'Active topics', 'ANNOUNCEMENTS' => 'Announcements', 'FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'Forum permissions', 'ICON_ANNOUNCEMENT' => 'Announcement', 'ICON_STICKY' => 'Sticky', 'LOGIN_NOTIFY_FORUM' => 'You have been notified about this forum, please login to view it.', 'MARK_TOPICS_READ' => 'Mark topics read', 'MOVED_TOPIC' => 'Moved topic', 'NEW_POSTS_HOT' => 'New posts [ Popular ]', 'NEW_POSTS_LOCKED' => 'New posts [ Locked ]', 'NO_NEW_POSTS_HOT' => 'No new posts [ Popular ]', 'NO_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED' => 'No new posts [ Locked ]', 'NO_READ_ACCESS' => 'You do not have the required permissions to read topics within this forum.', 'POST_FORUM_LOCKED' => 'Forum is locked', 'TOPICS_MARKED' => 'The topics for this forum have now been marked read', 'VIEW_FORUM' => 'View forum', 'VIEW_FORUM_TOPIC' => '1 topic', 'VIEW_FORUM_TOPICS' => '%d topics', )); ?>