path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/'; $compress = new compress(); if (sizeof($compress->methods()) < 4) { $this->markTestSkipped('PHP needs to be compiled with --with-zlib and --with-bz2 in order to run these tests'); } } protected function tearDown() { foreach (array(__DIR__ . self::EXTRACT_DIR, __DIR__ . self::ARCHIVE_DIR) as $dir) { $this->clear_dir($dir); } } protected function clear_dir($dir) { $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($dir); foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) { $name = $fileinfo->getFilename(); $path = $fileinfo->getPathname(); if ($name[0] !== '.') { if ($fileinfo->isDir()) { $this->clear_dir($path); rmdir($path); } else { unlink($path); } } } } protected function archive_files($compress) { $compress->add_file($this->path . '1.txt', $this->path); $compress->add_file( 'tests/compress/fixtures/dir/', 'tests/compress/fixtures/', '', // The comma here is not an error, this is a comma-separated list 'subdir/4.txt,3.txt' ); $compress->add_custom_file($this->path . 'dir/3.txt', 'dir/3.txt'); $compress->add_data(file_get_contents($this->path . 'dir/subdir/4.txt'), 'dir/subdir/4.txt'); } protected function valid_extraction() { foreach ($this->filelist as $filename) { $path = __DIR__ . self::EXTRACT_DIR . $filename; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($path)); // Check the file's contents is correct $this->assertEquals(basename($filename, '.txt') . "\n", file_get_contents($path)); } } public function tar_archive_list() { return array( array('archive.tar', '.tar'), array('archive.tar.gz', '.tar.gz'), array('archive.tar.bz2', '.tar.bz2'), ); } /** * @dataProvider tar_archive_list */ public function test_extract_tar($filename, $type) { $compress = new compress_tar('r', $this->path . $filename); $compress->extract('tests/compress/' . self::EXTRACT_DIR); $this->valid_extraction(); } public function test_extract_zip() { $compress = new compress_zip('r', $this->path . ''); $compress->extract('tests/compress/' . self::EXTRACT_DIR); $this->valid_extraction(); } /** * @depends test_extract_tar * @dataProvider tar_archive_list */ public function test_compress_tar($filename, $type) { $tar = __DIR__ . self::ARCHIVE_DIR . $filename; $compress = new compress_tar('w', $tar); $this->archive_files($compress); $compress->close(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($tar)); $compress->mode = 'r'; $compress->open(); $compress->extract('tests/compress/' . self::EXTRACT_DIR); $this->valid_extraction(); } /** * @depends test_extract_zip */ public function test_compress_zip() { $zip = __DIR__ . self::ARCHIVE_DIR . ''; $compress = new compress_zip('w', $zip); $this->archive_files($compress); $compress->close(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($zip)); $compress = new compress_zip('r', $zip); $compress->extract('tests/compress/' . self::EXTRACT_DIR); $this->valid_extraction(); } }