[ticket/12570] Fix updating a config with the same value
* nickvergessen/ticket/12570:
[ticket/12570] Keep MySQLi procedural
[ticket/12570] Remove test for affected rows after SELECT
[ticket/12570] Add a test for set_array() and updating with the same value
[ticket/12570] Fix MySQL affectedrows
[ticket/12570] Fix MySQLi affectedrows by specifying MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS
[ticket/12570] Add a unit test to show broken sql_affectedrows()
[ticket/12570] Add test for updating a config with the same value
We always want the number of matched rows instead of changed rows,
when running an update. So when mysql_info() returns the number of
matched rows we return that one instead of mysql_affected_rows()
[ticket/12592] Run mysql driver on Travis CI.
* bantu/ticket/12592:
[ticket/12592] Add PHP 5.4 environment using mysql driver.
[ticket/12592] Rename mysql environment to mysqli.
[ticket/12074] Managing extensions doesn't produce any log entry
* Nicofuma/ticket/12074:
[ticket/12074] Update the visibility of the constructor
[ticket/12074] Don't log errors
[ticket/12074] Managing extensions doesn't produce any log entry
[ticket/12270] Current post and topic approval notification message
* marcosbc/ticket/12270:
[ticket/12270] Fixed topic counting bug and tests
[ticket/12270] Fixed tests not working
[ticket/12270] No quote notif and double poster notification fix
[ticket/12270] Fixed tests
[ticket/12270] Fixed rebase conflicts
[ticket/12270] Correct confirm approval message for topics
[ticket/12270] Correcting to follow phpBB coding standards
[ticket/12270] Better structured code and no debug error message
[ticket/12270] Correct notifications for posts/topics now working
[ticket/12270] Reverted templates
[ticket/12270] Correct post&topic approval msg, no template changes
[ticket/12270] Corrent post and topic approval notification message
[ticket/12543] Only take over ENTER and ESC keys when alert box is active.
* prototech/ticket/12543:
[ticket/12543] Only take over ENTER and ESC keys when alert box is active.
[ticket/12275] Fix a bug on the event "core.modify_username_string"
* Zoddo/ticket/12275:
[ticket/12275] Change if (empty) to if (!isset)
[ticket/12275] Fix a bug on the event "core.modify_username_string"
Topics was not correctly counted (the counter didn't count topics
that were re-approved, for example, but only the ones that were
This should also fix the test that wasn't working correctly.
[ticket/12531] Restore default topic link behavior to subsilver2
* VSEphpbb/ticket/12531:
[ticket/12531] Add some line breaks to really long lines
[ticket/12531] Restore default topic link functionality in subsilver2
[ticket/12585] Don't check the cron on each page load
* Nicofuma/ticket/12585:
[ticket/12585] Use a 5 minutes interval instead of 10 minutes
[ticket/12585] Don't check the cron on each page load