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by "; $last_post .= "".$forum_rows[$j]['username']." "; $last_post .= "\"View"; } else { $last_post = "No Posts"; $forum_rows[$j]['forum_name'] = stripslashes($forum_rows[$j]['forum_name']); } if($row_color == "#DDDDDD") { $row_color = "#CCCCCC"; } else { $row_color = "#DDDDDD"; } unset($moderators_links); for($mods = 0; $mods < count($forum_mods['forum_'.$forum_rows[$j]['forum_id'].'_id']); $mods++) { if(isset($moderators_links)) { $moderators_links .= ", "; } if(!($mods % 2) && $mods != 0) { $moderators_links .= "
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