mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-22 19:07:27 +01:00
Joas Schilling c82ae94f8a [ticket/12508] Fix doc block
2014-06-10 11:47:43 +02:00

548 lines
15 KiB

* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
namespace phpbb;
* The finder provides a simple way to locate files in the core and a set of extensions
class finder
protected $extensions;
protected $filesystem;
protected $phpbb_root_path;
protected $cache;
protected $php_ext;
* The cache variable name used to store $this->cached_queries in $this->cache.
* Allows the use of multiple differently configured finders with the same cache.
* @var string
protected $cache_name;
* An associative array, containing all search parameters set in methods.
* @var array
protected $query;
* A map from md5 hashes of serialized queries to their previously retrieved
* results.
* @var array
protected $cached_queries;
* Creates a new finder instance with its dependencies
* @param \phpbb\filesystem $filesystem Filesystem instance
* @param string $phpbb_root_path Path to the phpbb root directory
* @param \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache A cache instance or null
* @param string $php_ext php file extension
* @param string $cache_name The name of the cache variable, defaults to
* _ext_finder
public function __construct(\phpbb\filesystem $filesystem, $phpbb_root_path = '', \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache = null, $php_ext = 'php', $cache_name = '_ext_finder')
$this->filesystem = $filesystem;
$this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
$this->cache = $cache;
$this->php_ext = $php_ext;
$this->cache_name = $cache_name;
$this->query = array(
'core_path' => false,
'core_suffix' => false,
'core_prefix' => false,
'core_directory' => false,
'extension_suffix' => false,
'extension_prefix' => false,
'extension_directory' => false,
$this->extensions = array();
$this->cached_queries = ($this->cache) ? $this->cache->get($this->cache_name) : false;
* Set the array of extensions
* @param array $extensions A list of extensions that should be searched aswell
* @param bool $replace_list Should the list be emptied before adding the extensions
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function set_extensions(array $extensions, $replace_list = true)
if ($replace_list)
$this->extensions = array();
foreach ($extensions as $ext_name)
$this->extensions[$ext_name] = $this->phpbb_root_path . 'ext/' . $ext_name . '/';
return $this;
* Sets a core path to be searched in addition to extensions
* @param string $core_path The path relative to phpbb_root_path
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function core_path($core_path)
$this->query['core_path'] = $core_path;
return $this;
* Sets the suffix all files found in extensions and core must match.
* There is no default file extension, so to find PHP files only, you will
* have to specify .php as a suffix. However when using get_classes, the .php
* file extension is automatically added to suffixes.
* @param string $suffix A filename suffix
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function suffix($suffix)
return $this;
* Sets a suffix all files found in extensions must match
* There is no default file extension, so to find PHP files only, you will
* have to specify .php as a suffix. However when using get_classes, the .php
* file extension is automatically added to suffixes.
* @param string $extension_suffix A filename suffix
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function extension_suffix($extension_suffix)
$this->query['extension_suffix'] = $extension_suffix;
return $this;
* Sets a suffix all files found in the core path must match
* There is no default file extension, so to find PHP files only, you will
* have to specify .php as a suffix. However when using get_classes, the .php
* file extension is automatically added to suffixes.
* @param string $core_suffix A filename suffix
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function core_suffix($core_suffix)
$this->query['core_suffix'] = $core_suffix;
return $this;
* Sets the prefix all files found in extensions and core must match
* @param string $prefix A filename prefix
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function prefix($prefix)
return $this;
* Sets a prefix all files found in extensions must match
* @param string $extension_prefix A filename prefix
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function extension_prefix($extension_prefix)
$this->query['extension_prefix'] = $extension_prefix;
return $this;
* Sets a prefix all files found in the core path must match
* @param string $core_prefix A filename prefix
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function core_prefix($core_prefix)
$this->query['core_prefix'] = $core_prefix;
return $this;
* Sets a directory all files found in extensions and core must be contained in
* Automatically sets the core_directory if its value does not differ from
* the current directory.
* @param string $directory
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function directory($directory)
return $this;
* Sets a directory all files found in extensions must be contained in
* @param string $extension_directory
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function extension_directory($extension_directory)
$this->query['extension_directory'] = $this->sanitise_directory($extension_directory);
return $this;
* Sets a directory all files found in the core path must be contained in
* @param string $core_directory
* @return \phpbb\finder This object for chaining calls
public function core_directory($core_directory)
$this->query['core_directory'] = $this->sanitise_directory($core_directory);
return $this;
* Removes occurances of /./ and makes sure path ends without trailing slash
* @param string $directory A directory pattern
* @return string A cleaned up directory pattern
protected function sanitise_directory($directory)
$directory = $this->filesystem->clean_path($directory);
$dir_len = strlen($directory);
if ($dir_len > 1 && $directory[$dir_len - 1] === '/')
$directory = substr($directory, 0, -1);
return $directory;
* Finds classes matching the configured options if they follow phpBB naming rules.
* The php file extension is automatically added to suffixes.
* Note: If a file is matched but contains a class name not following the
* phpBB naming rules an incorrect class name will be returned.
* @param bool $cache Whether the result should be cached
* @return array An array of found class names
public function get_classes($cache = true)
$this->query['extension_suffix'] .= '.' . $this->php_ext;
$this->query['core_suffix'] .= '.' . $this->php_ext;
$files = $this->find($cache, false);
return $this->get_classes_from_files($files);
* Get class names from a list of files
* @param array $files Array of files (from find())
* @return array Array of class names
public function get_classes_from_files($files)
$classes = array();
foreach ($files as $file => $ext_name)
$class = substr($file, 0, -strlen('.' . $this->php_ext));
if ($ext_name === '/' && preg_match('#^includes/#', $file))
$class = preg_replace('#^includes/#', '', $class);
$classes[] = 'phpbb_' . str_replace('/', '_', $class);
$class = preg_replace('#^ext/#', '', $class);
$classes[] = '\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $class);
return $classes;
* Finds all directories matching the configured options
* @param bool $cache Whether the result should be cached
* @param bool $extension_keys Whether the result should have extension name as array key
* @return array An array of paths to found directories
public function get_directories($cache = true, $extension_keys = false)
return $this->find_with_root_path($cache, true, $extension_keys);
* Finds all files matching the configured options.
* @param bool $cache Whether the result should be cached
* @return array An array of paths to found files
public function get_files($cache = true)
return $this->find_with_root_path($cache, false);
* A wrapper around the general find which prepends a root path to results
* @param bool $cache Whether the result should be cached
* @param bool $is_dir Directories will be returned when true, only files
* otherwise
* @param bool $extension_keys If true, result will be associative array
* with extension name as key
* @return array An array of paths to found items
protected function find_with_root_path($cache = true, $is_dir = false, $extension_keys = false)
$items = $this->find($cache, $is_dir);
$result = array();
foreach ($items as $item => $ext_name)
if ($extension_keys)
$result[$ext_name] = $this->phpbb_root_path . $item;
$result[] = $this->phpbb_root_path . $item;
return $result;
* Finds all file system entries matching the configured options
* @param bool $cache Whether the result should be cached
* @param bool $is_dir Directories will be returned when true, only files
* otherwise
* @return array An array of paths to found items
public function find($cache = true, $is_dir = false)
$extensions = $this->extensions;
if ($this->query['core_path'])
$extensions['/'] = $this->phpbb_root_path . $this->query['core_path'];
$files = array();
$file_list = $this->find_from_paths($extensions, $cache, $is_dir);
foreach ($file_list as $file)
$files[$file['named_path']] = $file['ext_name'];
return $files;
* Finds all file system entries matching the configured options for one
* specific extension
* @param string $extension_name Name of the extension
* @param string $extension_path Relative path to the extension root directory
* @param bool $cache Whether the result should be cached
* @param bool $is_dir Directories will be returned when true, only files
* otherwise
* @return array An array of paths to found items
public function find_from_extension($extension_name, $extension_path, $cache = true, $is_dir = false)
$extensions = array(
$extension_name => $extension_path,
$files = array();
$file_list = $this->find_from_paths($extensions, $cache, $is_dir);
foreach ($file_list as $file)
$files[$file['named_path']] = $file['ext_name'];
return $files;
* Finds all file system entries matching the configured options from
* an array of paths
* @param array $extensions Array of extensions (name => full relative path)
* @param bool $cache Whether the result should be cached
* @param bool $is_dir Directories will be returned when true, only files
* otherwise
* @return array An array of paths to found items
public function find_from_paths($extensions, $cache = true, $is_dir = false)
$this->query['is_dir'] = $is_dir;
$query = md5(serialize($this->query) . serialize($extensions));
if (!defined('DEBUG') && $cache && isset($this->cached_queries[$query]))
return $this->cached_queries[$query];
$files = array();
foreach ($extensions as $name => $path)
$ext_name = $name;
if (!file_exists($path))
if ($name === '/')
$location = $this->query['core_path'];
$name = '';
$suffix = $this->query['core_suffix'];
$prefix = $this->query['core_prefix'];
$directory = $this->query['core_directory'];
$location = 'ext/';
$name .= '/';
$suffix = $this->query['extension_suffix'];
$prefix = $this->query['extension_prefix'];
$directory = $this->query['extension_directory'];
// match only first directory if leading slash is given
if ($directory === '/')
$directory_pattern = '^' . preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '#');
else if ($directory && $directory[0] === '/')
if (!$is_dir)
$path .= substr($directory, 1);
$directory_pattern = '^' . preg_quote(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $directory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '#');
$directory_pattern = preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $directory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '#');
if ($is_dir)
$directory_pattern .= '$';
$directory_pattern = '#' . $directory_pattern . '#';
if (is_dir($path))
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new \phpbb\recursive_dot_prefix_filter_iterator(
new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(
foreach ($iterator as $file_info)
$filename = $file_info->getFilename();
if ($file_info->isDir() == $is_dir)
if ($is_dir)
$relative_path = $iterator->getInnerIterator()->getSubPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($filename) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ($relative_path[0] !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
$relative_path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relative_path;
$relative_path = $iterator->getInnerIterator()->getSubPathname();
if ($directory && $directory[0] === '/')
$relative_path = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $directory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relative_path;
$relative_path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relative_path;
if ((!$suffix || substr($relative_path, -strlen($suffix)) === $suffix) &&
(!$prefix || substr($filename, 0, strlen($prefix)) === $prefix) &&
(!$directory || preg_match($directory_pattern, $relative_path)))
$files[] = array(
'named_path' => str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $location . $name . substr($relative_path, 1)),
'ext_name' => $ext_name,
'path' => str_replace(array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->phpbb_root_path), array('/', ''), $file_info->getPath()) . '/',
'filename' => $filename,
if ($cache && $this->cache)
$this->cached_queries[$query] = $files;
$this->cache->put($this->cache_name, $this->cached_queries);
return $files;