mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-01-19 07:08:09 +01:00

Did you know that if you use backslashes in a log message WinCVS freaks out and commit files at random? I didn't either.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@3804 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
This commit is contained in:
Ludovic Arnaud 2003-04-10 01:58:18 +00:00
parent c0aedcc467
commit 73b191a343
2 changed files with 7 additions and 213 deletions

View File

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ function topic_review($topic_id, $is_inline_review = false)
$forum_id = intval($row['forum_id']);
$topic_title = $row['topic_title'];
if (!$auth->acl_gets('f_read', 'm_', 'a_', $forum_id))
if (!$auth->acl_gets('f_read', $forum_id))
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ function topic_review($topic_id, $is_inline_review = false)
$template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array(
'MINI_POST_IMG' => $user->img('goto_post', $user->lang['POST']),
'MINI_POST_IMG' => $user->img('icon_post', $user->lang['POST']),
'POSTER_NAME' => $poster,
'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']),
'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_subject,

View File

@ -23,11 +23,8 @@
// and parses it for attachments, html, bbcode and smilies
class parse_message
var $message_mode = 0; // MSG_POST/MSG_PM
var $bbcode_tpl = null;
var $bbcode_uid = '';
var $bbcode_bitfield = 0;
var $bbcode_array = array();
var $message_mode = 0; // MSG_POST/MSG_PM
function parse_message($message_type)
@ -84,10 +81,7 @@ class parse_message
$warn_msg .= (($warn_msg != '') ? '<br />' : '') . $this->html($message, $html);
if ($bbcode)
//$warn_msg .= (($warn_msg != '') ? '<br />' : '') . $this->bbcode(&$message);
$warn_msg .= (($warn_msg != '') ? '<br />' : '') . $this->bbcode($message, $bbcode, $uid);
$warn_msg .= (($warn_msg != '') ? '<br />' : '') . $this->emoticons($message, $smilies);
$warn_msg .= (($warn_msg != '') ? '<br />' : '') . $this->magic_url($message, $url);
@ -115,210 +109,10 @@ class parse_message
// bbcode()
function bbcode(&$message)
function bbcode(&$message, $bbcode, $uid)
$bbcode_bitfield = str_repeat('0', 32);
$this->bbcode_uid = substr(md5(time()), 0, BBCODE_UID_LEN);
global $config;
foreach ($this->bbcode_array as $offset => $row)
$parse = FALSE;
foreach ($row as $regex => $replacement)
$size = strlen($message);
$message = preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $message);
if ($size != strlen($message))
$parse = TRUE;
$bbcode_bitfield{$offset} = ($parse) ? '1' : '0';
$this->bbcode_bitfield = bindec(strrev($bbcode_bitfield));
function bbcode_init()
if (!empty($this->bbcode_array))
// always encode the [code] tag first
$this->bbcode_array = array(
8 => array('#\[code\](.+\[/code\])#ise' => '$this->bbcode_code("\1")'),
10 => array('#\[email(=.*?)?\](.*?)\[/email\]#ise' => '$this->validate_email("\1", "\2")'),
9 => array('#\[list(=[a-z|0-1]+)?\].*\[/list\]#ise' => '$this->bbcode_list("\0")'),
7 => array('#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#is' => '<!-- u --><span style="text-decoration: underline">\1</span><!-- u -->'),
6 => array('!\[color=(#[0-9A-F]{6}|[a-z\-]+)\](.*?)\[/color\]!is' => '<!-- c --><span style="color: \1">\2</span><!-- c -->'),
5 => array('#\[size=([\-\+]?[1-2]?[0-9])\](.*?)\[/size\]#is' => '<!-- z --><span style="font-size: \1px">\2</span><!-- z -->'),
4 => array('#\[img\](https?://)([a-z0-9\-\.,\?!%\*_:;~\\&$@/=\+]+)\[/img\]#i'
=> '[img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']\1\2[/img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'),
3 => array('#\[url=?(.*?)?\](.*?)\[/url\]#ise' => '$this->validate_url("\1", "\2")'),
2 => array('#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#is' => '<!-- i --><span style="font-style: italic">\1</span><!-- i -->'),
1 => array('#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#is' => '<!-- b --><span style="font-weight: bold">\1</span><!-- b -->'),
0 => array('#\[quote(=".*?")?\](.*?)\[/quote\]#is' => '[quote:' . $this->bbcode_uid . '\1]\2[/quote:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']')
global $db;
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT bbcode_id, first_pass_regexp, first_pass_replacement FROM ' . BBCODES_TABLE);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$this->bbcode_array[$row['bbcode_id']] = array($row['first_pass_regexp'] => $row['first_pass_replacement']);
// bbcode_code()
function bbcode_code($in)
$str_from = array('<', '>', '"', ':', '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '.', '@');
$str_to = array('&lt;', '&gt;', '&quot;', '&#58;', '&#91;', '&#93;', '&#40;', '&#41;', '&#123;', '&#125;', '&#46;', '&#64;');
$in = stripslashes($in);
$out = '';
// echo "<font color='blue'>$in</font><hr>";
$pos = strpos($in, '[/code]') + 7;
$buffer = substr($in, 0, $pos);
$in = substr($in, $pos);
while ($in)
$pos = strpos($in, '[/code]') + 7;
$sub_buffer = substr($in, 0, $pos);
if (preg_match('#\[code\]#i', $sub_buffer))
$in = substr($in, $pos);
$buffer .= $sub_buffer;
$buffer = substr($buffer, 0, -7);
$out .= '[code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . str_replace($str_from, $str_to, $buffer) . '[/code:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
$pos = strpos($in, '[code]');
if ($pos !== FALSE)
$out .= substr($in, 0, $pos);
$in = substr($in, $pos + 6);
while ($in);
return $out;
// bbcode_list()
function bbcode_list($in)
$tok = ']';
$out = '[';
$in = stripslashes($in);
$in = substr($in, 1);
$close_tags = array();
$pos = strlen($in);
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($tok); ++$i)
$tmp_pos = strpos($in, $tok{$i});
if ($tmp_pos !== FALSE && $tmp_pos < $pos)
$pos = $tmp_pos;
$buffer = substr($in, 0, $pos);
$tok = $in{$pos};
$in = substr($in, $pos + 1);
//echo "<b>$pos</b> $buffer <font color='red'>$tok</font> <font color='blue'>$in</font> <font color='orange'>$out</font>\n";
if ($tok == ']')
if ($buffer == '/list' && count($close_tags))
$tag = array_pop($close_tags);
$out .= $tag;
$tok = '[';
elseif (preg_match('/list(=?(?:[0-9]|[a-z]|))/i', $buffer, $m))
array_push($close_tags, (($m[1]) ? '/list:o:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' : '/list:u:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']'));
$out .= $buffer . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
$tok = '[';
if ($buffer == '*' && count($close_tags))
$buffer = '*:' . $this->bbcode_uid;
$out .= $buffer . $tok;
$tok = '[]';
$out .= $buffer . $tok;
$tok = ($tok == '[') ? ']' : '[]';
while ($in);
// Close tags left = some tags still open
if (count($close_tags))
$out .= '[' . implode('[', $close_tags);
return $out;
// TODO: validate_email() and validate_url()
function validate_email($var1, $var2)
$retval = '[email' . $var1 . ':' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $var2 . '[/email:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
return $retval;
function validate_url($var1, $var2)
$url = (empty($var1)) ? stripslashes($var2) : stripslashes($var1);
// Put validation regexps here
$valid = FALSE;
if (preg_match('!^http://!i', $url))
$valid = TRUE;
if ($valid)
return (empty($var1)) ? '[url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $url . '[/url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' : "[url=$url:" . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $var2 . '[/url:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
return '[url' . $var1 . ']' . $var2 . '[/url]';
// Replace magic urls of form http://xxx.xxx., www.xxx. and xxx@xxx.xxx.