> 24 ) & 0xFF ), ( ( $ip >> 16 ) & 0xFF ), ( ( $ip >> 8 ) & 0xFF ), ( ( $ip ) & 0xFF ) ); } return($return); } function convert_date($date_in) { list($date, $time) = split(" ", $date_in); list($year, $month, $day) = split("-", $date); list($hours, $minutes) = split(":", $time); $timestamp = mktime($hours, $minutes, 0, $month, $day, $year); return($timestamp); } function drop_column($db, $table, $column) { $sql = "alter table $table drop $column"; if (!$r = mysql_query($sql, $db)) echo "ERROR! count not drop column $column from table $table. Reason: " . mysql_error(). ""; } function change_column($db, $table, $column, $type, $null) { $sql = "alter table $table change $column $column $type $null"; if (!$r = mysql_query($sql, $db)) echo "ERROR! count not change column $column from table $table. Reason: " . mysql_error(). ""; } function add_column($db, $table, $column, $type, $null) { $sql = "alter table $table add $column $type $null"; if (!$r = mysql_query($sql, $db)) echo "ERROR! count not add column $column from table $table. Reason: " . mysql_error(). ""; } ?> phpBB - Database upgrade 1.2 to 2.0 Developers edition Step 1: Backup the tables to be modified.
"; if(!$db = mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd")) die("Error, I could not connect to the database at $dbhost. Using username $dbuser.
Please go back and try again.
"); if(!@mysql_select_db("$dbname", $db)) die("Database $dbname could not be found"); $tables = array("posts" => "Y", "priv_msgs" => "Y", "sessions" => "Y", "topics" => "Y", "banlist" => "Y", "config" => "N", "forums" => "N", "users" => "N", "access" => "N", "smiles" => "N", "words" => "N", "forum_mods" => "N"); while (list($table_name, $drop_table) = each($tables)) { echo "Backing up the $table_name table...
"; $backup_name = $table_name . "_backup"; $table_create = "CREATE TABLE $backup_name (\n"; $r = mysql_query("show fields from $table_name", $db); if (0 != mysql_errno($db)) { die("Error, could not backup the table $table_name to $backup_name"); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $table_create .= " $row[Field] $row[Type]"; if (isset($row["Default"]) && (!empty($row["Default"]) || $row["Default"] == "0")) $table_create .= " DEFAULT '$row[Default]'"; if ($row["Null"] != "YES") $table_create .= " NOT NULL"; if ($row["Extra"] != "") $table_create .= " $row[Extra]"; $table_create .= ",\n"; } /* The code above leaves extra ',' at the end of the row. use ereg_replace to remove it */ $table_create = ereg_replace(",\n$", "", $table_create); echo "    Extracted the table columns ...
\n"; unset($index); $r = mysql_query("SHOW KEYS FROM $table_name", $db); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $key_name = $row['Key_name']; if (($key_name != "PRIMARY") && ($row['Non_unique'] == 0)) $key_name = "UNIQUE|$key_name"; if (!isset($index[$key_name])) $index[$key_name] = array(); $index[$key_name][] = $row['Column_name']; } while(list($x, $columns) = @each($index)) { $table_create .= ",\n"; if ($x == "PRIMARY") $table_create .= " PRIMARY KEY (" . implode($columns, ", ") . ")"; elseif (substr($x,0,6) == "UNIQUE") $table_create .= " UNIQUE " .substr($x,7). " (" . implode($columns, ", ") . ")"; else $table_create .= " KEY $x (" . implode($columns, ", ") . ")"; } echo "    Extracted the table indexes ...
\n"; $table_create .= "\n)"; mysql_query($table_create, $db); echo "    Created the backup table $backup_name ...
\n"; mysql_query("insert into $backup_name select * from $table_name", $db); echo "    Copied the data from $table_name to $backup_name...
\n"; if ($drop_table == 'Y') { mysql_query("drop table $table_name", $db); echo "    Dropped table $table_name...
\n"; } } } ?> Backups completed ok.

Step 2: Create the tables in the new format.
"; if(!$db = mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd")) die("Error, I could not connect to the database at $dbhost. Using username $dbuser.
Please go back and try again.
"); if(!@mysql_select_db("$dbname", $db)) die("Database $dbname could not be found"); $tables = array ("posts" => "CREATE TABLE posts ( post_id int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, topic_id int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_id int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, poster_id int(10) NOT NULL, post_time int(10) NOT NULL, poster_ip int(10) NOT NULL, KEY(forum_id), KEY(topic_id), KEY(poster_id), PRIMARY KEY (post_id))", "post_text" => "CREATE TABLE posts_text ( post_id int(10) NOT NULL, post_text text, PRIMARY KEY(post_id))", "pmsg" => "CREATE TABLE priv_msgs ( msg_id int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, from_userid int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, to_userid int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, msg_time int(10) NOT NULL, poster_ip int(10) NOT NULL, msg_status int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, msg_text text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (msg_id), KEY to_userid (to_userid) )", "sessions" => "CREATE TABLE sessions ( sess_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_id int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, start_time int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, remote_ip int(10) NOT NULL, username varchar(40), forum int(10), PRIMARY KEY (sess_id), KEY start_time (start_time), KEY remote_ip (remote_ip) )", "topics" => "CREATE TABLE topics ( topic_id int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, topic_title varchar(100) NOT NULL, topic_poster int(10) NOT NULL, topic_time int(10) NOT NULL, topic_views int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_id int(10) NOT NULL, topic_status tinyint(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_notify tinyint(3) DEFAULT '0', KEY(forum_id), PRIMARY KEY (topic_id))", "banlist" => "CREATE TABLE banlist( ban_id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT DEFAULT '0', ban_userid int(10), ban_ip int(10), ban_start int(10), ban_end int(10), ban_time_type int(10), PRIMARY KEY(ban_id))"); while(list($name, $table) = each($tables)) { echo "Creating table $name   "; if(!$r = mysql_query($table, $db)) die("ERROR! Could not create table. Reason: ". mysql_error().""); echo "[OK]
"; flush(); } drop_column($db, "config", "admin_passwd"); change_column($db, "config", "allow_html", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "config", "allow_bbcode", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "config", "allow_sig", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "config", "allow_namechange", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "config", "override_themes", "tinyint(3)", "null"); echo "Altered table config
"; drop_column($db, "forums", "forum_moderator"); change_column($db, "forums", "forum_access", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "forums", "forum_type", "tinyint(3)", "null"); add_column($db, "forums", "forum_posts", "int(10)", "default '0' not null"); add_column($db, "forums", "forum_topics", "int(10)", "default '0' not null"); echo "Altered table forums
"; change_column($db, "users", "user_aim", "varchar(255)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_yim", "varchar(255)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_msnm", "varchar(255)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_email", "varchar(255)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_viewemail", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_attachsig", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_desmile", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_html", "tinyint(3)", "null"); change_column($db, "users", "user_bbcode", "tinyint(3)", "null"); add_column($db, "users", "user_notify", "tinyint(3)", "null"); echo "Altered table users
"; change_column($db, "access", "access_title", "varchar(30)", "not null"); echo "Altered table access
"; change_column($db, "smiles", "code", "varchar(50)", "not null"); change_column($db, "smiles", "smile_url", "varchar(100)", "not null"); change_column($db, "smiles", "emotion", "varchar(75)", "not null"); echo "Altered table smiles
"; change_column($db, "words", "word", "varchar(100)", "not null"); change_column($db, "words", "replacement", "varchar(100)", "not null"); echo "Altered table words
"; add_column($db, "forum_mods", "mod_notify", "tinyint(3)", "null"); echo "Altered table forum_mods
"; ?> Step 4: Convert the data to the new table format.
"; if(!$db = mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd")) die("Error, I could not connect to the database at $dbhost. Using username $dbuser.
Please go back and try again.
"); if(!@mysql_select_db("$dbname", $db)) die("Database $dbname could not be found"); $r = mysql_query("select * from posts_backup", $db); echo "Converting posts and creating posts_text ...
"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $post_time = convert_date($row['post_time']); $post_ip = convert_ip($row['poster_ip']); $post_id = $row['post_id']; $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; $forum_id = $row['forum_id']; $poster_id = $row['poster_id']; $post_text = $row['post_text']; $sql = "insert posts (post_id, topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, poster_ip) values ($post_id, $topic_id, $forum_id, $poster_id, $post_time, $post_ip)"; mysql_query($sql, $db); if (mysql_errno($db) != 0) echo "The following error occured converting posts " . mysql_error($db) . "
"; $sql = "insert posts_text (post_id, post_text) values ($post_id, '$post_text')"; mysql_query($sql, $db); if (mysql_errno($db) != 0) echo "The following error occured converting posts_text " . mysql_error($db) . "
"; } $r = mysql_query("select * from priv_msgs_backup", $db); echo mysql_error($db); echo "Converting priv_msgs ..
"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $msg_time = convert_date($row['msg_time']); $poster_ip = convert_ip(''); $msg_id = $row['msg_id']; $from_userid = $row['from_userid']; $to_userid = $row['to_userid']; $msg_status = $row['msg_status']; $msg_text = $row['msg_text']; $sql = "insert priv_msgs (msg_id, from_userid, to_userid, msg_time, poster_ip, msg_status, msg_text) values ($msg_id, $from_userid, $to_userid, $msg_time, $poster_ip, $msg_status, '$msg_text')"; mysql_query($sql, $db); if (mysql_errno($db) != 0) echo "The following error occured converting priv_msgs " . mysql_error($db) . "
"; } $r = mysql_query("select * from sessions_backup", $db); echo "Converting sessions ..
"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $start_time = convert_date($row['start_time']); $remote_ip = convert_ip($row['remote_ip']); $sess_id = $row['sess_id']; $user_id = $row['user_id']; $sql = "insert sessions (sess_id, user_id, start_time, remote_ip) values ($sess_id, $user_id, $start_time, $remote_ip)"; mysql_query($sql, $db); if (mysql_errno($db) != 0) echo "The following error occured converting sessions " . mysql_error($db) . "
"; } $r = mysql_query("select * from topics_backup", $db); echo "Converting topics ..
"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $topic_time = convert_date($row['topic_time']); $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; $topic_title = $row['topic_title']; $topic_poster = $row['topic_poster']; $topic_views = $row['topic_views']; $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; $topic_status = $row['topic_status']; $topic_notify = $row['topic_notify']; $sql = "insert topics (topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_views, forum_id, topic_status, topic_notify) values ($topic_id, '$topic_title', $topic_poster, $topic_time, $topic_views, $forum_id, $topic_status, $topic_notify)"; mysql_query($sql, $db); if (mysql_errno($db) != 0) echo "The following error occured converting topics " . mysql_error($db) . "
"; } $r = mysql_query("select * from banlist_backup", $db); echo "Converting banlist ..
"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $ban_start = convert_date($row['ban_start']); $ban_end = convert_date($row['ban_end']); $ban_ip = convert_ip($row['ban_ip']); $ban_id = $row['ban_id']; $ban_userid = $row['ban_userid']; $ban_time_type = $row['ban_time_type']; $sql = "insert banlist (ban_id, ban_userid, ban_ip, ban_start, ban_end, ban_time_type) values ($ban_id, $ban_userid, $ban_ip, $ban_start, $ban_end, $ban_time_type)"; mysql_query($sql, $db); if (mysql_errno($db) != 0) echo "The following error occured converting banlist " . mysql_error($db) . "
"; } ?> All Done. Welcome! This script will upgrade your phpBB v1.2 database to version 2.0.
The upgrade will perform the following functions: