sql_query($sql)) { error_die($db, QUERY_ERROR); } $pagetype = "viewforum"; $page_title = "View Forum - $forum_name"; include('page_header.'.$phpEx); // // Add checking for private forums here!! // // If the query dosan't return any rows this isn't a valid forum. Inform the user. if(!$total_rows = $db->sql_numrows($result)) { error_die($db, "", "The forum you selected does not exist. Please go back and try again."); } $forum_row = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); if(!$forum_row) { error_die($db, QUERY_ERROR); } $forum_name = stripslashes($forum_row[0]["forum_name"]); for($x = 0; $x < $db->sql_numrows($result); $x++) { if($x > 0) $forum_moderators .= ", "; $forum_moderators .= "".$forum_row[$x]["username"].""; } $template->set_block("body", "topicrow", "topics"); if(!isset($start)) { $start = 0; } $sql = "SELECT t.*, u.username, p.post_time FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE ." t LEFT JOIN ". USERS_TABLE. " u ON t.topic_poster = u.user_id LEFT JOIN ".POSTS_TABLE." p ON p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id WHERE t.forum_id = '$forum_id' ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT $start, $topics_per_page"; if(!$t_result = $db->sql_query($sql)) { error_die($db, QUERY_ERROR); } $total_topics = $db->sql_numrows(); if($total_topics) { $topic_rowset = $db->sql_fetchrowset($t_result); for($x = 0; $x < $total_topics; $x++) { $topic_title = stripslashes($topic_rowset[$x]["topic_title"]); $topic_id = $topic_rowset[$x]["topic_id"]; $replies = $topic_rowset[$x]["topic_replies"]; $views = $topic_rowset[$x]["topic_views"]; $last_post_time = date($date_format, $topic_rowset[$x]["post_time"]); $last_post_user = $topic_rowset[$x]["username"]; $folder_img = ""; $template->set_var(array("FORUM_ID" => $forum_id, "TOPIC_ID" => $topic_id, "FOLDER" => $folder_img, "REPLIES" => $replies, "TOPIC_TITLE" => $topic_title, "VIEWS" => $views, "LAST_POST" => $last_post_time . "
" . $last_post_user)); $template->parse("topics", "topicrow", true); } $template->pparse("output", array("topics", "body")); } else { error_die($db, NO_POSTS); } include('page_tail.'.$phpEx); ?>