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# Basic DB data for phpBB2 devel
# $id: mysql_basic.sql,v 1.10 2001/04/19 17:26:24 psotfx Exp $
# -- Config
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_id, sitename, allow_html, allow_bbcode, allow_smilies, allow_sig, allow_namechange, selected, posts_per_page, hot_threshold, topics_per_page, flood_interval, allow_theme_create, override_themes, email_sig, email_from, default_theme, default_lang, default_dateformat, system_timezone, sys_template, avatar_filesize, avatar_path, allow_avatar_upload) VALUES ( '1', 'phpbb.com', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '10', '10', '25', '10', '0', '0', '', '', '5', 'english', 'd M Y H:m:i', '0', 'Default', '6144', 'images/avatars', '0');
# -- Categories
INSERT INTO phpbb_categories VALUES (1,'Test category 1','1');
# -- Forums
INSERT INTO phpbb_forums VALUES (1,1,'Test Forum 1','This is just a test forum, nothing special here.',1,1,1,1,1,1);
# -- Forum Mods
INSERT INTO phpbb_forum_mods VALUES (1,1,0);
# -- Users
INSERT INTO phpbb_users VALUES (-1,1,'Anonymous',NOW(),'','','Default','','-8','d M Y H:i',0,'',1,'','','','','','','',0,1,'','','',0,0,0,0,0,'','',0);
INSERT INTO phpbb_users VALUES (1,1,'admin',NOW(),'','','','','-8','d M Y H:i','0','','4','admin@yourdomain.com','','','','','','This is just a stupid sig',1,1,'','','',0,1,0,0,0,'','',0);
# -- Demo Topic
INSERT INTO phpbb_topics VALUES(1,1,'Demo Topic', 1,NOW(), 0,0,0,0,1);
# -- Demo Post
INSERT INTO phpbb_posts VALUES(1,1,1,NOW(),'234234232', LEFT(MD5('42'),10));
INSERT INTO phpbb_posts_text VALUES(1,'This is a demo post in the demo topic');
# -- Themes
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