mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-03-15 13:10:24 +01:00
2020-02-27 16:55:54 +01:00

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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
namespace phpbb\feed\controller;
use phpbb\auth\auth;
use phpbb\config\config;
use phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface;
use phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface;
use phpbb\exception\http_exception;
use phpbb\feed\feed_interface;
use phpbb\feed\exception\feed_unavailable_exception;
use phpbb\feed\exception\unauthorized_exception;
use phpbb\feed\helper as feed_helper;
use phpbb\controller\helper as controller_helper;
use phpbb\symfony_request;
use phpbb\user;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Twig\Environment;
class feed
* @var Environment
protected $template;
* @var symfony_request
protected $request;
* @var controller_helper
protected $controller_helper;
* @var config
protected $config;
* @var driver_interface
protected $db;
* @var ContainerInterface
protected $container;
* @var feed_helper
protected $feed_helper;
* @var user
protected $user;
* @var auth
protected $auth;
* @var dispatcher_interface
protected $phpbb_dispatcher;
* @var string
protected $php_ext;
* Constructor
* @param Environment $twig
* @param symfony_request $request
* @param controller_helper $controller_helper
* @param config $config
* @param driver_interface $db
* @param ContainerInterface $container
* @param feed_helper $feed_helper
* @param user $user
* @param auth $auth
* @param dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher
* @param string $php_ext
public function __construct(Environment $twig, symfony_request $request, controller_helper $controller_helper, config $config, driver_interface $db, ContainerInterface $container, feed_helper $feed_helper, user $user, auth $auth, dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher, $php_ext)
$this->request = $request;
$this->controller_helper = $controller_helper;
$this->config = $config;
$this->db = $db;
$this->container = $container;
$this->feed_helper = $feed_helper;
$this->user = $user;
$this->auth = $auth;
$this->php_ext = $php_ext;
$this->template = $twig;
$this->phpbb_dispatcher = $phpbb_dispatcher;
* Controller for /feed/forums route
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function forums()
if (!$this->config['feed_overall_forums'])
return $this->send_feed($this->container->get('feed.forums'));
* Controller for /feed/news route
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function news()
// Get at least one news forum
$sql = 'SELECT forum_id
WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_bit_and('forum_options', FORUM_OPTION_FEED_NEWS, '<> 0');
$result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1, 0, 600);
$s_feed_news = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('forum_id');
if (!$s_feed_news)
return $this->send_feed($this->container->get('feed.news'));
* Controller for /feed/topics route
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function topics()
if (!$this->config['feed_topics_new'])
return $this->send_feed($this->container->get('feed.topics'));
* Controller for /feed/topics_new route
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function topics_new()
return $this->topics();
* Controller for /feed/topics_active route
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function topics_active()
if (!$this->config['feed_topics_active'])
return $this->send_feed($this->container->get('feed.topics_active'));
* Controller for /feed/forum/{forum_id} route
* @param int $forum_id
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function forum($forum_id)
if (!$this->config['feed_forum'])
return $this->send_feed($this->container->get('feed.forum')->set_forum_id($forum_id));
* Controller for /feed/topic/{topic_id} route
* @param int $topic_id
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function topic($topic_id)
if (!$this->config['feed_topic'])
return $this->send_feed($this->container->get('feed.topic')->set_topic_id($topic_id));
* Controller for /feed/{mode] route
* @return Response
* @throws http_exception when the feed is disabled
public function overall()
if (!$this->config['feed_overall'])
return $this->send_feed($this->container->get('feed.overall'));
* Display a given feed
* @param feed_interface $feed
* @return Response
protected function send_feed(feed_interface $feed)
return $this->send_feed_do($feed);
catch (feed_unavailable_exception $e)
throw new http_exception(Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, $e->getMessage(), $e->get_parameters(), $e);
catch (unauthorized_exception $e)
throw new http_exception(Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, $e->getMessage(), $e->get_parameters(), $e);
* Really send the feed
* @param feed_interface $feed
* @return Response
* @throw exception\feed_exception
protected function send_feed_do(feed_interface $feed)
$feed_updated_time = 0;
$item_vars = array();
$board_url = $this->feed_helper->get_board_url();
// Open Feed
// Iterate through items
while ($row = $feed->get_item())
* Event to modify the feed row
* @event core.feed_modify_feed_row
* @var feed_interface feed Feed instance
* @var array row Array with feed data
* @since 3.1.10-RC1
* @changed 3.3.0 Replace forum_id, mode, topic_id with feed instance
$vars = array('feed', 'row');
extract($this->phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.feed_modify_feed_row', compact($vars)));
// BBCode options to correctly disable urls, smilies, bbcode...
if ($feed->get('options') === null)
// Allow all combinations
$options = 7;
if ($feed->get('enable_bbcode') !== null && $feed->get('enable_smilies') !== null && $feed->get('enable_magic_url') !== null)
$options = (($row[$feed->get('enable_bbcode')]) ? OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE : 0) + (($row[$feed->get('enable_smilies')]) ? OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES : 0) + (($row[$feed->get('enable_magic_url')]) ? OPTION_FLAG_LINKS : 0);
$options = $row[$feed->get('options')];
$title = (isset($row[$feed->get('title')]) && $row[$feed->get('title')] !== '') ? $row[$feed->get('title')] : ((isset($row[$feed->get('title2')])) ? $row[$feed->get('title2')] : '');
$published = ($feed->get('published') !== null) ? (int) $row[$feed->get('published')] : 0;
$updated = ($feed->get('updated') !== null) ? (int) $row[$feed->get('updated')] : 0;
$display_attachments = ($this->auth->acl_get('u_download') && $this->auth->acl_get('f_download', $row['forum_id']) && isset($row['post_attachment']) && $row['post_attachment']) ? true : false;
$item_row = array(
'author' => ($feed->get('creator') !== null) ? $row[$feed->get('creator')] : '',
'published' => ($published > 0) ? $this->feed_helper->format_date($published) : '',
'updated' => ($updated > 0) ? $this->feed_helper->format_date($updated) : '',
'link' => '',
'title' => censor_text($title),
'category' => ($this->config['feed_item_statistics'] && !empty($row['forum_id'])) ? $board_url . '/viewforum.' . $this->php_ext . '?f=' . $row['forum_id'] : '',
'category_name' => ($this->config['feed_item_statistics'] && isset($row['forum_name'])) ? $row['forum_name'] : '',
'description' => censor_text($this->feed_helper->generate_content($row[$feed->get('text')], $row[$feed->get('bbcode_uid')], $row[$feed->get('bitfield')], $options, $row['forum_id'], ($display_attachments ? $feed->get_attachments($row['post_id']) : array()))),
'statistics' => '',
// Adjust items, fill link, etc.
$feed->adjust_item($item_row, $row);
$item_vars[] = $item_row;
$feed_updated_time = max($feed_updated_time, $published, $updated);
// If we do not have any items at all, sending the current time is better than sending no time.
if (!$feed_updated_time)
$feed_updated_time = time();
$content = $this->template->render('feed.xml.twig', array(
// Some default assignments
// FEED_IMAGE is not used (atom)
'FEED_IMAGE' => '',
'SELF_LINK' => $this->controller_helper->route($this->request->attributes->get('_route'), $this->request->attributes->get('_route_params'), true, '', UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'FEED_LINK' => $board_url . '/index.' . $this->php_ext,
'FEED_TITLE' => $this->config['sitename'],
'FEED_SUBTITLE' => $this->config['site_desc'],
'FEED_UPDATED' => $this->feed_helper->format_date($feed_updated_time),
'FEED_LANG' => $this->user->lang['USER_LANG'],
'FEED_AUTHOR' => $this->config['sitename'],
// Feed entries
'FEED_ROWS' => $item_vars,
$response = new Response($content);
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml');
$response->setLastModified(new \DateTime('@' . $feed_updated_time));
if (!empty($this->user->data['is_bot']))
// Let reverse proxies know we detected a bot.
$response->headers->set('X-PHPBB-IS-BOT', 'yes');
return $response;
* Throw and exception saying that the feed isn't available
* @throw http_exception
protected function send_unavailable()
throw new http_exception(404, 'FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE');