With the merge of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb3/pull/1564 a new test has
been added. Renamed and moved the template listener file of that test to
comply with the new requirements.
To further mirror the file name and location requirements for php template
event listeners, require extension template event listener files to follow the
'<event name>_listener.html' naming format.
Per suggestion of EXreaction and nickvergessen, do not look for extension
template event listeners in styles/[style]/template/events/ but in
styles/[style]/template/event/ (without the trailing 's') to match the way
phpBB looks for php template event listeners.
The tests written for extension template events did not follow the convention
and documentation of placing template event files in the events/ subdirectory.
Moved the files to this subdirectory so the tests succeed again.