diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php index cde96fe2fd..3148880c9d 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'ICONS_PATH' => 'Post icons storage path', 'ICONS_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root directory, e.g. images/icons.', 'MOD_REWRITE_ENABLE' => 'Enable URL Rewriting', - 'MOD_REWRITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN' => 'When disabled, URL paths will include app.php. When enabled, URL paths will not include app.php.
This option requires the Apache module mod_rewrite to be enabled and the appropriate rewrite rules must be present in .htaccess.', + 'MOD_REWRITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN' => 'When enabled, URLs containing ’app.php’ will be rewritten to remove the filename (i.e. app.php/foo will become /foo). Apache server’s mod_rewrite module is required for this functionality to work; if this option is enabled without mod_rewrite support, URLs on your board may be broken.', 'MOD_REWRITE_DISABLED' => 'The mod_rewrite module on your Apache web server is disabled. Enable the module or contact your web hosting provider if you wish to enable this feature.', 'MOD_REWRITE_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE' => 'We are unable to determine whether or not this server supports URL rewriting. This setting may be enabled but if URL rewriting is not available, paths generated by this board (such as for use in links) may be broken. Contact your web hosting provider if you are unsure whether or not you can safely enable this feature.', 'PATH_SETTINGS' => 'Path settings',