,22 @@ if (isset($login) || isset($logout))
- //
// Redirect to wherever we're supposed to go ...
- //
- $redirect_url = ($redirect) ? preg_replace('/^.*?redirect=(.*?)&(.*?)$/', '\\1' . $SID . '&\\2', $redirect) : 'index.'.$phpEx;
+ $redirect_url = ($redirect) ? preg_replace('#^.*?redirect=(.*?)&(.*?)$#', '\1' . $SID . '&\2', $redirect) : 'index.'.$phpEx;
if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
- 'L_ENTER_PASSWORD' => $user->lang['Enter_password'],
- 'L_SEND_PASSWORD' => $user->lang['Forgotten_password'],
'U_SEND_PASSWORD' => "ucp.$phpEx$SID&mode=sendpassword",
+ 'U_TERMS_USE' => "ucp.$phpEx$SID&mode=terms",
+ 'U_PRIVACY' => "ucp.$phpEx$SID&mode=privacy",
- $page_title = $user->lang['Login'];
+ $page_title = $user->lang['LOGIN'];
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx);
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/login_body.html b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/login_body.html
index 52c57f2c6f..f096fcdf6c 100644
--- a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/login_body.html
+++ b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/login_body.html
@@ -1,40 +1,42 @@