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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
class phpbb_dbal_migrator_tool_permission_role_test extends phpbb_database_test_case
/** @var \phpbb\auth\auth */
protected $auth;
/** @var \includes\acp\auth\auth_admin */
protected $auth_admin;
/** @var \phpbb\db\migration\tool\permission */
protected $tool;
public $group_ids = [
public $new_roles = [
'A new admin role',
'A new mod role',
'A new user role',
public $new_role_ids = [];
public function getDataSet()
return $this->createXMLDataSet(__DIR__.'/fixtures/migrator_permission.xml');
protected function setUp(): void
// Global $db and $cache are needed in acp/auth.php constructor
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $db, $cache;
$db = $this->db = $this->new_dbal();
$phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher();
$cache = $this->cache = new \phpbb\cache\service(new \phpbb\cache\driver\dummy(), new \phpbb\config\config(array()), $this->db, $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx);
$this->auth = new \phpbb\auth\auth();
// Initialize this auth_admin instance later after adding new auth options via this->tool->add()
if (!class_exists('auth_admin'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/auth.' . $phpEx);
$this->tool = new \phpbb\db\migration\tool\permission($this->db, $this->cache, $this->auth, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx);
public function new_roles_add()
foreach ($this->new_roles as $new_role_data)
$role_name = $new_role_data[0];
$role_type = $new_role_data[1];
$role_description = $new_role_data[2];
$role_auth_option = $new_role_data[3];
$this->new_role_ids[$role_name] = $this->tool->role_add($role_name, $role_type, $role_description);
// Initialize external auth_admin instance here to keep acl_options array in sync with the one from the permission tool
$this->auth_admin = new \auth_admin();
public function data_test_new_role_exists()
return [
['ROLE_ADMIN_NEW', true],
['ROLE_USER_NEW', true],
* @dataProvider data_test_new_role_exists
public function test_permission_new_role_exists($role_name, $expected)
$this->assertEquals($expected, (bool) $this->tool->role_exists($role_name));
public function data_test_permission_assign_new_roles()
return [
['a_new' => true],
['m_new' => true],
['u_new' => true],
* @dataProvider data_test_permission_assign_new_roles
public function test_permission_assign_new_roles($ug_type, $forum_id, $group_name, $auth, $role_name, $clear_prefetch = true)
$auth_option = key($auth);
$group_id = (int) $this->group_ids[$group_name];
$role_id = (int) $this->new_role_ids[$role_name];
$expected = current($auth);
// Set auth options for each role
$this->tool->permission_set($role_name, $auth_option, 'role', true);
// Assign roles to groups
$this->auth_admin->acl_set($ug_type, $forum_id, $group_id, $auth, $role_id, $clear_prefetch);
// Test if role based group permissions assigned correctly
$new_perm_state = $this->auth->acl_group_raw_data($group_id, $auth_option);
$this->assertEquals($expected, !empty($new_perm_state), "$auth_option is " . ($expected ? 'empty' : 'not empty') . " for $group_name");
* @dataProvider data_test_permission_assign_new_roles
* @depends test_permission_new_role_exists
* @depends test_permission_assign_new_roles
public function test_permission_new_role_remove($ug_type, $forum_id, $group_name, $auth, $role_name)
$auth_option = key($auth);
$group_id = (int) $this->group_ids[$group_name];
$role_id = (int) $this->new_role_ids[$role_name];
$sql = 'SELECT agt.auth_role_id
FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' agt, ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . ' art
WHERE agt.auth_role_id = art.role_id
AND art.role_id = ' . $role_id;
// Set auth options for each role
$this->tool->permission_set($role_name, $auth_option, 'role', true);
// Assign roles to groups
$this->auth_admin->acl_set($ug_type, $forum_id, $group_id, $auth, $role_id);
// Check if the role is assigned to the group
$result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
$this->assertEquals($role_id, $this->db->sql_fetchfield('auth_role_id'));
$this->assertFalse((bool) $this->tool->role_exists($role_name));
// Check if the role is unassigned
$result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);