'Admin language files',
'ACP_LANGUAGE_PACKS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to install/remove language packs. The default language pack is marked with an asterisk (*).',
'EMAIL_FILES' => 'E-mail templates',
'FILE_CONTENTS' => 'File contents',
'FILE_FROM_STORAGE' => 'File from storage folder',
'HELP_FILES' => 'Help files',
'INSTALLED_LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'Installed language packs',
'INVALID_LANGUAGE_PACK' => 'The selected language pack seems to be not valid. Please verify the language pack and upload it again if necessary.',
'INVALID_UPLOAD_METHOD' => 'The selected upload method is not valid, please choose a different method.',
'LANGUAGE_DETAILS_UPDATED' => 'Language details successfully updated.',
'LANGUAGE_ENTRIES' => 'Language entries',
'LANGUAGE_ENTRIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to change existing language pack entries or not already translated ones.
Note: Once you changed a language file, the changes will be stored within a separate folder for you to download. The changes will not be seen by your users until you replace the original language files at your webspace (by uploading them).',
'LANGUAGE_FILES' => 'Language files',
'LANGUAGE_KEY' => 'Language key',
'LANGUAGE_PACK_ALREADY_INSTALLED' => 'This language pack is already installed.',
'LANGUAGE_PACK_DELETED' => 'The language pack %s has been removed successfully. All users using this language have been reset to the boards default language.',
'LANGUAGE_PACK_DETAILS' => 'Language pack details',
'LANGUAGE_PACK_INSTALLED' => 'The language pack %s has been successfully installed.',
'LANGUAGE_PACK_CPF_UPDATE' => 'The custom profile fields’ language strings were copied from the default language. Please change them if necessary.',
'LANGUAGE_PACK_NOT_EXIST' => 'The selected language pack does not exist.',
'LANGUAGE_PACK_USED_BY' => 'Used by (including robots)',
'LANGUAGE_VARIABLE' => 'Language variable',
'LANG_AUTHOR' => 'Language pack author',
'LANG_ENGLISH_NAME' => 'English name',
'LANG_ISO_CODE' => 'ISO code',
'LANG_LOCAL_NAME' => 'Local name',
'MISSING_LANGUAGE_FILE' => 'Missing language file: %s',
'MISSING_LANG_VARIABLES' => 'Missing language variables',
'MODS_FILES' => 'MODs language files',
'NO_FILE_SELECTED' => 'You haven’t specified a language file.',
'NO_LANG_ID' => 'You haven’t specified a language pack.',
'NO_REMOVE_DEFAULT_LANG' => 'You are not able to remove the default language pack.
If you want to remove this language pack, change your boards default language first.',
'NO_UNINSTALLED_LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'No uninstalled language packs',
'REMOVE_FROM_STORAGE_FOLDER' => 'Remove from storage folder',
'SELECT_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT' => 'Select download format',
'SUBMIT_AND_DOWNLOAD' => 'Submit and download file',
'SUBMIT_AND_UPLOAD' => 'Submit and upload file',
'THOSE_MISSING_LANG_FILES' => 'The following language files are missing from the %s language folder',
'THOSE_MISSING_LANG_VARIABLES' => 'The following language variables are missing from the %s language pack',
'UNINSTALLED_LANGUAGE_PACKS' => 'Uninstalled language packs',
'UNABLE_TO_WRITE_FILE' => 'The file could not be written to %s.',
'UPLOAD_COMPLETED' => 'The upload was completed successfully.',
'UPLOAD_FAILED' => 'The upload failed for unknown reasons. You may need to replace the relevant file manually.',
'UPLOAD_METHOD' => 'Upload method',
'UPLOAD_SETTINGS' => 'Upload settings',
'WRONG_LANGUAGE_FILE' => 'Selected language file is invalid.',