mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 12:03:21 +01:00
In subforums list, under the parent forum description, there are two harcoded colons instead of {L_COLON}. PHPBB3-12272
1502 lines
50 KiB
1502 lines
50 KiB
* @package phpBB3
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
* Display Forums
function display_forums($root_data = '', $display_moderators = true, $return_moderators = false)
global $db, $auth, $user, $template;
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config;
global $request, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_container;
$forum_rows = $subforums = $forum_ids = $forum_ids_moderator = $forum_moderators = $active_forum_ary = array();
$parent_id = $visible_forums = 0;
$sql_from = '';
// Mark forums read?
$mark_read = request_var('mark', '');
if ($mark_read == 'all')
$mark_read = '';
if (!$root_data)
if ($mark_read == 'forums')
$mark_read = 'all';
$root_data = array('forum_id' => 0);
$sql_where = '';
$sql_where = 'left_id > ' . $root_data['left_id'] . ' AND left_id < ' . $root_data['right_id'];
// Handle marking everything read
if ($mark_read == 'all')
$redirect = build_url(array('mark', 'hash', 'mark_time'));
meta_refresh(3, $redirect);
if (check_link_hash(request_var('hash', ''), 'global'))
markread('all', false, false, request_var('mark_time', 0));
if ($request->is_ajax())
// Tell the ajax script what language vars and URL need to be replaced
$data = array(
'NO_UNREAD_POSTS' => $user->lang['NO_UNREAD_POSTS'],
'UNREAD_POSTS' => $user->lang['UNREAD_POSTS'],
'U_MARK_FORUMS' => ($user->data['is_registered'] || $config['load_anon_lastread']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx", 'hash=' . generate_link_hash('global') . '&mark=forums&mark_time=' . time()) : '',
'MESSAGE_TITLE' => $user->lang['INFORMATION'],
'MESSAGE_TEXT' => $user->lang['FORUMS_MARKED']
$json_response = new \phpbb\json_response();
$user->lang['FORUMS_MARKED'] . '<br /><br />' .
sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . $redirect . '">', '</a>')
trigger_error(sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_PAGE'], '<a href="' . $redirect . '">', '</a>'));
// Display list of active topics for this category?
$show_active = (isset($root_data['forum_flags']) && ($root_data['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_ACTIVE_TOPICS)) ? true : false;
$sql_array = array(
'SELECT' => 'f.*',
'FROM' => array(
'LEFT_JOIN' => array(),
if ($config['load_db_lastread'] && $user->data['is_registered'])
$sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'][] = array('FROM' => array(FORUMS_TRACK_TABLE => 'ft'), 'ON' => 'ft.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND ft.forum_id = f.forum_id');
$sql_array['SELECT'] .= ', ft.mark_time';
else if ($config['load_anon_lastread'] || $user->data['is_registered'])
$tracking_topics = $request->variable($config['cookie_name'] . '_track', '', true, \phpbb\request\request_interface::COOKIE);
$tracking_topics = ($tracking_topics) ? tracking_unserialize($tracking_topics) : array();
if (!$user->data['is_registered'])
$user->data['user_lastmark'] = (isset($tracking_topics['l'])) ? (int) (base_convert($tracking_topics['l'], 36, 10) + $config['board_startdate']) : 0;
if ($show_active)
$sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'][] = array(
'FROM' => array(FORUMS_ACCESS_TABLE => 'fa'),
'ON' => "fa.forum_id = f.forum_id AND fa.session_id = '" . $db->sql_escape($user->session_id) . "'"
$sql_array['SELECT'] .= ', fa.user_id';
$sql_ary = array(
'SELECT' => $sql_array['SELECT'],
'FROM' => $sql_array['FROM'],
'LEFT_JOIN' => $sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'],
'WHERE' => $sql_where,
'ORDER_BY' => 'f.left_id',
* Event to modify the SQL query before the forum data is queried
* @event core.display_forums_modify_sql
* @var array sql_ary The SQL array to get the data of the forums
* @since 3.1-A1
$vars = array('sql_ary');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.display_forums_modify_sql', compact($vars)));
$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_ary);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$forum_tracking_info = array();
$branch_root_id = $root_data['forum_id'];
$phpbb_content_visibility = $phpbb_container->get('content.visibility');
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
* Event to modify the data set of a forum
* This event is triggered once per forum
* @event core.display_forums_modify_row
* @var int branch_root_id Last top-level forum
* @var array row The data of the forum
* @since 3.1-A1
$vars = array('branch_root_id', 'row');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.display_forums_modify_row', compact($vars)));
$forum_id = $row['forum_id'];
// Mark forums read?
if ($mark_read == 'forums')
if ($auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_id))
$forum_ids[] = $forum_id;
// Category with no members
if ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT && ($row['left_id'] + 1 == $row['right_id']))
// Skip branch
if (isset($right_id))
if ($row['left_id'] < $right_id)
if (!$auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_id))
// if the user does not have permissions to list this forum, skip everything until next branch
$right_id = $row['right_id'];
if ($config['load_db_lastread'] && $user->data['is_registered'])
$forum_tracking_info[$forum_id] = (!empty($row['mark_time'])) ? $row['mark_time'] : $user->data['user_lastmark'];
else if ($config['load_anon_lastread'] || $user->data['is_registered'])
if (!$user->data['is_registered'])
$user->data['user_lastmark'] = (isset($tracking_topics['l'])) ? (int) (base_convert($tracking_topics['l'], 36, 10) + $config['board_startdate']) : 0;
$forum_tracking_info[$forum_id] = (isset($tracking_topics['f'][$forum_id])) ? (int) (base_convert($tracking_topics['f'][$forum_id], 36, 10) + $config['board_startdate']) : $user->data['user_lastmark'];
// Lets check whether there are unapproved topics/posts, so we can display an information to moderators
$row['forum_id_unapproved_topics'] = ($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) && $row['forum_topics_unapproved']) ? $forum_id : 0;
$row['forum_id_unapproved_posts'] = ($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) && $row['forum_posts_unapproved']) ? $forum_id : 0;
$row['forum_posts'] = $phpbb_content_visibility->get_count('forum_posts', $row, $forum_id);
$row['forum_topics'] = $phpbb_content_visibility->get_count('forum_topics', $row, $forum_id);
// Display active topics from this forum?
if ($show_active && $row['forum_type'] == FORUM_POST && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id) && ($row['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_ACTIVE_TOPICS))
if (!isset($active_forum_ary['forum_topics']))
$active_forum_ary['forum_topics'] = 0;
if (!isset($active_forum_ary['forum_posts']))
$active_forum_ary['forum_posts'] = 0;
$active_forum_ary['forum_id'][] = $forum_id;
$active_forum_ary['enable_icons'][] = $row['enable_icons'];
$active_forum_ary['forum_topics'] += $row['forum_topics'];
$active_forum_ary['forum_posts'] += $row['forum_posts'];
// If this is a passworded forum we do not show active topics from it if the user is not authorised to view it...
if ($row['forum_password'] && $row['user_id'] != $user->data['user_id'])
$active_forum_ary['exclude_forum_id'][] = $forum_id;
if ($row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id'] || $row['parent_id'] == $branch_root_id)
if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_CAT)
$forum_ids_moderator[] = (int) $forum_id;
// Direct child of current branch
$parent_id = $forum_id;
$forum_rows[$forum_id] = $row;
if ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT && $row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id'])
$branch_root_id = $forum_id;
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_last_post'] = $row['forum_id'];
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['orig_forum_last_post_time'] = $row['forum_last_post_time'];
else if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_CAT)
$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['display'] = ($row['display_on_index']) ? true : false;
$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['name'] = $row['forum_name'];
$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['orig_forum_last_post_time'] = $row['forum_last_post_time'];
$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['children'] = array();
if (isset($subforums[$parent_id][$row['parent_id']]) && !$row['display_on_index'])
$subforums[$parent_id][$row['parent_id']]['children'][] = $forum_id;
if (!$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_unapproved_topics'] && $row['forum_id_unapproved_topics'])
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_unapproved_topics'] = $forum_id;
if (!$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_unapproved_posts'] && $row['forum_id_unapproved_posts'])
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_unapproved_posts'] = $forum_id;
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_topics'] += $row['forum_topics'];
// Do not list redirects in LINK Forums as Posts.
if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK)
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_posts'] += $row['forum_posts'];
if ($row['forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_time'])
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_id'] = $row['forum_last_post_id'];
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_subject'] = $row['forum_last_post_subject'];
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_time'] = $row['forum_last_post_time'];
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_poster_id'] = $row['forum_last_poster_id'];
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_poster_name'] = $row['forum_last_poster_name'];
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_poster_colour'] = $row['forum_last_poster_colour'];
$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_last_post'] = $forum_id;
* Event to modify the forum rows data set
* This event is triggered once per forum
* @event core.display_forums_modify_forum_rows
* @var array forum_rows Data array of all forums we display
* @var array subforums Data array of all subforums we display
* @var int branch_root_id Current top-level forum
* @var int parent_id Current parent forum
* @var array row The data of the forum
* @since 3.1-A1
$vars = array('forum_rows', 'subforums', 'branch_root_id', 'parent_id', 'row');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.display_forums_modify_forum_rows', compact($vars)));
// Handle marking posts
if ($mark_read == 'forums')
$redirect = build_url(array('mark', 'hash', 'mark_time'));
$token = request_var('hash', '');
if (check_link_hash($token, 'global'))
markread('topics', $forum_ids, false, request_var('mark_time', 0));
$message = sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_FORUM'], '<a href="' . $redirect . '">', '</a>');
meta_refresh(3, $redirect);
if ($request->is_ajax())
// Tell the ajax script what language vars and URL need to be replaced
$data = array(
'NO_UNREAD_POSTS' => $user->lang['NO_UNREAD_POSTS'],
'UNREAD_POSTS' => $user->lang['UNREAD_POSTS'],
'U_MARK_FORUMS' => ($user->data['is_registered'] || $config['load_anon_lastread']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'hash=' . generate_link_hash('global') . '&f=' . $root_data['forum_id'] . '&mark=forums&mark_time=' . time()) : '',
'MESSAGE_TITLE' => $user->lang['INFORMATION'],
'MESSAGE_TEXT' => $user->lang['FORUMS_MARKED']
$json_response = new \phpbb\json_response();
trigger_error($user->lang['FORUMS_MARKED'] . '<br /><br />' . $message);
$message = sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_PAGE'], '<a href="' . $redirect . '">', '</a>');
meta_refresh(3, $redirect);
// Grab moderators ... if necessary
if ($display_moderators)
if ($return_moderators)
$forum_ids_moderator[] = $root_data['forum_id'];
get_moderators($forum_moderators, $forum_ids_moderator);
// Used to tell whatever we have to create a dummy category or not.
$last_catless = true;
foreach ($forum_rows as $row)
// Empty category
if ($row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id'] && $row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT)
$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow', array(
'S_IS_CAT' => true,
'FORUM_ID' => $row['forum_id'],
'FORUM_NAME' => $row['forum_name'],
'FORUM_DESC' => generate_text_for_display($row['forum_desc'], $row['forum_desc_uid'], $row['forum_desc_bitfield'], $row['forum_desc_options']),
'FORUM_IMAGE' => ($row['forum_image']) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] . '" alt="' . $user->lang['FORUM_CAT'] . '" />' : '',
'FORUM_IMAGE_SRC' => ($row['forum_image']) ? $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] : '',
'U_VIEWFORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']))
$forum_id = $row['forum_id'];
$forum_unread = (isset($forum_tracking_info[$forum_id]) && $row['orig_forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_tracking_info[$forum_id]) ? true : false;
$folder_image = $folder_alt = $l_subforums = '';
$subforums_list = array();
// Generate list of subforums if we need to
if (isset($subforums[$forum_id]))
foreach ($subforums[$forum_id] as $subforum_id => $subforum_row)
$subforum_unread = (isset($forum_tracking_info[$subforum_id]) && $subforum_row['orig_forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_tracking_info[$subforum_id]) ? true : false;
if (!$subforum_unread && !empty($subforum_row['children']))
foreach ($subforum_row['children'] as $child_id)
if (isset($forum_tracking_info[$child_id]) && $subforums[$forum_id][$child_id]['orig_forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_tracking_info[$child_id])
// Once we found an unread child forum, we can drop out of this loop
$subforum_unread = true;
if ($subforum_row['display'] && $subforum_row['name'])
$subforums_list[] = array(
'link' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $subforum_id),
'name' => $subforum_row['name'],
'unread' => $subforum_unread,
// If one subforum is unread the forum gets unread too...
if ($subforum_unread)
$forum_unread = true;
$l_subforums = (sizeof($subforums[$forum_id]) == 1) ? $user->lang['SUBFORUM'] : $user->lang['SUBFORUMS'];
$folder_image = ($forum_unread) ? 'forum_unread_subforum' : 'forum_read_subforum';
switch ($row['forum_type'])
$folder_image = ($forum_unread) ? 'forum_unread' : 'forum_read';
$folder_image = 'forum_link';
// Which folder should we display?
if ($row['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED)
$folder_image = ($forum_unread) ? 'forum_unread_locked' : 'forum_read_locked';
$folder_alt = 'FORUM_LOCKED';
$folder_alt = ($forum_unread) ? 'UNREAD_POSTS' : 'NO_UNREAD_POSTS';
// Create last post link information, if appropriate
if ($row['forum_last_post_id'])
$last_post_subject = $row['forum_last_post_subject'];
$last_post_subject_truncated = truncate_string(censor_text($last_post_subject), 30, 255, false, $user->lang['ELLIPSIS']);
$last_post_time = $user->format_date($row['forum_last_post_time']);
$last_post_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id_last_post'] . '&p=' . $row['forum_last_post_id']) . '#p' . $row['forum_last_post_id'];
$last_post_subject = $last_post_time = $last_post_url = $last_post_subject_truncated = '';
// Output moderator listing ... if applicable
$l_moderator = $moderators_list = '';
if ($display_moderators && !empty($forum_moderators[$forum_id]))
$l_moderator = (sizeof($forum_moderators[$forum_id]) == 1) ? $user->lang['MODERATOR'] : $user->lang['MODERATORS'];
$moderators_list = implode($user->lang['COMMA_SEPARATOR'], $forum_moderators[$forum_id]);
$l_post_click_count = ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) ? 'CLICKS' : 'POSTS';
$post_click_count = ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK || $row['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_LINK_TRACK) ? $row['forum_posts'] : '';
$s_subforums_list = array();
foreach ($subforums_list as $subforum)
$s_subforums_list[] = '<a href="' . $subforum['link'] . '" class="subforum ' . (($subforum['unread']) ? 'unread' : 'read') . '" title="' . (($subforum['unread']) ? $user->lang['UNREAD_POSTS'] : $user->lang['NO_UNREAD_POSTS']) . '">' . $subforum['name'] . '</a>';
$s_subforums_list = (string) implode($user->lang['COMMA_SEPARATOR'], $s_subforums_list);
$catless = ($row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id']) ? true : false;
if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK)
$u_viewforum = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']);
// If the forum is a link and we count redirects we need to visit it
// If the forum is having a password or no read access we do not expose the link, but instead handle it in viewforum
if (($row['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_LINK_TRACK) || $row['forum_password'] || !$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id))
$u_viewforum = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']);
$u_viewforum = $row['forum_link'];
$forum_row = array(
'S_IS_CAT' => false,
'S_NO_CAT' => $catless && !$last_catless,
'S_IS_LINK' => ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) ? true : false,
'S_UNREAD_FORUM' => $forum_unread,
'S_AUTH_READ' => $auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id']),
'S_LOCKED_FORUM' => ($row['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED) ? true : false,
'S_LIST_SUBFORUMS' => ($row['display_subforum_list']) ? true : false,
'S_SUBFORUMS' => (sizeof($subforums_list)) ? true : false,
'S_DISPLAY_SUBJECT' => ($last_post_subject && $config['display_last_subject'] && !$row['forum_password'] && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])) ? true : false,
'S_FEED_ENABLED' => ($config['feed_forum'] && !phpbb_optionget(FORUM_OPTION_FEED_EXCLUDE, $row['forum_options']) && $row['forum_type'] == FORUM_POST) ? true : false,
'FORUM_ID' => $row['forum_id'],
'FORUM_NAME' => $row['forum_name'],
'FORUM_DESC' => generate_text_for_display($row['forum_desc'], $row['forum_desc_uid'], $row['forum_desc_bitfield'], $row['forum_desc_options']),
'TOPICS' => $row['forum_topics'],
$l_post_click_count => $post_click_count,
'FORUM_IMG_STYLE' => $folder_image,
'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG' => $user->img($folder_image, $folder_alt),
'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_ALT' => isset($user->lang[$folder_alt]) ? $user->lang[$folder_alt] : '',
'FORUM_IMAGE' => ($row['forum_image']) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] . '" alt="' . $user->lang[$folder_alt] . '" />' : '',
'FORUM_IMAGE_SRC' => ($row['forum_image']) ? $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] : '',
'LAST_POST_SUBJECT' => (!$row['forum_password'] && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])) ? censor_text($last_post_subject) : "",
'LAST_POST_SUBJECT_TRUNCATED' => (!$row['forum_password'] && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $row['forum_id'])) ? $last_post_subject_truncated : "",
'LAST_POST_TIME' => $last_post_time,
'LAST_POSTER' => get_username_string('username', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
'LAST_POSTER_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
'LAST_POSTER_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
'MODERATORS' => $moderators_list,
'SUBFORUMS' => $s_subforums_list,
'L_SUBFORUM_STR' => $l_subforums,
'L_MODERATOR_STR' => $l_moderator,
'U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS' => ($row['forum_id_unapproved_topics']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=queue&mode=unapproved_topics&f=' . $row['forum_id_unapproved_topics']) : '',
'U_UNAPPROVED_POSTS' => ($row['forum_id_unapproved_posts']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=queue&mode=unapproved_posts&f=' . $row['forum_id_unapproved_posts']) : '',
'U_VIEWFORUM' => $u_viewforum,
'U_LAST_POSTER' => get_username_string('profile', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
'U_LAST_POST' => $last_post_url,
* Modify the template data block of the forum
* This event is triggered once per forum
* @event core.display_forums_modify_template_vars
* @var array forum_row Template data of the forum
* @var array row The data of the forum
* @since 3.1-A1
$vars = array('forum_row', 'row');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.display_forums_modify_template_vars', compact($vars)));
$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow', $forum_row);
// Assign subforums loop for style authors
foreach ($subforums_list as $subforum)
$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow.subforum', array(
'U_SUBFORUM' => $subforum['link'],
'SUBFORUM_NAME' => $subforum['name'],
'S_UNREAD' => $subforum['unread'])
$last_catless = $catless;
'U_MARK_FORUMS' => ($user->data['is_registered'] || $config['load_anon_lastread']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'hash=' . generate_link_hash('global') . '&f=' . $root_data['forum_id'] . '&mark=forums&mark_time=' . time()) : '',
'S_HAS_SUBFORUM' => ($visible_forums) ? true : false,
'L_SUBFORUM' => ($visible_forums == 1) ? $user->lang['SUBFORUM'] : $user->lang['SUBFORUMS'],
'LAST_POST_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_latest', 'VIEW_LATEST_POST'),
'UNAPPROVED_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_unapproved', 'TOPICS_UNAPPROVED'),
'UNAPPROVED_POST_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_unapproved', 'POSTS_UNAPPROVED'),
if ($return_moderators)
return array($active_forum_ary, $forum_moderators);
return array($active_forum_ary, array());
* Create forum rules for given forum
function generate_forum_rules(&$forum_data)
if (!$forum_data['forum_rules'] && !$forum_data['forum_rules_link'])
global $template, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
if ($forum_data['forum_rules'])
$forum_data['forum_rules'] = generate_text_for_display($forum_data['forum_rules'], $forum_data['forum_rules_uid'], $forum_data['forum_rules_bitfield'], $forum_data['forum_rules_options']);
'S_FORUM_RULES' => true,
'U_FORUM_RULES' => $forum_data['forum_rules_link'],
'FORUM_RULES' => $forum_data['forum_rules'])
* Create forum navigation links for given forum, create parent
* list if currently null, assign basic forum info to template
function generate_forum_nav(&$forum_data)
global $db, $user, $template, $auth, $config;
global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
if (!$auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_data['forum_id']))
// Get forum parents
$forum_parents = get_forum_parents($forum_data);
// Build navigation links
if (!empty($forum_parents))
foreach ($forum_parents as $parent_forum_id => $parent_data)
list($parent_name, $parent_type) = array_values($parent_data);
// Skip this parent if the user does not have the permission to view it
if (!$auth->acl_get('f_list', $parent_forum_id))
$template->assign_block_vars('navlinks', array(
'S_IS_CAT' => ($parent_type == FORUM_CAT) ? true : false,
'S_IS_LINK' => ($parent_type == FORUM_LINK) ? true : false,
'S_IS_POST' => ($parent_type == FORUM_POST) ? true : false,
'FORUM_NAME' => $parent_name,
'FORUM_ID' => $parent_forum_id,
'U_VIEW_FORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $parent_forum_id))
$template->assign_block_vars('navlinks', array(
'S_IS_CAT' => ($forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT) ? true : false,
'S_IS_LINK' => ($forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) ? true : false,
'S_IS_POST' => ($forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_POST) ? true : false,
'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_data['forum_name'],
'FORUM_ID' => $forum_data['forum_id'],
'U_VIEW_FORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $forum_data['forum_id']))
'FORUM_ID' => $forum_data['forum_id'],
'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_data['forum_name'],
'FORUM_DESC' => generate_text_for_display($forum_data['forum_desc'], $forum_data['forum_desc_uid'], $forum_data['forum_desc_bitfield'], $forum_data['forum_desc_options']),
'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_FORUM' => ($config['feed_forum'] && $forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_POST && !phpbb_optionget(FORUM_OPTION_FEED_EXCLUDE, $forum_data['forum_options'])) ? true : false,
* Returns forum parents as an array. Get them from forum_data if available, or update the database otherwise
function get_forum_parents(&$forum_data)
global $db;
$forum_parents = array();
if ($forum_data['parent_id'] > 0)
if ($forum_data['forum_parents'] == '')
$sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name, forum_type
WHERE left_id < ' . $forum_data['left_id'] . '
AND right_id > ' . $forum_data['right_id'] . '
ORDER BY left_id ASC';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$forum_parents[$row['forum_id']] = array($row['forum_name'], (int) $row['forum_type']);
$forum_data['forum_parents'] = serialize($forum_parents);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . "
SET forum_parents = '" . $db->sql_escape($forum_data['forum_parents']) . "'
WHERE parent_id = " . $forum_data['parent_id'];
$forum_parents = unserialize($forum_data['forum_parents']);
return $forum_parents;
* Obtain list of moderators of each forum
function get_moderators(&$forum_moderators, $forum_id = false)
global $config, $template, $db, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user, $auth;
$forum_id_ary = array();
if ($forum_id !== false)
if (!is_array($forum_id))
$forum_id = array($forum_id);
// Exchange key/value pair to be able to faster check for the forum id existence
$forum_id_ary = array_flip($forum_id);
$sql_array = array(
'SELECT' => 'm.*, u.user_colour, g.group_colour, g.group_type',
'FROM' => array(
'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
'FROM' => array(USERS_TABLE => 'u'),
'ON' => 'm.user_id = u.user_id',
'FROM' => array(GROUPS_TABLE => 'g'),
'ON' => 'm.group_id = g.group_id',
'WHERE' => 'm.display_on_index = 1',
// We query every forum here because for caching we should not have any parameter.
$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$f_id = (int) $row['forum_id'];
if (!isset($forum_id_ary[$f_id]))
if (!empty($row['user_id']))
$forum_moderators[$f_id][] = get_username_string('full', $row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour']);
$group_name = (($row['group_type'] == GROUP_SPECIAL) ? $user->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']] : $row['group_name']);
if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && !$auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile'))
$forum_moderators[$f_id][] = '<span' . (($row['group_colour']) ? ' style="color:#' . $row['group_colour'] . ';"' : '') . '>' . $group_name . '</span>';
$forum_moderators[$f_id][] = '<a' . (($row['group_colour']) ? ' style="color:#' . $row['group_colour'] . ';"' : '') . ' href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", 'mode=group&g=' . $row['group_id']) . '">' . $group_name . '</a>';
* User authorisation levels output
* @param string $mode Can be forum or topic. Not in use at the moment.
* @param int $forum_id The current forum the user is in.
* @param int $forum_status The forums status bit.
function gen_forum_auth_level($mode, $forum_id, $forum_status)
global $template, $auth, $user, $config;
$locked = ($forum_status == ITEM_LOCKED && !$auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id)) ? true : false;
$rules = array(
($auth->acl_get('f_post', $forum_id) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_POST_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_POST_CANNOT'],
($auth->acl_get('f_reply', $forum_id) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_REPLY_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_REPLY_CANNOT'],
($user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_gets('f_edit', 'm_edit', $forum_id) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_EDIT_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_EDIT_CANNOT'],
($user->data['is_registered'] && ($auth->acl_gets('f_delete', 'm_delete', $forum_id) || $auth->acl_gets('f_softdelete', 'm_softdelete', $forum_id)) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_DELETE_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_DELETE_CANNOT'],
if ($config['allow_attachments'])
$rules[] = ($auth->acl_get('f_attach', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('u_attach') && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_ATTACH_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_ATTACH_CANNOT'];
foreach ($rules as $rule)
$template->assign_block_vars('rules', array('RULE' => $rule));
* Generate topic status
function topic_status(&$topic_row, $replies, $unread_topic, &$folder_img, &$folder_alt, &$topic_type)
global $user, $config;
$folder = $folder_new = '';
if ($topic_row['topic_status'] == ITEM_MOVED)
$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_MOVED'];
$folder_img = 'topic_moved';
$folder_alt = 'TOPIC_MOVED';
switch ($topic_row['topic_type'])
$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_GLOBAL'];
$folder = 'global_read';
$folder_new = 'global_unread';
$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_ANNOUNCEMENT'];
$folder = 'announce_read';
$folder_new = 'announce_unread';
$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_STICKY'];
$folder = 'sticky_read';
$folder_new = 'sticky_unread';
$topic_type = '';
$folder = 'topic_read';
$folder_new = 'topic_unread';
// Hot topic threshold is for posts in a topic, which is replies + the first post. ;)
if ($config['hot_threshold'] && ($replies + 1) >= $config['hot_threshold'] && $topic_row['topic_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED)
$folder .= '_hot';
$folder_new .= '_hot';
if ($topic_row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED)
$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_LOCKED'];
$folder .= '_locked';
$folder_new .= '_locked';
$folder_img = ($unread_topic) ? $folder_new : $folder;
$folder_alt = ($unread_topic) ? 'UNREAD_POSTS' : (($topic_row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED) ? 'TOPIC_LOCKED' : 'NO_UNREAD_POSTS');
// Posted image?
if (!empty($topic_row['topic_posted']) && $topic_row['topic_posted'])
$folder_img .= '_mine';
if ($topic_row['poll_start'] && $topic_row['topic_status'] != ITEM_MOVED)
$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_POLL'];
* Assign/Build custom bbcodes for display in screens supporting using of bbcodes
* The custom bbcodes buttons will be placed within the template block 'custom_tags'
function display_custom_bbcodes()
global $db, $template, $user, $phpbb_dispatcher;
// Start counting from 22 for the bbcode ids (every bbcode takes two ids - opening/closing)
$num_predefined_bbcodes = 22;
$sql_ary = array(
'SELECT' => 'b.bbcode_id, b.bbcode_tag, b.bbcode_helpline',
'FROM' => array(BBCODES_TABLE => 'b'),
'WHERE' => 'b.display_on_posting = 1',
'ORDER_BY' => 'b.bbcode_tag',
* Event to modify the SQL query before custom bbcode data is queried
* @event core.display_custom_bbcodes_modify_sql
* @var array sql_ary The SQL array to get the bbcode data
* @var int num_predefined_bbcodes The number of predefined core bbcodes
* (multiplied by factor of 2)
* @since 3.1.0-a3
$vars = array('sql_ary', 'num_predefined_bbcodes');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.display_custom_bbcodes_modify_sql', compact($vars)));
$result = $db->sql_query($db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_ary));
$i = 0;
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
// If the helpline is defined within the language file, we will use the localised version, else just use the database entry...
if (isset($user->lang[strtoupper($row['bbcode_helpline'])]))
$row['bbcode_helpline'] = $user->lang[strtoupper($row['bbcode_helpline'])];
$custom_tags = array(
'BBCODE_NAME' => "'[{$row['bbcode_tag']}]', '[/" . str_replace('=', '', $row['bbcode_tag']) . "]'",
'BBCODE_ID' => $num_predefined_bbcodes + ($i * 2),
'BBCODE_TAG' => $row['bbcode_tag'],
'BBCODE_TAG_CLEAN' => str_replace('=', '-', $row['bbcode_tag']),
'BBCODE_HELPLINE' => $row['bbcode_helpline'],
'A_BBCODE_HELPLINE' => str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&', '"', "\'", '<', '>'), $row['bbcode_helpline']),
* Event to modify the template data block of a custom bbcode
* This event is triggered once per bbcode
* @event core.display_custom_bbcodes_modify_row
* @var array custom_tags Template data of the bbcode
* @var array row The data of the bbcode
* @since 3.1-A1
$vars = array('custom_tags', 'row');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.display_custom_bbcodes_modify_row', compact($vars)));
$template->assign_block_vars('custom_tags', $custom_tags);
* Display custom bbcodes
* @event core.display_custom_bbcodes
* @since 3.1-A1
* Display reasons
function display_reasons($reason_id = 0)
global $db, $user, $template;
$sql = 'SELECT *
ORDER BY reason_order ASC';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
// If the reason is defined within the language file, we will use the localized version, else just use the database entry...
if (isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])]) && isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])]))
$row['reason_description'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])];
$row['reason_title'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])];
$template->assign_block_vars('reason', array(
'ID' => $row['reason_id'],
'TITLE' => $row['reason_title'],
'DESCRIPTION' => $row['reason_description'],
'S_SELECTED' => ($row['reason_id'] == $reason_id) ? true : false)
* Display user activity (action forum/topic)
function display_user_activity(&$userdata)
global $auth, $template, $db, $user;
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $phpbb_container;
// Do not display user activity for users having more than 5000 posts...
if ($userdata['user_posts'] > 5000)
$forum_ary = array();
$forum_read_ary = $auth->acl_getf('f_read');
foreach ($forum_read_ary as $forum_id => $allowed)
if ($allowed['f_read'])
$forum_ary[] = (int) $forum_id;
$forum_ary = array_diff($forum_ary, $user->get_passworded_forums());
$active_f_row = $active_t_row = array();
if (!empty($forum_ary))
$phpbb_content_visibility = $phpbb_container->get('content.visibility');
// Obtain active forum
$sql = 'SELECT forum_id, COUNT(post_id) AS num_posts
WHERE poster_id = ' . $userdata['user_id'] . '
AND post_postcount = 1
AND ' . $phpbb_content_visibility->get_forums_visibility_sql('post', $forum_ary) . '
GROUP BY forum_id
ORDER BY num_posts DESC';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$active_f_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if (!empty($active_f_row))
$sql = 'SELECT forum_name
WHERE forum_id = ' . $active_f_row['forum_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600);
$active_f_row['forum_name'] = (string) $db->sql_fetchfield('forum_name');
// Obtain active topic
$sql = 'SELECT topic_id, COUNT(post_id) AS num_posts
WHERE poster_id = ' . $userdata['user_id'] . '
AND post_postcount = 1
AND ' . $phpbb_content_visibility->get_forums_visibility_sql('post', $forum_ary) . '
GROUP BY topic_id
ORDER BY num_posts DESC';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$active_t_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if (!empty($active_t_row))
$sql = 'SELECT topic_title
WHERE topic_id = ' . $active_t_row['topic_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$active_t_row['topic_title'] = (string) $db->sql_fetchfield('topic_title');
$userdata['active_t_row'] = $active_t_row;
$userdata['active_f_row'] = $active_f_row;
$active_f_name = $active_f_id = $active_f_count = $active_f_pct = '';
if (!empty($active_f_row['num_posts']))
$active_f_name = $active_f_row['forum_name'];
$active_f_id = $active_f_row['forum_id'];
$active_f_count = $active_f_row['num_posts'];
$active_f_pct = ($userdata['user_posts']) ? ($active_f_count / $userdata['user_posts']) * 100 : 0;
$active_t_name = $active_t_id = $active_t_count = $active_t_pct = '';
if (!empty($active_t_row['num_posts']))
$active_t_name = $active_t_row['topic_title'];
$active_t_id = $active_t_row['topic_id'];
$active_t_count = $active_t_row['num_posts'];
$active_t_pct = ($userdata['user_posts']) ? ($active_t_count / $userdata['user_posts']) * 100 : 0;
$l_active_pct = ($userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && $userdata['user_id'] == $user->data['user_id']) ? $user->lang['POST_PCT_ACTIVE_OWN'] : $user->lang['POST_PCT_ACTIVE'];
'ACTIVE_FORUM' => $active_f_name,
'ACTIVE_FORUM_POSTS' => $user->lang('USER_POSTS', (int) $active_f_count),
'ACTIVE_FORUM_PCT' => sprintf($l_active_pct, $active_f_pct),
'ACTIVE_TOPIC' => censor_text($active_t_name),
'ACTIVE_TOPIC_POSTS' => $user->lang('USER_POSTS', (int) $active_t_count),
'ACTIVE_TOPIC_PCT' => sprintf($l_active_pct, $active_t_pct),
'U_ACTIVE_FORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $active_f_id),
'U_ACTIVE_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 't=' . $active_t_id),
'S_SHOW_ACTIVITY' => true)
* Topic and forum watching common code
function watch_topic_forum($mode, &$s_watching, $user_id, $forum_id, $topic_id, $notify_status = 'unset', $start = 0, $item_title = '')
global $template, $db, $user, $phpEx, $start, $phpbb_root_path;
global $request;
$table_sql = ($mode == 'forum') ? FORUMS_WATCH_TABLE : TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE;
$where_sql = ($mode == 'forum') ? 'forum_id' : 'topic_id';
$match_id = ($mode == 'forum') ? $forum_id : $topic_id;
$u_url = "uid={$user->data['user_id']}";
$u_url .= ($mode == 'forum') ? '&f' : '&f=' . $forum_id . '&t';
$is_watching = 0;
// Is user watching this thread?
if ($user_id != ANONYMOUS)
$can_watch = true;
if ($notify_status == 'unset')
$sql = "SELECT notify_status
FROM $table_sql
WHERE $where_sql = $match_id
AND user_id = $user_id";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$notify_status = ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ? $row['notify_status'] : NULL;
if (!is_null($notify_status) && $notify_status !== '')
if (isset($_GET['unwatch']))
$uid = request_var('uid', 0);
$token = request_var('hash', '');
if ($token && check_link_hash($token, "{$mode}_$match_id") || confirm_box(true))
if ($uid != $user_id || $request->variable('unwatch', '', false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::GET) != $mode)
$redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&start=$start");
$message = $user->lang['ERR_UNWATCHING'];
if (!$request->is_ajax())
$message .= '<br /><br />' . $user->lang('RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode), '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_sql . "
WHERE $where_sql = $match_id
AND user_id = $user_id";
$redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&start=$start");
$message = $user->lang['NOT_WATCHING_' . strtoupper($mode)];
if (!$request->is_ajax())
$message .= '<br /><br />' . $user->lang('RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode), '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
meta_refresh(3, $redirect_url);
$s_hidden_fields = array(
'uid' => $user->data['user_id'],
'unwatch' => $mode,
'start' => $start,
'f' => $forum_id,
if ($mode != 'forum')
$s_hidden_fields['t'] = $topic_id;
if ($item_title == '')
$confirm_box_message = 'UNWATCH_' . strtoupper($mode);
$confirm_box_message = $user->lang('UNWATCH_' . strtoupper($mode) . '_DETAILED', $item_title);
confirm_box(false, $confirm_box_message, build_hidden_fields($s_hidden_fields));
$is_watching = true;
if ($notify_status != NOTIFY_YES)
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table_sql . "
SET notify_status = " . NOTIFY_YES . "
WHERE $where_sql = $match_id
AND user_id = $user_id";
if (isset($_GET['watch']))
$uid = request_var('uid', 0);
$token = request_var('hash', '');
if ($token && check_link_hash($token, "{$mode}_$match_id") || confirm_box(true))
if ($uid != $user_id || $request->variable('watch', '', false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::GET) != $mode)
$redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&start=$start");
$message = $user->lang['ERR_WATCHING'];
if (!$request->is_ajax())
$message .= '<br /><br />' . $user->lang('RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode), '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
$is_watching = true;
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table_sql . " (user_id, $where_sql, notify_status)
VALUES ($user_id, $match_id, " . NOTIFY_YES . ')';
$redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&start=$start");
$message = $user->lang['ARE_WATCHING_' . strtoupper($mode)];
if (!$request->is_ajax())
$message .= '<br /><br />' . $user->lang('RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode), '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
meta_refresh(3, $redirect_url);
$s_hidden_fields = array(
'uid' => $user->data['user_id'],
'watch' => $mode,
'start' => $start,
'f' => $forum_id,
if ($mode != 'forum')
$s_hidden_fields['t'] = $topic_id;
$confirm_box_message = (($item_title == '') ? 'WATCH_' . strtoupper($mode) : $user->lang('WATCH_' . strtoupper($mode) . '_DETAILED', $item_title));
confirm_box(false, $confirm_box_message, build_hidden_fields($s_hidden_fields));
$is_watching = 0;
if ((isset($_GET['unwatch']) && $request->variable('unwatch', '', false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::GET) == $mode) ||
(isset($_GET['watch']) && $request->variable('watch', '', false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::GET) == $mode))
$can_watch = 0;
$is_watching = 0;
if ($can_watch)
$s_watching['link'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&" . (($is_watching) ? 'unwatch' : 'watch') . "=$mode&start=$start&hash=" . generate_link_hash("{$mode}_$match_id"));
$s_watching['link_toggle'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&" . ((!$is_watching) ? 'unwatch' : 'watch') . "=$mode&start=$start&hash=" . generate_link_hash("{$mode}_$match_id"));
$s_watching['title'] = $user->lang[(($is_watching) ? 'STOP' : 'START') . '_WATCHING_' . strtoupper($mode)];
$s_watching['title_toggle'] = $user->lang[((!$is_watching) ? 'STOP' : 'START') . '_WATCHING_' . strtoupper($mode)];
$s_watching['is_watching'] = $is_watching;
* Get user rank title and image
* @param int $user_rank the current stored users rank id
* @param int $user_posts the users number of posts
* @param string &$rank_title the rank title will be stored here after execution
* @param string &$rank_img the rank image as full img tag is stored here after execution
* @param string &$rank_img_src the rank image source is stored here after execution
* Note: since we do not want to break backwards-compatibility, this function will only properly assign ranks to guests if you call it for them with user_posts == false
function get_user_rank($user_rank, $user_posts, &$rank_title, &$rank_img, &$rank_img_src)
global $ranks, $config, $phpbb_root_path;
if (empty($ranks))
global $cache;
$ranks = $cache->obtain_ranks();
if (!empty($user_rank))
$rank_title = (isset($ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'])) ? $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'] : '';
$rank_img = (!empty($ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'])) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'] . '" title="' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'] . '" />' : '';
$rank_img_src = (!empty($ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'])) ? $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'] : '';
else if ($user_posts !== false)
if (!empty($ranks['normal']))
foreach ($ranks['normal'] as $rank)
if ($user_posts >= $rank['rank_min'])
$rank_title = $rank['rank_title'];
$rank_img = (!empty($rank['rank_image'])) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $rank['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $rank['rank_title'] . '" title="' . $rank['rank_title'] . '" />' : '';
$rank_img_src = (!empty($rank['rank_image'])) ? $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $rank['rank_image'] : '';
* Get user avatar
* @param array $user_row Row from the users table
* @param string $alt Optional language string for alt tag within image, can be a language key or text
* @param bool $ignore_config Ignores the config-setting, to be still able to view the avatar in the UCP
* @return string Avatar html
function phpbb_get_user_avatar($user_row, $alt = 'USER_AVATAR', $ignore_config = false)
$row = \phpbb\avatar\manager::clean_row($user_row, 'user');
return phpbb_get_avatar($row, $alt, $ignore_config);
* Get group avatar
* @param array $group_row Row from the groups table
* @param string $alt Optional language string for alt tag within image, can be a language key or text
* @param bool $ignore_config Ignores the config-setting, to be still able to view the avatar in the UCP
* @return string Avatar html
function phpbb_get_group_avatar($user_row, $alt = 'GROUP_AVATAR', $ignore_config = false)
$row = \phpbb\avatar\manager::clean_row($user_row, 'group');
return phpbb_get_avatar($row, $alt, $ignore_config);
* Get avatar
* @param array $row Row cleaned by \phpbb\avatar\driver\driver::clean_row
* @param string $alt Optional language string for alt tag within image, can be a language key or text
* @param bool $ignore_config Ignores the config-setting, to be still able to view the avatar in the UCP
* @return string Avatar html
function phpbb_get_avatar($row, $alt, $ignore_config = false)
global $user, $config, $cache, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
global $request;
global $phpbb_container;
if (!$config['allow_avatar'] && !$ignore_config)
return '';
$avatar_data = array(
'src' => $row['avatar'],
'width' => $row['avatar_width'],
'height' => $row['avatar_height'],
$phpbb_avatar_manager = $phpbb_container->get('avatar.manager');
$driver = $phpbb_avatar_manager->get_driver($row['avatar_type'], $ignore_config);
$html = '';
if ($driver)
$html = $driver->get_custom_html($user, $row, $alt);
if (!empty($html))
return $html;
$avatar_data = $driver->get_data($row, $ignore_config);
$avatar_data['src'] = '';
if (!empty($avatar_data['src']))
$html = '<img src="' . $avatar_data['src'] . '" ' .
($avatar_data['width'] ? ('width="' . $avatar_data['width'] . '" ') : '') .
($avatar_data['height'] ? ('height="' . $avatar_data['height'] . '" ') : '') .
'alt="' . ((!empty($user->lang[$alt])) ? $user->lang[$alt] : $alt) . '" />';
return $html;
* Generate a list of archive types available for compressing attachments
* @param string $param_key Either topic_id or post_id
* @param string $param_val The value of the topic or post id
* @param string $phpbb_root_path The root path of the phpBB installation
* @param string $phpEx The PHP extension
* @return array Array containing the link and the type of compression
function phpbb_gen_download_links($param_key, $param_val, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx)
if (!class_exists('compress'))
require $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_compress.' . $phpEx;
$methods = compress::methods();
// Sort by preferred type.
$methods = array_intersect(array('.zip', '.tar.bz2', '.tar.gz', '.tar'), $methods);
$links = array();
foreach ($methods as $method)
$exploded = explode('.', $method);
$type = array_pop($exploded);
$params = array('archive' => $method);
$params[$param_key] = $param_val;
$links[] = array(
'LINK' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}download/file.$phpEx", $params),
'TYPE' => $type,
return $links;