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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
namespace phpbb\template\twig;
* Twig Template class.
class twig extends \phpbb\template\base
* Path of the cache directory for the template
* Cannot be changed during runtime.
* @var string
private $cachepath = '';
* phpBB path helper
* @var \phpbb\path_helper
protected $path_helper;
* phpBB root path
* @var string
protected $phpbb_root_path;
* PHP file extension
* @var string
protected $php_ext;
* phpBB config instance
* @var \phpbb\config\config
protected $config;
* Current user
* @var \phpbb\user
protected $user;
* Extension manager.
* @var \phpbb\extension\manager
protected $extension_manager;
* Twig Environment
* @var \Twig_Environment
protected $twig;
* Constructor.
* @param \phpbb\path_helper $path_helper
* @param \phpbb\config\config $config
* @param \phpbb\user $user
* @param \phpbb\template\context $context template context
* @param \phpbb\extension\manager $extension_manager extension manager, if null then template events will not be invoked
public function __construct(\phpbb\path_helper $path_helper, $config, $user, \phpbb\template\context $context, \phpbb\extension\manager $extension_manager = null)
$this->path_helper = $path_helper;
$this->phpbb_root_path = $path_helper->get_phpbb_root_path();
$this->php_ext = $path_helper->get_php_ext();
$this->config = $config;
$this->user = $user;
$this->context = $context;
$this->extension_manager = $extension_manager;
$this->cachepath = $this->phpbb_root_path . 'cache/twig/';
// Initiate the loader, __main__ namespace paths will be setup later in set_style_names()
$loader = new \phpbb\template\twig\loader('');
$this->twig = new \phpbb\template\twig\environment(
'cache' => (defined('IN_INSTALL')) ? false : $this->cachepath,
'debug' => defined('DEBUG'),
'auto_reload' => (bool) $this->config['load_tplcompile'],
'autoescape' => false,
new \phpbb\template\twig\extension(
if (defined('DEBUG'))
$this->twig->addExtension(new \Twig_Extension_Debug());
$lexer = new \phpbb\template\twig\lexer($this->twig);
// Add admin namespace
if ($this->path_helper->get_adm_relative_path() !== null && is_dir($this->phpbb_root_path . $this->path_helper->get_adm_relative_path() . 'style/'))
$this->twig->getLoader()->setPaths($this->phpbb_root_path . $this->path_helper->get_adm_relative_path() . 'style/', 'admin');
* Clear the cache
* @return \phpbb\template\template
public function clear_cache()
if (is_dir($this->cachepath))
return $this;
* Get the style tree of the style preferred by the current user
* @return array Style tree, most specific first
public function get_user_style()
$style_list = array(
if ($this->user->style['style_parent_id'])
$style_list = array_merge($style_list, array_reverse(explode('/', $this->user->style['style_parent_tree'])));
return $style_list;
* Set style location based on (current) user's chosen style.
* @param array $style_directories The directories to add style paths for
* E.g. array('ext/foo/bar/styles', 'styles')
* Default: array('styles') (phpBB's style directory)
* @return \phpbb\template\template $this
public function set_style($style_directories = array('styles'))
if ($style_directories !== array('styles') && $this->twig->getLoader()->getPaths('core') === array())
// We should set up the core styles path since not already setup
$names = $this->get_user_style();
// Add 'all' folder to $names array
// It allows extensions to load a template file from 'all' folder,
// if a style doesn't include it.
$names[] = 'all';
$paths = array();
foreach ($style_directories as $directory)
foreach ($names as $name)
$path = $this->phpbb_root_path . trim($directory, '/') . "/{$name}/";
$template_path = $path . 'template/';
$theme_path = $path . 'theme/';
$is_valid_dir = false;
if (is_dir($template_path))
$is_valid_dir = true;
$paths[] = $template_path;
if (is_dir($theme_path))
$is_valid_dir = true;
$paths[] = $theme_path;
if ($is_valid_dir)
// Add the base style directory as a safe directory
// If we're setting up the main phpBB styles directory and the core
// namespace isn't setup yet, we will set it up now
if ($style_directories === array('styles') && $this->twig->getLoader()->getPaths('core') === array())
// Set up the core style paths namespace
$this->twig->getLoader()->setPaths($paths, 'core');
$this->set_custom_style($names, $paths);
return $this;
* Set custom style location (able to use directory outside of phpBB).
* Note: Templates are still compiled to phpBB's cache directory.
* @param string|array $names Array of names (or detailed names) or string of name of template(s) in inheritance tree order, used by extensions.
* E.g. array(
* 'name' => 'adm',
* 'ext_path' => 'adm/style/',
* )
* @param string|array of string $paths Array of style paths, relative to current root directory
* @return \phpbb\template\template $this
public function set_custom_style($names, $paths)
$paths = (is_string($paths)) ? array($paths) : $paths;
$names = (is_string($names)) ? array($names) : $names;
// Set as __main__ namespace
// Add all namespaces for all extensions
if ($this->extension_manager instanceof \phpbb\extension\manager)
$names[] = 'all';
foreach ($this->extension_manager->all_enabled() as $ext_namespace => $ext_path)
// namespaces cannot contain /
$namespace = str_replace('/', '_', $ext_namespace);
$paths = array();
foreach ($names as $template_dir)
if (is_array($template_dir))
if (isset($template_dir['ext_path']))
$ext_style_template_path = $ext_path . $template_dir['ext_path'];
$ext_style_path = dirname($ext_style_template_path);
$ext_style_theme_path = $ext_style_path . 'theme/';
$ext_style_path = $ext_path . 'styles/' . $template_dir['name'] . '/';
$ext_style_template_path = $ext_style_path . 'template/';
$ext_style_theme_path = $ext_style_path . 'theme/';
$ext_style_path = $ext_path . 'styles/' . $template_dir . '/';
$ext_style_template_path = $ext_style_path . 'template/';
$ext_style_theme_path = $ext_style_path . 'theme/';
$is_valid_dir = false;
if (is_dir($ext_style_template_path))
$is_valid_dir = true;
$paths[] = $ext_style_template_path;
if (is_dir($ext_style_theme_path))
$is_valid_dir = true;
$paths[] = $ext_style_theme_path;
if ($is_valid_dir)
// Add the base style directory as a safe directory
$this->twig->getLoader()->setPaths($paths, $namespace);
return $this;
* Display a template for provided handle.
* The template will be loaded and compiled, if necessary, first.
* This function calls hooks.
* @param string $handle Handle to display
* @return \phpbb\template\template $this
public function display($handle)
$result = $this->call_hook($handle, __FUNCTION__);
if ($result !== false)
return $result[0];
$this->twig->display($this->get_filename_from_handle($handle), $this->get_template_vars());
return $this;
* Display the handle and assign the output to a template variable
* or return the compiled result.
* @param string $handle Handle to operate on
* @param string $template_var Template variable to assign compiled handle to
* @param bool $return_content If true return compiled handle, otherwise assign to $template_var
* @return \phpbb\template\template|string if $return_content is true return string of the compiled handle, otherwise return $this
public function assign_display($handle, $template_var = '', $return_content = true)
if ($return_content)
return $this->twig->render($this->get_filename_from_handle($handle), $this->get_template_vars());
$this->assign_var($template_var, $this->twig->render($this->get_filename_from_handle($handle, $this->get_template_vars())));
return $this;
* Get template vars in a format Twig will use (from the context)
* @return array
protected function get_template_vars()
$context_vars = $this->context->get_data_ref();
$vars = array_merge(
$context_vars['.'][0], // To get normal vars
'definition' => new \phpbb\template\twig\definition(),
'user' => $this->user,
'loops' => $context_vars, // To get loops
// cleanup
return $vars;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function get_source_file_for_handle($handle)
return $this->twig->getLoader()->getCacheKey($this->get_filename_from_handle($handle));