* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ /** * DO NOT CHANGE */ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { exit; } if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang)) { $lang = array(); } // DEVELOPERS PLEASE NOTE // // All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM. // // Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of // 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows // translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct // // You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine // equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text // in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'ACP_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => '
Permissions are highly granular and grouped into four major sections, which are:
These are used to control access on a global level and apply to the entire bulletin board. They are further divided into User Permissions, Group Permissions, Administrators and Global Moderators.
These are used to control access on a per forum basis. They are further divided into Forum Permissions, Forum Moderators, User Forum Permissions and Group Forum Permissions.
These are used to create different sets of permissions for the different permission types later being able to be assigned on a role-based basis. The default roles should cover the administration of bulletin boards large and small, though within each of the four divisions, you can add/edit/delete roles as you see fit.
These are used to view the effective permissions assigned to Users, Moderators (Local and Global), Administrators or Forums.
For further information on setting up and managing permissions on your phpBB3 board, please see Chapter 1.5 of our Quick Start Guide.
', 'ACL_NEVER' => 'Never', 'ACL_SET' => 'Setting permissions', 'ACL_SET_EXPLAIN' => 'Permissions are based on a simple YES/NO system. Setting an option to NEVER for a user or usergroup overrides any other value assigned to it. If you do not wish to assign a value for an option for this user or group select NO. If values are assigned for this option elsewhere they will be used in preference, else NEVER is assumed. All objects marked (with the checkbox in front of them) will copy the permission set you defined.', 'ACL_SETTING' => 'Setting', 'ACL_TYPE_A_' => 'Administrative permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_F_' => 'Forum permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_M_' => 'Moderative permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_U_' => 'User permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_GLOBAL_A_' => 'Administrative permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_GLOBAL_U_' => 'User permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_GLOBAL_M_' => 'Global Moderator permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_LOCAL_M_' => 'Forum Moderator permissions', 'ACL_TYPE_LOCAL_F_' => 'Forum permissions', 'ACL_NO' => 'No', 'ACL_VIEW' => 'Viewing permissions', 'ACL_VIEW_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can see the effective permissions the user/group is having. A red square indicates that the user/group does not have the permission, a green square indicates that the user/group does have the permission.', 'ACL_YES' => 'Yes', 'ACP_ADMINISTRATORS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign administrator permissions to users or groups. All users with administrator permissions can view the administration control panel.', 'ACP_FORUM_MODERATORS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign users and groups as forum moderators. To assign users access to forums, to define global moderative permissions or administrators please use the appropriate page.', 'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can alter which users and groups can access which forums. To assign moderators or define administrators please use the appropriate page.', 'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_COPY_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can copy forum permissions from one forum to one or more other forums.', 'ACP_GLOBAL_MODERATORS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign global moderator permissions to users or groups. These moderators are like ordinary moderators except they have access to every forum on your board.', 'ACP_GROUPS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign forum permissions to groups.', 'ACP_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign global permissions to groups - user permissions, global moderator permissions and administrator permissions. User permissions include capabilities such as the use of avatars, sending private messages, et cetera; global moderator permissions such as approving posts, manage topics, manage bans, et cetera and lastly administrator permissions such as altering permissions, define custom BBCodes, manage forums, et cetera. Individual user permissions should only be changed in rare occasions, the preferred method is putting users in groups and assigning the group permissions.', 'ACP_ADMIN_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for administrative permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.', 'ACP_FORUM_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for forum permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.', 'ACP_MOD_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for moderative permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.', 'ACP_USER_ROLES_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to manage the roles for user permissions. Roles are effective permissions, if you change a role the items having this role assigned will change its permissions too.', 'ACP_USERS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign forum permissions to users.', 'ACP_USERS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can assign global permissions to users - user permissions, global moderator permissions and administrator permissions. User permissions include capabilities such as the use of avatars, sending private messages, et cetera; global moderator permissions such as approving posts, manage topics, manage bans, et cetera and lastly administrator permissions such as altering permissions, define custom BBCodes, manage forums, et cetera. To alter these settings for large numbers of users the Group permissions system is the preferred method. User permissions should only be changed in rare occasions, the preferred method is putting users in groups and assigning the group permissions.', 'ACP_VIEW_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the effective administrative permissions assigned to the selected users/groups.', 'ACP_VIEW_GLOBAL_MOD_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the global moderative permissions assigned to the selected users/groups.', 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the forum permissions assigned to the selected users/groups and forums.', 'ACP_VIEW_FORUM_MOD_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the forum moderator permissions assigned to the selected users/groups and forums.', 'ACP_VIEW_USER_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can view the effective user permissions assigned to the selected users/groups.', 'ADD_GROUPS' => 'Add groups', 'ADD_PERMISSIONS' => 'Add permissions', 'ADD_USERS' => 'Add users', 'ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS' => 'Advanced Permissions', 'ALL_GROUPS' => 'Select all groups', 'ALL_NEVER' => 'All NEVER', 'ALL_NO' => 'All NO', 'ALL_USERS' => 'Select all users', 'ALL_YES' => 'All YES', 'APPLY_ALL_PERMISSIONS' => 'Apply all permissions', 'APPLY_PERMISSIONS' => 'Apply permissions', 'APPLY_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'The permissions and role defined for this item will only be applied to this item and all checked items.', 'AUTH_UPDATED' => 'Permissions have been updated.', 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to carry out this operation? Please be aware that this will overwrite any existing permissions on the selected targets.', 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_FORUM_FROM_EXPLAIN' => 'The source forum you want to copy permissions from.', 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_FORUM_TO_EXPLAIN' => 'The destination forums you want the copied permissions applied to.', 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_FROM' => 'Copy permissions from', 'COPY_PERMISSIONS_TO' => 'Apply permissions to', 'CREATE_ROLE' => 'Create role', 'CREATE_ROLE_FROM' => 'Use settings from…', 'CUSTOM' => 'Custom…', 'DEFAULT' => 'Default', 'DELETE_ROLE' => 'Delete role', 'DELETE_ROLE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this role? Items having this role assigned will not lose their permission settings.', 'DISPLAY_ROLE_ITEMS' => 'View items using this role', 'EDIT_PERMISSIONS' => 'Edit permissions', 'EDIT_ROLE' => 'Edit role', 'GROUPS_NOT_ASSIGNED' => 'No group assigned to this role', 'LOOK_UP_GROUP' => 'Look up usergroup', 'LOOK_UP_USER' => 'Look up user', 'MANAGE_GROUPS' => 'Manage groups', 'MANAGE_USERS' => 'Manage users', 'NO_AUTH_SETTING_FOUND' => 'Permission settings not defined.', 'NO_ROLE_ASSIGNED' => 'No role assigned…', 'NO_ROLE_ASSIGNED_EXPLAIN' => 'Setting to this role does not change permissions on the right. If you want to unset/remove all permissions you should use the “All NO” link.', 'NO_ROLE_AVAILABLE' => 'No role available', 'NO_ROLE_NAME_SPECIFIED' => 'Please give the role a name.', 'NO_ROLE_SELECTED' => 'Role could not be found.', 'NO_USER_GROUP_SELECTED' => 'You haven’t selected any user or group.', 'ONLY_FORUM_DEFINED' => 'You only defined forums in your selection. Please also select at least one user or one group.', 'PERMISSION_APPLIED_TO_ALL' => 'Permissions and role will also be applied to all checked objects', 'PLUS_SUBFORUMS' => '+Subforums', 'REMOVE_PERMISSIONS' => 'Remove permissions', 'REMOVE_ROLE' => 'Remove role', 'RESULTING_PERMISSION' => 'Resulting permission', 'ROLE' => 'Role', 'ROLE_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Role successfully added.', 'ROLE_ASSIGNED_TO' => 'Users/Groups assigned to %s', 'ROLE_DELETED' => 'Role successfully removed.', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Role description', 'ROLE_ADMIN_FORUM' => 'Forum Admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN_FULL' => 'Full Admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN_STANDARD' => 'Standard Admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN_USERGROUP' => 'User and Groups Admin', 'ROLE_FORUM_BOT' => 'Bot Access', 'ROLE_FORUM_FULL' => 'Full Access', 'ROLE_FORUM_LIMITED' => 'Limited Access', 'ROLE_FORUM_LIMITED_POLLS' => 'Limited Access + Polls', 'ROLE_FORUM_NOACCESS' => 'No Access', 'ROLE_FORUM_ONQUEUE' => 'On Moderation Queue', 'ROLE_FORUM_POLLS' => 'Standard Access + Polls', 'ROLE_FORUM_READONLY' => 'Read Only Access', 'ROLE_FORUM_STANDARD' => 'Standard Access', 'ROLE_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER' => 'Newly Registered User Access', 'ROLE_MOD_FULL' => 'Full Moderator', 'ROLE_MOD_QUEUE' => 'Queue Moderator', 'ROLE_MOD_SIMPLE' => 'Simple Moderator', 'ROLE_MOD_STANDARD' => 'Standard Moderator', 'ROLE_USER_FULL' => 'All Features', 'ROLE_USER_LIMITED' => 'Limited Features', 'ROLE_USER_NOAVATAR' => 'No Avatar', 'ROLE_USER_NOPM' => 'No Private Messages', 'ROLE_USER_STANDARD' => 'Standard Features', 'ROLE_USER_NEW_MEMBER' => 'Newly Registered User Features', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_FORUM' => 'Can access the forum management and forum permission settings.', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_FULL' => 'Has access to all administrative functions of this board.