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* @package dbal
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @ignore
if (!defined('SQL_LAYER'))
define('SQL_LAYER', 'sqlite');
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/dbal.' . $phpEx);
* @package dbal
* Sqlite Database Abstraction Layer
class dbal_sqlite extends dbal
function sql_connect($sqlserver, $sqluser, $sqlpassword, $database, $port = false, $persistency = false)
$this->persistency = $persistency;
$this->user = $sqluser;
$this->server = $sqlserver . (($port) ? ':' . $port : '');
$this->dbname = $database;
$error = '';
$this->db_connect_id = ($this->persistency) ? @sqlite_popen($this->server, 0666, $error) : @sqlite_open($this->server, 0666, $error);
if ($this->db_connect_id)
@sqlite_query('PRAGMA short_column_names = 1', $this->db_connect_id);
return ($this->db_connect_id) ? true : array('message' => $error);
// Other base methods
function sql_close()
if (!$this->db_connect_id)
return false;
return @sqlite_close($this->db_connect_id);
function sql_transaction($status = 'begin')
switch ($status)
case 'begin':
$result = @sqlite_query('BEGIN', $this->db_connect_id);
$this->transaction = true;
case 'commit':
$result = @sqlite_query('COMMIT', $this->db_connect_id);
$this->transaction = false;
if (!$result)
@sqlite_query('ROLLBACK', $this->db_connect_id);
case 'rollback':
$result = @sqlite_query('ROLLBACK', $this->db_connect_id);
$this->transaction = false;
$result = true;
return $result;
// Base query method
function sql_query($query = '', $cache_ttl = 0)
if ($query != '')
global $cache;
$query = preg_replace('#FROM \((.*?)\)(,|[\n\r\t ]+?WHERE) #s', 'FROM \1\2 ', $query);
// EXPLAIN only in extra debug mode
if (defined('DEBUG_EXTRA'))
$this->sql_report('start', $query);
$this->query_result = ($cache_ttl && method_exists($cache, 'sql_load')) ? $cache->sql_load($query) : false;
if (!$this->query_result)
if (($this->query_result = @sqlite_query($query, $this->db_connect_id)) === false)
if (defined('DEBUG_EXTRA'))
$this->sql_report('stop', $query);
if ($cache_ttl && method_exists($cache, 'sql_save'))
$cache->sql_save($query, $this->query_result, $cache_ttl);
else if (defined('DEBUG_EXTRA'))
$this->sql_report('fromcache', $query);
return false;
return ($this->query_result) ? $this->query_result : false;
function sql_query_limit($query, $total, $offset = 0, $cache_ttl = 0)
if ($query != '')
$this->query_result = false;
// if $total is set to 0 we do not want to limit the number of rows
if ($total == 0)
$total = -1;
$query .= "\n LIMIT " . ((!empty($offset)) ? $offset . ', ' . $total : $total);
return $this->sql_query($query, $cache_ttl);
return false;
// Other query methods
// NOTE :: Want to remove _ALL_ reliance on sql_numrows from core code ...
// don't want this here by a middle Milestone
function sql_numrows($query_id = false)
if (!$query_id)
$query_id = $this->query_result;
return ($query_id) ? @sqlite_num_rows($query_id) : false;
function sql_affectedrows()
return ($this->db_connect_id) ? @sqlite_changes($this->db_connect_id) : false;
function sql_fetchrow($query_id = false)
global $cache;
if (!$query_id)
$query_id = $this->query_result;
if (isset($cache->sql_rowset[$query_id]))
return $cache->sql_fetchrow($query_id);
return ($query_id) ? @sqlite_fetch_array($query_id, SQLITE_ASSOC) : false;
function sql_fetchrowset($query_id = false)
if (!$query_id)
$query_id = $this->query_result;
if ($query_id)
$result = array();
while ($this->rowset[$query_id] = $this->sql_fetchrow($query_id))
$result[] = $this->rowset[$query_id];
return $result;
return false;
function sql_fetchfield($field, $rownum = -1, $query_id = false)
if (!$query_id)
$query_id = $this->query_result;
if ($query_id)
if ($rownum > -1)
$result = (@sqlite_seek($query_id, $rownum)) ? @sqlite_column($query_id, $field) : false;
$result = @sqlite_column($query_id, $field);
return $result;
return false;
function sql_rowseek($rownum, $query_id = false)
if (!$query_id)
$query_id = $this->query_result;
return ($query_id) ? @sqlite_seek($query_id, $rownum) : false;
function sql_nextid()
return ($this->db_connect_id) ? @sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->db_connect_id) : false;
function sql_freeresult($query_id = false)
return true;
function sql_escape($msg)
return @sqlite_escape_string(stripslashes($msg));
function db_sql_error()
return array(
'message' => @sqlite_error_string(@sqlite_last_error($this->db_connect_id)),
'code' => @sqlite_last_error($this->db_connect_id)
function _sql_report($mode, $query = '')
global $cache, $starttime, $phpbb_root_path;
static $curtime, $query_hold, $html_hold;
static $sql_report = '';
static $cache_num_queries = 0;
switch ($mode)
case 'start':
$query_hold = $query;
$html_hold = '';
$curtime = explode(' ', microtime());
$curtime = $curtime[0] + $curtime[1];
case 'fromcache':
$endtime = explode(' ', microtime());
$endtime = $endtime[0] + $endtime[1];
$result = @sqlite_query($query, $this->db_connect_id);
while ($void = @sqlite_fetch_array($result, SQLITE_ASSOC))
// Take the time spent on parsing rows into account
$splittime = explode(' ', microtime());
$splittime = $splittime[0] + $splittime[1];
$time_cache = $endtime - $curtime;
$time_db = $splittime - $endtime;
$color = ($time_db > $time_cache) ? 'green' : 'red';
$sql_report .= '<hr width="100%"/><br /><table class="bg" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="0"><tr><th>Query results obtained from the cache</th></tr><tr><td class="row1"><textarea style="font-family:\'Courier New\',monospace;width:100%" rows="5">' . preg_replace('/\t(AND|OR)(\W)/', "\$1\$2", htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[\s]*[\n\r\t]+[\n\r\s\t]*/', "\n", $query))) . '</textarea></td></tr></table><p align="center">';
$sql_report .= 'Before: ' . sprintf('%.5f', $curtime - $starttime) . 's | After: ' . sprintf('%.5f', $endtime - $starttime) . 's | Elapsed [cache]: <b style="color: ' . $color . '">' . sprintf('%.5f', ($time_cache)) . 's</b> | Elapsed [db]: <b>' . sprintf('%.5f', $time_db) . 's</b></p>';
// Pad the start time to not interfere with page timing
$starttime += $time_db;
} // if ... define