mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-25 12:33:29 +01:00
MateBartus a089ff5eb0 [ticket/13654] Moving reporting into controller
Moving report.php's content into different services and controllers to
better comply with the MVC model.

Also implementing:
 * Replacement for reasons_display()
 * Adding assign_meta_refresh_var() to \controller\helper
 * Adding separate routes for easy configuration
 * Updating unit tests to expect to correct results
 * Add BC tests

2015-04-16 11:29:11 +02:00

320 lines
8.4 KiB

* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
namespace phpbb\report\controller;
use phpbb\exception\http_exception;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
class report
* @var \phpbb\config\db
protected $config;
* @var \phpbb\user
protected $user;
* @var \phpbb\template\template
protected $template;
* @var \phpbb\controller\helper
protected $helper;
* @var \phpbb\request\request_interface
protected $request;
* @var \phpbb\captcha\factory
protected $captcha_factory;
* @var string
protected $phpbb_root_path;
* @var string
protected $php_ext;
* @var \phpbb\report\report_handler_interface
protected $report_handler;
* @var \phpbb\report\report_reason_list_provider
protected $report_reason_provider;
public function __construct(\phpbb\config\db $config, \phpbb\user $user, \phpbb\template\template $template, \phpbb\controller\helper $helper, \phpbb\request\request_interface $request, \phpbb\captcha\factory $captcha_factory, \phpbb\report\handler_factory $report_factory, \phpbb\report\report_reason_list_provider $ui_provider, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext)
$this->config = $config;
$this->user = $user;
$this->template = $template;
$this->helper = $helper;
$this->request = $request;
$this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
$this->php_ext = $php_ext;
$this->captcha_factory = $captcha_factory;
$this->report_handler = $report_factory;
// User interface factory
$this->report_reason_provider = $ui_provider;
* Controller for /path_to_entities/{id}/report routes
* Because of how phpBB organizes routes $mode must be set in the route config.
* @param int $id ID of the entity to report
* @param string $mode
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response a Symfony response object
* @throws \phpbb\exception\http_exception when $mode or $id is invalid for some reason
public function handle($id, $mode)
// Get report handler
$this->report_handler = $this->report_handler->get_instance($mode);
$user_notify = ($this->user->data['is_registered']) ? $this->request->variable('notify', 0) : false;
$reason_id = $this->request->variable('reason_id', 0);
$report_text = $this->request->variable('report_text', '', true);
$submit = $this->request->variable('submit', '');
$cancel = $this->request->variable('cancel', '');
$error = array();
$s_hidden_fields = '';
$redirect_url = append_sid(
$this->phpbb_root_path . ( ($mode === 'pm') ? 'ucp' : 'viewtopic' ) . ".{$this->php_ext}",
($mode == 'pm') ? "i=pm&mode=view&p=$id" : "p=$id"
$redirect_url .= ($mode === 'post') ? "#p$id" : '';
// Set up CAPTCHA if necessary
if ($this->config['enable_post_confirm'] && !$this->user->data['is_registered'])
$captcha = $this->captcha_factory->get_instance($this->config['captcha_plugin']);
//Has the report been cancelled?
if (!empty($cancel))
return new RedirectResponse($redirect_url, 302);
// Check CAPTCHA, if the form was submited
if (!empty($submit) && isset($captcha))
$captcha_template_array = $this->check_captcha($captcha);
$error = $captcha_template_array['error'];
$s_hidden_fields = $captcha_template_array['hidden_fields'];
// Handle request
if (!empty($submit) && sizeof($error) === 0)
(int) $id,
(int) $reason_id,
(string) $report_text,
(int) $user_notify
// Send success message
switch ($mode)
case 'pm':
$lang_return = $this->user->lang['RETURN_PM'];
$lang_success = $this->user->lang['PM_REPORTED_SUCCESS'];
case 'post':
$lang_return = $this->user->lang['RETURN_TOPIC'];
$lang_success = $this->user->lang['POST_REPORTED_SUCCESS'];
$this->helper->assign_meta_refresh_var(3, $redirect_url);
$message = $lang_success . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang_return, '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
return $this->helper->message($message);
catch (\phpbb\report\exception\pm_reporting_disabled_exception $exception)
throw new http_exception(404, 'PAGE_NOT_FOUND');
catch (\phpbb\report\exception\already_reported_exception $exception)
switch ($mode)
case 'pm':
$message = $this->user->lang['ALREADY_REPORTED_PM'];
$message .= '<br /><br />' . sprintf($this->user->lang['RETURN_PM'], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
case 'post':
$message = $this->user->lang['ALREADY_REPORTED'];
$message .= '<br /><br />' . sprintf($this->user->lang['RETURN_TOPIC'], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
return $this->helper->message($message);
catch (\phpbb\report\exception\report_permission_denied_exception $exception)
$message = $exception->getMessage();
if (isset($this->user->lang[$message]))
$message = $this->user->lang[$message];
throw new http_exception(403, $message);
catch (\phpbb\report\exception\entity_not_found_exception $exception)
$message = $exception->getMessage();
if (isset($this->user->lang[$message]))
$message = $this->user->lang[$message];
throw new http_exception(404, $message);
catch (\phpbb\report\exception\empty_report_exception $exception)
$error[] = $this->user->lang['EMPTY_REPORT'];
catch (\phpbb\report\exception\invalid_report_exception $exception)
return $this->helper->message($exception->getMessage());
// Setting up an rendering template
$page_title = ($mode === 'pm') ? $this->user->lang['REPORT_MESSAGE'] : $this->user->lang['REPORT_POST'];
( isset($captcha) ? $captcha : false )
return $this->helper->render('report_body.html', $page_title);
* Assigns template variables
* @param int $mode
* @param int $id
* @param int $reason_id
* @param string $report_text
* @param mixed $user_notify
* @param array $error
* @param string $s_hidden_fields
* @param mixed $captcha
* @return null
protected function assign_template_data($mode, $id, $reason_id, $report_text, $user_notify, $error = array(), $s_hidden_fields = '', $captcha = false)
if ($captcha !== false && $captcha->is_solved() === false)
'S_CONFIRM_CODE' => true,
'CAPTCHA_TEMPLATE' => $captcha->get_template(),
switch ($mode)
case 'pm':
$report_route = $this->helper->route('phpbb_report_pm_controller', array('id' => $id));
case 'post':
$report_route = $this->helper->route('phpbb_report_post_controller', array('id' => $id));
'ERROR' => (sizeof($error) > 0) ? implode('<br />', $error) : '',
'S_REPORT_POST' => ($mode === 'pm') ? false : true,
'REPORT_TEXT' => $report_text,
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => (!empty($s_hidden_fields)) ? $s_hidden_fields : null,
'S_REPORT_ACTION' => $report_route,
'S_NOTIFY' => $user_notify,
'S_CAN_NOTIFY' => ($this->user->data['is_registered']) ? true : false,
'S_IN_REPORT' => true,
* @param object $captcha A phpBB CAPTCHA object
* @return array template variables which ensures that CAPTCHA's work correctly
protected function check_captcha($captcha)
$error = array();
$captcha_hidden_fields = '';
$visual_confirmation_response = $captcha->validate();
if ($visual_confirmation_response)
$error[] = $visual_confirmation_response;
if (sizeof($error) === 0)
else if ($captcha->is_solved() !== false)
$captcha_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields($captcha->get_hidden_fields());
return array(
'error' => $error,
'hidden_fields' => $captcha_hidden_fields,