markTestSkipped('phpBB uses PHP 5.3 syntax in some files, linting on PHP < 5.3 will fail'); } $root = dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'; $this->check($root); } protected function check($root) { $dh = opendir($root); while (($filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..' || $filename == 'git') { continue; } $path = $root . '/' . $filename; // skip symlinks to avoid infinite loops if (is_link($path)) { continue; } if (is_dir($path) && !in_array($path, self::$exclude)) { $this->check($path); } else if (substr($filename, strlen($filename)-4) == '.php') { // assume php binary is called php and it is in PATH $cmd = 'php -l ' . escapeshellarg($path); $output = array(); $status = 1; exec($cmd, $output, $status); $output = implode("\n", $output); $this->assertEquals(0, $status, "php -l failed for $path:\n$output"); } } } }