mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-24 20:13:22 +01:00
Callum Macrae 9399c7c46b [ticket/7834] Topic time didn't update when first post was deleted
When the first post of a topic was deleted, the topic time didn't
update - it should have changed to the time of the next post.

This commit simply applies lefty74's patch posted in the ticket. It gets
the post time of the next post from the database, and updates the thread

This patch is not my work at all and all credits go to lefty74, I just
transferred it onto GitHub

2011-02-24 22:36:35 +00:00

2614 lines
83 KiB

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
* Fill smiley templates (or just the variables) with smilies, either in a window or inline
function generate_smilies($mode, $forum_id)
global $auth, $db, $user, $config, $template;
global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
$start = request_var('start', 0);
if ($mode == 'window')
if ($forum_id)
$sql = 'SELECT forum_style
WHERE forum_id = $forum_id";
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$user->setup('posting', (int) $row['forum_style']);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(smiley_id) AS item_count
GROUP BY smiley_url';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600);
$smiley_count = 0;
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
'body' => 'posting_smilies.html')
generate_pagination(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", 'mode=smilies&amp;f=' . $forum_id),
$smiley_count, $config['smilies_per_page'], $start, true)
$display_link = false;
if ($mode == 'inline')
$sql = 'SELECT smiley_id
WHERE display_on_posting = 0';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1, 0, 3600);
if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$display_link = true;
if ($mode == 'window')
$sql = 'SELECT smiley_url, MIN(emotion) as emotion, MIN(code) AS code, smiley_width, smiley_height, MIN(smiley_order) AS min_smiley_order
GROUP BY smiley_url, smiley_width, smiley_height
ORDER BY min_smiley_order';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['smilies_per_page'], $start, 3600);
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE display_on_posting = 1
ORDER BY smiley_order';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600);
$smilies = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
if (empty($smilies[$row['smiley_url']]))
$smilies[$row['smiley_url']] = $row;
if (sizeof($smilies))
$root_path = (defined('PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH') && PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH) ? generate_board_url() . '/' : $phpbb_root_path;
foreach ($smilies as $row)
$template->assign_block_vars('smiley', array(
'SMILEY_CODE' => $row['code'],
'A_SMILEY_CODE' => addslashes($row['code']),
'SMILEY_IMG' => $root_path . $config['smilies_path'] . '/' . $row['smiley_url'],
'SMILEY_WIDTH' => $row['smiley_width'],
'SMILEY_HEIGHT' => $row['smiley_height'],
'SMILEY_DESC' => $row['emotion'])
if ($mode == 'inline' && $display_link)
'U_MORE_SMILIES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", 'mode=smilies&amp;f=' . $forum_id))
if ($mode == 'window')
* Update last post information
* Should be used instead of sync() if only the last post information are out of sync... faster
* @param string $type Can be forum|topic
* @param mixed $ids topic/forum ids
* @param bool $return_update_sql true: SQL query shall be returned, false: execute SQL
function update_post_information($type, $ids, $return_update_sql = false)
global $db;
if (empty($ids))
if (!is_array($ids))
$ids = array($ids);
$update_sql = $empty_forums = $not_empty_forums = array();
if ($type != 'topic')
$topic_join = ', ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t';
$topic_condition = 'AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND t.topic_approved = 1';
$topic_join = '';
$topic_condition = '';
if (sizeof($ids) == 1)
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(p.post_id) as last_post_id
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $topic_join
WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('p.' . $type . '_id', $ids) . "
AND p.post_approved = 1";
$sql = 'SELECT p.' . $type . '_id, MAX(p.post_id) as last_post_id
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . " p $topic_join
WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('p.' . $type . '_id', $ids) . "
AND p.post_approved = 1
GROUP BY p.{$type}_id";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$last_post_ids = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
if (sizeof($ids) == 1)
$row[$type . '_id'] = $ids[0];
if ($type == 'forum')
$not_empty_forums[] = $row['forum_id'];
if (empty($row['last_post_id']))
$empty_forums[] = $row['forum_id'];
$last_post_ids[] = $row['last_post_id'];
if ($type == 'forum')
$empty_forums = array_merge($empty_forums, array_diff($ids, $not_empty_forums));
foreach ($empty_forums as $void => $forum_id)
$update_sql[$forum_id][] = 'forum_last_post_id = 0';
$update_sql[$forum_id][] = "forum_last_post_subject = ''";
$update_sql[$forum_id][] = 'forum_last_post_time = 0';
$update_sql[$forum_id][] = 'forum_last_poster_id = 0';
$update_sql[$forum_id][] = "forum_last_poster_name = ''";
$update_sql[$forum_id][] = "forum_last_poster_colour = ''";
if (sizeof($last_post_ids))
$sql = 'SELECT p.' . $type . '_id, p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_time, p.poster_id, p.post_username, u.user_id, u.username, u.user_colour
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u
WHERE p.poster_id = u.user_id
AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('p.post_id', $last_post_ids);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$update_sql[$row["{$type}_id"]][] = $type . '_last_post_id = ' . (int) $row['post_id'];
$update_sql[$row["{$type}_id"]][] = "{$type}_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['post_subject']) . "'";
$update_sql[$row["{$type}_id"]][] = $type . '_last_post_time = ' . (int) $row['post_time'];
$update_sql[$row["{$type}_id"]][] = $type . '_last_poster_id = ' . (int) $row['poster_id'];
$update_sql[$row["{$type}_id"]][] = "{$type}_last_poster_colour = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['user_colour']) . "'";
$update_sql[$row["{$type}_id"]][] = "{$type}_last_poster_name = '" . (($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $db->sql_escape($row['post_username']) : $db->sql_escape($row['username'])) . "'";
unset($empty_forums, $ids, $last_post_ids);
if ($return_update_sql || !sizeof($update_sql))
return $update_sql;
$table = ($type == 'forum') ? FORUMS_TABLE : TOPICS_TABLE;
foreach ($update_sql as $update_id => $update_sql_ary)
$sql = "UPDATE $table
SET " . implode(', ', $update_sql_ary) . "
WHERE {$type}_id = $update_id";
* Generate Topic Icons for display
function posting_gen_topic_icons($mode, $icon_id)
global $phpbb_root_path, $config, $template, $cache;
// Grab icons
$icons = $cache->obtain_icons();
if (!$icon_id)
$template->assign_var('S_NO_ICON_CHECKED', ' checked="checked"');
if (sizeof($icons))
foreach ($icons as $id => $data)
if ($data['display'])
$template->assign_block_vars('topic_icon', array(
'ICON_ID' => $id,
'ICON_IMG' => $phpbb_root_path . $config['icons_path'] . '/' . $data['img'],
'ICON_WIDTH' => $data['width'],
'ICON_HEIGHT' => $data['height'],
'S_CHECKED' => ($id == $icon_id) ? true : false,
'S_ICON_CHECKED' => ($id == $icon_id) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')
return true;
return false;
* Build topic types able to be selected
function posting_gen_topic_types($forum_id, $cur_topic_type = POST_NORMAL)
global $auth, $user, $template, $topic_type;
$toggle = false;
$topic_types = array(
'sticky' => array('const' => POST_STICKY, 'lang' => 'POST_STICKY'),
'announce' => array('const' => POST_ANNOUNCE, 'lang' => 'POST_ANNOUNCEMENT'),
'global' => array('const' => POST_GLOBAL, 'lang' => 'POST_GLOBAL')
$topic_type_array = array();
foreach ($topic_types as $auth_key => $topic_value)
// We do not have a special post global announcement permission
$auth_key = ($auth_key == 'global') ? 'announce' : $auth_key;
if ($auth->acl_get('f_' . $auth_key, $forum_id))
$toggle = true;
$topic_type_array[] = array(
'VALUE' => $topic_value['const'],
'S_CHECKED' => ($cur_topic_type == $topic_value['const'] || ($forum_id == 0 && $topic_value['const'] == POST_GLOBAL)) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'L_TOPIC_TYPE' => $user->lang[$topic_value['lang']]
if ($toggle)
$topic_type_array = array_merge(array(0 => array(
'S_CHECKED' => ($cur_topic_type == POST_NORMAL) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'L_TOPIC_TYPE' => $user->lang['POST_NORMAL'])),
foreach ($topic_type_array as $array)
$template->assign_block_vars('topic_type', $array);
'S_TOPIC_TYPE_STICKY' => ($auth->acl_get('f_sticky', $forum_id)),
'S_TOPIC_TYPE_ANNOUNCE' => ($auth->acl_get('f_announce', $forum_id)))
return $toggle;
// Attachment related functions
* Upload Attachment - filedata is generated here
* Uses upload class
function upload_attachment($form_name, $forum_id, $local = false, $local_storage = '', $is_message = false, $local_filedata = false)
global $auth, $user, $config, $db, $cache;
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$filedata = array(
'error' => array()
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_upload.' . $phpEx);
$upload = new fileupload();
if ($config['check_attachment_content'] && isset($config['mime_triggers']))
$upload->set_disallowed_content(explode('|', $config['mime_triggers']));
if (!$local)
$filedata['post_attach'] = ($upload->is_valid($form_name)) ? true : false;
$filedata['post_attach'] = true;
if (!$filedata['post_attach'])
$filedata['error'][] = $user->lang['NO_UPLOAD_FORM_FOUND'];
return $filedata;
$extensions = $cache->obtain_attach_extensions((($is_message) ? false : (int) $forum_id));
$file = ($local) ? $upload->local_upload($local_storage, $local_filedata) : $upload->form_upload($form_name);
if ($file->init_error)
$filedata['post_attach'] = false;
return $filedata;
$cat_id = (isset($extensions[$file->get('extension')]['display_cat'])) ? $extensions[$file->get('extension')]['display_cat'] : ATTACHMENT_CATEGORY_NONE;
// Make sure the image category only holds valid images...
if ($cat_id == ATTACHMENT_CATEGORY_IMAGE && !$file->is_image())
// If this error occurs a user tried to exploit an IE Bug by renaming extensions
// Since the image category is displaying content inline we need to catch this.
// Do we have to create a thumbnail?
$filedata['thumbnail'] = ($cat_id == ATTACHMENT_CATEGORY_IMAGE && $config['img_create_thumbnail']) ? 1 : 0;
// Check Image Size, if it is an image
if (!$auth->acl_get('a_') && !$auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id) && $cat_id == ATTACHMENT_CATEGORY_IMAGE)
$file->upload->set_allowed_dimensions(0, 0, $config['img_max_width'], $config['img_max_height']);
// Admins and mods are allowed to exceed the allowed filesize
if (!$auth->acl_get('a_') && !$auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id))
if (!empty($extensions[$file->get('extension')]['max_filesize']))
$allowed_filesize = $extensions[$file->get('extension')]['max_filesize'];
$allowed_filesize = ($is_message) ? $config['max_filesize_pm'] : $config['max_filesize'];
$file->clean_filename('unique', $user->data['user_id'] . '_');
// Are we uploading an image *and* this image being within the image category? Only then perform additional image checks.
$no_image = ($cat_id == ATTACHMENT_CATEGORY_IMAGE) ? false : true;
$file->move_file($config['upload_path'], false, $no_image);
if (sizeof($file->error))
$filedata['error'] = array_merge($filedata['error'], $file->error);
$filedata['post_attach'] = false;
return $filedata;
$filedata['filesize'] = $file->get('filesize');
$filedata['mimetype'] = $file->get('mimetype');
$filedata['extension'] = $file->get('extension');
$filedata['physical_filename'] = $file->get('realname');
$filedata['real_filename'] = $file->get('uploadname');
$filedata['filetime'] = time();
// Check our complete quota
if ($config['attachment_quota'])
if ($config['upload_dir_size'] + $file->get('filesize') > $config['attachment_quota'])
$filedata['error'][] = $user->lang['ATTACH_QUOTA_REACHED'];
$filedata['post_attach'] = false;
return $filedata;
// Check free disk space
if ($free_space = @disk_free_space($phpbb_root_path . $config['upload_path']))
if ($free_space <= $file->get('filesize'))
$filedata['error'][] = $user->lang['ATTACH_QUOTA_REACHED'];
$filedata['post_attach'] = false;
return $filedata;
// Create Thumbnail
if ($filedata['thumbnail'])
$source = $file->get('destination_file');
$destination = $file->get('destination_path') . '/thumb_' . $file->get('realname');
if (!create_thumbnail($source, $destination, $file->get('mimetype')))
$filedata['thumbnail'] = 0;
return $filedata;
* Calculate the needed size for Thumbnail
function get_img_size_format($width, $height)
global $config;
// Maximum Width the Image can take
$max_width = ($config['img_max_thumb_width']) ? $config['img_max_thumb_width'] : 400;
if ($width > $height)
return array(
round($width * ($max_width / $width)),
round($height * ($max_width / $width))
return array(
round($width * ($max_width / $height)),
round($height * ($max_width / $height))
* Return supported image types
function get_supported_image_types($type = false)
if (@extension_loaded('gd'))
$format = imagetypes();
$new_type = 0;
if ($type !== false)
// Type is one of the IMAGETYPE constants - it is fetched from getimagesize()
// We do not use the constants here, because some were not available in PHP 4.3.x
switch ($type)
// GIF
case 1:
$new_type = ($format & IMG_GIF) ? IMG_GIF : false;
// JPG, JPC, JP2
case 2:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
$new_type = ($format & IMG_JPG) ? IMG_JPG : false;
// PNG
case 3:
$new_type = ($format & IMG_PNG) ? IMG_PNG : false;
case 15:
$new_type = ($format & IMG_WBMP) ? IMG_WBMP : false;
$new_type = array();
$go_through_types = array(IMG_GIF, IMG_JPG, IMG_PNG, IMG_WBMP);
foreach ($go_through_types as $check_type)
if ($format & $check_type)
$new_type[] = $check_type;
return array(
'gd' => ($new_type) ? true : false,
'format' => $new_type,
'version' => (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) ? 2 : 1
return array('gd' => false);
* Create Thumbnail
function create_thumbnail($source, $destination, $mimetype)
global $config;
$min_filesize = (int) $config['img_min_thumb_filesize'];
$img_filesize = (file_exists($source)) ? @filesize($source) : false;
if (!$img_filesize || $img_filesize <= $min_filesize)
return false;
$dimension = @getimagesize($source);
if ($dimension === false)
return false;
list($width, $height, $type, ) = $dimension;
if (empty($width) || empty($height))
return false;
list($new_width, $new_height) = get_img_size_format($width, $height);
// Do not create a thumbnail if the resulting width/height is bigger than the original one
if ($new_width >= $width && $new_height >= $height)
return false;
$used_imagick = false;
// Only use imagemagick if defined and the passthru function not disabled
if ($config['img_imagick'] && function_exists('passthru'))
if (substr($config['img_imagick'], -1) !== '/')
$config['img_imagick'] .= '/';
@passthru(escapeshellcmd($config['img_imagick']) . 'convert' . ((defined('PHP_OS') && preg_match('#^win#i', PHP_OS)) ? '.exe' : '') . ' -quality 85 -geometry ' . $new_width . 'x' . $new_height . ' "' . str_replace('\\', '/', $source) . '" "' . str_replace('\\', '/', $destination) . '"');
if (file_exists($destination))
$used_imagick = true;
if (!$used_imagick)
$type = get_supported_image_types($type);
if ($type['gd'])
// If the type is not supported, we are not able to create a thumbnail
if ($type['format'] === false)
return false;
switch ($type['format'])
case IMG_GIF:
$image = @imagecreatefromgif($source);
case IMG_JPG:
@ini_set('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1);
$image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($source);
case IMG_PNG:
$image = @imagecreatefrompng($source);
case IMG_WBMP:
$image = @imagecreatefromwbmp($source);
if (empty($image))
return false;
if ($type['version'] == 1)
$new_image = imagecreate($new_width, $new_height);
if ($new_image === false)
return false;
imagecopyresized($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
$new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
if ($new_image === false)
return false;
// Preserve alpha transparency (png for example)
@imagealphablending($new_image, false);
@imagesavealpha($new_image, true);
imagecopyresampled($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
// If we are in safe mode create the destination file prior to using the gd functions to circumvent a PHP bug
if (@ini_get('safe_mode') || @strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode')) == 'on')
switch ($type['format'])
case IMG_GIF:
imagegif($new_image, $destination);
case IMG_JPG:
imagejpeg($new_image, $destination, 90);
case IMG_PNG:
imagepng($new_image, $destination);
case IMG_WBMP:
imagewbmp($new_image, $destination);
return false;
if (!file_exists($destination))
return false;
phpbb_chmod($destination, CHMOD_READ | CHMOD_WRITE);
return true;
* Assign Inline attachments (build option fields)
function posting_gen_inline_attachments(&$attachment_data)
global $template;
if (sizeof($attachment_data))
$s_inline_attachment_options = '';
foreach ($attachment_data as $i => $attachment)
$s_inline_attachment_options .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . utf8_basename($attachment['real_filename']) . '</option>';
$template->assign_var('S_INLINE_ATTACHMENT_OPTIONS', $s_inline_attachment_options);
return true;
return false;
* Generate inline attachment entry
function posting_gen_attachment_entry($attachment_data, &$filename_data, $show_attach_box = true)
global $template, $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user, $auth;
// Some default template variables
'S_SHOW_ATTACH_BOX' => $show_attach_box,
'S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS' => sizeof($attachment_data),
'FILESIZE' => $config['max_filesize'],
'FILE_COMMENT' => (isset($filename_data['filecomment'])) ? $filename_data['filecomment'] : '',
if (sizeof($attachment_data))
// We display the posted attachments within the desired order.
($config['display_order']) ? krsort($attachment_data) : ksort($attachment_data);
foreach ($attachment_data as $count => $attach_row)
$hidden = '';
$attach_row['real_filename'] = utf8_basename($attach_row['real_filename']);
foreach ($attach_row as $key => $value)
$hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="attachment_data[' . $count . '][' . $key . ']" value="' . $value . '" />';
$download_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}download/file.$phpEx", 'mode=view&amp;id=' . (int) $attach_row['attach_id'], true, ($attach_row['is_orphan']) ? $user->session_id : false);
$template->assign_block_vars('attach_row', array(
'FILENAME' => utf8_basename($attach_row['real_filename']),
'A_FILENAME' => addslashes(utf8_basename($attach_row['real_filename'])),
'FILE_COMMENT' => $attach_row['attach_comment'],
'ATTACH_ID' => $attach_row['attach_id'],
'S_IS_ORPHAN' => $attach_row['is_orphan'],
'ASSOC_INDEX' => $count,
'U_VIEW_ATTACHMENT' => $download_link,
'S_HIDDEN' => $hidden)
return sizeof($attachment_data);
// General Post functions
* Load Drafts
function load_drafts($topic_id = 0, $forum_id = 0, $id = 0, $pm_action = '', $msg_id = 0)
global $user, $db, $template, $auth;
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$topic_ids = $forum_ids = $draft_rows = array();
// Load those drafts not connected to forums/topics
// If forum_id == 0 AND topic_id == 0 then this is a PM draft
if (!$topic_id && !$forum_id)
$sql_and = ' AND d.forum_id = 0 AND d.topic_id = 0';
$sql_and = '';
$sql_and .= ($forum_id) ? ' AND d.forum_id = ' . (int) $forum_id : '';
$sql_and .= ($topic_id) ? ' AND d.topic_id = ' . (int) $topic_id : '';
$sql = 'SELECT d.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name
LEFT JOIN ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f ON (f.forum_id = d.forum_id)
WHERE d.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . "
ORDER BY d.save_time DESC";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
if ($row['topic_id'])
$topic_ids[] = (int) $row['topic_id'];
$draft_rows[] = $row;
if (!sizeof($draft_rows))
$topic_rows = array();
if (sizeof($topic_ids))
$sql = 'SELECT topic_id, forum_id, topic_title
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', array_unique($topic_ids));
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$topic_rows[$row['topic_id']] = $row;
$template->assign_var('S_SHOW_DRAFTS', true);
foreach ($draft_rows as $draft)
$link_topic = $link_forum = $link_pm = false;
$insert_url = $view_url = $title = '';
if (isset($topic_rows[$draft['topic_id']])
&& (
($topic_rows[$draft['topic_id']]['forum_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $topic_rows[$draft['topic_id']]['forum_id']))
(!$topic_rows[$draft['topic_id']]['forum_id'] && $auth->acl_getf_global('f_read'))
$topic_forum_id = ($topic_rows[$draft['topic_id']]['forum_id']) ? $topic_rows[$draft['topic_id']]['forum_id'] : $forum_id;
$link_topic = true;
$view_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $topic_forum_id . '&amp;t=' . $draft['topic_id']);
$title = $topic_rows[$draft['topic_id']]['topic_title'];
$insert_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", 'f=' . $topic_forum_id . '&amp;t=' . $draft['topic_id'] . '&amp;mode=reply&amp;d=' . $draft['draft_id']);
else if ($draft['forum_id'] && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $draft['forum_id']))
$link_forum = true;
$view_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $draft['forum_id']);
$title = $draft['forum_name'];
$insert_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", 'f=' . $draft['forum_id'] . '&amp;mode=post&amp;d=' . $draft['draft_id']);
// Either display as PM draft if forum_id and topic_id are empty or if access to the forums has been denied afterwards...
$link_pm = true;
$insert_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", "i=$id&amp;mode=compose&amp;d={$draft['draft_id']}" . (($pm_action) ? "&amp;action=$pm_action" : '') . (($msg_id) ? "&amp;p=$msg_id" : ''));
$template->assign_block_vars('draftrow', array(
'DRAFT_ID' => $draft['draft_id'],
'DATE' => $user->format_date($draft['save_time']),
'DRAFT_SUBJECT' => $draft['draft_subject'],
'TITLE' => $title,
'U_VIEW' => $view_url,
'U_INSERT' => $insert_url,
'S_LINK_PM' => $link_pm,
'S_LINK_TOPIC' => $link_topic,
'S_LINK_FORUM' => $link_forum)
* Topic Review
function topic_review($topic_id, $forum_id, $mode = 'topic_review', $cur_post_id = 0, $show_quote_button = true)
global $user, $auth, $db, $template, $bbcode, $cache;
global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
// Go ahead and pull all data for this topic
$sql = 'SELECT p.post_id
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p' . "
WHERE p.topic_id = $topic_id
" . ((!$auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id)) ? 'AND p.post_approved = 1' : '') . '
' . (($mode == 'post_review') ? " AND p.post_id > $cur_post_id" : '') . '
' . (($mode == 'post_review_edit') ? " AND p.post_id = $cur_post_id" : '') . '
ORDER BY p.post_time ';
$sql .= ($mode == 'post_review') ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $config['posts_per_page']);
$post_list = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$post_list[] = $row['post_id'];
if (!sizeof($post_list))
return false;
// Handle 'post_review_edit' like 'post_review' from now on
if ($mode == 'post_review_edit')
$mode = 'post_review';
$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', array(
'SELECT' => 'u.username, u.user_id, u.user_colour, p.*, z.friend, z.foe',
'FROM' => array(
'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
'FROM' => array(ZEBRA_TABLE => 'z'),
'ON' => 'z.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND z.zebra_id = p.poster_id'
'WHERE' => $db->sql_in_set('p.post_id', $post_list) . '
AND u.user_id = p.poster_id'
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$bbcode_bitfield = '';
$rowset = array();
$has_attachments = false;
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$rowset[$row['post_id']] = $row;
$bbcode_bitfield = $bbcode_bitfield | base64_decode($row['bbcode_bitfield']);
if ($row['post_attachment'])
$has_attachments = true;
// Instantiate BBCode class
if (!isset($bbcode) && $bbcode_bitfield !== '')
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx);
$bbcode = new bbcode(base64_encode($bbcode_bitfield));
// Grab extensions
$extensions = $attachments = array();
if ($has_attachments && $auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $forum_id))
$extensions = $cache->obtain_attach_extensions($forum_id);
// Get attachments...
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_msg_id', $post_list) . '
AND in_message = 0
ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id ASC';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$attachments[$row['post_msg_id']][] = $row;
for ($i = 0, $end = sizeof($post_list); $i < $end; ++$i)
// A non-existing rowset only happens if there was no user present for the entered poster_id
// This could be a broken posts table.
if (!isset($rowset[$post_list[$i]]))
$row =& $rowset[$post_list[$i]];
$poster_id = $row['user_id'];
$post_subject = $row['post_subject'];
$message = censor_text($row['post_text']);
$decoded_message = false;
if ($show_quote_button && $auth->acl_get('f_reply', $forum_id))
$decoded_message = $message;
decode_message($decoded_message, $row['bbcode_uid']);
$decoded_message = bbcode_nl2br($decoded_message);
if ($row['bbcode_bitfield'])
$bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($message, $row['bbcode_uid'], $row['bbcode_bitfield']);
$message = bbcode_nl2br($message);
$message = smiley_text($message, !$row['enable_smilies']);
if (!empty($attachments[$row['post_id']]))
$update_count = array();
parse_attachments($forum_id, $message, $attachments[$row['post_id']], $update_count);
$post_subject = censor_text($post_subject);
$post_anchor = ($mode == 'post_review') ? 'ppr' . $row['post_id'] : 'pr' . $row['post_id'];
$u_show_post = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'viewtopic.' . $phpEx, "f=$forum_id&amp;t=$topic_id&amp;p={$row['post_id']}&amp;view=show#p{$row['post_id']}");
$template->assign_block_vars($mode . '_row', array(
'POST_AUTHOR_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']),
'POST_AUTHOR_COLOUR' => get_username_string('colour', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']),
'POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('username', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']),
'U_POST_AUTHOR' => get_username_string('profile', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']),
'S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS' => (!empty($attachments[$row['post_id']])) ? true : false,
'S_FRIEND' => ($row['friend']) ? true : false,
'S_IGNORE_POST' => ($row['foe']) ? true : false,
'L_IGNORE_POST' => ($row['foe']) ? sprintf($user->lang['POST_BY_FOE'], get_username_string('full', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username']), "<a href=\"{$u_show_post}\" onclick=\"dE('{$post_anchor}', 1); return false;\">", '</a>') : '',
'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_subject,
'MINI_POST_IMG' => $user->img('icon_post_target', $user->lang['POST']),
'POST_DATE' => $user->format_date($row['post_time']),
'MESSAGE' => $message,
'DECODED_MESSAGE' => $decoded_message,
'POST_ID' => $row['post_id'],
'U_MINI_POST' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'p=' . $row['post_id']) . '#p' . $row['post_id'],
'U_MCP_DETAILS' => ($auth->acl_get('m_info', $forum_id)) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=main&amp;mode=post_details&amp;f=' . $forum_id . '&amp;p=' . $row['post_id'], true, $user->session_id) : '',
'POSTER_QUOTE' => ($show_quote_button && $auth->acl_get('f_reply', $forum_id)) ? addslashes(get_username_string('username', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username'])) : '')
// Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;)
if (!empty($attachments[$row['post_id']]))
foreach ($attachments[$row['post_id']] as $attachment)
$template->assign_block_vars($mode . '_row.attachment', array(
'DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT' => $attachment)
if ($mode == 'topic_review')
$template->assign_var('QUOTE_IMG', $user->img('icon_post_quote', $user->lang['REPLY_WITH_QUOTE']));
return true;
* User Notification
function user_notification($mode, $subject, $topic_title, $forum_name, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id)
global $db, $user, $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $auth;
$topic_notification = ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') ? true : false;
$forum_notification = ($mode == 'post') ? true : false;
if (!$topic_notification && !$forum_notification)
if (($topic_notification && !$config['allow_topic_notify']) || ($forum_notification && !$config['allow_forum_notify']))
$topic_title = ($topic_notification) ? $topic_title : $subject;
$topic_title = censor_text($topic_title);
// Get banned User ID's
$sql = 'SELECT ban_userid
WHERE ban_userid <> 0
AND ban_exclude <> 1';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$sql_ignore_users = ANONYMOUS . ', ' . $user->data['user_id'];
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$sql_ignore_users .= ', ' . (int) $row['ban_userid'];
$notify_rows = array();
// -- get forum_userids || topic_userids
$sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.username, u.user_email, u.user_lang, u.user_notify_type, u.user_jabber
FROM ' . (($topic_notification) ? TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE : FORUMS_WATCH_TABLE) . ' w, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u
WHERE w.' . (($topic_notification) ? 'topic_id' : 'forum_id') . ' = ' . (($topic_notification) ? $topic_id : $forum_id) . "
AND w.user_id NOT IN ($sql_ignore_users)
AND w.notify_status = " . NOTIFY_YES . '
AND u.user_type IN (' . USER_NORMAL . ', ' . USER_FOUNDER . ')
AND u.user_id = w.user_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$notify_rows[$row['user_id']] = array(
'user_id' => $row['user_id'],
'username' => $row['username'],
'user_email' => $row['user_email'],
'user_jabber' => $row['user_jabber'],
'user_lang' => $row['user_lang'],
'notify_type' => ($topic_notification) ? 'topic' : 'forum',
'template' => ($topic_notification) ? 'topic_notify' : 'newtopic_notify',
'method' => $row['user_notify_type'],
'allowed' => false
// forum notification is sent to those not already receiving topic notifications
if ($topic_notification)
if (sizeof($notify_rows))
$sql_ignore_users .= ', ' . implode(', ', array_keys($notify_rows));
$sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.username, u.user_email, u.user_lang, u.user_notify_type, u.user_jabber
WHERE fw.forum_id = $forum_id
AND fw.user_id NOT IN ($sql_ignore_users)
AND fw.notify_status = " . NOTIFY_YES . '
AND u.user_type IN (' . USER_NORMAL . ', ' . USER_FOUNDER . ')
AND u.user_id = fw.user_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$notify_rows[$row['user_id']] = array(
'user_id' => $row['user_id'],
'username' => $row['username'],
'user_email' => $row['user_email'],
'user_jabber' => $row['user_jabber'],
'user_lang' => $row['user_lang'],
'notify_type' => 'forum',
'template' => 'forum_notify',
'method' => $row['user_notify_type'],
'allowed' => false
if (!sizeof($notify_rows))
// Make sure users are allowed to read the forum
foreach ($auth->acl_get_list(array_keys($notify_rows), 'f_read', $forum_id) as $forum_id => $forum_ary)
foreach ($forum_ary as $auth_option => $user_ary)
foreach ($user_ary as $user_id)
$notify_rows[$user_id]['allowed'] = true;
// Now, we have to do a little step before really sending, we need to distinguish our users a little bit. ;)
$msg_users = $delete_ids = $update_notification = array();
foreach ($notify_rows as $user_id => $row)
if (!$row['allowed'] || !trim($row['user_email']))
$delete_ids[$row['notify_type']][] = $row['user_id'];
$msg_users[] = $row;
$update_notification[$row['notify_type']][] = $row['user_id'];
// Now, we are able to really send out notifications
if (sizeof($msg_users))
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx);
$messenger = new messenger();
$msg_list_ary = array();
foreach ($msg_users as $row)
$pos = (!isset($msg_list_ary[$row['template']])) ? 0 : sizeof($msg_list_ary[$row['template']]);
$msg_list_ary[$row['template']][$pos]['method'] = $row['method'];
$msg_list_ary[$row['template']][$pos]['email'] = $row['user_email'];
$msg_list_ary[$row['template']][$pos]['jabber'] = $row['user_jabber'];
$msg_list_ary[$row['template']][$pos]['name'] = $row['username'];
$msg_list_ary[$row['template']][$pos]['lang'] = $row['user_lang'];
$msg_list_ary[$row['template']][$pos]['user_id']= $row['user_id'];
foreach ($msg_list_ary as $email_template => $email_list)
foreach ($email_list as $addr)
$messenger->template($email_template, $addr['lang']);
$messenger->to($addr['email'], $addr['name']);
$messenger->im($addr['jabber'], $addr['name']);
'USERNAME' => htmlspecialchars_decode($addr['name']),
'TOPIC_TITLE' => htmlspecialchars_decode($topic_title),
'FORUM_NAME' => htmlspecialchars_decode($forum_name),
'U_FORUM' => generate_board_url() . "/viewforum.$phpEx?f=$forum_id",
'U_TOPIC' => generate_board_url() . "/viewtopic.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id",
'U_NEWEST_POST' => generate_board_url() . "/viewtopic.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&p=$post_id&e=$post_id",
'U_STOP_WATCHING_TOPIC' => generate_board_url() . "/viewtopic.$phpEx?uid={$addr['user_id']}&f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&unwatch=topic",
'U_STOP_WATCHING_FORUM' => generate_board_url() . "/viewforum.$phpEx?uid={$addr['user_id']}&f=$forum_id&unwatch=forum",
// Handle the DB updates
if (!empty($update_notification['topic']))
SET notify_status = ' . NOTIFY_NO . "
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
AND " . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $update_notification['topic']);
if (!empty($update_notification['forum']))
SET notify_status = ' . NOTIFY_NO . "
WHERE forum_id = $forum_id
AND " . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $update_notification['forum']);
// Now delete the user_ids not authorised to receive notifications on this topic/forum
if (!empty($delete_ids['topic']))
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
AND " . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $delete_ids['topic']);
if (!empty($delete_ids['forum']))
WHERE forum_id = $forum_id
AND " . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $delete_ids['forum']);
// Post handling functions
* Delete Post
function delete_post($forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, &$data)
global $db, $user, $auth;
global $config, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
// Specify our post mode
$post_mode = 'delete';
if (($data['topic_first_post_id'] === $data['topic_last_post_id']) && $data['topic_replies_real'] == 0)
$post_mode = 'delete_topic';
else if ($data['topic_first_post_id'] == $post_id)
$post_mode = 'delete_first_post';
else if ($data['topic_last_post_id'] == $post_id)
$post_mode = 'delete_last_post';
$sql_data = array();
$next_post_id = false;
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx);
// we must make sure to update forums that contain the shadow'd topic
if ($post_mode == 'delete_topic')
$shadow_forum_ids = array();
$sql = 'SELECT forum_id
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_moved_id', $topic_id);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
if (!isset($shadow_forum_ids[(int) $row['forum_id']]))
$shadow_forum_ids[(int) $row['forum_id']] = 1;
$shadow_forum_ids[(int) $row['forum_id']]++;
if (!delete_posts('post_id', array($post_id), false, false))
// Try to delete topic, we may had an previous error causing inconsistency
if ($post_mode == 'delete_topic')
delete_topics('topic_id', array($topic_id), false);
// Collect the necessary information for updating the tables
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] = '';
switch ($post_mode)
case 'delete_topic':
foreach ($shadow_forum_ids as $updated_forum => $topic_count)
// counting is fun! we only have to do sizeof($forum_ids) number of queries,
// even if the topic is moved back to where its shadow lives (we count how many times it is in a forum)
$db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' SET forum_topics_real = forum_topics_real - ' . $topic_count . ', forum_topics = forum_topics - ' . $topic_count . ' WHERE forum_id = ' . $updated_forum);
update_post_information('forum', $updated_forum);
delete_topics('topic_id', array($topic_id), false);
if ($data['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] .= 'forum_topics_real = forum_topics_real - 1';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] .= ($data['topic_approved']) ? ', forum_posts = forum_posts - 1, forum_topics = forum_topics - 1' : '';
$update_sql = update_post_information('forum', $forum_id, true);
if (sizeof($update_sql))
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] .= ($sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]) ? ', ' : '';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] .= implode(', ', $update_sql[$forum_id]);
case 'delete_first_post':
$sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time, p.post_username, u.username, u.user_colour
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . " u
WHERE p.topic_id = $topic_id
AND p.poster_id = u.user_id
ORDER BY p.post_time ASC";
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($data['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] = ($data['post_approved']) ? 'forum_posts = forum_posts - 1' : '';
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] = 'topic_poster = ' . intval($row['poster_id']) . ', topic_first_post_id = ' . intval($row['post_id']) . ", topic_first_poster_colour = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['user_colour']) . "', topic_first_poster_name = '" . (($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $db->sql_escape($row['post_username']) : $db->sql_escape($row['username'])) . "', topic_time = " . (int) $row['post_time'];
// Decrementing topic_replies here is fine because this case only happens if there is more than one post within the topic - basically removing one "reply"
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] .= ', topic_replies_real = topic_replies_real - 1' . (($data['post_approved']) ? ', topic_replies = topic_replies - 1' : '');
$next_post_id = (int) $row['post_id'];
case 'delete_last_post':
if ($data['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] = ($data['post_approved']) ? 'forum_posts = forum_posts - 1' : '';
$update_sql = update_post_information('forum', $forum_id, true);
if (sizeof($update_sql))
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] .= ($sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]) ? ', ' : '';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] .= implode(', ', $update_sql[$forum_id]);
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] = 'topic_bumped = 0, topic_bumper = 0, topic_replies_real = topic_replies_real - 1' . (($data['post_approved']) ? ', topic_replies = topic_replies - 1' : '');
$update_sql = update_post_information('topic', $topic_id, true);
if (sizeof($update_sql))
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] .= ', ' . implode(', ', $update_sql[$topic_id]);
$next_post_id = (int) str_replace('topic_last_post_id = ', '', $update_sql[$topic_id][0]);
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(post_id) as last_post_id
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id " .
((!$auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id)) ? 'AND post_approved = 1' : '');
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$next_post_id = (int) $row['last_post_id'];
case 'delete':
$sql = 'SELECT post_id
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id " .
((!$auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id)) ? 'AND post_approved = 1' : '') . '
AND post_time > ' . $data['post_time'] . '
ORDER BY post_time ASC';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($data['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE] = ($data['post_approved']) ? 'forum_posts = forum_posts - 1' : '';
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] = 'topic_replies_real = topic_replies_real - 1' . (($data['post_approved']) ? ', topic_replies = topic_replies - 1' : '');
$next_post_id = (int) $row['post_id'];
if (($post_mode == 'delete') || ($post_mode == 'delete_last_post') || ($post_mode == 'delete_first_post'))
$sql = 'SELECT 1 AS has_attachments
WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id;
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$has_attachments = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('has_attachments');
if (!$has_attachments)
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE] .= ', topic_attachment = 0';
// $sql_data[USERS_TABLE] = ($data['post_postcount']) ? 'user_posts = user_posts - 1' : '';
$where_sql = array(
FORUMS_TABLE => "forum_id = $forum_id",
TOPICS_TABLE => "topic_id = $topic_id",
USERS_TABLE => 'user_id = ' . $data['poster_id']
foreach ($sql_data as $table => $update_sql)
if ($update_sql)
$db->sql_query("UPDATE $table SET $update_sql WHERE " . $where_sql[$table]);
// Adjust posted info for this user by looking for a post by him/her within this topic...
if ($post_mode != 'delete_topic' && $config['load_db_track'] && $data['poster_id'] != ANONYMOUS)
$sql = 'SELECT poster_id
WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id . '
AND poster_id = ' . $data['poster_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$poster_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('poster_id');
// The user is not having any more posts within this topic
if (!$poster_id)
WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id . '
AND user_id = ' . $data['poster_id'];
if ($data['post_reported'] && ($post_mode != 'delete_topic'))
sync('topic_reported', 'topic_id', array($topic_id));
return $next_post_id;
* Submit Post
* @todo Split up and create lightweight, simple API for this.
function submit_post($mode, $subject, $username, $topic_type, &$poll, &$data, $update_message = true, $update_search_index = true)
global $db, $auth, $user, $config, $phpEx, $template, $phpbb_root_path;
// We do not handle erasing posts here
if ($mode == 'delete')
return false;
$current_time = time();
if ($mode == 'post')
$post_mode = 'post';
$update_message = true;
else if ($mode != 'edit')
$post_mode = 'reply';
$update_message = true;
else if ($mode == 'edit')
$post_mode = ($data['topic_replies_real'] == 0) ? 'edit_topic' : (($data['topic_first_post_id'] == $data['post_id']) ? 'edit_first_post' : (($data['topic_last_post_id'] == $data['post_id']) ? 'edit_last_post' : 'edit'));
// First of all make sure the subject and topic title are having the correct length.
// To achieve this without cutting off between special chars we convert to an array and then count the elements.
$subject = truncate_string($subject);
$data['topic_title'] = truncate_string($data['topic_title']);
// Collect some basic information about which tables and which rows to update/insert
$sql_data = $topic_row = array();
$poster_id = ($mode == 'edit') ? $data['poster_id'] : (int) $user->data['user_id'];
// Retrieve some additional information if not present
if ($mode == 'edit' && (!isset($data['post_approved']) || !isset($data['topic_approved']) || $data['post_approved'] === false || $data['topic_approved'] === false))
$sql = 'SELECT p.post_approved, t.topic_type, t.topic_replies, t.topic_replies_real, t.topic_approved
FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p
WHERE t.topic_id = p.topic_id
AND p.post_id = ' . $data['post_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$topic_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$data['topic_approved'] = $topic_row['topic_approved'];
$data['post_approved'] = $topic_row['post_approved'];
// This variable indicates if the user is able to post or put into the queue - it is used later for all code decisions regarding approval
// The variable name should be $post_approved, because it indicates if the post is approved or not
$post_approval = 1;
// Check the permissions for post approval. Moderators are not affected.
if (!$auth->acl_get('f_noapprove', $data['forum_id']) && !$auth->acl_get('m_approve', $data['forum_id']))
// Post not approved, but in queue
$post_approval = 0;
// Mods are able to force approved/unapproved posts. True means the post is approved, false the post is unapproved
if (isset($data['force_approved_state']))
$post_approval = ($data['force_approved_state']) ? 1 : 0;
// Start the transaction here
// Collect Information
switch ($post_mode)
case 'post':
case 'reply':
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'] = array(
'forum_id' => ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id'],
'poster_id' => (int) $user->data['user_id'],
'icon_id' => $data['icon_id'],
'poster_ip' => $user->ip,
'post_time' => $current_time,
'post_approved' => $post_approval,
'enable_bbcode' => $data['enable_bbcode'],
'enable_smilies' => $data['enable_smilies'],
'enable_magic_url' => $data['enable_urls'],
'enable_sig' => $data['enable_sig'],
'post_username' => (!$user->data['is_registered']) ? $username : '',
'post_subject' => $subject,
'post_text' => $data['message'],
'post_checksum' => $data['message_md5'],
'post_attachment' => (!empty($data['attachment_data'])) ? 1 : 0,
'bbcode_bitfield' => $data['bbcode_bitfield'],
'bbcode_uid' => $data['bbcode_uid'],
'post_postcount' => ($auth->acl_get('f_postcount', $data['forum_id'])) ? 1 : 0,
'post_edit_locked' => $data['post_edit_locked']
case 'edit_first_post':
case 'edit':
case 'edit_last_post':
case 'edit_topic':
// If edit reason is given always display edit info
// If editing last post then display no edit info
// If m_edit permission then display no edit info
// If normal edit display edit info
// Display edit info if edit reason given or user is editing his post, which is not the last within the topic.
if ($data['post_edit_reason'] || (!$auth->acl_get('m_edit', $data['forum_id']) && ($post_mode == 'edit' || $post_mode == 'edit_first_post')))
$data['post_edit_reason'] = truncate_string($data['post_edit_reason'], 255, 255, false);
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'] = array(
'post_edit_time' => $current_time,
'post_edit_reason' => $data['post_edit_reason'],
'post_edit_user' => (int) $data['post_edit_user'],
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'post_edit_count = post_edit_count + 1';
else if (!$data['post_edit_reason'] && $mode == 'edit' && $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $data['forum_id']))
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'] = array(
'post_edit_reason' => '',
// If the person editing this post is different to the one having posted then we will add a log entry stating the edit
// Could be simplified by only adding to the log if the edit is not tracked - but this may confuse admins/mods
if ($user->data['user_id'] != $poster_id)
$log_subject = ($subject) ? $subject : $data['topic_title'];
add_log('mod', $data['forum_id'], $data['topic_id'], 'LOG_POST_EDITED', $log_subject, (!empty($username)) ? $username : $user->lang['GUEST']);
if (!isset($sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql']))
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'] = array();
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'] = array_merge($sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'], array(
'forum_id' => ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id'],
'poster_id' => $data['poster_id'],
'icon_id' => $data['icon_id'],
'post_approved' => (!$post_approval) ? 0 : $data['post_approved'],
'enable_bbcode' => $data['enable_bbcode'],
'enable_smilies' => $data['enable_smilies'],
'enable_magic_url' => $data['enable_urls'],
'enable_sig' => $data['enable_sig'],
'post_username' => ($username && $data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $username : '',
'post_subject' => $subject,
'post_checksum' => $data['message_md5'],
'post_attachment' => (!empty($data['attachment_data'])) ? 1 : 0,
'bbcode_bitfield' => $data['bbcode_bitfield'],
'bbcode_uid' => $data['bbcode_uid'],
'post_edit_locked' => $data['post_edit_locked'])
if ($update_message)
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql']['post_text'] = $data['message'];
$post_approved = $sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql']['post_approved'];
$topic_row = array();
// And the topic ladies and gentlemen
switch ($post_mode)
case 'post':
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql'] = array(
'topic_poster' => (int) $user->data['user_id'],
'topic_time' => $current_time,
'topic_last_view_time' => $current_time,
'forum_id' => ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id'],
'icon_id' => $data['icon_id'],
'topic_approved' => $post_approval,
'topic_title' => $subject,
'topic_first_poster_name' => (!$user->data['is_registered'] && $username) ? $username : (($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? $user->data['username'] : ''),
'topic_first_poster_colour' => $user->data['user_colour'],
'topic_type' => $topic_type,
'topic_time_limit' => ($topic_type == POST_STICKY || $topic_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) ? ($data['topic_time_limit'] * 86400) : 0,
'topic_attachment' => (!empty($data['attachment_data'])) ? 1 : 0,
if (isset($poll['poll_options']) && !empty($poll['poll_options']))
$poll_start = ($poll['poll_start']) ? $poll['poll_start'] : $current_time;
$poll_length = $poll['poll_length'] * 86400;
if ($poll_length < 0)
$poll_start = $poll_start + $poll_length;
if ($poll_start < 0)
$poll_start = 0;
$poll_length = 1;
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql'] = array_merge($sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql'], array(
'poll_title' => $poll['poll_title'],
'poll_start' => $poll_start,
'poll_max_options' => $poll['poll_max_options'],
'poll_length' => $poll_length,
'poll_vote_change' => $poll['poll_vote_change'])
$sql_data[USERS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "user_lastpost_time = $current_time" . (($auth->acl_get('f_postcount', $data['forum_id']) && $post_approval) ? ', user_posts = user_posts + 1' : '');
if ($topic_type != POST_GLOBAL)
if ($post_approval)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_posts = forum_posts + 1';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_topics_real = forum_topics_real + 1' . (($post_approval) ? ', forum_topics = forum_topics + 1' : '');
case 'reply':
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_last_view_time = ' . $current_time . ',
topic_replies_real = topic_replies_real + 1,
topic_bumped = 0,
topic_bumper = 0' .
(($post_approval) ? ', topic_replies = topic_replies + 1' : '') .
((!empty($data['attachment_data']) || (isset($data['topic_attachment']) && $data['topic_attachment'])) ? ', topic_attachment = 1' : '');
$sql_data[USERS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "user_lastpost_time = $current_time" . (($auth->acl_get('f_postcount', $data['forum_id']) && $post_approval) ? ', user_posts = user_posts + 1' : '');
if ($post_approval && $topic_type != POST_GLOBAL)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_posts = forum_posts + 1';
case 'edit_topic':
case 'edit_first_post':
if (isset($poll['poll_options']) && !empty($poll['poll_options']))
$poll_start = ($poll['poll_start']) ? $poll['poll_start'] : $current_time;
$poll_length = $poll['poll_length'] * 86400;
if ($poll_length < 0)
$poll_start = $poll_start + $poll_length;
if ($poll_start < 0)
$poll_start = 0;
$poll_length = 1;
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql'] = array(
'forum_id' => ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id'],
'icon_id' => $data['icon_id'],
'topic_approved' => (!$post_approval) ? 0 : $data['topic_approved'],
'topic_title' => $subject,
'topic_first_poster_name' => $username,
'topic_type' => $topic_type,
'topic_time_limit' => ($topic_type == POST_STICKY || $topic_type == POST_ANNOUNCE) ? ($data['topic_time_limit'] * 86400) : 0,
'poll_title' => (isset($poll['poll_options'])) ? $poll['poll_title'] : '',
'poll_start' => (isset($poll['poll_options'])) ? $poll_start : 0,
'poll_max_options' => (isset($poll['poll_options'])) ? $poll['poll_max_options'] : 1,
'poll_length' => (isset($poll['poll_options'])) ? $poll_length : 0,
'poll_vote_change' => (isset($poll['poll_vote_change'])) ? $poll['poll_vote_change'] : 0,
'topic_last_view_time' => $current_time,
'topic_attachment' => (!empty($data['attachment_data'])) ? 1 : (isset($data['topic_attachment']) ? $data['topic_attachment'] : 0),
// Correctly set back the topic replies and forum posts... only if the topic was approved before and now gets disapproved
if (!$post_approval && $data['topic_approved'])
// Do we need to grab some topic informations?
if (!sizeof($topic_row))
$sql = 'SELECT topic_type, topic_replies, topic_replies_real, topic_approved
WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$topic_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// If this is the only post remaining we do not need to decrement topic_replies.
// Also do not decrement if first post - then the topic_replies will not be adjusted if approving the topic again.
// If this is an edited topic or the first post the topic gets completely disapproved later on...
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_topics = forum_topics - 1';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_posts = forum_posts - ' . ($topic_row['topic_replies'] + 1);
set_config_count('num_topics', -1, true);
set_config_count('num_posts', ($topic_row['topic_replies'] + 1) * (-1), true);
// Only decrement this post, since this is the one non-approved now
if ($auth->acl_get('f_postcount', $data['forum_id']))
$sql_data[USERS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'user_posts = user_posts - 1';
case 'edit':
case 'edit_last_post':
// Correctly set back the topic replies and forum posts... but only if the post was approved before.
if (!$post_approval && $data['post_approved'])
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_replies = topic_replies - 1, topic_last_view_time = ' . $current_time;
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_posts = forum_posts - 1';
set_config_count('num_posts', -1, true);
if ($auth->acl_get('f_postcount', $data['forum_id']))
$sql_data[USERS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'user_posts = user_posts - 1';
// Submit new topic
if ($post_mode == 'post')
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' ' .
$db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql']);
$data['topic_id'] = $db->sql_nextid();
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'] = array_merge($sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'], array(
'topic_id' => $data['topic_id'])
// Submit new post
if ($post_mode == 'post' || $post_mode == 'reply')
if ($post_mode == 'reply')
$sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'] = array_merge($sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql'], array(
'topic_id' => $data['topic_id'])
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql']);
$data['post_id'] = $db->sql_nextid();
if ($post_mode == 'post')
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql'] = array(
'topic_first_post_id' => $data['post_id'],
'topic_last_post_id' => $data['post_id'],
'topic_last_post_time' => $current_time,
'topic_last_poster_id' => (int) $user->data['user_id'],
'topic_last_poster_name' => (!$user->data['is_registered'] && $username) ? $username : (($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? $user->data['username'] : ''),
'topic_last_poster_colour' => $user->data['user_colour'],
'topic_last_post_subject' => (string) $subject,
$make_global = false;
// Are we globalising or unglobalising?
if ($post_mode == 'edit_first_post' || $post_mode == 'edit_topic')
if (!sizeof($topic_row))
$sql = 'SELECT topic_type, topic_replies, topic_replies_real, topic_approved, topic_last_post_id
WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$topic_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// globalise/unglobalise?
if (($topic_row['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) || ($topic_row['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type != POST_GLOBAL))
if (!empty($sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat']) && implode('', $sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat']))
$db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat']) . ' WHERE forum_id = ' . $data['forum_id']);
$make_global = true;
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'] = array();
// globalise
if ($topic_row['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type == POST_GLOBAL)
// Decrement topic/post count
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_posts = forum_posts - ' . ($topic_row['topic_replies_real'] + 1);
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_topics_real = forum_topics_real - 1' . (($topic_row['topic_approved']) ? ', forum_topics = forum_topics - 1' : '');
// Update forum_ids for all posts
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . '
SET forum_id = 0
WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
// unglobalise
else if ($topic_row['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type != POST_GLOBAL)
// Increment topic/post count
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_posts = forum_posts + ' . ($topic_row['topic_replies_real'] + 1);
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_topics_real = forum_topics_real + 1' . (($topic_row['topic_approved']) ? ', forum_topics = forum_topics + 1' : '');
// Update forum_ids for all posts
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . '
SET forum_id = ' . $data['forum_id'] . '
WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
// Update the topics table
if (isset($sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql']))
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . '
SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['sql']) . '
WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
// Update the posts table
if (isset($sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql']))
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . POSTS_TABLE . '
SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_data[POSTS_TABLE]['sql']) . '
WHERE post_id = ' . $data['post_id'];
// Update Poll Tables
if (isset($poll['poll_options']) && !empty($poll['poll_options']))
$cur_poll_options = array();
if ($poll['poll_start'] && $mode == 'edit')
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'] . '
ORDER BY poll_option_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$cur_poll_options = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$cur_poll_options[] = $row;
$sql_insert_ary = array();
for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($poll['poll_options']); $i < $size; $i++)
if (strlen(trim($poll['poll_options'][$i])))
if (empty($cur_poll_options[$i]))
// If we add options we need to put them to the end to be able to preserve votes...
$sql_insert_ary[] = array(
'poll_option_id' => (int) sizeof($cur_poll_options) + 1 + sizeof($sql_insert_ary),
'topic_id' => (int) $data['topic_id'],
'poll_option_text' => (string) $poll['poll_options'][$i]
else if ($poll['poll_options'][$i] != $cur_poll_options[$i])
SET poll_option_text = '" . $db->sql_escape($poll['poll_options'][$i]) . "'
WHERE poll_option_id = " . $cur_poll_options[$i]['poll_option_id'] . '
AND topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
$db->sql_multi_insert(POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE, $sql_insert_ary);
if (sizeof($poll['poll_options']) < sizeof($cur_poll_options))
WHERE poll_option_id > ' . sizeof($poll['poll_options']) . '
AND topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
// If edited, we would need to reset votes (since options can be re-ordered above, you can't be sure if the change is for changing the text or adding an option
if ($mode == 'edit' && sizeof($poll['poll_options']) != sizeof($cur_poll_options))
$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . POLL_VOTES_TABLE . ' WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id']);
$db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE . ' SET poll_option_total = 0 WHERE topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id']);
// Submit Attachments
if (!empty($data['attachment_data']) && $data['post_id'] && in_array($mode, array('post', 'reply', 'quote', 'edit')))
$space_taken = $files_added = 0;
$orphan_rows = array();
foreach ($data['attachment_data'] as $pos => $attach_row)
$orphan_rows[(int) $attach_row['attach_id']] = array();
if (sizeof($orphan_rows))
$sql = 'SELECT attach_id, filesize, physical_filename
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('attach_id', array_keys($orphan_rows)) . '
AND is_orphan = 1
AND poster_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$orphan_rows = array();
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$orphan_rows[$row['attach_id']] = $row;
foreach ($data['attachment_data'] as $pos => $attach_row)
if ($attach_row['is_orphan'] && !isset($orphan_rows[$attach_row['attach_id']]))
if (!$attach_row['is_orphan'])
// update entry in db if attachment already stored in db and filespace
SET attach_comment = '" . $db->sql_escape($attach_row['attach_comment']) . "'
WHERE attach_id = " . (int) $attach_row['attach_id'] . '
AND is_orphan = 0';
// insert attachment into db
if (!@file_exists($phpbb_root_path . $config['upload_path'] . '/' . utf8_basename($orphan_rows[$attach_row['attach_id']]['physical_filename'])))
$space_taken += $orphan_rows[$attach_row['attach_id']]['filesize'];
$attach_sql = array(
'post_msg_id' => $data['post_id'],
'topic_id' => $data['topic_id'],
'is_orphan' => 0,
'poster_id' => $poster_id,
'attach_comment' => $attach_row['attach_comment'],
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $attach_sql) . '
WHERE attach_id = ' . $attach_row['attach_id'] . '
AND is_orphan = 1
AND poster_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'];
if ($space_taken && $files_added)
set_config_count('upload_dir_size', $space_taken, true);
set_config_count('num_files', $files_added, true);
// we need to update the last forum information
// only applicable if the topic is not global and it is approved
// we also check to make sure we are not dealing with globaling the latest topic (pretty rare but still needs to be checked)
if ($topic_type != POST_GLOBAL && !$make_global && ($post_approved || !$data['post_approved']))
// the last post makes us update the forum table. This can happen if...
// We make a new topic
// We reply to a topic
// We edit the last post in a topic and this post is the latest in the forum (maybe)
// We edit the only post in the topic
// We edit the first post in the topic and all the other posts are not approved
if (($post_mode == 'post' || $post_mode == 'reply') && $post_approved)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_id = ' . $data['post_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($subject) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_time = ' . $current_time;
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_poster_id = ' . (int) $user->data['user_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape((!$user->data['is_registered'] && $username) ? $username : (($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? $user->data['username'] : '')) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_colour = '" . $db->sql_escape($user->data['user_colour']) . "'";
else if ($post_mode == 'edit_last_post' || $post_mode == 'edit_topic' || ($post_mode == 'edit_first_post' && !$data['topic_replies']))
// this does not _necessarily_ mean that we must update the info again,
// it just means that we might have to
$sql = 'SELECT forum_last_post_id, forum_last_post_subject
WHERE forum_id = ' . (int) $data['forum_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// this post is the latest post in the forum, better update
if ($row['forum_last_post_id'] == $data['post_id'])
// If post approved and subject changed, or poster is anonymous, we need to update the forum_last* rows
if ($post_approved && ($row['forum_last_post_subject'] !== $subject || $data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS))
// the post's subject changed
if ($row['forum_last_post_subject'] !== $subject)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_subject = \'' . $db->sql_escape($subject) . '\'';
// Update the user name if poster is anonymous... just in case an admin changed it
if ($data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($username) . "'";
else if ($data['post_approved'] !== $post_approved)
// we need a fresh change of socks, everything has become invalidated
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(topic_last_post_id) as last_post_id
WHERE forum_id = ' . (int) $data['forum_id'] . '
AND topic_approved = 1';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// any posts left in this forum?
if (!empty($row['last_post_id']))
$sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_time, p.poster_id, p.post_username, u.user_id, u.username, u.user_colour
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u
WHERE p.poster_id = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = ' . (int) $row['last_post_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// salvation, a post is found! jam it into the forums table
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_id = ' . (int) $row['post_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['post_subject']) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_time = ' . (int) $row['post_time'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_poster_id = ' . (int) $row['poster_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape(($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_colour = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['user_colour']) . "'";
// just our luck, the last topic in the forum has just been turned unapproved...
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_id = 0';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_post_subject = ''";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_time = 0';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_poster_id = 0';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_name = ''";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_colour = ''";
else if ($make_global)
// somebody decided to be a party pooper, we must recalculate the whole shebang (maybe)
$sql = 'SELECT forum_last_post_id
WHERE forum_id = ' . (int) $data['forum_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$forum_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// we made a topic global, go get new data
if ($topic_row['topic_type'] != POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type == POST_GLOBAL && $forum_row['forum_last_post_id'] == $topic_row['topic_last_post_id'])
// we need a fresh change of socks, everything has become invalidated
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(topic_last_post_id) as last_post_id
WHERE forum_id = ' . (int) $data['forum_id'] . '
AND topic_approved = 1';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// any posts left in this forum?
if (!empty($row['last_post_id']))
$sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_time, p.poster_id, p.post_username, u.user_id, u.username, u.user_colour
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u
WHERE p.poster_id = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = ' . (int) $row['last_post_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// salvation, a post is found! jam it into the forums table
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_id = ' . (int) $row['post_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['post_subject']) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_time = ' . (int) $row['post_time'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_poster_id = ' . (int) $row['poster_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape(($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_colour = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['user_colour']) . "'";
// just our luck, the last topic in the forum has just been globalized...
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_id = 0';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_post_subject = ''";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_time = 0';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_poster_id = 0';
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_name = ''";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_colour = ''";
else if ($topic_row['topic_type'] == POST_GLOBAL && $topic_type != POST_GLOBAL && $forum_row['forum_last_post_id'] < $topic_row['topic_last_post_id'])
// this post has a higher id, it is newer
$sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_time, p.poster_id, p.post_username, u.user_id, u.username, u.user_colour
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u
WHERE p.poster_id = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = ' . (int) $topic_row['topic_last_post_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// salvation, a post is found! jam it into the forums table
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_id = ' . (int) $row['post_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['post_subject']) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_post_time = ' . (int) $row['post_time'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'forum_last_poster_id = ' . (int) $row['poster_id'];
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape(($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']) . "'";
$sql_data[FORUMS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "forum_last_poster_colour = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['user_colour']) . "'";
// topic sync time!
// simply, we update if it is a reply or the last post is edited
if ($post_approved)
// reply requires the whole thing
if ($post_mode == 'reply')
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_last_post_id = ' . (int) $data['post_id'];
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_last_poster_id = ' . (int) $user->data['user_id'];
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape((!$user->data['is_registered'] && $username) ? $username : (($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? $user->data['username'] : '')) . "'";
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_poster_colour = '" . (($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? $db->sql_escape($user->data['user_colour']) : '') . "'";
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($subject) . "'";
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_last_post_time = ' . (int) $current_time;
else if ($post_mode == 'edit_last_post' || $post_mode == 'edit_topic' || ($post_mode == 'edit_first_post' && !$data['topic_replies']))
// only the subject can be changed from edit
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($subject) . "'";
// Maybe not only the subject, but also changing anonymous usernames. ;)
if ($data['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($username) . "'";
else if (!$data['post_approved'] && ($post_mode == 'edit_last_post' || $post_mode == 'edit_topic' || ($post_mode == 'edit_first_post' && !$data['topic_replies'])))
// like having the rug pulled from under us
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(post_id) as last_post_id
WHERE topic_id = ' . (int) $data['topic_id'] . '
AND post_approved = 1';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// any posts left in this forum?
if (!empty($row['last_post_id']))
$sql = 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_subject, p.post_time, p.poster_id, p.post_username, u.user_id, u.username, u.user_colour
FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u
WHERE p.poster_id = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = ' . (int) $row['last_post_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// salvation, a post is found! jam it into the topics table
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_last_post_id = ' . (int) $row['post_id'];
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_post_subject = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['post_subject']) . "'";
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_last_post_time = ' . (int) $row['post_time'];
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = 'topic_last_poster_id = ' . (int) $row['poster_id'];
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_poster_name = '" . $db->sql_escape(($row['poster_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? $row['post_username'] : $row['username']) . "'";
$sql_data[TOPICS_TABLE]['stat'][] = "topic_last_poster_colour = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['user_colour']) . "'";
// Update total post count, do not consider moderated posts/topics
if ($post_approval)
if ($post_mode == 'post')
set_config_count('num_topics', 1, true);
set_config_count('num_posts', 1, true);
if ($post_mode == 'reply')
set_config_count('num_posts', 1, true);
// Update forum stats
$where_sql = array(POSTS_TABLE => 'post_id = ' . $data['post_id'], TOPICS_TABLE => 'topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'], FORUMS_TABLE => 'forum_id = ' . $data['forum_id'], USERS_TABLE => 'user_id = ' . $poster_id);
foreach ($sql_data as $table => $update_ary)
if (isset($update_ary['stat']) && implode('', $update_ary['stat']))
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET " . implode(', ', $update_ary['stat']) . ' WHERE ' . $where_sql[$table];
// Delete topic shadows (if any exist). We do not need a shadow topic for an global announcement
if ($make_global)
WHERE topic_moved_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
// Committing the transaction before updating search index
// Delete draft if post was loaded...
$draft_id = request_var('draft_loaded', 0);
if ($draft_id)
WHERE draft_id = $draft_id
AND user_id = {$user->data['user_id']}";
// Index message contents
if ($update_search_index && $data['enable_indexing'])
// Select the search method and do some additional checks to ensure it can actually be utilised
$search_type = basename($config['search_type']);
if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/search/' . $search_type . '.' . $phpEx))
if (!class_exists($search_type))
$error = false;
$search = new $search_type($error);
if ($error)
$search->index($mode, $data['post_id'], $data['message'], $subject, $poster_id, ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id']);
// Topic Notification, do not change if moderator is changing other users posts...
if ($user->data['user_id'] == $poster_id)
if (!$data['notify_set'] && $data['notify'])
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . ' (user_id, topic_id)
VALUES (' . $user->data['user_id'] . ', ' . $data['topic_id'] . ')';
else if (($config['email_enable'] || $config['jab_enable']) && $data['notify_set'] && !$data['notify'])
WHERE user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . '
AND topic_id = ' . $data['topic_id'];
if ($mode == 'post' || $mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote')
// Mark this topic as posted to
markread('post', $data['forum_id'], $data['topic_id']);
// Mark this topic as read
// We do not use post_time here, this is intended (post_time can have a date in the past if editing a message)
markread('topic', (($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id']), $data['topic_id'], time());
if ($config['load_db_lastread'] && $user->data['is_registered'])
$sql = 'SELECT mark_time
WHERE user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . '
AND forum_id = ' . (($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id']);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$f_mark_time = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('mark_time');
else if ($config['load_anon_lastread'] || $user->data['is_registered'])
$f_mark_time = false;
if (($config['load_db_lastread'] && $user->data['is_registered']) || $config['load_anon_lastread'] || $user->data['is_registered'])
// Update forum info
if ($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL)
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(topic_last_post_time) as forum_last_post_time
WHERE forum_id = 0';
$sql = 'SELECT forum_last_post_time
WHERE forum_id = ' . $data['forum_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$forum_last_post_time = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('forum_last_post_time');
update_forum_tracking_info((($topic_type == POST_GLOBAL) ? 0 : $data['forum_id']), $forum_last_post_time, $f_mark_time, false);
// Send Notifications
if (($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'post') && $post_approval)
user_notification($mode, $subject, $data['topic_title'], $data['forum_name'], $data['forum_id'], $data['topic_id'], $data['post_id']);
$params = $add_anchor = '';
if ($post_approval)
$params .= '&amp;t=' . $data['topic_id'];
if ($mode != 'post')
$params .= '&amp;p=' . $data['post_id'];
$add_anchor = '#p' . $data['post_id'];
else if ($mode != 'post' && $post_mode != 'edit_first_post' && $post_mode != 'edit_topic')
$params .= '&amp;t=' . $data['topic_id'];
$url = (!$params) ? "{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx" : "{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx";
$url = append_sid($url, 'f=' . $data['forum_id'] . $params) . $add_anchor;
return $url;