'Here you can manage the available styles on your board. You may alter existing styles, delete, deactivate, reactivate, install new ones. You can also see what a style will look like using the preview function. Also listed is the total user count for each style, note that overriding user styles will not be reflected here.', 'CANNOT_BE_INSTALLED' => 'Cannot be installed', 'CONFIRM_UNINSTALL_STYLES' => 'Are you sure you wish to uninstall selected styles?', 'COPYRIGHT' => 'Copyright', 'DEACTIVATE_DEFAULT' => 'You cannot deactivate the default style.', 'DELETE_FROM_FS' => 'Delete from filesystem', 'DELETE_STYLE_FILES_FAILED' => 'Error deleting files for style "%s".', 'DELETE_STYLE_FILES_SUCCESS' => 'Files for style "%s" have been deleted.', 'DETAILS' => 'Details', 'INHERITING_FROM' => 'Inherits from', 'INSTALL_STYLE' => 'Install style', 'INSTALL_STYLES' => 'Install styles', 'INSTALL_STYLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can install new styles.
If you cannot find a specific style in list below, check to make sure style is already installed. If it is not installed, check if it was uploaded correctly.', 'INVALID_STYLE_ID' => 'Invalid style ID.', 'NO_MATCHING_STYLES_FOUND' => 'No styles match your query.', 'NO_UNINSTALLED_STYLE' => 'No uninstalled styles detected.', 'PURGED_CACHE' => 'Cache was purged.', 'REQUIRES_STYLE' => 'This style requires the style "%s" to be installed.', 'STYLE_ACTIVATE' => 'Activate', 'STYLE_ACTIVE' => 'Active', 'STYLE_DEACTIVATE' => 'Deactivate', 'STYLE_DEFAULT' => 'Make default style', 'STYLE_DEFAULT_CHANGE_INACTIVE' => 'You must activate style before making it default style.', 'STYLE_ERR_INVALID_PARENT' => 'Invalid parent style.', 'STYLE_ERR_NAME_EXIST' => 'A style with that name already exists.', 'STYLE_ERR_STYLE_NAME' => 'You must supply a name for this style.', 'STYLE_INSTALLED' => 'Style "%s" has been installed.', 'STYLE_INSTALLED_RETURN_STYLES' => 'Click here to return to installed styles list.', 'STYLE_INSTALLED_RETURN_UNINSTALLED' => 'Click here to install more styles.', 'STYLE_NAME' => 'Style name', 'STYLE_NOT_INSTALLED' => 'Style "%s" was not installed.', 'STYLE_PATH' => 'Style path', 'STYLE_UNINSTALL' => 'Uninstall', 'STYLE_UNINSTALL_DEPENDENT' => 'Style "%s" cannot be uninstalled because it has one or more child styles.', 'STYLE_UNINSTALLED' => 'Style "%s" uninstalled successfully.', 'STYLE_USED_BY' => 'Used by (including robots)', 'UNINSTALL_DEFAULT' => 'You cannot uninstall the default style.', ));