versions = $versions; $this->verbose = $verbose; // Get last two entries $_latest = $this->versions[sizeof($this->versions) - 1]; $_before = $this->versions[sizeof($this->versions) - 2]; $this->locations = array( 'new_version' => dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/phpBB/', 'old_versions' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/old_versions/', 'root' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/', 'package_dir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/new_version/' ); $this->package_infos = array( 'package_name' => 'phpBB3', 'name_prefix' => 'phpbb', 'simple_name' => 'release-' . $_latest, 'new_version_number' => $_latest, 'short_version_number' => str_replace('.', '', $_latest), 'release_filename' => 'phpBB-' . $_latest, 'last_version' => 'release-' . $_before, 'last_version_number' => $_before, ); $this->package_infos['dest_dir'] = $this->locations['package_dir'] . $this->package_infos['package_name']; $this->package_infos['diff_dir'] = $this->locations['old_versions'] . $this->package_infos['simple_name']; $this->package_infos['patch_directory'] = $this->locations['package_dir'] . 'patches'; $this->package_infos['files_directory'] = $this->locations['package_dir'] . 'files'; $this->package_infos['update_directory'] = $this->locations['package_dir'] . 'update'; $this->package_infos['release_directory'] = $this->locations['package_dir'] . 'release_files'; // Old packages always exclude the latest version. ;) $this->old_packages = array(); foreach ($this->versions as $package_version) { if ($package_version == $_latest) { continue; } $this->old_packages['release-' . $package_version] = $package_version . '_to_'; } } function get($var) { return $this->package_infos[$var]; } function begin_status($headline) { if ($this->status_begun) { echo "\nDone.\n\n"; } $this->num_dots = 0; echo $headline . "\n "; $this->status_begun = true; } function run_command($command) { $result = trim(`$command`); if ($this->verbose) { echo " command : " . getcwd() . '$ ' . $command . "\n"; echo " result : " . $result . "\n"; } else { if ($this->num_dots > 70) { echo "\n"; $this->num_dots = 0; } echo '.'; $this->num_dots++; } flush(); } function create_directory($directory, $dir_struct) { if (!file_exists($directory)) { $this->run_command("mkdir $directory"); } if (is_array($dir_struct)) { foreach ($dir_struct as $_dir => $_dir_struct) { $this->create_directory($directory . '/' . $_dir, $_dir_struct); } } } function collect_diff_files($diff_filename, $package_name) { $diff_result = $binary = array(); $diff_contents = file($diff_filename); $special_diff_contents = array(); foreach ($diff_contents as $num => $line) { $line = trim($line); if (!$line) { continue; } // Special diff content? if (strpos($line, 'diff ' . $this->diff_options . ' ') === 0 || strpos($line, '*** ') === 0 || strpos($line, '--- ') === 0 || (strpos($line, ' Exp $') !== false && strpos($line, '$Id:') !== false)) { $special_diff_contents[] = $line; } else if (strpos($line, 'diff ' . $this->diff_options . ' ') === 0 || strpos($line, '*** ') === 0 || strpos($line, '--- ') === 0 || (strpos($line, ' Exp $') !== false && strpos($line, '$Id:') !== false) || (strpos($line, ' $') !== false && strpos($line, '$Id:') !== false)) { $special_diff_contents[] = $line; } // Is diffing line? if (strstr($line, 'diff ' . $this->diff_options . ' ')) { $next_line = $diff_contents[$num+1]; if (strpos($next_line, '***') === 0) { // *** phpbb208/admin/admin_board.php Sat Jul 10 20:16:26 2004 $next_line = explode("\t", $next_line); $next_line = trim($next_line[0]); $next_line = str_replace('*** ' . $package_name . '/', '', $next_line); $diff_result[] = $next_line; } } // Is binary? if (preg_match('/^Binary files ' . $package_name . '\/(.*) and [a-z0-9._-]+\/\1 differ/i', $line, $match)) { $binary[] = trim($match[1]); } } // Now go through the list again and find out which files have how many changes... $num_changes = array(); /* [1070] => diff -crN phpbb200/includes/usercp_avatar.php phpbb2023/includes/usercp_avatar.php [1071] => *** phpbb200/includes/usercp_avatar.php Sat Jul 10 20:16:13 2004 [1072] => --- phpbb2023/includes/usercp_avatar.php Wed Feb 6 22:28:04 2008 [1073] => *** 6,12 **** [1074] => ! * $Id$ [1075] => --- 6,12 ---- [1076] => *** 51,59 **** [1077] => --- 51,60 ---- [1078] => *** 62,80 **** [1079] => --- 63,108 ---- [1080] => *** 87,97 **** */ while (($line = array_shift($special_diff_contents)) !== NULL) { $line = trim($line); if (!$line) { continue; } // Is diffing line? if (strstr($line, 'diff ' . $this->diff_options . ' ')) { $next_line = array_shift($special_diff_contents); if (strpos($next_line, '*** ') === 0) { // *** phpbb208/admin/admin_board.php Sat Jul 10 20:16:26 2004 $next_line = explode("\t", $next_line); $next_line = trim($next_line[0]); $next_line = str_replace('*** ' . $package_name . '/', '', $next_line); $is_reached = false; $prev_line = ''; while (!$is_reached) { $line = array_shift($special_diff_contents); if (strpos($line, 'diff ' . $this->diff_options) === 0 || empty($special_diff_contents)) { $is_reached = true; array_unshift($special_diff_contents, $line); continue; } if (strpos($line, '*** ') === 0 && strpos($line, ' ****') !== false) { $is_comment = false; while (!(strpos($line, '--- ') === 0 && strpos($line, ' ----') !== false)) { $line = array_shift($special_diff_contents); if (strpos($line, ' Exp $') !== false || strpos($line, '$Id:') !== false) { $is_comment = true; } } if (!$is_comment) { if (!isset($num_changes[$next_line])) { $num_changes[$next_line] = 1; } else { $num_changes[$next_line]++; } } } } } } } // Now remove those results not having changes $return = array(); foreach ($diff_result as $key => $value) { if (isset($num_changes[$value])) { $return[] = $value; } } foreach ($binary as $value) { $return[] = $value; } $diff_result = $return; unset($return); unset($special_diff_contents); $result = array( 'files' => array(), 'binary' => array(), 'all' => $diff_result, ); $binary_extensions = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'ttf'); // Split into file and binary foreach ($diff_result as $filename) { if (strpos($filename, '.') === false) { $result['files'][] = $filename; continue; } $extension = explode('.', $filename); $extension = array_pop($extension); if (in_array($extension, $binary_extensions)) { $result['binary'][] = $filename; } else { $result['files'][] = $filename; } } return $result; } /** * Collect the list of the deleted files from a list of deleted files and folders. * * @param string $deleted_filename The full path to a file containing the list of deleted files and directories * @param string $package_name The name of the package * @return array */ public function collect_deleted_files($deleted_filename, $package_name) { $result = array(); $file_contents = file($deleted_filename); foreach ($file_contents as $filename) { $filename = trim($filename); if (!$filename) { continue; } $filename = str_replace('Only in ' . $package_name, '', $filename); $filename = ltrim($filename, '/'); if (substr($filename, 0, 1) == ':') { $replace = ''; } else { $replace = '/'; } $filename = str_replace(': ', $replace, $filename); if (is_dir("{$this->locations['old_versions']}{$package_name}/{$filename}")) { $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator( "{$this->locations['old_versions']}{$package_name}/{$filename}", \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS | \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS ), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY ); foreach ($iterator as $file_info) { $result[] = "{$filename}/{$iterator->getSubPathname()}"; } } else { $result[] = $filename; } } return $result; } }