mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-23 11:28:33 +01:00
Meik Sievertsen f7b51337c5 some language-specific adjustements
fix prune users (adding the list of users to the confirmation page)
tried to fix the show/hide trigger in ACP by not using width: auto; (which gets somehow inherited to each other element)

git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@7455 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
2007-05-03 14:29:22 +00:00

547 lines
16 KiB

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id$
// FILENAME : create_variable_overview.php
// STARTED : Fri Aug 15 2003
// COPYRIGHT : © 2003 phpBB Group
// WWW : http://www.phpbb.com/
// LICENCE : GPL vs2.0 [ see /docs/COPYING ]
// -------------------------------------------------------------
This script generates an index of some template vars and their use within the templates.
It writes down all language variables used by various templates.
// Security message:
// This script is potentially dangerous.
// Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script.
// Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it.
die("Please read the first lines of this script for instructions on how to enable it");
$directory = '../styles/subSilver/template/';
$ext = 'html';
$store_dir = '../store/';
$phpfiles_directories = array('../', '../includes/', '../includes/acm/', '../includes/auth/', '../includes/mcp/', '../includes/ucp/');
// Template Files beginning with this names are merged together
$merge = array('gcp', 'login', 'mcp', 'memberlist', 'posting', 'ucp');
if (!is_writable($store_dir))
die("Directory $store_dir is not writable!");
$contents = implode('', file('../adm/subSilver.css', filesize('../adm/subSilver.css')));
$fp = fopen($store_dir . 'subSilver.css', 'w');
fwrite($fp, $contents);
$html_skeleton = '
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="subSilver.css" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
th { background-image: url(\'cellpic3.gif\') }
td.cat { background-image: url(\'cellpic1.gif\') }
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td><img src="header_left.jpg" width="200" height="60" alt="phpBB Logo" title="phpBB Logo" border="0"/></td>
<td width="100%" background="header_bg.jpg" height="60" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="maintitle">File {FILENAME}</span> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
<table width="95%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
<td><br clear="all" />
$html_skeleton .= '<br><a href="./index.html" class="gen">Back to Contents</a><br><br>';
$html_skeleton .= '<br><a href="#lang" class="gen">Language Variables</a> :: <a href="#includes" class="gen">Includes</a> :: <a href="#cond" class="gen">Conditionals</a><br><a href="#remain" class="gen">Remaining Vars</a> :: <a href="#usedby" class="gen">phpBB File Usage</a> :: <a href="#ref" class="gen">References</a>';
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="lang"></a><b>Language Variables</b><br><br>{LANGUAGE_VARIABLES}';
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="includes"></a><b>Included Files</b><br><br>{INCLUDES}';
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="cond"></a><b>Used Conditionals</b><br><br>{CONDITIONALS}';
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="remain"></a><b>Remaining Vars used</b><br><br>{REMAINING_VARS}';
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="usedby"></a><b>This Template File is used by the following phpBB Files</b><br><br>{USED_BY}';
$html_skeleton .= '<br><br><a name="ref"></a><b>References: </b>{SEE_FILES}';
//$html_skeleton .= "</body>\n</html>\n";
$html_skeleton .= '
<div class="copyright" align="center">Powered by phpBB 2.2 &copy; <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_phpbb" class="copyright">phpBB Group</a>, 2003</div>
<br clear="all" /></td>
// Open Language File
$files_to_parse = $php_files = array();
$dhandler = opendir($directory);
if (!$dhandler)
die("Unable to open $directory");
$num = 0;
while ($file = readdir($dhandler))
if (is_file($directory . $file) && preg_match('#\.' . $ext . '$#i', $file))
$files_to_parse[$num]['filename'] = $directory . $file;
$files_to_parse[$num]['single_filename'] = $file;
$files_to_parse[$num]['destfile'] = str_replace(".{$ext}", '', $file) . '_' . $num . '.html';
$file_to_destfile[$file] = $files_to_parse[$num]['destfile'];
$num = 0;
foreach ($phpfiles_directories as $directory)
$dhandler = opendir($directory);
if (!$dhandler)
die("Unable to open $directory");
while ($file = readdir($dhandler))
if (is_file($directory . $file) && preg_match('#\.php$#i', $file))
$php_files[$num]['filename'] = $directory . $file;
$php_files[$num]['single_filename'] = $file;
$php_files_includes = $lang_references = array();
//$php_files_includes['viewtopic_attach_body.html'][0] = filename
echo '<br>Parsing PHP Files';
// Parse PHP Files and get our filenames
foreach ($php_files as $file_num => $data)
echo '.';
$contents = implode('', file($data['filename'], filesize($data['filename'])));
$html_files = array();
preg_match_all('#([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*?)\.' . $ext . '#s', $contents, $html_files);
$html_files = array_unique($html_files[1]);
foreach ($html_files as $html_file)
$html_file = trim($html_file);
if ($html_file != '')
$php_files_includes[$html_file . '.' . $ext][] = $data['filename'];
echo '<br>Parsing HTML Files';
foreach ($files_to_parse as $file_num => $data)
echo '.';
$contents = implode('', file($data['filename'], filesize($data['filename'])));
// Language Variables -> [0]:tpl [1]:lang
$lang_vars = array();
preg_match_all('#{L_([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', $contents, $lang_vars);
$contents = preg_replace('#{L_([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', '', $contents);
$lang_vars[0] = array_unique($lang_vars[0]);
$lang_vars[1] = array_unique($lang_vars[1]);
// Includes
$includes = array();
preg_match_all('#<!-- INCLUDE ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\+\.]+?) -->#s', $contents, $includes);
$contents = preg_replace('#<!-- INCLUDE ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\+\.]+?) -->#', '', $contents);
$includes = $includes[1];
$includes = array_unique($includes);
// IF Conditions
$switches = array();
preg_match_all('#<!-- [IF]|[ELSEIF] ([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]+?) (.*?)?[ ]?-->#', $contents, $switches);
$contents = preg_replace('#<!-- [IF]|[ELSEIF] ([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]) (.*?)?[ ]?-->#s', '', $contents);
$switches[0] = array_unique($switches[1]); // No resorting please
$switches[1] = $switches[2];
// Remaining Vars
$remaining_vars = array();
preg_match_all('#{([a-z0-9\-_\.]*?)\}#is', $contents, $remaining_vars);
$contents = preg_replace('#{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', '', $contents);
$remaining_vars = array_unique($remaining_vars[1]);
sort($remaining_vars, SORT_STRING);
// Now build the filename specific site
$fp = fopen($store_dir . $data['destfile'], 'w');
$html_data = $html_skeleton;
$html_data = str_replace('{FILENAME}', $data['single_filename'], $html_data);
// Write up the Language Variables
if (count($lang_vars[0]))
$lang_data = '<ul>';
for ($num = 0; $num <= count($lang_vars[0]); $num++)
$var = $lang_vars[0][$num];
if ($var != '')
$_var = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('', ''), $var);
$lang_references[$_var][] = $data['single_filename'];
$lang_data .= '<li>' . $var . '<br>' . "\n" . ((isset($lang[$_var])) ? htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\\'", "'", $lang[$_var])) : '<span style="color:red">No Language Variable available</span>') . '<br></li><br>' . "\n";
$lang_data .= '</ul>';
$lang_data = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . "\n";
$html_data = str_replace('{LANGUAGE_VARIABLES}', $lang_data, $html_data);
// Write up the Includes
echo '.';
if (count($includes))
$includes_data = '<ul>';
$see_files = '';
for ($num = 0; $num <= count($includes); $num++)
$var = $includes[$num];
if ($var != '')
$includes_data .= '<li><a href="./' . $file_to_destfile[$var] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a></li><br>' . "\n";
$see_files .= ($see_files != '') ? ' :: ' : '';
$see_files .= '<a href="./' . $file_to_destfile[$var] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a>';
$includes_data .= '</ul>';
$includes_data = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . "\n";
$see_files = '<b>NONE</b>';
$html_data = str_replace('{INCLUDES}', $includes_data, $html_data);
$html_data = str_replace('{SEE_FILES}', $see_files, $html_data);
// Write up Conditionals
echo '.';
if (count($switches[0]))
$conditionals = '<ul>';
for ($num = 0; $num <= count($switches[0]); $num++)
$var = trim($switches[0][$num]);
if ($var != '')
if ($var == 'not')
$conditionals .= '<li>' . trim($switches[1][$num]) . '<br><b>Negation</b><br>' . "\n";
$block_var = explode('.', trim($switches[1][$num]));
$conditionals .= '<li>' . $var . ((trim($switches[1][$num]) != '') ? '<br>' . "\n" . '<i>Compared with</i> -&gt; <b>' . trim($switches[1][$num]) . '</b>' : '') . '<br>' . "\n";
$block_var = explode('.', $var);
if (count($block_var))
for ($_num = count($block_var)-1; $_num >= 0; $_num--)
$conditionals .= ($_num == count($block_var)-1) ? '<i>Element of Block</i> -&gt; <b>' . $block_var[$_num] . '</b><br>' . "\n" : '<i>...which is an element of</i> -&gt; <b>' . $block_var[$_num] . '</b><br>' . "\n";
$conditionals .= '<br></li>' . "\n";
$conditionals .= '</ul>';
$conditionals = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . "\n";
$html_data = str_replace('{CONDITIONALS}', $conditionals, $html_data);
// Write up Remaining Vars
echo '.';
if (count($remaining_vars))
$remaining = '<ul>';
for ($num = 0; $num <= count($remaining_vars); $num++)
$var = trim($remaining_vars[$num]);
if ($var != '')
$remaining .= '<li>' . $var . '<br>' . "\n";
$block_var = explode('.', $var);
if (count($block_var))
for ($_num = count($block_var)-1; $_num >= 0; $_num--)
$remaining .= ($_num == count($block_var)-1) ? '<i>Element of Block</i> -&gt; <b>' . $block_var[$_num] . '</b><br>' . "\n" : '<i>...which is an element of</i> -&gt; <b>' . $block_var[$_num] . '</b><br>' . "\n";
$remaining .= '<br></li>' . "\n";
$remaining .= '</ul>';
$remaining = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . "\n";
$html_data = str_replace('{REMAINING_VARS}', $remaining, $html_data);
if (isset($php_files_includes[$data['single_filename']]) && count($php_files_includes[$data['single_filename']]))
$usedby = '<ul>';
foreach ($php_files_includes[$data['single_filename']] as $php_filename)
$usedby .= '<li>' . str_replace('../', '', $php_filename) . '</li>';
$usedby .= '</ul>';
$usedby = '<b>NONE</b><br>' . "\n";
$html_data = str_replace('{USED_BY}', $usedby, $html_data);
fwrite($fp, $html_data);
echo '<br>Store Files';
$fp = fopen($store_dir . 'index.html', 'w');
$html_data = '
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="subSilver.css" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
th { background-image: url(\'cellpic3.gif\') }
td.cat { background-image: url(\'cellpic1.gif\') }
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td><img src="header_left.jpg" width="200" height="60" alt="phpBB Logo" title="phpBB Logo" border="0"/></td>
<td width="100%" background="header_bg.jpg" height="60" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="maintitle">Available Template Files</span> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
<table width="95%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
<td><br clear="all" />
<br>This Style Document is 100% auto-generated... no human interaction included. :D<br>
<h2>phpBB 2.2 Template</h2>
foreach ($files_to_parse as $file_num => $data)
echo '.';
$var = $data['single_filename'];
$html_data .= '<li><a href="./' . $file_to_destfile[$var] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a></li><br>' . "\n";
$html_data .= '<br><li><a href="./lang_index.html" class="gen">Appendix A: Language Variable Index</a></li><br>';
$html_data .= '
<div class="copyright" align="center">Powered by phpBB 2.2 &copy; <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_phpbb" class="copyright">phpBB Group</a>, 2003</div>
<br clear="all" /></td>
fwrite($fp, $html_data);
// Not only write down all language files, place them into a specific array, named by the template file
// All Language vars assigned to more than one template will be placed into a common file
$entry = array();
$common_fp = fopen($store_dir . 'lang_common.php', 'w');
fwrite($common_fp, "<?php\n\n \$lang = array(\n");
$fp = fopen($store_dir . 'lang_index.html', 'w');
$html_data = '
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="subSilver.css" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
th { background-image: url(\'cellpic3.gif\') }
td.cat { background-image: url(\'cellpic1.gif\') }
<title>Appendix A :: Language Variable Index</title>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td><img src="header_left.jpg" width="200" height="60" alt="phpBB Logo" title="phpBB Logo" border="0"/></td>
<td width="100%" background="header_bg.jpg" height="60" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="maintitle">Language Variable Index</span> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
<table width="95%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
<td><br clear="all" />
<br><a href="./index.html" class="gen">Back to Contents</a><br><br>
echo '<br>Write Language Files';
$_index = '';
$old_char = '';
foreach ($lang_references as $lang_var => $filenames)
$var = preg_replace('#^L_(.*?)#', '\1', $lang_var);
$char = $var{0};
if ($old_char != $char)
$old_char = $char;
$_index .= ($_index != '') ? ' :: ' : '';
$_index .= '<a href="#' . $char . '" class="gen"><b>' . $char . '</b></a>';
$html_data .= $_index . '<br><br><br>';
$old_char = '';
foreach ($lang_references as $lang_var => $filenames)
echo '.';
$var = preg_replace('#^L_(.*?)#', '\1', $lang_var);
$char = $var{0};
if ($old_char != $char)
$old_char = $char;
$html_data .= '<br><hr><br><a name="' . $char . '"></a><h2>Letter ' . $char . '</h2><br><br>';
$html_data .= '<b>' . $lang_var . '</b><ul>';
if (sizeof($filenames) != 1)
fwrite($common_fp, (($entry['common']) ? ",\n" : '') . "\t'$var' => '" . $lang[$var] . "'");
$entry['common'] = true;
else if (sizeof($filenames) == 1)
// Merge logical - hardcoded
$fname = (preg_match('#^(' . implode('|', $merge) . ')#', $filenames[0], $match)) ? $match[0] . '.php' : str_replace($ext, 'php', $filenames[0]);
if (!$lang_fp[$fname])
$lang_fp[$fname] = fopen($store_dir . 'lang_' . $fname, 'w');
fwrite($lang_fp[$fname], "<?php\n\n\$lang = array(\n");
$entry[$fname] = false;
fwrite($lang_fp[$fname], (($entry[$fname]) ? ",\n" : '') . "\t'$var' => '" . $lang[$var] . "'");
$entry[$fname] = true;
foreach ($filenames as $f_name)
$var = trim($f_name);
$html_data .= '<li><a href="./' . $file_to_destfile[$var] . '" class="gen">' . $var . '</a></li><br>' . "\n";
$html_data .= '</ul><br><br>';
fwrite($common_fp, ")\n);\n?>");
foreach ($lang_fp as $filepointer)
fwrite($filepointer, ")\n);\n?>");
$html_data .= '
<div class="copyright" align="center">Powered by phpBB 2.2 &copy; <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_phpbb" class="copyright">phpBB Group</a>, 2003</div>
<br clear="all" /></td>
fwrite($fp, $html_data);
echo '<br>Finished!';