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synced 2025-02-15 05:24:41 +01:00
has blown up! ;) The basic style guide is: 1) British English, Cambridge style... ie: -ise, not -ize, etc. 2) Sentence-case pervasively with exception of acronyms/abbreviations, which if not in their contracted form, shall be in title-case. If you don't like it, you can restyle it via CSS using text-transform: none|uppercase|lowercase|capitalize; ... additional hooks may be added to the strings to assist this. 3) For those that have missed the switch to UTF-8, it means that the language files need not use numeric entities anymore. <, > and & stay though, as they must always be entitised. There'll be more tweaks and changes, though this "big 'un" is out of the way and will get progressively chilly so that it can be frozen for RC1 after however many betas there may be. ;) Wooh! :P git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@6399 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
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* search [English]
* @package language
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ALL_AVAILABLE' => 'All available',
'ALL_RESULTS' => 'All results',
'DISPLAY_RESULTS' => 'Display results as',
'FOUND_SEARCH_MATCH' => 'Search found %d match',
'FOUND_SEARCH_MATCHES' => 'Search found %d matches',
'FOUND_MORE_SEARCH_MATCHES' => 'Search found more than %d matches',
'GLOBAL' => 'Global announcement',
'IGNORED_TERMS' => 'ignored',
'IGNORED_TERMS_EXPLAIN' => 'The following words in your search query were ignored: <strong>%s</strong>',
'NO_KEYWORDS' => 'You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least %d characters and must not contain more than %d characters excluding wildcards.',
'NO_RECENT_SEARCHES' => 'No searches have been carried out recently',
'NO_SEARCH' => 'Sorry but you are not permitted to use the search system.',
'NO_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'No suitable matches were found.',
'NO_SEARCH_TIME' => 'Sorry but you cannot use search at this time. Please try again in a few minutes.',
'WORD_IN_NO_POST' => 'No posts were found because the word %s is not contained in any post.',
'WORDS_IN_NO_POST' => 'No posts were found because the words %s are not contained in any post.',
'POST_CHARACTERS' => 'characters of posts',
'RECENT_SEARCHES' => 'Recent searches',
'RESULT_DAYS' => 'Limit results to previous',
'RESULT_SORT' => 'Sort results by',
'RETURN_FIRST' => 'Return first',
'SEARCHED_FOR' => 'Search term used',
'SEARCHED_TOPIC' => 'Searched topic',
'SEARCH_ALL_TERMS' => 'Search for all terms or use query as entered',
'SEARCH_ANY_TERMS' => 'Search for any terms',
'SEARCH_AUTHOR' => 'Search for author',
'SEARCH_AUTHOR_EXPLAIN' => 'Use * as a wildcard for partial matches',
'SEARCH_FIRST_POST' => 'First post of topics only',
'SEARCH_FORUMS' => 'Search in forums',
'SEARCH_FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Select the forum or forums you wish to search in. For speed all subforums can be searched by selecting the parent and setting enable search subforums below.',
'SEARCH_IN_RESULTS' => 'Search these results',
'SEARCH_KEYWORDS_EXPLAIN' => 'Place <strong>+</strong> in front of a word which must be found and <strong>-</strong> in front of a word which must not be found. Put a list of words seperated by <strong>|</strong> into brackets if only one of the words must be found. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches.',
'SEARCH_MSG_ONLY' => 'Message text only',
'SEARCH_OPTIONS' => 'Search Options',
'SEARCH_QUERY' => 'Search Query',
'SEARCH_SUBFORUMS' => 'Search subforums',
'SEARCH_TITLE_MSG' => 'Post subjects and message text',
'SEARCH_TITLE_ONLY' => 'Topic titles only',
'SEARCH_WITHIN' => 'Search within',
'SORT_ASCENDING' => 'Ascending',
'SORT_AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'SORT_DESCENDING' => 'Descending',
'SORT_FORUM' => 'Forum',
'SORT_POST_SUBJECT' => 'Post subject',
'SORT_TIME' => 'Post time',
'TOO_FEW_AUTHOR_CHARS' => 'You must specify at least %d characters of the authors name.',