mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-23 11:28:33 +01:00
n-aleha 9c8e228236 [ticket/12519] Restore m_approve language description
Restore acl_m_approve language description to:
"Can approve and restore posts"

2014-05-12 22:15:39 +03:00

208 lines
8.3 KiB

* acp_permissions_phpbb (phpBB Permission Set) [English]
* @package language
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
* You are able to put your permission sets into your extension.
* The permissions logic should be added via the 'core.permissions' event.
* You can easily add new permission categories, types and permissions, by
* simply merging them into the respective arrays.
* The respective language strings should be added into a language file, that
* start with 'permissions_', so they are automatically loaded within the ACP.
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACL_CAT_ACTIONS' => 'Actions',
'ACL_CAT_CONTENT' => 'Content',
'ACL_CAT_FORUMS' => 'Forums',
'ACL_CAT_MISC' => 'Misc',
'ACL_CAT_PERMISSIONS' => 'Permissions',
'ACL_CAT_PM' => 'Private messages',
'ACL_CAT_POLLS' => 'Polls',
'ACL_CAT_POST' => 'Post',
'ACL_CAT_POST_ACTIONS' => 'Post actions',
'ACL_CAT_POSTING' => 'Posting',
'ACL_CAT_PROFILE' => 'Profile',
'ACL_CAT_SETTINGS' => 'Settings',
'ACL_CAT_TOPIC_ACTIONS' => 'Topic actions',
'ACL_CAT_USER_GROUP' => 'Users &amp; Groups',
// User Permissions
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACL_U_VIEWPROFILE' => 'Can view profiles, memberlist and online list',
'ACL_U_CHGNAME' => 'Can change username',
'ACL_U_CHGPASSWD' => 'Can change password',
'ACL_U_CHGEMAIL' => 'Can change email address',
'ACL_U_CHGAVATAR' => 'Can change avatar',
'ACL_U_CHGGRP' => 'Can change default usergroup',
'ACL_U_CHGPROFILEINFO' => 'Can change profile field information',
'ACL_U_ATTACH' => 'Can attach files',
'ACL_U_DOWNLOAD' => 'Can download files',
'ACL_U_SAVEDRAFTS' => 'Can save drafts',
'ACL_U_CHGCENSORS' => 'Can disable word censors',
'ACL_U_SIG' => 'Can use signature',
'ACL_U_SENDPM' => 'Can send private messages',
'ACL_U_MASSPM' => 'Can send messages to multiple users',
'ACL_U_MASSPM_GROUP'=> 'Can send messages to groups',
'ACL_U_READPM' => 'Can read private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_EDIT' => 'Can edit own private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_DELETE' => 'Can remove private messages from own folder',
'ACL_U_PM_FORWARD' => 'Can forward private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_EMAILPM' => 'Can email private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_PRINTPM' => 'Can print private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_ATTACH' => 'Can attach files in private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_DOWNLOAD' => 'Can download files in private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_BBCODE' => 'Can use BBCode in private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_SMILIES' => 'Can use smilies in private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_IMG' => 'Can use [img] BBCode tag in private messages',
'ACL_U_PM_FLASH' => 'Can use [flash] BBCode tag in private messages',
'ACL_U_SENDEMAIL' => 'Can send emails',
'ACL_U_SENDIM' => 'Can send instant messages',
'ACL_U_IGNOREFLOOD' => 'Can ignore flood limit',
'ACL_U_HIDEONLINE' => 'Can hide online status',
'ACL_U_VIEWONLINE' => 'Can view hidden online users',
'ACL_U_SEARCH' => 'Can search board',
// Forum Permissions
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACL_F_LIST' => 'Can see forum',
'ACL_F_READ' => 'Can read forum',
'ACL_F_SEARCH' => 'Can search the forum',
'ACL_F_SUBSCRIBE' => 'Can subscribe forum',
'ACL_F_PRINT' => 'Can print topics',
'ACL_F_EMAIL' => 'Can email topics',
'ACL_F_BUMP' => 'Can bump topics',
'ACL_F_USER_LOCK' => 'Can lock own topics',
'ACL_F_DOWNLOAD' => 'Can download files',
'ACL_F_REPORT' => 'Can report posts',
'ACL_F_POST' => 'Can start new topics',
'ACL_F_STICKY' => 'Can post stickies',
'ACL_F_ANNOUNCE' => 'Can post announcements',
'ACL_F_REPLY' => 'Can reply to topics',
'ACL_F_EDIT' => 'Can edit own posts',
'ACL_F_DELETE' => 'Can permanently delete own posts',
'ACL_F_SOFTDELETE' => 'Can soft delete own posts<br /><em>Moderators, who have the approve posts permission, can restore soft deleted posts.</em>',
'ACL_F_IGNOREFLOOD' => 'Can ignore flood limit',
'ACL_F_POSTCOUNT' => 'Increment post counter<br /><em>Please note that this setting only affects new posts.</em>',
'ACL_F_NOAPPROVE' => 'Can post without approval',
'ACL_F_ATTACH' => 'Can attach files',
'ACL_F_ICONS' => 'Can use topic/post icons',
'ACL_F_BBCODE' => 'Can use BBCode',
'ACL_F_FLASH' => 'Can use [flash] BBCode tag',
'ACL_F_IMG' => 'Can use [img] BBCode tag',
'ACL_F_SIGS' => 'Can use signatures',
'ACL_F_SMILIES' => 'Can use smilies',
'ACL_F_POLL' => 'Can create polls',
'ACL_F_VOTE' => 'Can vote in polls',
'ACL_F_VOTECHG' => 'Can change existing vote',
// Moderator Permissions
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACL_M_EDIT' => 'Can edit posts',
'ACL_M_DELETE' => 'Can permanently delete posts',
'ACL_M_SOFTDELETE' => 'Can soft delete posts<br /><em>Moderators, who have the approve posts permission, can restore soft deleted posts.</em>',
'ACL_M_APPROVE' => 'Can approve and restore posts',
'ACL_M_REPORT' => 'Can close and delete reports',
'ACL_M_CHGPOSTER' => 'Can change post author',
'ACL_M_MOVE' => 'Can move topics',
'ACL_M_LOCK' => 'Can lock topics',
'ACL_M_SPLIT' => 'Can split topics',
'ACL_M_MERGE' => 'Can merge topics',
'ACL_M_INFO' => 'Can view post details',
'ACL_M_WARN' => 'Can issue warnings<br /><em>This setting is only assigned globally. It is not forum based.</em>', // This moderator setting is only global (and not local)
'ACL_M_BAN' => 'Can manage bans<br /><em>This setting is only assigned globally. It is not forum based.</em>', // This moderator setting is only global (and not local)
// Admin Permissions
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACL_A_BOARD' => 'Can alter board settings/check for updates',
'ACL_A_SERVER' => 'Can alter server/communication settings',
'ACL_A_JABBER' => 'Can alter Jabber settings',
'ACL_A_PHPINFO' => 'Can view php settings',
'ACL_A_FORUM' => 'Can manage forums',
'ACL_A_FORUMADD' => 'Can add new forums',
'ACL_A_FORUMDEL' => 'Can delete forums',
'ACL_A_PRUNE' => 'Can prune forums',
'ACL_A_ICONS' => 'Can alter topic/post icons and smilies',
'ACL_A_WORDS' => 'Can alter word censors',
'ACL_A_BBCODE' => 'Can define BBCode tags',
'ACL_A_ATTACH' => 'Can alter attachment related settings',
'ACL_A_USER' => 'Can manage users<br /><em>This also includes seeing the users browser agent within the viewonline list.</em>',
'ACL_A_USERDEL' => 'Can delete/prune users',
'ACL_A_GROUP' => 'Can manage groups',
'ACL_A_GROUPADD' => 'Can add new groups',
'ACL_A_GROUPDEL' => 'Can delete groups',
'ACL_A_RANKS' => 'Can manage ranks',
'ACL_A_PROFILE' => 'Can manage custom profile fields',
'ACL_A_NAMES' => 'Can manage disallowed names',
'ACL_A_BAN' => 'Can manage bans',
'ACL_A_VIEWAUTH' => 'Can view permission masks',
'ACL_A_AUTHGROUPS' => 'Can alter permissions for individual groups',
'ACL_A_AUTHUSERS' => 'Can alter permissions for individual users',
'ACL_A_FAUTH' => 'Can alter forum permission class',
'ACL_A_MAUTH' => 'Can alter moderator permission class',
'ACL_A_AAUTH' => 'Can alter admin permission class',
'ACL_A_UAUTH' => 'Can alter user permission class',
'ACL_A_ROLES' => 'Can manage roles',
'ACL_A_SWITCHPERM' => 'Can use others permissions',
'ACL_A_STYLES' => 'Can manage styles',
'ACL_A_EXTENSIONS' => 'Can manage extensions',
'ACL_A_VIEWLOGS' => 'Can view logs',
'ACL_A_CLEARLOGS' => 'Can clear logs',
'ACL_A_MODULES' => 'Can manage modules',
'ACL_A_LANGUAGE' => 'Can manage language packs',
'ACL_A_EMAIL' => 'Can send mass email',
'ACL_A_BOTS' => 'Can manage bots',
'ACL_A_REASONS' => 'Can manage report/denial reasons',
'ACL_A_BACKUP' => 'Can backup/restore database',
'ACL_A_SEARCH' => 'Can manage search backends and settings',