mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 18:03:18 +01:00
This commit should increase the total number of BBCodes from 31 to 2040. Some things to watch out for: Each database likes to deal with binary data in its own, special way. They are, quite frankly, too cool for school. MySQL, MSSQL and Oracle all allow me to send in a default value for their binary column using a hex number. However, MSSQL forces me to send the specific data as a hex number and thus we must CAST it. PostgreSQL allows me to set a binary column, but with a twist. It demands that the default be in _octal_ and its datatype allows somewhere around a gigabyte's worth of BBCodes ( PGSQL users, we shut you down to 2040 for your own good! ) Firebird has no decent mechanism for allowing me to shuttle in binary data so I must force my way in. By virtue of triggers and a UDF, we ram in our default values. SQLite is the most bizarre of them all. They have no mechanism for turning an ASCII code into a ASCII character. Because of this, we have a trigger and a UDF (just like Firebird!) but with a twist! The UDF is defined on the PHP side of things instead of SQL. SQLite also demands that it's data be encoded before being sent off. Other notes: - SQLite installs again :D - Firebird nearly installs again :P - Database backup is not screwed up :P P.S. I hope nothing broke :D git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@6209 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
1985 lines
59 KiB
Executable File
1985 lines
59 KiB
Executable File
* @package install
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if ( !defined('IN_INSTALL') )
// Someone has tried to access the file direct. This is not a good idea, so exit
if (!empty($setmodules))
$module[] = array(
'module_type' => 'install',
'module_title' => 'INSTALL',
'module_filename' => substr(basename(__FILE__), 0, -strlen($phpEx)-1),
'module_order' => 10,
'module_subs' => '',
'module_reqs' => ''
* Installation
* @package install
class install_install extends module
function install_install(&$p_master)
$this->p_master = &$p_master;
function main($mode, $sub)
global $lang, $template, $language;
switch ($sub)
case 'intro' :
$this->page_title = $lang['SUB_INTRO'];
'TITLE' => $lang['INSTALL_INTRO'],
'L_SUBMIT' => $lang['NEXT'],
'S_LANG_SELECT' => '<select name="language">' . $this->p_master->inst_language_select($language) . '</select>',
'U_ACTION' => $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=requirements&language=$language",
case 'requirements' :
$this->check_server_requirements($mode, $sub);
case 'database' :
$this->obtain_database_settings($mode, $sub);
case 'administrator' :
$this->obtain_admin_settings($mode, $sub);
case 'config_file' :
$this->create_config_file($mode, $sub);
case 'advanced' :
$this->obtain_advanced_settings($mode, $sub);
case 'create_table':
$this->load_schema($mode, $sub);
case 'final' :
$this->add_modules($mode, $sub);
$this->add_language($mode, $sub);
$this->add_bots($mode, $sub);
$this->email_admin($mode, $sub);
$this->tpl_name = 'install_install';
* Checks that the server we are installing on meets the requirements for running phpBB
function check_server_requirements($mode, $sub)
global $lang, $template, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $language;
$this->page_title = $lang['STAGE_REQUIREMENTS'];
$passed = array('php' => false, 'db' => false, 'files' => false);
// Test for basic PHP settings
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'S_FIRST_ROW' => true,
'LEGEND' => $lang['PHP_SETTINGS'],
// Test the minimum PHP version
$php_version = phpversion();
if (version_compare($php_version, '4.3.3') < 0)
$result = '<b style="color:red">' . $lang['NO'] . '</b>';
$passed['php'] = true;
// We also give feedback on whether we're running in safe mode
$result = '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['YES'];
if (@ini_get('safe_mode') || strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode')) == 'on')
$result .= ', ' . $lang['PHP_SAFE_MODE'];
$result .= '</b>';
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'RESULT' => $result,
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
// Check for register_globals being enabled
if (@ini_get('register_globals') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('register_globals')) == 'on')
$result = '<b style="color:red">' . $lang['NO'] . '</b>';
$result = '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['YES'] . '</b>';
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'RESULT' => $result,
'S_EXPLAIN' => true,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
// Test for available database modules
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'S_FIRST_ROW' => false,
$dlls_db = array();
$passed['db'] = false;
foreach ($this->available_dbms as $db_name => $db_ary)
$dll = $db_ary['MODULE'];
if (!@extension_loaded($dll))
if (!$this->can_load_dll($dll))
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['DLL_' . strtoupper($db_name)],
'RESULT' => '<span style="color:red">' . $lang['UNAVAILABLE'] . '</span>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['DLL_' . strtoupper($db_name)],
'RESULT' => '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['AVAILABLE'] . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
$passed['db'] = true;
// Test for other modules
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'S_FIRST_ROW' => false,
foreach ($this->php_dlls_other as $dll)
if (!@extension_loaded($dll))
if (!$this->can_load_dll($dll))
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['DLL_' . strtoupper($dll)],
'RESULT' => '<b style="color:red">' . $lang['UNAVAILABLE'] . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['DLL_' . strtoupper($dll)],
'RESULT' => '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['AVAILABLE'] . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
// Can we find Imagemagick anywhere on the system?
$exe = ((defined('PHP_OS')) && (preg_match('#win#i', PHP_OS))) ? '.exe' : '';
$magic_home = getenv('MAGICK_HOME');
$img_imagick = '';
if (empty($magic_home))
$locations = array('C:/WINDOWS/', 'C:/WINNT/', 'C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM/', 'C:/WINNT/SYSTEM/', 'C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/', 'C:/WINNT/SYSTEM32/', '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/', '/usr/local/bin/', '/usr/local/sbin/', '/opt/', '/usr/imagemagick/', '/usr/bin/imagemagick/');
$path_locations = str_replace('\\', '/', (explode(($exe) ? ';' : ':', getenv('PATH'))));
$locations = array_merge($path_locations, $locations);
foreach ($locations as $location)
// The path might not end properly, fudge it
if (substr($location, -1, 1) !== '/')
$location .= '/';
if (@is_readable($location . 'mogrify' . $exe) && @filesize($location . 'mogrify' . $exe) > 3000)
$img_imagick = str_replace('\\', '/', $location);
$img_imagick = str_replace('\\', '/', $magic_home);
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['APP_MAGICK'],
'RESULT' => ($img_imagick) ? '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['AVAILABLE'] . ', ' . $img_imagick . '</b>' : '<b style="color:blue">' . $lang['NO_LOCATION'] . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
// Check permissions on files/directories we need access to
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'S_FIRST_ROW' => false,
$directories = array('cache/', 'files/', 'store/');
$passed['files'] = true;
foreach ($directories as $dir)
$write = $exists = true;
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $dir) && is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $dir))
if (!is_writeable($phpbb_root_path . $dir))
$write = (@chmod($phpbb_root_path . $dir, 0777)) ? true : false;
$write = $exists = (@mkdir($phpbb_root_path . $dir, 0777)) ? true : false;
$passed['files'] = ($exists && $write && $passed['files']) ? true : false;
$exists = ($exists) ? '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['FOUND'] . '</b>' : '<b style="color:red">' . $lang['NOT_FOUND'] . '</b>';
$write = ($write) ? ', <b style="color:green">' . $lang['WRITEABLE'] . '</b>' : (($exists) ? ', <b style="color:red">' . $lang['UNWRITEABLE'] . '</b>' : '');
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $dir,
'RESULT' => $exists . $write,
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
// Check permissions on files/directories it would be useful access to
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'S_FIRST_ROW' => false,
$directories = array('config.'.$phpEx, 'images/avatars/upload/');
foreach ($directories as $dir)
$write = $exists = true;
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $dir))
if (!is_writeable($phpbb_root_path . $dir))
$write = false;
$write = $exists = false;
$exists_str = ($exists) ? '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['FOUND'] . '</b>' : '<b style="color:red">' . $lang['NOT_FOUND'] . '</b>';
$write_str = ($write) ? ', <b style="color:green">' . $lang['WRITEABLE'] . '</b>' : (($exists) ? ', <b style="color:red">' . $lang['UNWRITEABLE'] . '</b>' : '');
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $dir,
'RESULT' => $exists_str . $write_str,
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
// And finally where do we want to go next (well today is taken isn't it :P)
$s_hidden_fields = ($img_imagick) ? '<input type="hidden" name="img_imagick" value="' . addslashes($img_imagick) . '" />' : '';
$url = ($passed['php'] && $passed['db'] && $passed['files']) ? $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=database&language=$language" : $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=requirements&language=$language ";
$submit = ($passed['php'] && $passed['db'] && $passed['files']) ? $lang['INSTALL_START'] : $lang['INSTALL_TEST'];
'L_SUBMIT' => $submit,
'S_HIDDEN' => $s_hidden_fields,
'U_ACTION' => $url,
* Obtain the information required to connect to the database
function obtain_database_settings($mode, $sub)
global $lang, $template, $phpEx;
$this->page_title = $lang['STAGE_DATABASE'];
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
$connect_test = false;
// Has the user opted to test the connection?
if (isset($_POST['testdb']))
// If the module for the selected database isn't loaded, let's try and load it now
if (!@extension_loaded($this->available_dbms[$dbms]['MODULE']))
if (!$this->can_load_dll($this->available_dbms[$dbms]['MODULE']))
$error['db'][] = $lang['INST_ERR_NO_DB'];
$dbpasswd = html_entity_decode($dbpasswd);
$connect_test = $this->connect_check_db(true, $error, $dbms, $table_prefix, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport);
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'S_FIRST_ROW' => true,
'LEGEND_EXPLAIN' => false,
if ($connect_test)
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['DB_TEST'],
'RESULT' => '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['SUCCESSFUL_CONNECT'] . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['DB_TEST'],
'RESULT' => '<b style="color:red">' . implode('<br />', $error) . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
if (!$connect_test)
// Update the list of available DBMS modules to only contain those which can be used
$available_dbms_temp = array();
foreach ($this->available_dbms as $type => $dbms_ary)
if (!@extension_loaded($dbms_ary['MODULE']))
if (!$this->can_load_dll($dbms_ary['MODULE']))
$available_dbms_temp[$type] = $dbms_ary;
$this->available_dbms = &$available_dbms_temp;
// And now for the main part of this page
$table_prefix = (!empty($table_prefix) ? $table_prefix : 'phpbb_');
foreach ($this->db_config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars) && strpos($config_key, 'legend') === false)
if (strpos($config_key, 'legend') !== false)
$template->assign_block_vars('options', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'LEGEND' => $lang[$vars])
$options = isset($vars['options']) ? $vars['options'] : '';
$template->assign_block_vars('options', array(
'KEY' => $config_key,
'TITLE' => $lang[$vars['lang']],
'S_EXPLAIN' => $vars['explain'],
'S_LEGEND' => false,
'TITLE_EXPLAIN' => ($vars['explain']) ? $lang[$vars['lang'] . '_EXPLAIN'] : '',
'CONTENT' => $this->p_master->input_field($config_key, $vars['type'], $$config_key, $options),
// And finally where do we want to go next (well today is taken isn't it :P)
$s_hidden_fields = ($img_imagick) ? '<input type="hidden" name="img_imagick" value="' . addslashes($img_imagick) . '" />' : '';
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . $language . '" />';
if ($connect_test)
foreach ($this->db_config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars))
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $config_key . '" value="' . $$config_key . '" />';
$url = ($connect_test) ? $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=administrator" : $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=database";
$s_hidden_fields .= ($connect_test) ? '' : '<input type="hidden" name="testdb" value="true" />';
$submit = $lang['NEXT_STEP'];
'L_SUBMIT' => $submit,
'S_HIDDEN' => $s_hidden_fields,
'U_ACTION' => $url,
* Obtain the administrator's name, password and email address
function obtain_admin_settings($mode, $sub)
global $lang, $template, $phpEx;
$this->page_title = $lang['STAGE_ADMINISTRATOR'];
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
if ($dbms == '')
// Someone's been silly and tried calling this page direct
// So we send them back to the start to do it again properly
$s_hidden_fields = ($img_imagick) ? '<input type="hidden" name="img_imagick" value="' . addslashes($img_imagick) . '" />' : '';
$passed = false;
if (isset($_POST['check']))
$error = array();
// Check the entered email address and password
if ($admin_name == '' || $admin_pass1 == '' || $admin_pass2 == '' || $board_email1 == '' || $board_email2 =='')
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_MISSING_DATA'];
if ($admin_pass1 != $admin_pass2 && $admin_pass1 != '')
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH'];
// Test against the default username rules
if ($admin_name != '' && strlen($admin_name) < 3)
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_USER_TOO_SHORT'];
if ($admin_name != '' && strlen($admin_name) > 20)
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_USER_TOO_LONG'];
// Test against the default password rules
if ($admin_pass1 != '' && strlen($admin_pass1) < 6)
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT'];
if ($admin_pass1 != '' && strlen($admin_pass1) > 30)
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG'];
if ($board_email1 != $board_email2 && $board_email1 != '')
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_EMAIL_MISMATCH'];
if ($board_email1 != '' && !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9\.\-_\+]+?@(.*?\.)*?[a-z0-9\-_]+?\.[a-z]{2,4}$#i', $board_email1))
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_EMAIL_INVALID'];
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'S_FIRST_ROW' => true,
'LEGEND_EXPLAIN' => false,
if (!sizeof($error))
$passed = true;
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['ADMIN_TEST'],
'RESULT' => '<b style="color:green">' . $lang['TESTS_PASSED'] . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
$template->assign_block_vars('checks', array(
'TITLE' => $lang['ADMIN_TEST'],
'RESULT' => '<b style="color:red">' . implode('<br />', $error) . '</b>',
'S_EXPLAIN' => false,
'S_LEGEND' => false,
if (!$passed)
foreach ($this->admin_config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars) && strpos($config_key, 'legend') === false)
if (strpos($config_key, 'legend') !== false)
$template->assign_block_vars('options', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'LEGEND' => $lang[$vars])
$options = isset($vars['options']) ? $vars['options'] : '';
$template->assign_block_vars('options', array(
'KEY' => $config_key,
'TITLE' => $lang[$vars['lang']],
'S_EXPLAIN' => $vars['explain'],
'S_LEGEND' => false,
'TITLE_EXPLAIN' => ($vars['explain']) ? $lang[$vars['lang'] . '_EXPLAIN'] : '',
'CONTENT' => $this->p_master->input_field($config_key, $vars['type'], $$config_key, $options),
foreach ($this->admin_config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars))
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $config_key . '" value="' . $$config_key . '" />';
$s_hidden_fields .= ($img_imagick) ? '<input type="hidden" name="img_imagick" value="' . addslashes($img_imagick) . '" />' : '';
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . $language . '" />';
foreach ($this->db_config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars))
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $config_key . '" value="' . $$config_key . '" />';
$submit = $lang['NEXT_STEP'];
$url = ($passed) ? $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=config_file" : $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=administrator";
$s_hidden_fields .= ($passed) ? '' : '<input type="hidden" name="check" value="true" />';
'L_SUBMIT' => $submit,
'S_HIDDEN' => $s_hidden_fields,
'U_ACTION' => $url,
* Writes the config file to disk, or if unable to do so offers alternative methods
function create_config_file($mode, $sub)
global $lang, $template, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$this->page_title = $lang['STAGE_CONFIG_FILE'];
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
if ($dbms == '')
// Someone's been silly and tried calling this page direct
// So we send them back to the start to do it again properly
$s_hidden_fields = ($img_imagick) ? '<input type="hidden" name="img_imagick" value="' . addslashes($img_imagick) . '" />' : '';
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . $language . '" />';
$written = false;
// Create a list of any PHP modules we wish to have loaded
$load_extensions = array();
$check_exts = array_merge(array($this->available_dbms[$dbms]['MODULE']), $this->php_dlls_other);
foreach ($check_exts as $dll)
if (!@extension_loaded($dll))
if (!$this->can_load_dll($dll))
$load_extensions[] = "$dll.$suffix";
$dbpasswd = html_entity_decode($dbpasswd);
$load_extensions = implode(',', $load_extensions);
// Time to convert the data provided into a config file
$config_data = "<?php\n";
$config_data .= "// phpBB 3.0.x auto-generated configuration file\n// Do not change anything in this file!\n";
$config_data .= "\$dbms = '$dbms';\n";
$config_data .= "\$dbhost = '$dbhost';\n";
$config_data .= "\$dbport = '$dbport';\n";
$config_data .= "\$dbname = '$dbname';\n";
$config_data .= "\$dbuser = '$dbuser';\n";
$config_data .= "\$dbpasswd = '$dbpasswd';\n\n";
$config_data .= "\$table_prefix = '$table_prefix';\n";
// $config_data .= "\$acm_type = '" . (($acm_type) ? $acm_type : 'file') . "';\n";
$config_data .= "\$acm_type = 'file';\n";
$config_data .= "\$load_extensions = '$load_extensions';\n\n";
$config_data .= "define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);\n";
$config_data .= "define('DEBUG', true);\n"; // @todo Comment out when final
$config_data .= "define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);\n"; // @todo Comment out when final
$config_data .= '?' . '>'; // Done this to prevent highlighting editors getting confused!
// Attempt to write out the config file directly. If it works, this is the easiest way to do it ...
if ((file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx) && is_writeable($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx)) || is_writable($phpbb_root_path))
// Assume it will work ... if nothing goes wrong below
$written = true;
if (!($fp = @fopen($phpbb_root_path . 'config.'.$phpEx, 'w')))
// Something went wrong ... so let's try another method
$written = false;
if (!(@fwrite($fp, $config_data)))
// Something went wrong ... so let's try another method
$written = false;
if (isset($_POST['dldone']))
// Do a basic check to make sure that the file has been uploaded
// Note that all we check is that the file has _something_ in it
// We don't compare the contents exactly - if they can't upload
// a single file correctly, it's likely they will have other problems....
if (filesize($phpbb_root_path . 'config.'.$phpEx) > 10)
$written = true;
$config_options = array_merge($this->db_config_options, $this->admin_config_options);
foreach ($config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars))
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $config_key . '" value="' . $$config_key . '" />';
if (!$written)
// OK, so it didn't work let's try the alternatives
if (isset($_POST['dlconfig']))
// They want a copy of the file to download, so send the relevant headers and dump out the data
header("Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name=\"config.$phpEx\"");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=config.$phpEx");
echo $config_data;
// The option to download the config file is always available, so output it here
'L_DL_CONFIG' => $lang['DL_CONFIG'],
'L_DL_DONE' => $lang['DONE'],
'S_HIDDEN' => $s_hidden_fields,
'S_SHOW_DOWNLOAD' => true,
'U_ACTION' => $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=config_file",
'L_SUBMIT' => $lang['NEXT_STEP'],
'S_HIDDEN' => $s_hidden_fields,
'U_ACTION' => $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=advanced",
* Provide an opportunity to customise some advanced settings during the install
* in case it is necessary for them to be set to access later
function obtain_advanced_settings($mode, $sub)
global $lang, $template, $phpEx;
$this->page_title = $lang['STAGE_ADVANCED'];
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
if ($dbms == '')
// Someone's been silly and tried calling this page direct
// So we send them back to the start to do it again properly
$s_hidden_fields = ($img_imagick) ? '<input type="hidden" name="img_imagick" value="' . addslashes($img_imagick) . '" />' : '';
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . $language . '" />';
$email_enable = ($email_enable !== '') ? $email_enable : true;
$server_name = ($server_name !== '') ? $server_name : ((!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : getenv('SERVER_NAME'));
$server_port = ($server_port !== '') ? $server_port : ((!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) ? (int) $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : (int) getenv('SERVER_PORT'));
$server_protocol = ($server_protocol !== '') ? $server_protocol : ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://');
$cookie_secure = ($cookie_secure !== '') ? $cookie_secure : ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? true : false);
foreach ($this->advanced_config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars) && strpos($config_key, 'legend') === false)
if (strpos($config_key, 'legend') !== false)
$template->assign_block_vars('options', array(
'S_LEGEND' => true,
'LEGEND' => $lang[$vars])
$options = isset($vars['options']) ? $vars['options'] : '';
$template->assign_block_vars('options', array(
'KEY' => $config_key,
'TITLE' => $lang[$vars['lang']],
'S_EXPLAIN' => $vars['explain'],
'S_LEGEND' => false,
'TITLE_EXPLAIN' => ($vars['explain']) ? $lang[$vars['lang'] . '_EXPLAIN'] : '',
'CONTENT' => $this->p_master->input_field($config_key, $vars['type'], $$config_key, $options),
$config_options = array_merge($this->db_config_options, $this->admin_config_options);
foreach ($config_options as $config_key => $vars)
if (!is_array($vars))
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $config_key . '" value="' . $$config_key . '" />';
$submit = $lang['NEXT_STEP'];
$url = $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=create_table";
'L_SUBMIT' => $submit,
'S_HIDDEN' => $s_hidden_fields,
'U_ACTION' => $url,
* Load the contents of the schema into the database and then alter it based on what has been input during the installation
function load_schema($mode, $sub)
global $db, $lang, $template, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$this->page_title = $lang['STAGE_CREATE_TABLE'];
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
if ($dbms == '')
// Someone's been silly and tried calling this page direct
// So we send them back to the start to do it again properly
$cookie_domain = ($server_name != '') ? $server_name : (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : getenv('SERVER_NAME');
// If we get here and the extension isn't loaded it should be safe to just go ahead and load it
if (!@extension_loaded($this->available_dbms[$dbms]['MODULE']))
@dl($this->available_dbms[$dbms]['MODULE'] . ".$prefix");
$dbpasswd = html_entity_decode($dbpasswd);
// Load the appropriate database class if not already loaded
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx);
// Instantiate the database
$sql_db = 'dbal_' . $dbms;
$db = new $sql_db();
$db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport, false);
// NOTE: trigger_error does not work here.
$db->return_on_error = true;
// Ok we have the db info go ahead and read in the relevant schema
// and work on building the table
$dbms_schema = 'schemas/' . $this->available_dbms[$dbms]['SCHEMA'] . '_schema.sql';
// How should we treat this schema?
$remove_remarks = $this->available_dbms[$dbms]['COMMENTS'];
$delimiter = $this->available_dbms[$dbms]['DELIM'];
$sql_query = @file_get_contents($dbms_schema);
switch ($dbms)
case 'mysql':
case 'mysql4':
// We don't want MySQL mixing up collations
if (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.2', '>='))
$sql_query = preg_replace('/^\);$/m', ') DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1;', $sql_query);
case 'mysqli':
// mysqli only works with MySQL > 4.1.3 so we'll just do a straight replace if using this DBMS
$sql_query = preg_replace('/^\);$/m', ') DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1;', $sql_query);
$sql_query = preg_replace('#phpbb_#i', $table_prefix, $sql_query);
$sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter);
foreach ($sql_query as $sql)
//$sql = trim(str_replace('|', ';', $sql));
if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
$error = $db->sql_error();
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Ok tables have been built, let's fill in the basic information
$sql_query = file_get_contents('schemas/schema_data.sql');
// Deal with any special comments
switch ($dbms)
case 'mssql':
case 'mssql_odbc':
$sql_query = preg_replace('#\# MSSQL IDENTITY (phpbb_[a-z_]+) (ON|OFF) \##s', 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT \1 \2;', $sql_query);
case 'postgres':
$sql_query = preg_replace('#\# POSTGRES (BEGIN|COMMIT) \##s', '\1; ', $sql_query);
$sql_query = preg_replace('#phpbb_#i', $table_prefix, $sql_query);
// Since there is only one schema file we know the comment style and are able to remove it directly with remove_remarks
$sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, ';');
foreach ($sql_query as $sql)
//$sql = trim(str_replace('|', ';', $sql));
if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
$error = $db->sql_error();
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$current_time = time();
// Set default config and post data, this applies to all DB's
$sql_ary = array(
'INSERT INTO ' . $table_prefix . "config (config_name, config_value)
VALUES ('board_startdate', $current_time)",
'INSERT INTO ' . $table_prefix . "config (config_name, config_value)
VALUES ('default_lang', '" . $db->sql_escape($default_lang) . "')",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($img_imagick) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'img_imagick'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_name) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'server_name'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_port) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'server_port'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($board_email1) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'board_email'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($board_email1) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'board_contact'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($cookie_domain) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'cookie_domain'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($lang['default_dateformat']) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'default_dateformat'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($email_enable) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'email_enable'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($smtp_delivery) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'smtp_delivery'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($smtp_host) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'smtp_host'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($smtp_auth) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'smtp_auth_method'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($smtp_user) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'smtp_username'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($smtp_pass) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'smtp_password'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($cookie_secure) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'cookie_secure'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($force_server_vars) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'force_server_vars'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_name) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'server_name'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_protocol) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'server_protocol'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($server_port) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'server_port'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "'
WHERE config_name = 'newest_username'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "users
SET username = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "', user_password='" . $db->sql_escape(md5($admin_pass1)) . "', user_lang = '" . $db->sql_escape($default_lang) . "', user_email='" . $db->sql_escape($board_email1) . "', user_dateformat='" . $db->sql_escape($lang['default_dateformat']) . "', user_email_hash = '" . (int) (crc32(strtolower($board_email1)) . strlen($board_email1)) . "'
WHERE username = 'Admin'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "moderator_cache
SET username = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "'
WHERE username = 'Admin'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "forums
SET forum_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "'
WHERE forum_last_poster_name = 'Admin'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "topics
SET topic_first_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "', topic_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_name) . "'
WHERE topic_first_poster_name = 'Admin'
OR topic_last_poster_name = 'Admin'",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "users
SET user_regdate = $current_time",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "posts
SET post_time = $current_time",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "topics
SET topic_time = $current_time, topic_last_post_time = $current_time",
'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "forums
SET forum_last_post_time = $current_time",
// This is for people who have TTF disabled
if (!(@function_exists('imagettfbbox') && @function_exists('imagettftext')))
$sql_ary[] = 'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . "config
SET config_value = '0'
WHERE config_name = 'policy_shape'";
foreach ($sql_ary as $sql)
$sql = trim(str_replace('|', ';', $sql));
if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
$error = $db->sql_error();
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $var . '" value="' . $$var . '" />';
$submit = $lang['NEXT_STEP'];
$url = $this->p_master->module_url . "?mode=$mode&sub=final";
'L_SUBMIT' => $submit,
'S_HIDDEN' => $s_hidden_fields,
'U_ACTION' => $url,
* Populate the module tables
function add_modules($mode, $sub)
global $db, $lang, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
$dbpasswd = html_entity_decode($dbpasswd);
// Load the appropriate database class if not already loaded
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx);
// Instantiate the database
$sql_db = 'dbal_' . $dbms;
$db = new $sql_db();
$db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport, false);
// NOTE: trigger_error does not work here.
$db->return_on_error = true;
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants.' . $phpEx);
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/acp_modules.' . $phpEx);
$_module = &new acp_modules();
$module_classes = array('acp', 'mcp', 'ucp');
// Add categories
foreach ($module_classes as $module_class)
$categories = array();
// Set the module class
$_module->module_class = $module_class;
foreach ($this->module_categories[$module_class] as $cat_name => $subs)
$module_data = array(
'module_basename' => '',
'module_enabled' => 1,
'module_display' => 1,
'parent_id' => 0,
'module_class' => $module_class,
'module_langname' => $cat_name,
'module_mode' => '',
'module_auth' => '',
// Add category
$_module->update_module_data($module_data, true);
// Check for last sql error happened
if ($db->sql_error_triggered)
$error = $db->sql_error($db->sql_error_sql);
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $db->sql_error_sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$categories[$cat_name]['id'] = $module_data['module_id'];
$categories[$cat_name]['parent_id'] = 0;
// Create sub-categories...
if (is_array($subs))
foreach ($subs as $level2_name)
$module_data = array(
'module_basename' => '',
'module_enabled' => 1,
'module_display' => 1,
'parent_id' => $categories[$cat_name]['id'],
'module_class' => $module_class,
'module_langname' => $level2_name,
'module_mode' => '',
'module_auth' => '',
$_module->update_module_data($module_data, true);
// Check for last sql error happened
if ($db->sql_error_triggered)
$error = $db->sql_error($db->sql_error_sql);
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $db->sql_error_sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$categories[$level2_name]['id'] = $module_data['module_id'];
$categories[$level2_name]['parent_id'] = $categories[$cat_name]['id'];
// Get the modules we want to add... returned sorted by name
$module_info = $_module->get_module_infos('', $module_class);
foreach ($module_info as $module_basename => $fileinfo)
foreach ($fileinfo['modes'] as $module_mode => $row)
foreach ($row['cat'] as $cat_name)
$module_data = array(
'module_basename' => $module_basename,
'module_enabled' => 1,
'module_display' => (isset($row['display'])) ? $row['display'] : 1,
'parent_id' => $categories[$cat_name]['id'],
'module_class' => $module_class,
'module_langname' => $row['title'],
'module_mode' => $module_mode,
'module_auth' => $row['auth'],
$_module->update_module_data($module_data, true);
// Check for last sql error happened
if ($db->sql_error_triggered)
$error = $db->sql_error($db->sql_error_sql);
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $db->sql_error_sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Move some of the modules around since the code above will put them in the wrong place
if ($module_class == 'acp')
// Move main module 4 up...
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE module_basename = 'main'
AND module_class = 'acp'
AND module_mode = 'main'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$_module->move_module_by($row, 'move_up', 4);
// Move permissions intro screen module 4 up...
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE module_basename = 'permissions'
AND module_class = 'acp'
AND module_mode = 'intro'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$_module->move_module_by($row, 'move_up', 4);
// Move manage users screen module 4 up...
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE module_basename = 'users'
AND module_class = 'acp'
AND module_mode = 'overview'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$_module->move_module_by($row, 'move_up', 4);
// And now for the special ones
// (these are modules which appear in multiple categories and thus get added manually to some for more control)
if (isset($this->module_extras[$module_class]))
foreach ($this->module_extras[$module_class] as $cat_name => $mods)
$sql = 'SELECT module_id, left_id, right_id
WHERE module_langname = '" . $db->sql_escape($cat_name) . "'
AND module_class = '" . $db->sql_escape($module_class) . "'";
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
foreach ($mods as $mod_name)
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE module_langname = '" . $db->sql_escape($mod_name) . "'
AND module_class = '" . $db->sql_escape($module_class) . "'
AND module_basename <> ''";
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$module_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$module_data['parent_id'] = $row2['module_id'];
$_module->update_module_data($module_data, true);
// Check for last sql error happened
if ($db->sql_error_triggered)
$error = $db->sql_error($db->sql_error_sql);
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $db->sql_error_sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
* Populate the language tables
function add_language($mode, $sub)
global $db, $lang, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$dir = @opendir($phpbb_root_path . 'language');
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
$path = $phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $file;
if (is_dir($path) && !is_link($path) && file_exists($path . '/iso.txt'))
$lang_pack = file("{$phpbb_root_path}language/$path/iso.txt");
$sql_ary = array(
'lang_iso' => basename($path),
'lang_dir' => basename($path),
'lang_english_name' => trim(htmlspecialchars($lang_pack[0])),
'lang_local_name' => trim(htmlspecialchars($lang_pack[1])),
'lang_author' => trim(htmlspecialchars($lang_pack[2])),
$db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . LANG_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary));
if ($db->sql_error_triggered)
$error = $db->sql_error($db->sql_error_sql);
$this->p_master->db_error($error['message'], $db->sql_error_sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
* Add search robots to the database
function add_bots($mode, $sub)
global $db, $lang, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config;
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
// Fill the config array - it is needed by those functions we call
$sql = 'SELECT *
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$config = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
$sql = 'SELECT group_id
WHERE group_name = 'BOTS'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$group_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
if (!$group_id)
// If we reach this point then something has gone very wrong
$this->p_master->error($lang['NO_GROUP'], __LINE__, __FILE__);
if (!function_exists('user_add'))
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
foreach ($this->bot_list as $bot_name => $bot_ary)
$user_row = array(
'user_type' => USER_IGNORE,
'group_id' => $group_id,
'username' => $bot_name,
'user_regdate' => time(),
'user_password' => '',
'user_colour' => '9E8DA7',
'user_email' => '',
'user_lang' => $default_lang,
'user_style' => 1,
'user_timezone' => 0,
'user_dateformat' => $lang['default_dateformat'],
$user_id = user_add($user_row);
if (!$user_id)
// If we can't insert this user then continue to the next one to avoid inconsistant data
$this->p_master->db_error('Unable to insert bot into users table', $db->sql_error_sql, __LINE__, __FILE__, true);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BOTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
'bot_active' => 1,
'bot_name' => $bot_name,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'bot_agent' => $bot_ary[0],
'bot_ip' => $bot_ary[1],
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
* Sends an email to the board administrator with their password and some useful links
function email_admin($mode, $sub)
global $auth, $config, $db, $lang, $template, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$this->page_title = $lang['STAGE_FINAL'];
// Obtain any submitted data
foreach ($this->request_vars as $var)
$$var = request_var($var, '');
// Load the basic configuration data
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants.' . $phpEx);
$sql = 'SELECT *
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$config = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
$auth->login($admin_name, $admin_pass1, false, true, true);
// OK, Now that we've reached this point we can be confident that everything
// is installed and working......I hope :)
// So it's time to send an email to the administrator confirming the details
// they entered
if ($config['email_enable'])
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx);
$messenger = new messenger(false);
$messenger->template('installed', $language);
$messenger->to($board_email1, $admin_name);
$messenger->headers('X-AntiAbuse: Board servername - ' . $config['server_name']);
$messenger->headers('X-AntiAbuse: User_id - ' . $user->data['user_id']);
$messenger->headers('X-AntiAbuse: Username - ' . $user->data['username']);
$messenger->headers('X-AntiAbuse: User IP - ' . $user->ip);
'USERNAME' => html_entity_decode($admin_name),
'PASSWORD' => html_entity_decode($admin_pass1),
'U_BOARD' => generate_board_url(),
'EMAIL_SIG' => str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $config['board_email_sig']))
// And finally, add a note to the log
add_log('admin', 'LOG_INSTALL_INSTALLED', $config['version']);
'BODY' => sprintf($lang['INSTALL_CONGRATS_EXPLAIN'], '<a href="../docs/README.html" target="_blank">', '</a>'),
'U_ACTION' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'adm/index.' . $phpEx),
* Determine if we are able to load a specified PHP module
function can_load_dll($dll)
global $suffix;
return ((@ini_get('enable_dl') || strtolower(@ini_get('enable_dl')) == 'on') && (!@ini_get('safe_mode') || strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode')) == 'off') && @dl($dll . ".$suffix")) ? true : false;
* Used to test whether we are able to connect to the database the user has specified
* and identify any problems (eg there are already tables with the names we want to use
function connect_check_db($error_connect, &$error, $dbms, $table_prefix, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport)
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config, $lang;
// Include the DB layer
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx);
// Instantiate it and set return on error true
$sql_db = 'dbal_' . $dbms;
$db = new $sql_db();
// Check that we actually have a database name before going any further.....
if ($dbms != 'sqlite' && $dbname === '')
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_DB_NO_NAME'];
return false;
// Make sure we don't have a daft user who thinks having the SQLite database in the forum directory is a good idea
if ($dbms == 'sqlite' && stripos(phpbb_realpath($dbhost), phpbb_realpath('../')) === 0)
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_DB_FORUM_PATH'];
return false;
// Try and connect ...
if (is_array($db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport, false)))
$db_error = $db->sql_error();
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_DB_CONNECT'] . '<br />' . (($db_error['message']) ? $db_error['message'] : $lang['INST_ERR_DB_NO_ERROR']);
switch ($dbms)
case 'mysql':
case 'mysql4':
case 'mysqli':
case 'sqlite':
$sql = "SHOW TABLES";
$field = "Tables_in_{$dbname}";
case 'mssql':
case 'mssql_odbc':
$sql = "SELECT name
FROM sysobjects
WHERE type='U'";
$field = 'name';
case 'postgres':
$sql = "SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = 'r'
AND relname NOT LIKE 'pg\_%'";
$field = 'relname';
case 'firebird':
$sql = 'SELECT rdb$relation_name
FROM rdb$relations
WHERE rdb$view_source is null
AND rdb$system_flag = 0';
$field = 'rdb$relation_name';
case 'oracle':
$sql = 'SELECT table_name FROM USER_TABLES';
$field = 'table_name';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
// Likely matches for an existing phpBB installation
$table_ary = array($table_prefix . 'attachments', $table_prefix . 'config', $table_prefix . 'sessions', $table_prefix . 'topics', $table_prefix . 'users');
// All phpBB installations will at least have config else it won't work
if (in_array(strtolower($row[$field]), $table_ary))
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_PREFIX'];
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
// Make sure that the user has selected a sensible DBAL for the DBMS actually installed
switch ($dbms)
case 'mysql4':
if (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info($db->db_connect_id), '4.0.0', '<'))
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_DB_NO_MYSQL4'];
case 'mysqli':
if (version_compare(mysqli_get_server_info($db->db_connect_id), '4.1.3', '<'))
$error[] = $lang['INST_ERR_DB_NO_MYSQLI'];
if ($error_connect && (!isset($error) || !sizeof($error)))
return true;
return false;
* Generate the drop down of available database options
function dbms_select($default='')
$dbms_options = '';
foreach ($this->available_dbms as $dbms_name => $details)
$selected = ($dbms_name == $default) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$dbms_options .= '<option value="' . $dbms_name . '"' . $selected .'>' . $details['LABEL'] . '</option>';
return $dbms_options;
* Generate a list of available mail server authentication methods
function mail_auth_select($selected_method)
global $lang;
$auth_methods = array('PLAIN', 'LOGIN', 'CRAM-MD5', 'DIGEST-MD5', 'POP-BEFORE-SMTP');
$s_smtp_auth_options = '';
foreach ($auth_methods as $method)
$s_smtp_auth_options .= '<option value="' . $method . '"' . (($selected_method == $method) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $lang['SMTP_' . str_replace('-', '_', $method)] . '</option>';
return $s_smtp_auth_options;
* The variables that we will be passing between pages
* Used to retrieve data quickly on each page
var $request_vars = array('language', 'dbms', 'dbhost', 'dbport', 'dbuser', 'dbpasswd', 'dbname', 'table_prefix', 'default_lang', 'admin_name', 'admin_pass1', 'admin_pass2', 'board_email1', 'board_email2', 'img_imagick', 'ftp_path', 'ftp_user', 'ftp_pass', 'email_enable', 'smtp_delivery', 'smtp_host', 'smtp_auth', 'smtp_user', 'smtp_pass', 'cookie_secure', 'force_server_vars', 'server_protocol', 'server_name', 'server_port');
* The information below will be used to build the input fields presented to the user
var $db_config_options = array(
'legend1' => 'DB_CONFIG',
'dbms' => array('lang' => 'DBMS', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => '$this->module->dbms_select(\'{VALUE}\')', 'explain' => false),
'dbhost' => array('lang' => 'DB_HOST', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => true),
'dbport' => array('lang' => 'DB_PORT', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => true),
'dbname' => array('lang' => 'DB_NAME', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => false),
'dbuser' => array('lang' => 'DB_USERNAME', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => false),
'dbpasswd' => array('lang' => 'DB_PASSWORD', 'type' => 'password:25:100', 'explain' => false),
'table_prefix' => array('lang' => 'TABLE_PREFIX', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => false),
var $admin_config_options = array(
'legend1' => 'ADMIN_CONFIG',
'default_lang' => array('lang' => 'DEFAULT_LANG', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => '$this->module->inst_language_select(\'{VALUE}\')', 'explain' => false),
'admin_name' => array('lang' => 'ADMIN_USERNAME', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => true),
'admin_pass1' => array('lang' => 'ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'type' => 'password:25:100', 'explain' => true),
'admin_pass2' => array('lang' => 'ADMIN_PASSWORD_CONFIRM', 'type' => 'password:25:100', 'explain' => false),
'board_email1' => array('lang' => 'CONTACT_EMAIL', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => false),
'board_email2' => array('lang' => 'CONTACT_EMAIL_CONFIRM', 'type' => 'text:25:100', 'explain' => false),
var $advanced_config_options = array(
'legend1' => 'ACP_EMAIL_SETTINGS',
'email_enable' => array('lang' => 'ENABLE_EMAIL', 'type' => 'radio:enabled_disabled', 'explain' => true),
'smtp_delivery' => array('lang' => 'USE_SMTP', 'type' => 'radio:yes_no', 'explain' => true),
'smtp_host' => array('lang' => 'SMTP_SERVER', 'type' => 'text:25:50', 'explain' => false),
'smtp_auth' => array('lang' => 'SMTP_AUTH_METHOD', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => '$this->module->mail_auth_select(\'{VALUE}\')', 'explain' => true),
'smtp_user' => array('lang' => 'SMTP_USERNAME', 'type' => 'text:25:255', 'explain' => true),
'smtp_pass' => array('lang' => 'SMTP_PASSWORD', 'type' => 'password:25:255', 'explain' => true),
'legend2' => 'SERVER_URL_SETTINGS',
'cookie_secure' => array('lang' => 'COOKIE_SECURE', 'type' => 'radio:enabled_disabled', 'explain' => true),
'force_server_vars' => array('lang' => 'FORCE_SERVER_VARS', 'type' => 'radio:yes_no', 'explain' => true),
'server_protocol' => array('lang' => 'SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'type' => 'text:10:10', 'explain' => true),
'server_name' => array('lang' => 'SERVER_NAME', 'type' => 'text:40:255', 'explain' => true),
'server_port' => array('lang' => 'SERVER_PORT', 'type' => 'text:5:5', 'explain' => true),
* Specific PHP modules we may require for certain optional or extended features
var $php_dlls_other = array('zlib', 'ftp', 'xml');
* Details of the database management systems supported
var $available_dbms = array(
'firebird' => array(
'LABEL' => 'FireBird',
'SCHEMA' => 'firebird',
'MODULE' => 'interbase',
'DELIM' => ';;',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks'
'mysqli' => array(
'LABEL' => 'MySQL 4.1.x/5.x (MySQLi)',
'SCHEMA' => 'mysql',
'MODULE' => 'mysqli',
'DELIM' => ';',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks'
'mysql4' => array(
'LABEL' => 'MySQL 4.x/5.x',
'SCHEMA' => 'mysql',
'MODULE' => 'mysql',
'DELIM' => ';',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks'
'mysql' => array(
'LABEL' => 'MySQL',
'SCHEMA' => 'mysql',
'MODULE' => 'mysql',
'DELIM' => ';',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks'
'mssql' => array(
'LABEL' => 'MS SQL Server 2000+',
'SCHEMA' => 'mssql',
'MODULE' => 'mssql',
'DELIM' => 'GO',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_comments'
'mssql_odbc'=> array(
'LABEL' => 'MS SQL Server [ ODBC ]',
'SCHEMA' => 'mssql',
'MODULE' => 'odbc',
'DELIM' => 'GO',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_comments'
'oracle' => array(
'LABEL' => 'Oracle',
'SCHEMA' => 'oracle',
'MODULE' => 'oci8',
'DELIM' => '/',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_comments'
'postgres' => array(
'LABEL' => 'PostgreSQL 7.x',
'SCHEMA' => 'postgres',
'MODULE' => 'pgsql',
'DELIM' => ';',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_comments'
'sqlite' => array(
'LABEL' => 'SQLite',
'SCHEMA' => 'sqlite',
'MODULE' => 'sqlite',
'DELIM' => ';;',
'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks'
* A list of the web-crawlers/bots we recognise by default
var $bot_list = array(
'Alexa' => array('ia_archiver', '66.28.250.,209.237.238.'),
'Fastcrawler' => array('FAST MetaWeb Crawler', '66.151.181.'),
'Googlebot' => array('Googlebot/', ''),
'Inktomi' => array('Slurp/', '216.35.116.,66.196.'),
* Define the module structure so that we can populate the database without
* needing to hard-code module_id values
var $module_categories = array(
'acp' => array(
'ACP_CAT_GENERAL' => array(
'ACP_CAT_FORUMS' => array(
'ACP_CAT_POSTING' => array(
'ACP_CAT_STYLES' => array(
'ACP_CAT_SYSTEM' => array(
'ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS' => null,
'mcp' => array(
'MCP_MAIN' => null,
'MCP_QUEUE' => null,
'MCP_REPORTS' => null,
'MCP_NOTES' => null,
'MCP_WARN' => null,
'MCP_LOGS' => null,
'MCP_BAN' => null,
'ucp' => array(
'UCP_MAIN' => null,
'UCP_PROFILE' => null,
'UCP_PREFS' => null,
'UCP_PM' => null,
'UCP_ZEBRA' => null,
var $module_extras = array(
'acp' => array(
'ACP_QUICK_ACCESS' => array(