mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 20:44:43 +01:00
- use getenv instead of $_ENV (with $_ENV the case could be wrong) - permission fixes (there was a bug arising with getting permission flags - re-added them and handled roles deletion differently) - implemented max login attempts - changed the expected return parameters for logins/sessions - added acp page for editing report/denial reasons - other fixes here and there git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@5622 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
376 lines
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376 lines
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* acp_board [English]
* @package language
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
// Jabber settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_JABBER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can enable and control the use Jabber for instant messaging and board notices. Jabber is an opensource protocol and therefore available for use by anyone. Some Jabber servers include gateways or transports which allow you to contact users on other networks. Not all servers offer all transports and changes in protocols can prevent transports from operating. Note that it may take several seconds to update Jabber account details, do not stop the script till completed!',
'JAB_ENABLE' => 'Enable Jabber',
'JAB_ENABLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enables use of jabber messaging and notifications',
'JAB_SERVER' => 'Jabber server',
'JAB_SERVER_EXPLAIN' => 'See %sjabber.org%s for a list of servers',
'JAB_PORT' => 'Jabber port',
'JAB_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank unless you know it is not 5222',
'JAB_USERNAME' => 'Jabber username',
'JAB_USERNAME_EXPLAIN' => 'If this user is not registered it will be created if possible.',
'JAB_PASSWORD' => 'Jabber password',
'JAB_RESOURCE' => 'Jabber resource',
'JAB_RESOURCE_EXPLAIN' => 'The resource locates this particular connection, e.g. board, home, etc.',
'JAB_PASS_CHANGED' => 'Jabber password changed successfully',
'JAB_REGISTERED' => 'New account registered successfully',
'JAB_CHANGED' => 'Jabber account changed successfully',
'JAB_SETTINGS_CHANGED' => 'Jabber settings changed successfully',
'ERR_JAB_USERNAME' => 'The username specified already exists, please choose an alternative.',
'ERR_JAB_REGISTER' => 'An error occured trying to register this account, %s',
'ERR_JAB_PASSCHG' => 'Could not change password',
'ERR_JAB_PASSFAIL' => 'Password update failed, %s',
// Message Settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_MESSAGE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can set all default settings for private messaging',
'BOXES_MAX' => 'Max private message folders',
'BOXES_MAX_EXPLAIN' => 'By default users may create this many personal folders for private messages..',
'BOXES_LIMIT' => 'Max private messages per box',
'BOXES_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Users may receive no more than this many messages in each of their private message boxes or zero for unlimited messages.',
'FULL_FOLDER_ACTION' => 'Full folder default action',
'FULL_FOLDER_ACTION_EXPLAIN'=> 'Default Action to take if an users folder is full and if the users folder action set is not applicable. For the special folder "SENTBOX" the default action is always deleting old messages.',
'HOLD_NEW_MESSAGES' => 'Hold new messages',
'PM_EDIT_TIME' => 'Limit editing time',
'PM_EDIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Limits the time available to edit a private message not already delivered, zero equals infinity',
'ALLOW_MASS_PM' => 'Allow Mass PM\'s',
'ALLOW_BBCODE_PM' => 'Allow BBCode in private messages',
'ALLOW_SMILIES_PM' => 'Allow smilies in private messages',
'ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_PM' => 'Allow downloading of attachments in private messages',
'ALLOW_FORWARD_PM' => 'Allow forwarding of private messages',
'ALLOW_PRINT_PM' => 'Allow print view in private messaging',
'ALLOW_EMAIL_PM' => 'Allow emailing private messages',
'ALLOW_IMG_PM' => 'Allow use of IMG BBCode Tag',
'ALLOW_FLASH_PM' => 'Allow use of FLASH BBCode Tag',
'ALLOW_SIG_PM' => 'Allow signature in private messages',
'ALLOW_QUOTE_PM' => 'Allow quotes in private messages',
'ENABLE_PM_ICONS' => 'Enable use of topic icons in private messages',
// Cookie settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_COOKIE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'These details define the data used to send cookies to your users browsers. In most cases the default values for the cookie settings should be sufficient. If you do need to change any do so with care, incorrect settings can prevent users logging in.',
'COOKIE_DOMAIN' => 'Cookie domain',
'COOKIE_NAME' => 'Cookie name',
'COOKIE_PATH' => 'Cookie path',
'COOKIE_SECURE' => 'Cookie secure',
'COOKIE_SECURE_EXPLAIN' => 'If your server is running via SSL set this to enabled else leave as disabled',
// Avatar settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_AVATAR_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Avatars are generally small, unique images a user can associate with themselves. Depending on the style they are usually displayed below the username when viewing topics. Here you can determine how users can define their avatars. Please note that in order to upload avatars you need to have created the directory you name below and ensure it can be written to by the web server. Please also note that filesize limits are only imposed on uploaded avatars, they do not apply to remotely linked images.',
'ALLOW_LOCAL' => 'Enable gallery avatars',
'ALLOW_REMOTE' => 'Enable remote avatars',
'ALLOW_REMOTE_EXPLAIN' => 'Avatars linked to from another website',
'ALLOW_UPLOAD' => 'Enable avatar uploading',
'MAX_FILESIZE' => 'Maximum Avatar File Size',
'MAX_FILESIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'For uploaded avatar files',
'MIN_AVATAR_SIZE' => 'Minimum Avatar Dimensions',
'MIN_AVATAR_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => '(Height x Width in pixels)',
'MAX_AVATAR_SIZE' => 'Maximum Avatar Dimensions',
'MAX_AVATAR_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => '(Height x Width in pixels)',
'AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH' => 'Avatar Storage Path',
'AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/avatars/upload',
'AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH' => 'Avatar Gallery Path',
'AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir for pre-loaded images, e.g. images/avatars/gallery',
// Server settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_SERVER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you define server and domain dependant settings. Please ensure the data you enter is accurate, errors will result in emails containing incorrect information. When entering the domain name remember it does include http:// or other protocol term. Only alter the port number if you know your server uses a different value, port 80 is correct in most cases.',
'FORCE_SERVER_VARS' => 'Force server url settings',
'FORCE_SERVER_VARS_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes the server settings defined here will be used in favor of the automatically determined values',
'PATH_SETTINGS' => 'Path Settings',
'SERVER_NAME' => 'Domain Name',
'SERVER_NAME_EXPLAIN' => 'The domain name this board runs from (for example: www.foo.bar)',
// 'SCRIPT_PATH' => 'Script path',
// 'SCRIPT_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'The path where phpBB2 is located relative to the domain name',
'SERVER_PORT' => 'Server Port',
'SERVER_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'The port your server is running on, usually 80, only change if different',
'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'Server Protocol',
'SERVER_PROTOCOL_EXPLAIN' => 'This is used as the server protocol if these settings are forced. If empty or not forced the protocol is determined by the cookie secure settings (http:// or https://)',
'SERVER_URL_SETTINGS' => 'Server URL Settings',
'IP_VALID' => 'Session IP validation',
'IP_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines how much of the users IP is used to validate a session; All compares the complete address, A.B.C the first x.x.x, A.B the first x.x, None disables checking.',
'ALL' => 'All',
'CLASS_C' => 'A.B.C',
'CLASS_B' => 'A.B',
'BROWSER_VALID' => 'Validate browser',
'BROWSER_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Enables browser validation for each session inproving security.',
'SEND_ENCODING' => 'Send Encoding',
'SEND_ENCODING_EXPLAIN' => 'Send the file encoding from phpBB via HTTP overriding the webserver configuration',
'ENABLE_GZIP' => 'Enable GZip Compression',
'SMILIES_PATH' => 'Smilies storage path',
'SMILIES_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/smilies',
'ICONS_PATH' => 'Post icons storage path',
'ICONS_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/icons',
'UPLOAD_ICONS_PATH' => 'Extension group icons storage path',
'UPLOAD_ICONS_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/upload_icons',
'RANKS_PATH' => 'Rank image storage path',
'RANKS_PATH_EXPLAIN' => 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/ranks',
// Load settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'SEARCH_SETTINGS' => 'Search Settings',
'ACP_LOAD_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can enable and disable certain board functions to reduce the amount of processing required. On most servers there is no need to disable any functions. However on certain systems or in shared hosting environments it may be beneficial to disable capabilities you do not really need. You can also specify limits for system load and active sessions beyond which the board will go offline.',
'LIMIT_LOAD' => 'Limit system load',
'LIMIT_LOAD_EXPLAIN' => 'If the 1 minute system load exceeds this value the board will go offline, 1.0 equals ~100% utilisation of one processor. This only functions on UNIX based servers.',
'LIMIT_SESSIONS' => 'Limit sessions',
'LIMIT_SESSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'If the number of sessions exceeds this value within a one minute period the board will go offline. Set to 0 for unlimited sessions.',
'SESSION_LENGTH' => 'Session length',
'SESSION_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Sessions will expire after this time, in seconds.',
'YES_POST_MARKING' => 'Enable dotted topics',
'YES_POST_MARKING_EXPLAIN' => 'Indicates whether user has posted to a topic.',
'YES_READ_MARKING' => 'Enable server-side topic marking',
'YES_READ_MARKING_EXPLAIN' => 'Stores read/unread status information in the database rather than a cookie.',
'ONLINE_LENGTH' => 'View online time span',
'ONLINE_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Time in minutes after which inactive users will not appear in viewonline listings, lower equals less processing.',
'YES_ONLINE' => 'Enable online user listings',
'YES_ONLINE_EXPLAIN' => 'Display online user information on index, forum and topic pages.',
'YES_ONLINE_GUESTS' => 'Enable online guest listings in viewonline',
'YES_ONLINE_GUESTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Allow display of guest user informations in viewonline.',
'YES_ONLINE_TRACK' => 'Enable display of user online img',
'YES_ONLINE_TRACK_EXPLAIN' => 'Display online information for user in profiles and viewtopic.',
'YES_BIRTHDAYS' => 'Enable birthday listing',
'YES_MODERATORS' => 'Enable display of Moderators',
'YES_JUMPBOX' => 'Enable display of Jumpbox',
'RECOMPILE_TEMPLATES' => 'Recompile stale templates',
'RECOMPILE_TEMPLATES_EXPLAIN'=> 'Check for updated template files on filesystem and recompile.',
'YES_SEARCH' => 'Enable search facilities',
'YES_SEARCH_EXPLAIN' => 'User and backend search functions including fulltext updates when posting.',
'SEARCH_INTERVAL' => 'Search Flood Interval',
'SEARCH_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches.',
'SEARCH_TYPE' => 'Search Backend',
'SEARCH_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'phpBB allows you to choose the backend that is used for searching text in post contents. By default the search will use phpBB\'s own fulltext search.',
'YES_SEARCH_UPDATE' => 'Enable fulltext updating',
'YES_SEARCH_UPDATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Updating of fulltext indexes when posting, overriden if search is disabled.',
'MIN_SEARCH_CHARS' => 'Min characters indexed by search',
'MIN_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'Words with at least this many characters will be indexed for searching.',
'MAX_SEARCH_CHARS' => 'Max characters indexed by search',
'MAX_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'Words with no more than this many characters will be indexed for searching.'
// Email settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_EMAIL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'This information is used when the board sends emails to your users. Please ensure the email address you specify is valid, any bounced or undeliverable messages will likely be sent to that address. If your host does not provide a native (PHP based) email service you can instead send messages directly using SMTP. This requires the address of an appropriate server (ask your provider if necessary), do not specify any old name here! If the server requires authentication (and only if it does) enter the necessary username and password. Please note only basic authentication is offered, different authentication implementations are not currently supported.',
'ENABLE_EMAIL' => 'Enable board-wide emails',
'ENABLE_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'If this is set to disabled no emails will be sent by the board at all.',
'BOARD_EMAIL_FORM' => 'Users send email via board',
'BOARD_EMAIL_FORM_EXPLAIN' => 'Instead of showing the users email address users are able to send emails via the board.',
'BOARD_HIDE_EMAILS' => 'Hide email addresses',
'BOARD_HIDE_EMAILS_EXPLAIN' => 'This function keeps email addresses completely private.',
'EMAIL_FUNCTION_NAME' => 'Email Function Name',
'EMAIL_FUNCTION_NAME_EXPLAIN' => 'The email function used to send mails through PHP.',
'EMAIL_PACKAGE_SIZE' => 'Email Package Size',
'EMAIL_PACKAGE_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the number of emails sent in one package.',
'ADMIN_EMAIL' => 'Return Email Address',
'ADMIN_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'This will be used as the return address on all emails.',
'EMAIL_SIG' => 'Email Signature',
'EMAIL_SIG_EXPLAIN' => 'This text will be attached to all emails the board sends.',
'CONTACT_EMAIL' => 'Contact email address',
'CONTACT_EMAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'This address will be used whenever a specific contact point is needed, e.g. spam, error output, etc.',
'SMTP_SETTINGS' => 'SMTP Settings',
'USE_SMTP' => 'Use SMTP Server for email',
'USE_SMTP_EXPLAIN' => 'Say yes if you want or have to send email via a named server instead of the local mail function.',
'SMTP_SERVER' => 'SMTP Server Address',
'SMTP_PORT' => 'SMTP Server Port',
'SMTP_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Only change this if you know your SMTP server is on a different port.',
'SMTP_AUTH_METHOD' => 'Authentication method for SMTP',
'SMTP_AUTH_METHOD_EXPLAIN' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.',
'SMTP_USERNAME' => 'SMTP Username',
'SMTP_USERNAME_EXPLAIN' => 'Only enter a username if your smtp server requires it.',
'SMTP_PASSWORD' => 'SMTP Password',
'SMTP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Only enter a password if your smtp server requires it.',
// Board settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_BOARD_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can determine the basic operation of your board, from the site name through user registration to private messaging.',
'SITE_NAME' => 'Site name',
'SITE_DESC' => 'Site description',
'DISABLE_BOARD' => 'Disable board',
'DISABLE_BOARD_EXPLAIN' => 'This will make the board unavailable to users. You can also enter a short (255 character) message to display if you wish.',
'ACC_ACTIVATION' => 'Account activation',
'ACC_ACTIVATION_EXPLAIN' => 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations.',
'ACC_NONE' => 'None',
'ACC_USER' => 'User',
'ACC_ADMIN' => 'Admin',
'ACC_USER_ADMIN' => 'User + Admin',
'ACC_DISABLE' => 'Disable',
'ALLOW_AUTOLOGIN' => 'Allow persistent logins',
'ALLOW_AUTOLOGIN_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines whether users can autologin when they visit the board.',
'AUTOLOGIN_LENGTH' => 'Persistent login key expiry days',
'AUTOLOGIN_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of days after which persistent login keys are removed or zero to disable.',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM' => 'Enable visual confirmation',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires new users enter a random code matching an image to help prevent mass registrations.',
'LOGIN_LIMIT' => 'Login attempts',
'LOGIN_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of failed logins users can make before being locked out that session',
'REG_LIMIT' => 'Registration attempts',
'REG_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of attempts users can make at the confirmation code before being locked out that session.',
'FORCE_PASS_CHANGE' => 'Force password change',
'FORCE_PASS_CHANGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Require user to change their password after a set number of days or zero to disable.',
'SAVE_PASSWORDS' => 'Save previous passwords',
'SAVE_PASSWORDS_EXPLAIN' => 'Prevents users re-using the specified number of previous passwords or zero to disable.',
'CHAR_LIMIT' => 'Max characters per post',
'CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Set to 0 for unlimited characters.',
'MAX_POST_URLS' => 'Max links per post',
'MAX_POST_URLS_EXPLAIN' => 'Set to 0 for unlimited links.',
'MAX_POST_FONT_SIZE' => 'Max font size per post',
'MAX_POST_FONT_SIZE_EXPLAIN'=> 'Set to 0 for unlimited font size.',
'MAX_POST_IMG_WIDTH' => 'Max image width per post',
'MAX_POST_IMG_WIDTH_EXPLAIN'=> 'Set to 0 for unlimited image width.',
'MAX_POST_IMG_HEIGHT' => 'Max image height per post',
'MAX_POST_IMG_HEIGHT_EXPLAIN'=> 'Set to 0 for unlimited image height.',
'SMILIES_LIMIT' => 'Max smilies per post',
'SMILIES_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Set to 0 for unlimited smilies.',
'QUOTE_DEPTH_LIMIT' => 'Max nested quotes per post',
'QUOTE_DEPTH_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'Set to 0 for unlimited depth.',
'USERNAME_LENGTH' => 'Username length',
'USERNAME_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Minimum and maximum number of characters in usernames.',
'USERNAME_CHARS' => 'Limit username chars',
'USERNAME_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'Restrict type of characters that may be used in usernames, spacers are; space, -, +, _, [ and ]',
'PASSWORD_LENGTH' => 'Password length',
'PASSWORD_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Minimum and maximum number of characters in passwords.',
'PASSWORD_TYPE' => 'Password complexity',
'PASSWORD_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines how complex a password needs to be when set or altered, subsequent options include the previous ones.',
'PASS_TYPE_ANY' => 'No requirements',
'PASS_TYPE_CASE' => 'Must be mixed case',
'PASS_TYPE_ALPHA' => 'Must contain alphanumerics',
'PASS_TYPE_SYMBOL' => 'Must contain symbols',
'MIN_CHARS' => 'Min',
'MAX_CHARS' => 'Max',
'ALLOW_EMAIL_REUSE' => 'Allow Email address re-use',
'ALLOW_EMAIL_REUSE_EXPLAIN' => 'Different users can register with the same email address.',
'USERNAME_CHARS_ANY' => 'Any character',
'USERNAME_ALPHA_ONLY' => 'Alphanumeric only',
'USERNAME_ALPHA_SPACERS' => 'Alphanumeric and spacers',
'ENABLE_COPPA_EXPLAIN' => 'This requires users to declare whether they are 13 or over for compliance with the U.S. COPPA act.',
'COPPA_FAX' => 'COPPA Fax Number',
'COPPA_MAIL' => 'COPPA Mailing Address',
'COPPA_MAIL_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the mailing address where parents will send COPPA registration forms',
'BOARD_PM' => 'Private Messaging',
'BOARD_PM_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable or disable private messaging for all users.',
'EDIT_TIME' => 'Limit editing time',
'EDIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Limits the time available to edit a new post, zero equals infinity',
'DISPLAY_LAST_EDITED' => 'Display last edited time information',
'DISPLAY_LAST_EDITED_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose if the last edited by information to be displayed on posts',
'FLOOD_INTERVAL' => 'Flood Interval',
'FLOOD_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds a user must wait between posting new messages. To enable users to ignore this alter their permissions.',
'BUMP_INTERVAL' => 'Bump Interval',
'BUMP_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of minutes, hours or days between the last post to a topic and the ability to bump this topic.',
'TOPICS_PER_PAGE' => 'Topics Per Page',
'POSTS_PER_PAGE' => 'Posts Per Page',
'HOT_THRESHOLD' => 'Posts for Popular Threshold',
'MAX_POLL_OPTIONS' => 'Max number of poll options',
'COPPA' => 'Coppa',
'REGISTRATION' => 'User Registration',
'POSTING' => 'Posting',
'MODERATION' => 'Moderation',
'WARNINGS_EXPIRE' => 'Warning duration',
'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of days after it is issued before a warning will expire from a user\'s record',
// Auth settings
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_AUTH_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'phpBB2 supports authentication plug-ins, or modules. These allow you determine how users are authenticated when they log into the board. By default three plug-ins are provided; DB, LDAP and Apache. Not all methods require additional information so only fill out fields if they are relevant to the selected method.',
'AUTH_METHOD' => 'Select an authentication method',
'LDAP_SERVER' => 'LDAP server name',
'LDAP_SERVER_EXPLAIN' => 'If using LDAP this is the name or IP address of the server.',
'LDAP_DN' => 'LDAP base dn',
'LDAP_DN_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the Distinguished Name, locating the user information, e.g. o=My Company,c=US',
'LDAP_UID' => 'LDAP uid',
'LDAP_UID_EXPLAIN' => 'This is the key under which to search for a given login identity, e.g. uid, sn, etc.',
// Board defaults
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_BOARD_DEFAULTS_EXPLAIN' => 'These settings allow you to define a number of default or global settings used by the board. This data is also used for new user registrations and (where relevant) guest users. Please note that registered users can override some of these options with their own settings.',
'DEFAULT_STYLE' => 'Default Style',
'OVERRIDE_STYLE' => 'Override user style',
'OVERRIDE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Replaces users style with the default.',
'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE' => 'Default Language',
'DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT' => 'Date Format',
'DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN'=> 'The date format is the same as the PHP date function.',
'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE' => 'System Timezone',
'SYSTEM_DST' => 'Enable Daylight Savings Time',
'ALLOW_TOPIC_NOTIFY' => 'Allow Topic Watching',
'ALLOW_FORUM_NOTIFY' => 'Allow Forum Watching',
'ALLOW_NAME_CHANGE' => 'Allow Username changes',
'MAX_SIG_LENGTH' => 'Maximum signature length',
'MAX_SIG_LENGTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of characters in user signatures.',
'MAX_SIG_URLS' => 'Maximum signature links',
'MAX_SIG_URLS_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of links in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited links.',
'MAX_SIG_FONT_SIZE' => 'Maximum signature font size',
'MAX_SIG_FONT_SIZE_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum font size allowed in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited size.',
'MAX_SIG_SMILIES' => 'Maximum smilies per signature',
'MAX_SIG_SMILIES_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum smilies allowed in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited size.',
'MAX_SIG_IMG_WIDTH' => 'Maximum signature image width',
'MAX_SIG_IMG_WIDTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum width of an image in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited size.',
'MAX_SIG_IMG_HEIGHT' => 'Maximum signature image height',
'MAX_SIG_IMG_HEIGHT_EXPLAIN'=> 'Maximum height of an image in user signatures. Set to 0 for unlimited size.',
'MIN_RATINGS' => 'Ratings count before karma',
'MIN_RATINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of distinct ratings before users karma is calculated.',
'ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Allow Attachments',
'ALLOW_PM_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Allow Attachments in Private Messages',
'ALLOW_BBCODE' => 'Allow BBCode',
'ALLOW_SMILIES' => 'Allow Smilies',
'ALLOW_SIG' => 'Allow Signatures',
'ALLOW_SIG_IMG' => 'Allow use of IMG BBCode Tag in user signatures',
'ALLOW_SIG_BBCODE' => 'Allow BBCode in user signatures',
'ALLOW_SIG_SMILIES' => 'Allow use of smilies in user signatures',
'ALLOW_SIG_FLASH' => 'Allow use of FLASH BBCode Tag in user signatures',
'ALLOW_NO_CENSORS' => 'Allow Disable of Censors',
'ALLOW_NO_CENSORS_EXPLAIN' => 'User can disable word censoring.',
'ALLOW_BOOKMARKS' => 'Allow bookmarking topics',
'ALLOW_BOOKMARKS_EXPLAIN' => 'User is able to store personal bookmarks',