mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-22 02:50:00 +01:00
Marc Alexander 9bc6e641bf [ticket/11148] Add mimetype guesser to filespec and fileupload class
The mimetype guesser will be used to get the mimetype of uploaded files.
Until now, this was only used for files uploaded with plupload. If a file
doesn't have a mimetype supplied, we will now try to get the correct mimetype.

2014-06-23 21:37:47 +02:00

332 lines
9.3 KiB

* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/utf/utf_tools.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_upload.php';
class phpbb_filespec_test extends phpbb_test_case
const TEST_COUNT = 100;
const PREFIX = 'phpbb_';
const MAX_STR_LEN = 50;
private $config;
public $path;
protected function setUp()
// Global $config required by unique_id
// Global $user required by filespec::additional_checks and
// filespec::move_file
global $config, $user;
if (!is_array($config))
$config = array();
$config['rand_seed'] = '';
$config['rand_seed_last_update'] = time() + 600;
// This config value is normally pulled from the database which is set
// to this value at install time.
// See: phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
$config['mime_triggers'] = 'body|head|html|img|plaintext|a href|pre|script|table|title';
$user = new phpbb_mock_user();
$user->lang = new phpbb_mock_lang();
$this->config = &$config;
$this->path = __DIR__ . '/fixture/';
// Create copies of the files for use in testing move_file
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($this->path);
foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo)
if ($fileinfo->isDot() || $fileinfo->isDir())
copy($fileinfo->getPathname(), $this->path . 'copies/' . $fileinfo->getFilename() . '_copy');
if ($fileinfo->getFilename() === 'txt')
copy($fileinfo->getPathname(), $this->path . 'copies/' . $fileinfo->getFilename() . '_copy_2');
$guessers = array(
new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType\FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser(),
new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType\FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser(),
new \phpbb\mimetype\content_guesser(),
new \phpbb\mimetype\extension_guesser(),
$this->mimetype_guesser = new \phpbb\mimetype\guesser($guessers);
private function get_filespec($override = array())
// Initialise a blank filespec object for use with trivial methods
$upload_ary = array(
'name' => '',
'type' => '',
'size' => '',
'tmp_name' => '',
'error' => '',
return new filespec(array_merge($upload_ary, $override), null, $this->mimetype_guesser);
protected function tearDown()
global $user;
$this->config = array();
$user = null;
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($this->path . 'copies');
foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo)
$name = $fileinfo->getFilename();
if ($name[0] !== '.')
public function additional_checks_variables()
// False here just indicates the file is too large and fails the
// filespec::additional_checks method because of it. All other code
// paths in that method are covered elsewhere.
return array(
array('gif', true),
array('jpg', false),
array('png', true),
array('tif', false),
array('txt', false),
* @dataProvider additional_checks_variables
public function test_additional_checks($filename, $expected)
$upload = new phpbb_mock_fileupload();
$filespec = $this->get_filespec();
$filespec->upload = $upload;
$filespec->file_moved = true;
$filespec->filesize = $filespec->get_filesize($this->path . $filename);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $filespec->additional_checks());
public function check_content_variables()
// False here indicates that a file is non-binary and contains
// disallowed content that makes IE report the mimetype incorrectly.
return array(
array('gif', true),
array('jpg', true),
array('png', true),
array('tif', true),
array('txt', false),
* @dataProvider check_content_variables
public function test_check_content($filename, $expected)
$disallowed_content = explode('|', $this->config['mime_triggers']);
$filespec = $this->get_filespec(array('tmp_name' => $this->path . $filename));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $filespec->check_content($disallowed_content));
// All files should pass if $disallowed_content is empty
$this->assertEquals(true, $filespec->check_content(array()));
public function clean_filename_variables()
$chunks = str_split('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\'\\" /:*?<>|[];(){},#+=-_`', 8);
return array(
array($chunks[0] . $chunks[7]),
array($chunks[1] . $chunks[8]),
array($chunks[2] . $chunks[9]),
array($chunks[3] . $chunks[4]),
array($chunks[5] . $chunks[6]),
* @dataProvider clean_filename_variables
public function test_clean_filename_real($filename)
$bad_chars = array("'", "\\", ' ', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|');
$filespec = $this->get_filespec(array('name' => $filename));
$filespec->clean_filename('real', self::PREFIX);
$name = $filespec->realname;
$this->assertEquals(0, preg_match('/%(\w{2})/', $name));
foreach ($bad_chars as $char)
$this->assertFalse(strpos($name, $char));
public function test_clean_filename_unique()
$filenames = array();
for ($tests = 0; $tests < self::TEST_COUNT; $tests++)
$filespec = $this->get_filespec();
$filespec->clean_filename('unique', self::PREFIX);
$name = $filespec->realname;
$this->assertEquals(strlen($name), 32 + strlen(self::PREFIX));
$this->assertRegExp('#^[A-Za-z0-9]+$#', substr($name, strlen(self::PREFIX)));
$filenames[$name] = true;
public function get_extension_variables()
return array(
array('file.png', 'png'),
array('file.phpbb.gif', 'gif'),
array('file..', ''),
array('.file..jpg.webp', 'webp'),
* @dataProvider get_extension_variables
public function test_get_extension($filename, $expected)
$this->assertEquals($expected, filespec::get_extension($filename));
public function is_image_variables()
return array(
array('gif', 'image/gif', true),
array('jpg', 'image/jpg', true),
array('png', 'image/png', true),
array('tif', 'image/tif', true),
array('txt', 'text/plain', false),
array('jpg', 'application/octet-stream', false),
array('gif', 'application/octetstream', false),
array('png', 'application/mime', false),
* @dataProvider is_image_variables
public function test_is_image($filename, $mimetype, $expected)
$filespec = $this->get_filespec(array('tmp_name' => $this->path . $filename, 'type' => $mimetype));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $filespec->is_image());
public function is_image_get_mimetype()
return array(
array('gif', 'image/gif', true),
array('jpg', 'image/jpg', true),
array('png', 'image/png', true),
array('tif', 'image/tif', true),
array('txt', 'text/plain', false),
array('jpg', 'application/octet-stream', true),
array('gif', 'application/octetstream', true),
array('png', 'application/mime', true),
* @dataProvider is_image_get_mimetype
public function test_is_image_get_mimetype($filename, $mimetype, $expected)
$filespec = $this->get_filespec(array('tmp_name' => $this->path . $filename, 'type' => $mimetype));
$filespec->get_mimetype($this->path . $filename);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $filespec->is_image());
public function move_file_variables()
return array(
array('gif_copy', 'gif_moved', 'image/gif', 'gif', false, true),
array('non_existant', 'still_non_existant', 'text/plain', 'txt', 'GENERAL_UPLOAD_ERROR', false),
array('txt_copy', 'txt_as_img', 'image/jpg', 'txt', false, true),
array('txt_copy_2', 'txt_moved', 'text/plain', 'txt', false, true),
array('jpg_copy', 'jpg_moved', 'image/png', 'jpg', false, true),
array('png_copy', 'png_moved', 'image/png', 'jpg', 'IMAGE_FILETYPE_MISMATCH', true),
* @dataProvider move_file_variables
public function test_move_file($tmp_name, $realname, $mime_type, $extension, $error, $expected)
// Global $phpbb_root_path and $phpEx are required by phpbb_chmod
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$phpbb_root_path = '';
$phpEx = 'php';
$upload = new phpbb_mock_fileupload();
$upload->max_filesize = self::UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE;
$filespec = $this->get_filespec(array(
'tmp_name' => $this->path . 'copies/' . $tmp_name,
'name' => $realname,
'type' => $mime_type,
$filespec->extension = $extension;
$filespec->upload = $upload;
$filespec->local = true;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $filespec->move_file($this->path . 'copies'));
$this->assertEquals($filespec->file_moved, file_exists($this->path . 'copies/' . $realname));
if ($error)
$this->assertEquals($error, $filespec->error[0]);
$phpEx = '';
* @dataProvider clean_filename_variables
public function test_uploadname($filename)
$type_cast_helper = new \phpbb\request\type_cast_helper();
$upload_name = '';
$type_cast_helper->set_var($upload_name, $filename, 'string', true, true);
$filespec = $this->get_filespec(array('name'=> $upload_name));
$this->assertSame(trim(utf8_basename(htmlspecialchars($filename))), $filespec->uploadname);