/* phpBB2 Oracle 8i DB schema - (c) 2001 The phpBB Group $Id$ */ /* This first section is optional, however its probably the best method of running phpBB on Oracle. If you already have a tablespace and user created for phpBB you can leave this section commented out! The first set of statements create a phpBB tablespace and a phpBB user, make sure you change the password of the phpBB user befor you run this script!! */ /* CREATE TABLESPACE phpbb DATAFILE 'E:/web/Oracle8i/ORADATA/phpbb01.dbf' SIZE 10M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M MAXSIZE 100M; CREATE USER phpbb IDENTIFIED BY phpbb_password DEFAULT TABLESPACE phpbb TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO phpbb; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO phpbb; GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO phpbb; GRANT CREATE TRIGGER TO phpbb; ALTER USER phpbb QUOTA unlimited ON phpbb; COMMIT; DISCONNECT; CONNECT phpbb/phpbb_password; */ CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_banlist_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_categories_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_config_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_disallow_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_forums_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_posts_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_privmsgs_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_ranks_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_smilies_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_themes_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_topics_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_users_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_words_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_groups_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_forum_prune_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; CREATE SEQUENCE phpbb_vote_desc_id_seq increment by 1 start with 2 minvalue 0; /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_auth_access -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_auth_access ( group_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_view number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_read number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_post number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_reply number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_edit number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_delete number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_announce number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_sticky number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_pollcreate number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_attachments number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_vote number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_mod number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_auth_access_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id) ); CREATE INDEX group_phpbb_auth_access_index ON phpbb_auth_access (forum_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_groups -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_groups ( group_id number(4) NOT NULL, group_name varchar(40) NOT NULL, group_type number(2) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, group_description varchar(255) NOT NULL, group_moderator number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, group_single_user number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_banlist -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_banlist ( ban_id number(4) NOT NULL, ban_userid number(4), ban_ip char(8), ban_email varchar(255), CONSTRAINT phpbb_banlist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ban_id) ); CREATE INDEX ban_userid_phpbb_banlist_index ON phpbb_banlist (ban_userid); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_categories -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_categories ( cat_id number(4) NOT NULL, cat_title varchar(100), cat_order number(4), CONSTRAINT phpbb_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cat_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_config -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_config ( config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, config_value varchar(255), CONSTRAINT phpbb_config_pkey PRIMARY KEY (config_name) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_disallow -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_disallow ( disallow_id number(4) NOT NULL, disallow_username varchar(25), CONSTRAINT phpbb_disallow_pkey PRIMARY KEY (disallow_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_forums -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_forums ( forum_id number(4) NOT NULL, cat_id number(4), forum_name varchar(150), forum_desc varchar(2000), forum_status number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_order number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, forum_posts number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_topics number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_last_post_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, prune_enable number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, prune_next number(4), auth_view number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_read number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_post number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_reply number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_edit number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_delete number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_announce number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_sticky number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_pollcreate number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_vote number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, auth_attachments number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_forums_pkey PRIMARY KEY (forum_id) ); CREATE INDEX cat_id_phpbb_forums_index ON phpbb_forums (cat_id); CREATE INDEX forums_order_phpbb_forums ON phpbb_forums (forum_order); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_forum_prune -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_forum_prune ( prune_id number(4) NOT NULL, forum_id number(4) NOT NULL, prune_days number(4) NOT NULL, prune_freq number(4) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_forum_prune_pkey PRIMARY KEY (prune_id) ); CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_forum_prune ON phpbb_forum_prune (forum_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_posts -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts ( post_id number(4) NOT NULL, topic_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, poster_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, post_time number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, post_username varchar(30), poster_ip char(8) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, enable_bbcode number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, enable_html number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, enable_smilies number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, enable_sig number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, post_edit_time number(11), post_edit_count number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_posts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (post_id) ); CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (forum_id); CREATE INDEX post_time_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (post_time); CREATE INDEX poster_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (poster_id); CREATE INDEX topic_id_phpbb_posts_index ON phpbb_posts (topic_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_posts_text -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_posts_text ( post_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, bbcode_uid varchar(10) DEFAULT '', post_subject varchar(255), post_text varchar(2000), CONSTRAINT phpbb_posts_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (post_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_privmsgs -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs ( privmsgs_id number(4) NOT NULL, privmsgs_type number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_subject varchar(255) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_from_userid number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_to_userid number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_date number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_ip char(8) NOT NULL, privmsgs_enable_bbcode number(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, privmsgs_enable_html number(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_enable_smilies number(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, privmsgs_attach_sig number(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_privmsgs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_id) ); CREATE INDEX privmsgs_from_userid_index ON phpbb_privmsgs (privmsgs_from_userid); CREATE INDEX privmsgs_to_userid_index ON phpbb_privmsgs (privmsgs_to_userid); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_privmsgs_text -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_privmsgs_text ( privmsgs_text_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_bbcode_uid char(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, privmsgs_text varchar(2000), CONSTRAINT phpbb_privmsgs_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (privmsgs_text_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_ranks -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_ranks ( rank_id number(4) NOT NULL, rank_title varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, rank_min number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, rank_special number(4) DEFAULT '0', rank_image varchar(255), CONSTRAINT phpbb_ranks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (rank_id) ); CREATE INDEX rank_max_phpbb_ranks_index ON phpbb_ranks (rank_max); CREATE INDEX rank_min_phpbb_ranks_index ON phpbb_ranks (rank_min); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_session -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_sessions ( session_id char(32) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, session_user_id number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, session_start number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, session_time number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, session_last_visit number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, session_ip char(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, session_page number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, session_logged_in number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_sessions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (session_id) ); CREATE INDEX session_id_ip_user_id ON phpbb_sessions (session_id, session_ip, session_user_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_smilies -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_smilies ( smilies_id number(4) NOT NULL, code varchar(50), smile_url varchar(100), emoticon varchar(75), CONSTRAINT phpbb_smilies_pkey PRIMARY KEY (smilies_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_themes -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes ( themes_id number(4) NOT NULL, style_name varchar(30), template_name varchar(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, head_stylesheet varchar(100), body_background varchar(100), body_bgcolor char(6), body_text char(6), body_link char(6), body_vlink char(6), body_alink char(6), body_hlink char(6), tr_color1 char(6), tr_color2 char(6), tr_color3 char(6), tr_class1 varchar(25), tr_class2 varchar(25), tr_class3 varchar(25), th_color1 char(6), th_color2 char(6), th_color3 char(6), th_class1 varchar(25), th_class2 varchar(25), th_class3 varchar(25), td_color1 char(6), td_color2 char(6), td_color3 char(6), td_class1 varchar(25), td_class2 varchar(25), td_class3 varchar(25), fontface1 varchar(25), fontface2 varchar(25), fontface3 varchar(25), fontsize1 number(4), fontsize2 number(4), fontsize3 number(4), fontcolor1 char(6), fontcolor2 char(6), fontcolor3 char(6), span_class1 varchar(25), span_class2 varchar(25), span_class3 varchar(25), CONSTRAINT phpbb_themes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (themes_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_themes_name -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes_name ( themes_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, tr_color1_name varchar(50), tr_color2_name varchar(50), tr_color3_name varchar(50), tr_class1_name varchar(50), tr_class2_name varchar(50), tr_class3_name varchar(50), th_color1_name varchar(50), th_color2_name varchar(50), th_color3_name varchar(50), th_class1_name varchar(50), th_class2_name varchar(50), th_class3_name varchar(50), td_color1_name varchar(50), td_color2_name varchar(50), td_color3_name varchar(50), td_class1_name varchar(50), td_class2_name varchar(50), td_class3_name varchar(50), fontface1_name varchar(50), fontface2_name varchar(50), fontface3_name varchar(50), fontsize1_name varchar(50), fontsize2_name varchar(50), fontsize3_name varchar(50), fontcolor1_name varchar(50), fontcolor2_name varchar(50), fontcolor3_name varchar(50), span_class1_name varchar(50), span_class2_name varchar(50), span_class3_name varchar(50), CONSTRAINT phpbb_themes_name_pkey PRIMARY KEY (themes_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_topics -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics ( topic_id number(4) NOT NULL, topic_title varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, topic_poster number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_time number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_views number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_replies number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, forum_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_status number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_vote number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_type number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, topic_moved_id number(4), topic_last_post_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_topics_pkey PRIMARY KEY (topic_id) ); CREATE INDEX phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (forum_id, topic_id); CREATE INDEX forum_id_phpbb_topics_index ON phpbb_topics (forum_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_topics_watch -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics_watch ( topic_id number(4), user_id number(4), notify_status number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX phpbb_topics_watch_index ON phpbb_topics_watch (topic_id, user_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_user_group -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_user_group ( group_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_pending number(4) ); CREATE INDEX group_id_phpbb_user_group ON phpbb_user_group (group_id); CREATE INDEX user_id_phpbb_user_group_index ON phpbb_user_group (user_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_users -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_users ( user_id number(4) NOT NULL, user_active number(4), username varchar(25) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, user_regdate number(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_password varchar(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, user_autologin_key varchar(32), user_email varchar(255), user_icq varchar(15), user_website varchar(100), user_occ varchar(100), user_from varchar(100), user_interests varchar(255), user_sig varchar(2000), user_sig_bbcode_uid char(10), user_style number(4), user_aim varchar(255), user_yim varchar(255), user_msnm varchar(255), user_posts number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_viewemail number(4), user_attachsig number(4), user_allowhtml number(4) DEFAULT '1', user_allowbbcode number(4) DEFAULT '1', user_allowsmile number(4) DEFAULT '1', user_allow_pm number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, user_allowavatar number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, user_allow_viewonline number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, user_rank number(4) DEFAULT '0', user_avatar varchar(100), user_level number(4) DEFAULT '1', user_lang varchar(255), user_timezone number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_dateformat varchar(14) DEFAULT 'd M Y H:m' NOT NULL, user_notify_pm number(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, user_notify number(4), user_actkey varchar(32), user_newpasswd varchar(32), CONSTRAINT phpbb_users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_desc -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_desc ( vote_id number(4) NOT NULL, topic_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, vote_text varchar2(4000) NOT NULL, vote_start number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, vote_length number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_vote_dsc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (vote_id) ); CREATE INDEX topic_id_phpbb_vote_desc_index ON phpbb_vote_desc (topic_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_results -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_results ( vote_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, vote_option_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, vote_option_text varchar(255) NOT NULL, vote_result number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX option_id_vote_results_index ON phpbb_vote_results (vote_option_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_vote_voters -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_vote_voters ( vote_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, vote_user_id number(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, vote_user_ip char(8) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX vote_id_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_id); CREATE INDEX vote_user_id_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_user_id); CREATE INDEX vote_user_ip_vote_voters_index ON phpbb_vote_voters (vote_user_ip); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table phpbb_words -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE phpbb_words ( word_id number(4) NOT NULL, word varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, replacement varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT phpbb_words_pkey PRIMARY KEY (word_id) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_groups -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_PHPBB_GROUPS_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "GROUP_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_GROUPS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_GROUPS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.group_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_banlist -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_PHPBB_BANLIST_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "BAN_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_BANLIST" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_BANLIST_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.ban_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_categories -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_CATEGORIES_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "CAT_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_CATEGORIES" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_CATEGORIES_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.cat_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_disallow -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_DISALLOW_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "DISALLOW_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_DISALLOW" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_DISALLOW_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.disallow_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_forums -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_FORUMS_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "FORUM_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_FORUMS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_FORUMS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.forum_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_forum_prune -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_FORUM_PRUNE_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "PRUNE_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_FORUM_PRUNE" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_FORUM_PRUNE_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.prune_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_posts -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_POSTS_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "POST_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_POSTS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_POSTS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.post_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_privmsgs -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_PRIVMSGS_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "PRIVMSGS_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_PRIVMSGS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_PRIVMSGS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.privmsgs_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_ranks -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_RANK_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "RANK_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_RANKS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_RANKS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.rank_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_smilies -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_SMILIES_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "SMILIES_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_SMILIES" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_SMILIES_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.smilies_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_themes -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_THEMES_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "THEMES_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_THEMES" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_THEMES_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.themes_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_topics -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_TOPICS_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "TOPIC_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_TOPICS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_TOPICS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.topic_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_users -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_USERS_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "USER_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_USERS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_USERS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.user_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_vote_desc -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_VOTE_DESC_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "VOTE_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_VOTE_DESC" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_VOTE_DESC_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.vote_id FROM DUAL; END; / /* -------------------------------------------------------- Trigger structure for table phpbb_words -------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "PHPBB"."SET_WORDS_ID_SEQ" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF "WORD_ID" ON "PHPBB"."PHPBB_WORDS" REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT PHPBB_WORDS_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.word_id FROM DUAL; END; / COMMIT;