diff --git a/phpBB/includes/functions_display.php b/phpBB/includes/functions_display.php
index 1ac18fd3f8..9be1ff950b 100644
--- a/phpBB/includes/functions_display.php
+++ b/phpBB/includes/functions_display.php
@@ -539,7 +539,8 @@ function display_forums($root_data = '', $display_moderators = true, $return_mod
if ($row['forum_password_last_post'] === '' && $auth->acl_gets('f_read', 'f_list_topics', $row['forum_id_last_post']))
- $last_post_subject = censor_text($row['forum_last_post_subject']);
+ $last_post_subject = utf8_decode_ncr(censor_text($row['forum_last_post_subject']));
$last_post_subject_truncated = truncate_string($last_post_subject, 30, 255, false, $user->lang['ELLIPSIS']);
diff --git a/phpBB/posting.php b/phpBB/posting.php
index 20f6ddf8e5..da70e64877 100644
--- a/phpBB/posting.php
+++ b/phpBB/posting.php
@@ -1181,11 +1181,23 @@ if ($submit || $preview || $refresh)
$error[] = $user->lang['EMPTY_SUBJECT'];
- // Check for out-of-bounds characters that are currently
- // not supported by utf8_bin in MySQL
+ /**
+ * Replace Emojis and other 4bit UTF-8 chars not allowed by MySQL to UCR/NCR.
+ * Using their Numeric Character Reference's Hexadecimal notation.
+ */
+ $post_data['post_subject'] = utf8_encode_ucr($post_data['post_subject']);
+ /**
+ * This should never happen again.
+ * Leaving the fallback here just in case there will be the need of it.
+ *
+ * Check for out-of-bounds characters that are currently
+ * not supported by utf8_bin in MySQL
+ */
if (preg_match_all('/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $post_data['post_subject'], $matches))
- $character_list = implode('
', $matches[0]);
+ $character_list = implode('
', $matches[0]);
$error[] = $user->lang('UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTERS_SUBJECT', $character_list);
diff --git a/tests/functional/posting_test.php b/tests/functional/posting_test.php
index 7150f20a9d..49447e1133 100644
--- a/tests/functional/posting_test.php
+++ b/tests/functional/posting_test.php
@@ -41,15 +41,10 @@ class phpbb_functional_posting_test extends phpbb_functional_test_case
- $this->add_lang('posting');
- self::create_post(2,
- 1,
- "Unsupported: \xF0\x9F\x88\xB3 \xF0\x9F\x9A\xB6",
- 'This is a test with emoji characters in the topic title.',
- array(),
- 'Your subject contains the following unsupported characters'
- );
+ $post = $this->create_topic(2, "Test Topic \xF0\x9F\xA4\x94 3\xF0\x9D\x94\xBB\xF0\x9D\x95\x9A", 'This is a test with emoji character in the topic title.');
+ $this->create_post(2, $post['topic_id'], "Re: Test Topic 1 \xF0\x9F\xA4\x94 3\xF0\x9D\x94\xBB\xF0\x9D\x95\x9A", 'This is a test with emoji characters in the topic title.');
+ $crawler = self::request('GET', "viewtopic.php?t={$post['topic_id']}&sid={$this->sid}");
+ $this->assertContains("\xF0\x9F\xA4\x94 3\xF0\x9D\x94\xBB\xF0\x9D\x95\x9A", $crawler->text());
public function test_supported_unicode_characters()