start(); $acl = new auth('list', $userdata); // // End session management // // // Configure style, language, etc. // $session->configure($userdata); $viewcat = ( !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['c']) ) ? intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['c']) : -1; $forum_id = ( !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['f']) ) ? intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['f']) : 0; if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mark']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mark']) ) { $mark_read = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['mark']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['mark'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['mark']; } else { $mark_read = ''; } // // Handle marking posts // if ( $mark_read == 'forums' ) { if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) { setcookie($board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all', time(), 0, $board_config['cookie_path'], $board_config['cookie_domain'], $board_config['cookie_secure']); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'META' => '') ); $message = $lang['Forums_marked_read'] . '

' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_index'], '', ' '); message_die(MESSAGE, $message); } // // End handle marking posts // $tracking_topics = ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) : array(); $tracking_forums = ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) : array(); // // If you don't use these stats on your index you may want to consider // removing them // $total_posts = get_db_stat('postcount'); $total_users = $board_config['num_users']; $newest_user = $board_config['newest_username']; $newest_uid = $board_config['newest_user_id']; if ( $total_posts == 0 ) { $l_total_post_s = $lang['Posted_articles_zero_total']; } else if ( $total_posts == 1 ) { $l_total_post_s = $lang['Posted_article_total']; } else { $l_total_post_s = $lang['Posted_articles_total']; } if ( $total_users == 0 ) { $l_total_user_s = $lang['Registered_users_zero_total']; } else if ( $total_users == 1 ) { $l_total_user_s = $lang['Registered_user_total']; } else { $l_total_user_s = $lang['Registered_users_total']; } /* switch ( SQL_LAYER ) { case 'oracle': break; default: $sql = "SELECT f1.*, p.post_time, p.post_username, u.username, u.user_id FROM ((( " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f1 LEFT JOIN " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f2 LEFT JOIN " . POSTS_TABLE . " p ON p.post_id = f2.forum_last_post_id ) LEFT JOIN " . USERS_TABLE . " u ON u.user_id = p.poster_id ) WHERE f1.forum_left_id BETWEEN f2.forum_left_id AND f2.forum_right_id ORDER BY f2.forum_id"; break; } $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_data = array(); if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { do { $forum_data[] = $row; } while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ); $total_forums = sizeof($forum_data); } if ( $total_forums > 1 ) { $last_forum_right_id = 0; for( $i = 0; $i < $total_forums; $i++) { $row_forum_id = $forum_data[$i]['forum_id']; // // A non-postable forum on the index is treated as a category // if ( $forum_data[$i]['forum_status'] == 2 || $row_forum_id == $forum_id ) { $template->assign_block_vars('catrow', array( 'CAT_ID' => $forum_id, 'CAT_DESC' => $forum_data[$i]['forum_name'], 'U_VIEWCAT' => "index.$phpEx?$SID&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id") ); $current_parent = $row_forum_id; } else { if ( $forum_data[$i]['parent_id'] == $current_parent ) { if ( $acl->get_acl($row_forum_id, 'forum', 'list') ) { if ( $forum_data[$i]['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED ) { $folder_image = $theme['forum_locked']; $folder_alt = $lang['Forum_locked']; } else { $unread_topics = false; if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) { if ( !empty($new_topic_data[$row_forum_id]) ) { $forum_last_post_time = 0; while( list($check_topic_id, $check_post_time) = @each($new_topic_data[$row_forum_id]) ) { if ( empty($tracking_topics[$check_topic_id]) ) { $unread_topics = true; $forum_last_post_time = max($check_post_time, $forum_last_post_time); } else { if ( $tracking_topics[$check_topic_id] < $check_post_time ) { $unread_topics = true; $forum_last_post_time = max($check_post_time, $forum_last_post_time); } } } if ( !empty($tracking_forums[$row_forum_id]) ) { if ( $tracking_forums[$row_forum_id] > $forum_last_post_time ) { $unread_topics = false; } } if ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all']) ) { if ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all'] > $forum_last_post_time ) { $unread_topics = false; } } } } $folder_image = ( $unread_topics ) ? $theme['forum_new'] : $theme['forum']; $folder_alt = ( $unread_topics ) ? $lang['New_posts'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; } $posts = $forum_data[$i]['forum_posts']; $topics = $forum_data[$i]['forum_topics']; if ( $forum_data[$i]['forum_last_post_id'] ) { $last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $forum_data[$i]['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); $last_post = $last_post_time . '
'; $last_post .= ( $forum_data[$i]['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS ) ? ( ($forum_data[$i]['post_username'] != '' ) ? $forum_data[$i]['post_username'] . ' ' : $lang['Guest'] . ' ' ) : '' . $forum_data[$i]['username'] . ' '; $last_post .= '' . $lang['View_latest_post'] . ''; } else { $last_post = $lang['No_Posts']; } if ( count($forum_moderators[$row_forum_id]) > 0 ) { $l_moderators = ( count($forum_moderators[$row_forum_id]) == 1 ) ? $lang['Moderator'] : $lang['Moderators']; $moderator_list = implode(', ', $forum_moderators[$row_forum_id]); } else { $l_moderators = ' '; $moderator_list = ' '; } $row_color = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_color1'] : $theme['td_color2']; $row_class = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2']; $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.forumrow', array( 'ROW_COLOR' => '#' . $row_color, 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class, 'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG' => $folder_image, 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_data[$i]['forum_name'], 'FORUM_DESC' => $forum_data[$i]['forum_desc'], 'POSTS' => $forum_data[$i]['forum_posts'], 'TOPICS' => $forum_data[$i]['forum_topics'], 'LAST_POST' => $last_post, 'MODERATORS' => $moderator_list, 'L_MODERATOR' => $l_moderators, 'L_FORUM_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt, 'U_VIEWFORUM' => "viewforum.$phpEx$SID&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$row_forum_id") ); } } } } $template->assign_var_from_handle('SUB_FORUM', 'forum'); } */ // // Start page proper // $sql = "SELECT c.cat_id, c.cat_title, c.cat_order FROM " . CATEGORIES_TABLE . " c ORDER BY c.cat_order"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ( $category_rows[] = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ); if ( ( $total_categories = count($category_rows) ) ) { // // Define appropriate SQL // switch ( SQL_LAYER ) { case 'oracle': $sql = "SELECT f.*, p.post_time, p.post_username, u.username, u.user_id FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . USERS_TABLE . " u WHERE p.post_id = f.forum_last_post_id(+) AND u.user_id = p.poster_id(+) ORDER BY f.cat_id, f.forum_order"; break; default: $sql = "SELECT f.*, p.post_time, p.post_username, u.username, u.user_id FROM (( " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f LEFT JOIN " . POSTS_TABLE . " p ON p.post_id = f.forum_last_post_id ) LEFT JOIN " . USERS_TABLE . " u ON u.user_id = p.poster_id ) ORDER BY f.cat_id, f.forum_order"; break; } $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $forum_data = array(); while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { $forum_data[] = $row; } // // Obtain a list of topic ids which contain // posts made since user last visited // /* if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) { $sql = "SELECT t.forum_id, t.topic_id, p.post_time FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p WHERE p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND p.post_time > " . $userdata['user_lastvisit'] . " AND t.topic_moved_id = 0"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $new_topic_data = array(); while( $topic_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { $new_topic_data[$topic_data['forum_id']][$topic_data['topic_id']] = $topic_data['post_time']; } } */ // // Obtain list of moderators of each forum // First users, then groups ... broken into two queries // $forum_moderators = array(); get_moderators($forum_moderators); $template->assign_vars(array( 'TOTAL_POSTS' => sprintf($l_total_post_s, $total_posts), 'TOTAL_USERS' => sprintf($l_total_user_s, $total_users), 'NEWEST_USER' => sprintf($lang['Newest_user'], '', $newest_user, ''), 'FORUM_IMG' => create_img($theme['forum'], $lang['No_new_posts']), 'FORUM_NEW_IMG' => create_img($theme['forum_new'], $lang['New_posts']), 'FORUM_LOCKED_IMG' => create_img($theme['forum_locked'], $lang['No_new_posts_locked']), 'L_FORUM' => $lang['Forum'], 'L_TOPICS' => $lang['Topics'], 'L_REPLIES' => $lang['Replies'], 'L_VIEWS' => $lang['Views'], 'L_POSTS' => $lang['Posts'], 'L_LASTPOST' => $lang['Last_Post'], 'L_NO_NEW_POSTS' => $lang['No_new_posts'], 'L_NEW_POSTS' => $lang['New_posts'], 'L_NO_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED' => $lang['No_new_posts_locked'], 'L_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED' => $lang['New_posts_locked'], 'L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Online_explain'], 'L_VIEW_MODERATORS' => $lang['View_moderators'], 'L_FORUM_LOCKED' => $lang['Forum_is_locked'], 'L_MARK_FORUMS_READ' => $lang['Mark_all_forums'], 'L_LEGEND' => $lang['Legend'], 'L_NO_FORUMS' => $lang['No_forums'], 'S_LEGEND' => $legend, 'U_MARK_READ' => "index.$phpEx$SID&mark=forums") ); // // Okay, let's build the index // for($i = 0; $i < $total_categories; $i++) { $cat_id = $category_rows[$i]['cat_id']; // // Should we display this category/forum set? // $display_forums = false; for($j = 0; $j < sizeof($forum_data); $j++) { if ( $acl->get_acl($forum_data[$j]['forum_id'], 'forum', 'list') && $forum_data[$j]['cat_id'] == $cat_id ) { $display_forums = true; } } // // Yes, we should, so first dump out the category // title, then, if appropriate the forum list // if ( $display_forums ) { $template->assign_block_vars('catrow', array( 'CAT_ID' => $cat_id, 'CAT_DESC' => $category_rows[$i]['cat_title'], 'U_VIEWCAT' => "index.$phpEx$SID&c=$cat_id", 'HAVE_FORUMS' => true) ); if ( $viewcat == $cat_id || $viewcat == -1 ) { for($j = 0; $j < sizeof($forum_data); $j++) { if ( $forum_data[$j]['cat_id'] == $cat_id ) { $row_forum_id = $forum_data[$j]['forum_id']; if ( $acl->get_acl($row_forum_id, 'forum', 'list') ) { if ( $forum_data[$j]['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED ) { $folder_image = $theme['forum_locked']; $folder_alt = $lang['Forum_locked']; } else { $unread_topics = false; if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) { if ( !empty($new_topic_data[$row_forum_id]) ) { $forum_last_post_time = 0; foreach ( $new_topic_data[$row_forum_id] as $check_topic_id => $check_post_time ) { if ( empty($tracking_topics[$check_topic_id]) ) { $unread_topics = true; $forum_last_post_time = max($check_post_time, $forum_last_post_time); } else { if ( $tracking_topics[$check_topic_id] < $check_post_time ) { $unread_topics = true; $forum_last_post_time = max($check_post_time, $forum_last_post_time); } } } if ( !empty($tracking_forums[$row_forum_id]) ) { if ( $tracking_forums[$row_forum_id] > $forum_last_post_time ) { $unread_topics = false; } } if ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all']) ) { if ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f_all'] > $forum_last_post_time ) { $unread_topics = false; } } } } $folder_image = ( $unread_topics ) ? $theme['forum_new'] : $theme['forum']; $folder_alt = ( $unread_topics ) ? $lang['New_posts'] : $lang['No_new_posts']; } $posts = $forum_data[$j]['forum_posts']; $topics = $forum_data[$j]['forum_topics']; if ( $forum_data[$j]['forum_last_post_id'] ) { $last_post_time = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $forum_data[$j]['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']); $last_post = $last_post_time . '
'; $last_post .= ( $forum_data[$j]['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS ) ? ( ($forum_data[$j]['post_username'] != '' ) ? $forum_data[$j]['post_username'] . ' ' : $lang['Guest'] . ' ' ) : '' . $forum_data[$j]['username'] . ' '; $last_post .= '' . create_img($theme['goto_post_latest'], $lang['View_latest_post']) . ''; } else { $last_post = $lang['No_Posts']; } if ( count($forum_moderators[$row_forum_id]) > 0 ) { $l_moderators = ( count($forum_moderators[$row_forum_id]) == 1 ) ? $lang['Moderator'] . ':' : $lang['Moderators'] . ':' ; $moderator_list = implode(', ', $forum_moderators[$row_forum_id]); } else { $l_moderators = ' '; $moderator_list = ' '; } $template->assign_block_vars('catrow.forumrow', array( 'ROW_COUNT' => $i, 'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG' => create_img($folder_image, $folder_alt), 'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_data[$j]['forum_name'], 'FORUM_DESC' => $forum_data[$j]['forum_desc'], 'POSTS' => $forum_data[$j]['forum_posts'], 'TOPICS' => $forum_data[$j]['forum_topics'], 'LAST_POST' => $last_post, 'MODERATORS' => $moderator_list, 'FORUM_IMG' => $forum_data[$j]['forum_image'], 'L_MODERATOR' => $l_moderators, 'L_FORUM_FOLDER_ALT' => $folder_alt, 'U_VIEWFORUM' => "viewforum.$phpEx$SID&f=$row_forum_id") ); } } } } } } // for ... categories }// if ... total_categories // // Start output of page // $page_title = $lang['Index']; include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx); $template->set_filenames(array( 'body' => 'index_body.html') ); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx); ?>