backupStaticAttributesBlacklist += array( 'phpbb_functional_ucp_allow_pm_test' => array('data'), ); } // user A sends a PM to user B where B accepts PM public function test_enabled_pm_user_to_user() { // setup $this->create_user('test_ucp_allow_pm_sender'); $this->login('test_ucp_allow_pm_sender'); self::$data['recipient_id'] = $this->create_user('test_ucp_allow_pm_recipient'); self::$data['pm_url'] = "ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=" . (int) self::$data['recipient_id'] . "&sid={$this->sid}"; // the actual test $this->set_user_allow_pm(self::$data['recipient_id'], 1); $crawler = self::request('GET', self::$data['pm_url']); $this->assertNotContainsLang('PM_USERS_REMOVED_NO_PM', $crawler->filter('html')->text()); } // user A sends a PM to user B where B does not accept PM public function test_disabled_pm_user_to_user() { $this->login('test_ucp_allow_pm_sender'); $this->set_user_allow_pm(self::$data['recipient_id'], 0); $crawler = self::request('GET', self::$data['pm_url']); $this->assertContainsLang('PM_USERS_REMOVED_NO_PM', $crawler->filter('.error')->text()); } // An admin sends a PM to user B where B does not accept PM, but cannot // ignore a PM from an admin public function test_disabled_pm_admin_to_user() { $this->login(); $crawler = self::request('GET', self::$data['pm_url']); $this->assertNotContainsLang('PM_USERS_REMOVED_NO_PM', $crawler->filter('html')->text()); } // enable or disable PM for a user, like from ucp protected function set_user_allow_pm($user_id, $allow) { $db = $this->get_db(); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_allow_pm = " . $allow . " WHERE user_id = " . $user_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $db->sql_freeresult($result); } }