persistency = $persistency; $this->user = $sqluser; $this->server = $sqlserver; $this->dbname = $database; $this->db_connect_id = ($this->persistency) ? @mssql_pconnect($this->server, $this->user, $sqlpassword) : @mssql_connect($this->server, $this->user, $sqlpassword); if ($this->db_connect_id && $this->dbname != '') { if (!@mssql_select_db($this->dbname, $this->db_connect_id)) { @mssql_close($this->db_connect_id); return false; } } return ($this->db_connect_id) ? $this->db_connect_id : $this->sql_error(''); } function sql_return_on_error($fail = false) { $this->return_on_error = $fail; } function sql_num_queries() { return $this->num_queries; } // // Other base methods // function sql_close() { if ($this->db_connect_id) { // // Commit any remaining transactions // if ($this->in_transaction) { @mssql_query("COMMIT", $this->db_connect_id); } return @mssql_close($this->db_connect_id); } else { return false; } } // // Query method // function sql_query($query = "", $transaction = FALSE) { // // Remove any pre-existing queries // unset($this->result); unset($this->row); if ($query != "") { $this->num_queries++; if ($transaction == BEGIN_TRANSACTION && !$this->in_transaction) { if (!mssql_query("BEGIN TRANSACTION", $this->db_connect_id)) { return false; } $this->in_transaction = TRUE; } // // Does query contain any LIMIT code? If so pull out relevant start and num_results // This isn't terribly easy with MSSQL, whatever you do will potentially impact // performance compared to an 'in-built' limit // // Another issue is the 'lack' of a returned true value when a query is valid but has // no result set (as with all the other DB interfaces). It seems though that it's // 'fair' to say that if a query returns a false result (ie. no resource id) then the // SQL was valid but had no result set. If the query returns nothing but the rowcount // returns something then there's a problem. This may well be a false assumption though // ... needs checking under Windows itself. // if (preg_match("/^SELECT(.*?)(LIMIT ([0-9]+)[, ]*([0-9]+)*)?$/s", $query, $limits)) { $query = $limits[1]; if (!empty($limits[2])) { $row_offset = ($limits[4]) ? $limits[3] : ""; $num_rows = ($limits[4]) ? $limits[4] : $limits[3]; $query = "TOP " . ($row_offset + $num_rows) . $query; } $this->result = mssql_query("SELECT $query", $this->db_connect_id); if ($this->result) { $this->limit_offset[$this->result] = (!empty($row_offset)) ? $row_offset : 0; if ($row_offset > 0) { mssql_data_seek($this->result, $row_offset); } } } else if (eregi("^INSERT ", $query)) { if (mssql_query($query, $this->db_connect_id)) { $this->result = time() + microtime(); $result_id = mssql_query("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS id, @@ROWCOUNT as affected", $this->db_connect_id); if ($result_id) { if ($row = mssql_fetch_array($result_id)) { $this->next_id[$this->db_connect_id] = $row['id']; $this->affected_rows[$this->db_connect_id] = $row['affected']; } } } } else { if (mssql_query($query, $this->db_connect_id)) { $this->result = time() + microtime(); $result_id = mssql_query("SELECT @@ROWCOUNT as affected", $this->db_connect_id); if ($result_id) { if ($row = mssql_fetch_array($result_id)) { $this->affected_rows[$this->db_connect_id] = $row['affected']; } } } } if (!$this->result) { if ($this->in_transaction) { mssql_query("ROLLBACK", $this->db_connect_id); $this->in_transaction = FALSE; } return false; } if ($transaction == END_TRANSACTION && $this->in_transaction) { $this->in_transaction = FALSE; if (!@mssql_query("COMMIT", $this->db_connect_id)) { @mssql_query("ROLLBACK", $this->db_connect_id); return false; } } return $this->result; } else { if ($transaction == END_TRANSACTION && $this->in_transaction) { $this->in_transaction = FALSE; if (!@mssql_query("COMMIT", $this->db_connect_id)) { @mssql_query("ROLLBACK", $this->db_connect_id); return false; } } return true; } } // // Other query methods // function sql_numrows($query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } if ($query_id) { return (!empty($this->limit_offset[$query_id])) ? mssql_num_rows($query_id) - $this->limit_offset[$query_id] : @mssql_num_rows($query_id); } else { return false; } } function sql_numfields($query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } return ($query_id) ? mssql_num_fields($query_id) : false; } function sql_fieldname($offset, $query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } return ($query_id) ? mssql_field_name($query_id, $offset) : false; } function sql_fieldtype($offset, $query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } return ($query_id) ? mssql_field_type($query_id, $offset) : false; } function sql_fetchrow($query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } if ($query_id) { empty($row); $row = mssql_fetch_array($query_id); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $row[$key] = stripslashes($value); } return $row; } else { return false; } } function sql_fetchrowset($query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } if ($query_id) { $i = 0; $rowset = array(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($query_id)) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $rowset[$i][$key] = stripslashes($value); } $i++; } return $rowset; } else { return false; } } function sql_fetchfield($field, $row = -1, $query_id) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } if ($query_id) { if ($row != -1) { if ($this->limit_offset[$query_id] > 0) { $result = (!empty($this->limit_offset[$query_id])) ? mssql_result($this->result, ($this->limit_offset[$query_id] + $row), $field) : false; } else { $result = mssql_result($this->result, $row, $field); } } else { if (empty($this->row[$query_id])) { $this->row[$query_id] = mssql_fetch_array($query_id); $result = stripslashes($this->row[$query_id][$field]); } } return $result; } else { return false; } } function sql_rowseek($rownum, $query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } if ($query_id) { return (!empty($this->limit_offset[$query_id])) ? mssql_data_seek($query_id, ($this->limit_offset[$query_id] + $rownum)) : mssql_data_seek($query_id, $rownum); } else { return false; } } function sql_nextid() { return ($this->next_id[$this->db_connect_id]) ? $this->next_id[$this->db_connect_id] : false; } function sql_affectedrows() { return ($this->affected_rows[$this->db_connect_id]) ? $this->affected_rows[$this->db_connect_id] : false; } function sql_freeresult($query_id = 0) { if (!$query_id) { $query_id = $this->result; } return ($query_id) ? mssql_free_result($query_id) : false; } function sql_escape($msg) { return str_replace("'", "''", str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $msg)); } function sql_error($sql = '') { if (!$this->return_on_error) { $this_page = (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_ENV['PHP_SELF']; $this_page .= '&' . ((!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : $_ENV['QUERY_STRING']); $message = 'SQL ERROR [ ' . SQL_LAYER . ' ]

' . @mssql_get_last_message() . '


' . htmlspecialchars($this_page) . (($sql != '') ? '


' . $sql : '') . '
'; if ($this->transaction) { $this->sql_transaction('rollback'); } trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } $result = array( 'message' => @mssql_get_last_message(), 'code' => '' ); return $result; } } // class sql_db } // if ... define ?>