Make phpbb_ui_test_case available unconditionally. Nothing depends on 5.3.19
here. Remove __init__ include. Composer classmap autoloading ensures classes
can be loaded.
* prep-release-3.1.1:
[ticket/13271] Disable CC sender feature for anonymous users
[prep-release-3.1.1] Add 3.1.1 CHANGELOG
[prep-release-3.1.1] Add 3.1.1 migration file
[ticket/13263] Make sure default style exists and clean up code
[ticket/13263] Only install/set prosilver if no style available
[ticket/13263] Use prosilver as default style if user's style doesn't exist
[ticket/security-164] Correctly format page_name
[ticket/security-164] Sanitize all global variables in symfony_request class
[ticket/13248] Use functional framework login method in tests
[ticket/13248] Correctly pass provider name
[ticket/13248] Always use provider collection for getting provider
[ticket/13248] Allow specifying different auth provider in provider collection
[ticket/13248] Use auth provider collection for getting provider
[ticket/13262] Mention htaccess file when updating from 3.0 to 3.1
[ticket/13267] Update Automatic Update instructions to include vendor directory
[ticket/13268] Properly append ternary result in get_existing_indexes()
[prep-release-3.1.1] Update version number to 3.1.1
[ticket/13241] Fix pagination of viewforum with global announcements
* nickvergessen/ticket/13241:
[ticket/13241] Remove sleep() and change flood interval instead
[ticket/13241] Remove sleep() since the method takes care of this now
[ticket/13241] Sleep for 1 second when posting twice in the same second
[ticket/13241] Fix pagination with global announcements
[ticket/13241] Correctly ignore announcements from topics list
[ticket/13241] Add a functional test for viewforum with global announcement
* dhruvgoel92/feature/phantom:
[ticket/12962] Rename setup-phpbb-test
[ticket/12962] Use phpVersion in phpunit.xml
[ticket/12962] Functional tests run for php <5.3.19
[ticket/12962] Clean up composer.json
[ticket/12962] Fix Line Endings in bootstrap
[ticket/12962] Load composer test dependencies for php >= 5.3.19
[ticket/12962] bootstrap functional and ui test when php >5.3.19
[ticket/12962] Install test dependencies on travis
[ticket/12962] Add facebook/webdriver dependency
[ticket/12962] Fix whitespace characters
[ticket/12962] Run tests for all databases on Travis
[ticket/12962] Force language=en for UI tests installation
[ticket/12962] Dump server output to /dev/null
[ticket/12962] Start phantomjs on travis in background
[ticket/12962] Mark test skipped when phantom server not running
[ticket/12962] Add
[ticket/12962] Run UI tests on Travis-mysql
[ticket/12962] Add UI tests to phpunit.xml.dist
[ticket/12962] Add quick-links JS test
[ticket/12962] Add initial class for ui_testing
The cron scheduler might pick a different task but we don't want to go
through them all to find the one we need. So we just make sure cron is
run at all and then manually run the one we want.
* prep-release-3.1.0:
[ticket/13230] Add missing globals and missing request object for path helper
[ticket/13226] Add functional test for group ranks
[ticket/13226] Fix the usage of $rank_img
We already use a token for preventing CSRF when marking notifications read.
Making a user confirm the marking read action serves no real purpose. No
information will be lost by just marking the notifications read but it will
prevent users from always having to confirm this action.