add_lang('acp/permissions'); $user->add_lang('acp/permissions_phpbb'); $this->tpl_name = 'acp_permissions'; // Trace has other vars if ($mode == 'trace') { $user_id = request_var('u', 0); $forum_id = request_var('f', 0); $permission = request_var('auth', ''); $this->tpl_name = 'permission_trace'; if ($user_id && isset($auth_admin->option_ids[$permission]) && $auth->acl_get('a_viewauth')) { $this->page_title = sprintf($user->lang['TRACE_PERMISSION'], $user->lang['acl_' . $permission]['lang']); $this->permission_trace($user_id, $forum_id, $permission); return; } trigger_error('NO_MODE'); } // Set some vars $action = request_var('action', array('' => 0)); $action = key($action); $action = (isset($_POST['psubmit'])) ? 'apply_permissions' : $action; $all_forums = request_var('all_forums', 0); $subforum_id = request_var('subforum_id', 0); $forum_id = request_var('forum_id', array(0)); $username = request_var('username', array(''), true); $usernames = request_var('usernames', '', true); $user_id = request_var('user_id', array(0)); $group_id = request_var('group_id', array(0)); $select_all_groups = request_var('select_all_groups', 0); // If select all groups is set, we pre-build the group id array (this option is used for other screens to link to the permission settings screen) if ($select_all_groups) { // Add default groups to selection $sql_and = ($config['coppa_hide_groups']) ? " AND group_name NOT IN ('INACTIVE_COPPA', 'REGISTERED_COPPA')" : ''; $sql = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE group_type = ' . GROUP_SPECIAL . " $sql_and"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $group_id[] = $row['group_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } // Map usernames to ids and vice versa if ($usernames) { $username = explode("\n", $usernames); } unset($usernames); if (sizeof($username) && !sizeof($user_id)) { user_get_id_name($user_id, $username); if (!sizeof($user_id)) { trigger_error($user->lang['SELECTED_USER_NOT_EXIST'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } } unset($username); // Build forum ids (of all forums are checked or subforum listing used) if ($all_forums) { $sql = 'SELECT forum_id FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY left_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_id = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_id[] = $row['forum_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } else if ($subforum_id) { $forum_id = array(); foreach (get_forum_branch($subforum_id, 'children') as $row) { $forum_id[] = $row['forum_id']; } } // Define some common variables for every mode $error = array(); $permission_scope = (strpos($mode, '_global') !== false) ? 'global' : 'local'; // Showing introductionary page? if ($mode == 'intro') { $this->page_title = 'ACP_PERMISSIONS'; $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_INTRO' => true) ); return; } switch ($mode) { case 'setting_user_global': case 'setting_group_global': $this->permission_dropdown = array('u_', 'm_', 'a_'); $permission_victim = ($mode == 'setting_user_global') ? array('user') : array('group'); $this->page_title = ($mode == 'setting_user_global') ? 'ACP_USERS_PERMISSIONS' : 'ACP_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS'; break; case 'setting_user_local': case 'setting_group_local': $this->permission_dropdown = array('f_', 'm_'); $permission_victim = ($mode == 'setting_user_local') ? array('user', 'forums') : array('group', 'forums'); $this->page_title = ($mode == 'setting_user_local') ? 'ACP_USERS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' : 'ACP_GROUPS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS'; break; case 'setting_admin_global': case 'setting_mod_global': $this->permission_dropdown = (strpos($mode, '_admin_') !== false) ? array('a_') : array('m_'); $permission_victim = array('usergroup'); $this->page_title = ($mode == 'setting_admin_global') ? 'ACP_ADMINISTRATORS' : 'ACP_GLOBAL_MODERATORS'; break; case 'setting_mod_local': case 'setting_forum_local': $this->permission_dropdown = ($mode == 'setting_mod_local') ? array('m_') : array('f_'); $permission_victim = array('forums', 'usergroup'); $this->page_title = ($mode == 'setting_mod_local') ? 'ACP_FORUM_MODERATORS' : 'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS'; break; case 'view_admin_global': case 'view_user_global': case 'view_mod_global': $this->permission_dropdown = ($mode == 'view_admin_global') ? array('a_') : (($mode == 'view_user_global') ? array('u_') : array('m_')); $permission_victim = array('usergroup_view'); $this->page_title = ($mode == 'view_admin_global') ? 'ACP_VIEW_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS' : (($mode == 'view_user_global') ? 'ACP_VIEW_USER_PERMISSIONS' : 'ACP_VIEW_GLOBAL_MOD_PERMISSIONS'); break; case 'view_mod_local': case 'view_forum_local': $this->permission_dropdown = ($mode == 'view_mod_local') ? array('m_') : array('f_'); $permission_victim = array('forums', 'usergroup_view'); $this->page_title = ($mode == 'view_mod_local') ? 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_MOD_PERMISSIONS' : 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_PERMISSIONS'; break; default: trigger_error('INVALID_MODE'); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'L_TITLE' => $user->lang[$this->page_title], 'L_EXPLAIN' => $user->lang[$this->page_title . '_EXPLAIN']) ); // Get permission type $permission_type = request_var('type', $this->permission_dropdown[0]); if (!in_array($permission_type, $this->permission_dropdown)) { trigger_error($user->lang['WRONG_PERMISSION_TYPE'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } // Handle actions if (strpos($mode, 'setting_') === 0 && $action) { switch ($action) { case 'delete': $this->remove_permissions($mode, $permission_type, $auth_admin, $user_id, $group_id, $forum_id); break; case 'apply_permissions': if (!isset($_POST['setting'])) { trigger_error($user->lang['NO_AUTH_SETTING_FOUND'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } $this->set_permissions($mode, $permission_type, $auth_admin, $user_id, $group_id); break; case 'apply_all_permissions': if (!isset($_POST['setting'])) { trigger_error($user->lang['NO_AUTH_SETTING_FOUND'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } $this->set_all_permissions($mode, $permission_type, $auth_admin, $user_id, $group_id); break; } } // Setting permissions screen $s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'group_id' => $group_id, 'forum_id' => $forum_id, 'type' => $permission_type) ); // Go through the screens/options needed and present them in correct order foreach ($permission_victim as $victim) { switch ($victim) { case 'forum_dropdown': if (sizeof($forum_id)) { $this->check_existence('forum', $forum_id); continue 2; } $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SELECT_FORUM' => true, 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => make_forum_select(false, false, true, false, false)) ); break; case 'forums': if (sizeof($forum_id)) { $this->check_existence('forum', $forum_id); continue 2; } $forum_list = make_forum_select(false, false, true, false, false, true); // Build forum options $s_forum_options = ''; foreach ($forum_list as $f_id => $f_row) { $s_forum_options .= ''; } // Build subforum options $s_subforum_options = $this->build_subforum_options($forum_list); $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SELECT_FORUM' => true, 'S_FORUM_OPTIONS' => $s_forum_options, 'S_SUBFORUM_OPTIONS' => $s_subforum_options, 'S_FORUM_ALL' => true, 'S_FORUM_MULTIPLE' => true) ); break; case 'user': if (sizeof($user_id)) { $this->check_existence('user', $user_id); continue 2; } $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SELECT_USER' => true, 'U_FIND_USERNAME' => $phpbb_root_path . "memberlist.$phpEx$SID&mode=searchuser&form=select_victim&field=username") ); break; case 'group': if (sizeof($group_id)) { $this->check_existence('group', $group_id); continue 2; } $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SELECT_GROUP' => true, 'S_GROUP_OPTIONS' => group_select_options(false)) ); break; case 'usergroup': case 'usergroup_view': if (sizeof($user_id) || sizeof($group_id)) { if (sizeof($user_id)) { $this->check_existence('user', $user_id); } if (sizeof($group_id)) { $this->check_existence('group', $group_id); } continue 2; } $sql_forum_id = ($permission_scope == 'global') ? 'AND a.forum_id = 0' : ((sizeof($forum_id)) ? 'AND a.forum_id IN (' . implode(', ', $forum_id) . ')' : 'AND a.forum_id <> 0'); $sql_permission_option = "AND o.auth_option LIKE '" . $db->sql_escape($permission_type) . "%'"; $sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT_DISTINCT', array( 'SELECT' => 'u.username, u.user_regdate, u.user_id', 'FROM' => array( USERS_TABLE => 'u', ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE => 'o', ACL_USERS_TABLE => 'a' ), 'LEFT_JOIN' => array( array( 'FROM' => array(ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE => 'r'), 'ON' => 'a.auth_role_id = r.role_id' ) ), 'WHERE' => "(a.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id OR r.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id) $sql_permission_option $sql_forum_id AND u.user_id = a.user_id", 'ORDER_BY' => 'u.username, u.user_regdate ASC' )); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $s_defined_user_options = ''; $defined_user_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $s_defined_user_options .= ''; $defined_user_ids[] = $row['user_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT_DISTINCT', array( 'SELECT' => 'g.group_type, g.group_name, g.group_id', 'FROM' => array( GROUPS_TABLE => 'g', ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE => 'o', ACL_GROUPS_TABLE => 'a' ), 'LEFT_JOIN' => array( array( 'FROM' => array(ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE => 'r'), 'ON' => 'a.auth_role_id = r.role_id' ) ), 'WHERE' => "(a.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id OR r.auth_option_id = o.auth_option_id) $sql_permission_option $sql_forum_id AND g.group_id = a.group_id", 'ORDER_BY' => 'g.group_type DESC, g.group_name ASC' )); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $s_defined_group_options = ''; $defined_group_ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $s_defined_group_options .= '' . (($row['group_type'] == GROUP_SPECIAL) ? $user->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']] : $row['group_name']) . ''; $defined_group_ids[] = $row['group_id']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // Now we check the users... because the "all"-selection is different here (all defined users/groups) $all_users = (isset($_POST['all_users'])) ? true : false; $all_groups = (isset($_POST['all_groups'])) ? true : false; if ($all_users && sizeof($defined_user_ids)) { $user_id = $defined_user_ids; continue 2; } if ($all_groups && sizeof($defined_group_ids)) { $group_id = $defined_group_ids; continue 2; } $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SELECT_USERGROUP' => ($victim == 'usergroup') ? true : false, 'S_SELECT_USERGROUP_VIEW' => ($victim == 'usergroup_view') ? true : false, 'S_DEFINED_USER_OPTIONS' => $s_defined_user_options, 'S_DEFINED_GROUP_OPTIONS' => $s_defined_group_options, 'S_ADD_GROUP_OPTIONS' => group_select_options(false, $defined_group_ids), 'U_FIND_USERNAME' => $phpbb_root_path . "memberlist.$phpEx$SID&mode=searchuser&form=add_user&field=username") ); break; } $template->assign_vars(array( 'U_ACTION' => $this->u_action, 'ANONYMOUS_USER_ID' => ANONYMOUS, 'S_SELECT_VICTIM' => true, 'S_CAN_SELECT_USER' => ($auth->acl_get('a_authusers')) ? true : false, 'S_CAN_SELECT_GROUP' => ($auth->acl_get('a_authgroups')) ? true : false, 'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields) ); // Let the forum names being displayed if (sizeof($forum_id)) { $sql = 'SELECT forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_id IN (' . implode(', ', $forum_id) . ') ORDER BY forum_name ASC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_names = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_names[] = $row['forum_name']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_FORUM_NAMES' => (sizeof($forum_names)) ? true : false, 'FORUM_NAMES' => implode(', ', $forum_names)) ); } return; } // Do not allow forum_ids being set and no other setting defined (will bog down the server too much) if (sizeof($forum_id) && !sizeof($user_id) && !sizeof($group_id)) { trigger_error($user->lang['ONLY_FORUM_DEFINED'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_PERMISSION_DROPDOWN' => (sizeof($this->permission_dropdown) > 1) ? $this->build_permission_dropdown($this->permission_dropdown, $permission_type) : false, 'L_PERMISSION_TYPE' => $user->lang['ACL_TYPE_' . strtoupper($permission_type)], 'U_ACTION' => $this->u_action, 'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields) ); if (strpos($mode, 'setting_') === 0) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_SETTING_PERMISSIONS' => true) ); $hold_ary = $auth_admin->get_mask('set', (sizeof($user_id)) ? $user_id : false, (sizeof($group_id)) ? $group_id : false, (sizeof($forum_id)) ? $forum_id : false, $permission_type, $permission_scope, ACL_UNSET); $auth_admin->display_mask('set', $permission_type, $hold_ary, ((sizeof($user_id)) ? 'user' : 'group'), (($permission_scope == 'local') ? true : false)); } else { $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_VIEWING_PERMISSIONS' => true) ); $hold_ary = $auth_admin->get_mask('view', (sizeof($user_id)) ? $user_id : false, (sizeof($group_id)) ? $group_id : false, (sizeof($forum_id)) ? $forum_id : false, $permission_type, $permission_scope, ACL_NO); $auth_admin->display_mask('view', $permission_type, $hold_ary, ((sizeof($user_id)) ? 'user' : 'group'), (($permission_scope == 'local') ? true : false)); } } /** * Build +subforum options */ function build_subforum_options($forum_list) { global $user; $s_options = ''; $forum_list = array_merge($forum_list); foreach ($forum_list as $key => $row) { $s_options .= ''; } return $s_options; } /** * Build dropdown field for changing permission types */ function build_permission_dropdown($options, $default_option) { global $user, $auth; $s_dropdown_options = ''; foreach ($options as $setting) { if (!$auth->acl_get('a_' . str_replace('_', '', $setting) . 'auth')) { continue; } $selected = ($setting == $default_option) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s_dropdown_options .= ''; } return $s_dropdown_options; } /** * Check if selected items exist. Remove not found ids and if empty return error. */ function check_existence($mode, &$ids) { global $db, $user; switch ($mode) { case 'user': $table = USERS_TABLE; $sql_id = 'user_id'; break; case 'group': $table = GROUPS_TABLE; $sql_id = 'group_id'; break; case 'forum': $table = FORUMS_TABLE; $sql_id = 'forum_id'; break; } $sql = "SELECT $sql_id FROM $table WHERE $sql_id IN (" . implode(', ', $ids) . ')'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $ids = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $ids[] = $row[$sql_id]; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!sizeof($ids)) { trigger_error($user->lang['SELECTED_' . strtoupper($mode) . '_NOT_EXIST'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } } /** * Apply permissions */ function set_permissions($mode, $permission_type, &$auth_admin, &$user_id, &$group_id) { global $user, $auth; $psubmit = request_var('psubmit', array(0)); // User or group to be set? $ug_type = (sizeof($user_id)) ? 'user' : 'group'; // Check the permission setting again if (!$auth->acl_get('a_' . str_replace('_', '', $permission_type) . 'auth') || !$auth->acl_get('a_auth' . $ug_type . 's')) { trigger_error($user->lang['NO_ADMIN'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } $ug_id = $forum_id = 0; // We loop through the auth settings defined in our submit list($ug_id, ) = each($psubmit); list($forum_id, ) = each($psubmit[$ug_id]); $auth_settings = array_map('intval', $_POST['setting'][$ug_id][$forum_id]); // Do we have a role we want to set? $assigned_role = (isset($_POST['role'][$ug_id][$forum_id])) ? (int) $_POST['role'][$ug_id][$forum_id] : 0; // Do the admin want to set these permissions to other items too? $inherit = request_var('inherit', array(0)); $ug_id = array($ug_id); $forum_id = array($forum_id); if (sizeof($inherit)) { foreach ($inherit as $_ug_id => $forum_id_ary) { // Inherit users/groups? if (!in_array($_ug_id, $ug_id)) { $ug_id[] = $_ug_id; } // Inherit forums? $forum_id = array_merge($forum_id, array_keys($forum_id_ary)); } } $forum_id = array_unique($forum_id); // If the auth settings differ from the assigned role, then do not set a role... if ($assigned_role) { if (!$this->check_assigned_role($assigned_role, $auth_settings)) { $assigned_role = 0; } } // Update the permission set... $auth_admin->acl_set($ug_type, $forum_id, $ug_id, $auth_settings, $assigned_role); // Do we need to recache the moderator lists? if ($permission_type == 'm_') { cache_moderators(); } // Remove users who are now moderators or admins from everyones foes list if ($permission_type == 'm_' || $permission_type == 'a_') { $this->update_foes(); } $this->log_action($mode, 'add', $permission_type, $ug_type, $ug_id, $forum_id); trigger_error($user->lang['AUTH_UPDATED'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } /** * Apply all permissions */ function set_all_permissions($mode, $permission_type, &$auth_admin, &$user_id, &$group_id) { global $user, $auth; // User or group to be set? $ug_type = (sizeof($user_id)) ? 'user' : 'group'; // Check the permission setting again if (!$auth->acl_get('a_' . str_replace('_', '', $permission_type) . 'auth') || !$auth->acl_get('a_auth' . $ug_type . 's')) { trigger_error($user->lang['NO_ADMIN'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } $auth_settings = (isset($_POST['setting'])) ? $_POST['setting'] : array(); $auth_roles = (isset($_POST['role'])) ? $_POST['role'] : array(); $ug_ids = $forum_ids = array(); // We need to go through the auth settings foreach ($auth_settings as $ug_id => $forum_auth_row) { $ug_id = (int) $ug_id; $ug_ids[] = $ug_id; foreach ($forum_auth_row as $forum_id => $auth_options) { $forum_id = (int) $forum_id; $forum_ids[] = $forum_id; // Check role... $assigned_role = (isset($auth_roles[$ug_id][$forum_id])) ? (int) $auth_roles[$ug_id][$forum_id] : 0; // If the auth settings differ from the assigned role, then do not set a role... if ($assigned_role) { if (!$this->check_assigned_role($assigned_role, $auth_options)) { $assigned_role = 0; } } // Update the permission set... $auth_admin->acl_set($ug_type, $forum_id, $ug_id, $auth_options, $assigned_role); } } // Do we need to recache the moderator lists? if ($permission_type == 'm_') { cache_moderators(); } // Remove users who are now moderators or admins from everyones foes list if ($permission_type == 'm_' || $permission_type == 'a_') { $this->update_foes(); } $this->log_action($mode, 'add', $permission_type, $ug_type, $ug_ids, $forum_ids); trigger_error($user->lang['AUTH_UPDATED'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } /** * Compare auth settings with auth settings from role * returns false if they differ, true if they are equal */ function check_assigned_role($role_id, &$auth_settings) { global $db; $sql = 'SELECT o.auth_option, r.auth_setting FROM ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . ' o, ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . ' r WHERE o.auth_option_id = r.auth_option_id AND r.role_id = ' . $role_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $test_auth_settings = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $test_auth_settings[$row['auth_option']] = $row['auth_setting']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // We need to add any ACL_UNSET setting from auth_settings to compare correctly foreach ($auth_settings as $option => $setting) { if ($setting == ACL_UNSET) { $test_auth_settings[$option] = $setting; } } if (sizeof(array_diff_assoc($auth_settings, $test_auth_settings))) { return false; } return true; } /** * Remove permissions */ function remove_permissions($mode, $permission_type, &$auth_admin, &$user_id, &$group_id, &$forum_id) { global $user, $db, $auth; // User or group to be set? $ug_type = (sizeof($user_id)) ? 'user' : 'group'; // Check the permission setting again if (!$auth->acl_get('a_' . str_replace('_', '', $permission_type) . 'auth') || !$auth->acl_get('a_auth' . $ug_type . 's')) { trigger_error($user->lang['NO_ADMIN'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } $auth_admin->acl_delete($ug_type, (($ug_type == 'user') ? $user_id : $group_id), (sizeof($forum_id) ? $forum_id : false), $permission_type); // Do we need to recache the moderator lists? if ($permission_type == 'm_') { cache_moderators(); } $this->log_action($mode, 'del', $permission_type, $ug_type, (($ug_type == 'user') ? $user_id : $group_id), (sizeof($forum_id) ? $forum_id : array(0 => 0))); trigger_error($user->lang['AUTH_UPDATED'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action)); } /** * Log permission changes */ function log_action($mode, $action, $permission_type, $ug_type, $ug_id, $forum_id) { global $db, $user; if (!is_array($ug_id)) { $ug_id = array($ug_id); } if (!is_array($forum_id)) { $forum_id = array($forum_id); } // Logging ... first grab user or groupnames ... $sql = ($ug_type == 'group') ? 'SELECT group_name as name, group_type FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE group_id' : 'SELECT username as name FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id'; $sql .= ' IN (' . implode(', ', array_map('intval', $ug_id)) . ')'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $l_ug_list = ''; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $l_ug_list .= (($l_ug_list != '') ? ', ' : '') . ((isset($row['group_type']) && $row['group_type'] == GROUP_SPECIAL) ? '' . $user->lang['G_' . $row['name']] . '' : $row['name']); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $mode = str_replace('setting_', '', $mode); if ($forum_id[0] == 0) { add_log('admin', 'LOG_ACL_' . strtoupper($action) . '_' . strtoupper($mode) . '_' . strtoupper($permission_type), $l_ug_list); } else { // Grab the forum details if non-zero forum_id $sql = 'SELECT forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_id IN (' . implode(', ', $forum_id) . ')'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $l_forum_list = ''; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $l_forum_list .= (($l_forum_list != '') ? ', ' : '') . $row['forum_name']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); add_log('admin', 'LOG_ACL_' . strtoupper($action) . '_' . strtoupper($mode) . '_' . strtoupper($permission_type), $l_forum_list, $l_ug_list); } } /** * Update foes - remove moderators and administrators from foe lists... */ function update_foes() { global $db, $auth; $perms = array(); foreach ($auth->acl_get_list(false, array('a_', 'm_'), false) as $forum_id => $forum_ary) { foreach ($forum_ary as $auth_option => $user_ary) { $perms = array_merge($perms, $user_ary); } } if (sizeof($perms)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ZEBRA_TABLE . ' WHERE zebra_id IN (' . implode(', ', array_unique($perms)) . ') AND foe = 1'; $db->sql_query($sql); } unset($perms); } /** * Display a complete trace tree for the selected permission to determine where settings are set/unset */ function permission_trace($user_id, $forum_id, $permission) { global $db, $template, $user, $auth; $sql = 'SELECT user_id, username, user_type FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $user_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$user_row) { trigger_error('NO_USERS'); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'PERMISSION' => $user->lang['acl_' . $permission]['lang'], 'PERMISSION_USERNAME' => $user_row['username']) ); $template->assign_block_vars('trace', array( 'WHO' => $user->lang['DEFAULT'], 'INFORMATION' => $user->lang['TRACE_DEFAULT'], 'S_SETTING_UNSET' => true, 'S_TOTAL_UNSET' => true) ); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT g.group_name, g.group_id, g.group_type FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' g LEFT JOIN ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' ug ON (ug.group_id = g.group_id) WHERE ug.user_id = ' . $user_id . ' ORDER BY g.group_type DESC, g.group_id DESC'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $groups = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $groups[$row['group_id']] = array( 'auth_setting' => ACL_UNSET, 'group_name' => ($row['group_type'] == GROUP_SPECIAL) ? $user->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']] : $row['group_name'] ); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($groups)) { // Get group auth settings $hold_ary = $auth->acl_group_raw_data(array_keys($groups), $permission, $forum_id); foreach ($hold_ary as $group_id => $forum_ary) { $groups[$group_id]['auth_setting'] = $hold_ary[$group_id][$forum_id][$permission]; } unset($hold_ary); $total = ACL_UNSET; foreach ($groups as $id => $row) { switch ($row['auth_setting']) { case ACL_UNSET: $information = $user->lang['TRACE_GROUP_UNSET']; break; case ACL_YES: $information = ($total == ACL_YES) ? $user->lang['TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_YES'] : (($total == ACL_NO) ? $user->lang['TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_NO'] : $user->lang['TRACE_GROUP_YES_TOTAL_UNSET']); $total = ($total == ACL_UNSET) ? ACL_YES : $total; break; case ACL_NO: $information = ($total == ACL_YES) ? $user->lang['TRACE_GROUP_NO_TOTAL_YES'] : (($total == ACL_NO) ? $user->lang['TRACE_GROUP_NO_TOTAL_NO'] : $user->lang['TRACE_GROUP_NO_TOTAL_UNSET']); $total = ACL_NO; break; } $template->assign_block_vars('trace', array( 'WHO' => $row['group_name'], 'INFORMATION' => $information, 'S_SETTING_UNSET' => ($row['auth_setting'] == ACL_UNSET) ? true : false, 'S_SETTING_YES' => ($row['auth_setting'] == ACL_YES) ? true : false, 'S_SETTING_NO' => ($row['auth_setting'] == ACL_NO) ? true : false, 'S_TOTAL_UNSET' => ($total == ACL_UNSET) ? true : false, 'S_TOTAL_YES' => ($total == ACL_YES) ? true : false, 'S_TOTAL_NO' => ($total == ACL_NO) ? true : false) ); } } // Get user specific permission... $hold_ary = $auth->acl_user_raw_data($user_id, $permission, $forum_id); $auth_setting = (!sizeof($hold_ary)) ? ACL_UNSET : $hold_ary[$user_id][$forum_id][$permission]; switch ($auth_setting) { case ACL_UNSET: $information = ($total == ACL_UNSET) ? $user->lang['TRACE_USER_UNSET_TOTAL_UNSET'] : $user->lang['TRACE_USER_KEPT']; $total = ($total == ACL_UNSET) ? ACL_NO : $total; break; case ACL_YES: $information = ($total == ACL_YES) ? $user->lang['TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_YES'] : (($total == ACL_NO) ? $user->lang['TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_NO'] : $user->lang['TRACE_USER_YES_TOTAL_UNSET']); $total = ($total == ACL_UNSET) ? ACL_YES : $total; break; case ACL_NO: $information = ($total == ACL_YES) ? $user->lang['TRACE_USER_NO_TOTAL_YES'] : (($total == ACL_NO) ? $user->lang['TRACE_USER_NO_TOTAL_NO'] : $user->lang['TRACE_USER_NO_TOTAL_UNSET']); $total = ACL_NO; break; } $template->assign_block_vars('trace', array( 'WHO' => $user_row['username'], 'INFORMATION' => $information, 'S_SETTING_UNSET' => ($auth_setting == ACL_UNSET) ? true : false, 'S_SETTING_YES' => ($auth_setting == ACL_YES) ? true : false, 'S_SETTING_NO' => ($auth_setting == ACL_NO) ? true : false, 'S_TOTAL_UNSET' => ($total == ACL_UNSET) ? true : false, 'S_TOTAL_YES' => ($total == ACL_YES) ? true : false, 'S_TOTAL_NO' => ($total == ACL_NO) ? true : false) ); // Take founder status into account, overwriting the default values if ($user_row['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER && strpos($permission, 'a_') === 0) { $template->assign_block_vars('trace', array( 'WHO' => $user_row['username'], 'INFORMATION' => $user->lang['TRACE_USER_FOUNDER'], 'S_SETTING_UNSET' => ($auth_setting == ACL_UNSET) ? true : false, 'S_SETTING_YES' => ($auth_setting == ACL_YES) ? true : false, 'S_SETTING_NO' => ($auth_setting == ACL_NO) ? true : false, 'S_TOTAL_UNSET' => false, 'S_TOTAL_YES' => true, 'S_TOTAL_NO' => false) ); } } } ?>