diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php b/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php
index dc39749963..aa5bc1666a 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'HELP_BBCODE_OTHERS_CUSTOM_ANSWER' => 'If you are an administrator on this board and have the proper permissions, you can add further BBCodes through the Custom BBCodes section.',
'HELP_BBCODE_OTHERS_CUSTOM_QUESTION' => 'Can I add my own tags?',
- 'HELP_BBCODE_QUOTES_CODE_ANSWER' => 'If you want to output a piece of code or in fact anything that requires a fixed width, e.g. Courier type font you should enclose the text in [code][/code] tags, e.g.
[code]echo "This is some code";[/code]
All formatting used within [code][/code] tags is retained when you later view it. PHP syntax highlighting can be enabled using [code=php][/code] and is recommended when posting PHP code samples as it improves readability.',
+ 'HELP_BBCODE_QUOTES_CODE_ANSWER' => 'If you want to output a piece of code or in fact anything that requires a fixed width, e.g. Courier type font you should enclose the text in [code][/code] tags, e.g.
[code]echo "This is some code";[/code]
All formatting used within [code][/code] tags is retained when you later view it.',
'HELP_BBCODE_QUOTES_CODE_QUESTION' => 'Outputting code or fixed width data',
'HELP_BBCODE_QUOTES_TEXT_ANSWER' => 'There are two ways you can quote text, with a reference or without.