* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ // Prevent 'Class "acm" does not exist.' exception on removeClass(). class PhpbbArrayStore extends Sami\Store\ArrayStore { public function removeClass(Sami\Project $project, $name) { unset($this->classes[$name]); } } $iterator = Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder::create() ->files() ->name('*.php') ->in(__DIR__ . '/../phpBB/') ->notPath('#^cache/#') ->notPath('#^develop/#') ->notPath('#^ext/#') ->notPath('#^vendor/#') ->notPath('data') ; $versions = Sami\Version\GitVersionCollection::create(__DIR__ . '/../') /* This would be nice, but currently causes various problems that need debugging. ->addFromTags('release-3.0.*') ->add('develop-olympus', '3.0-next (olympus)') ->addFromTags('release-3.1.*') ->add('develop-ascraeus', '3.1-next (ascraeus)') ->add('develop') */ ->add('develop-olympus') ->add('develop-ascraeus') ; $config = array( 'theme' => 'enhanced', 'versions' => $versions, 'title' => 'phpBB API Documentation', 'build_dir' => __DIR__.'/api/output/%version%', 'cache_dir' => __DIR__.'/api/cache/%version%', 'default_opened_level' => 2, // Do not use JsonStore. See https://github.com/fabpot/Sami/issues/79 'store' => new PhpbbArrayStore, ); return new Sami\Sami($iterator, $config);