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* @package testing
* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions.php';
class phpbb_controller_helper_url_test extends phpbb_test_case
public function helper_url_data_no_rewrite()
return array(
array('foo/bar?t=1&f=2', false, true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in url-argument'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2', true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in params-argument using amp'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2', false, false, 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in params-argument using &'),
array('foo/bar', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2), true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in params-argument as array'),
// Custom sid parameter
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2', true, 'custom-sid', 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid', 'using session_id'),
// Testing anchors
array('foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', false, true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in url-argument'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2#anchor', true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument'),
array('foo/bar', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2, '#' => 'anchor'), true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument (array)'),
// Anchors and custom sid
array('foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', false, true, 'custom-sid', 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in url-argument using session_id'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2#anchor', true, 'custom-sid', 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument using session_id'),
array('foo/bar', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2, '#' => 'anchor'), true, 'custom-sid', 'app.php/foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument (array) using session_id'),
// Empty parameters should not append the &
array('foo/bar', false, true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar', 'no params using bool false'),
array('foo/bar', '', true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar', 'no params using empty string'),
array('foo/bar', array(), true, false, 'app.php/foo/bar', 'no params using empty array'),
* @dataProvider helper_url_data_no_rewrite()
public function test_helper_url_no_rewrite($route, $params, $is_amp, $session_id, $expected, $description)
global $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher;
$this->user = $this->getMock('\phpbb\user');
$phpbb_path_helper = new \phpbb\path_helper(
new \phpbb\symfony_request(
new phpbb_mock_request()
new \phpbb\filesystem(),
$this->template = new phpbb\template\twig\twig($phpbb_path_helper, $config, $this->user, new \phpbb\template\context());
// We don't use mod_rewrite in these tests
$config = new \phpbb\config\config(array('enable_mod_rewrite' => '0'));
$helper = new \phpbb\controller\helper($this->template, $this->user, $config, '', 'php');
$this->assertEquals($helper->url($route, $params, $is_amp, $session_id), $expected);
public function helper_url_data_with_rewrite()
return array(
array('foo/bar?t=1&f=2', false, true, false, 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in url-argument'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2', true, false, 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in params-argument using amp'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2', false, false, 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in params-argument using &'),
array('foo/bar', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2), true, false, 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2', 'parameters in params-argument as array'),
// Custom sid parameter
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2', true, 'custom-sid', 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid', 'using session_id'),
// Testing anchors
array('foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', false, true, false, 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in url-argument'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2#anchor', true, false, 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument'),
array('foo/bar', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2, '#' => 'anchor'), true, false, 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument (array)'),
// Anchors and custom sid
array('foo/bar?t=1&f=2#anchor', false, true, 'custom-sid', 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in url-argument using session_id'),
array('foo/bar', 't=1&f=2#anchor', true, 'custom-sid', 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument using session_id'),
array('foo/bar', array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2, '#' => 'anchor'), true, 'custom-sid', 'foo/bar?t=1&f=2&sid=custom-sid#anchor', 'anchor in params-argument (array) using session_id'),
// Empty parameters should not append the &
array('foo/bar', false, true, false, 'foo/bar', 'no params using bool false'),
array('foo/bar', '', true, false, 'foo/bar', 'no params using empty string'),
array('foo/bar', array(), true, false, 'foo/bar', 'no params using empty array'),
* @dataProvider helper_url_data_with_rewrite()
public function test_helper_url_with_rewrite($route, $params, $is_amp, $session_id, $expected, $description)
global $phpbb_dispatcher, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
$phpbb_dispatcher = new phpbb_mock_event_dispatcher;
$this->user = $this->getMock('\phpbb\user');
$phpbb_path_helper = new \phpbb\path_helper(
new \phpbb\symfony_request(
new phpbb_mock_request()
new \phpbb\filesystem(),
$this->template = new \phpbb\template\twig\twig($phpbb_path_helper, $config, $this->user, new \phpbb\template\context());
$config = new \phpbb\config\config(array('enable_mod_rewrite' => '1'));
$helper = new \phpbb\controller\helper($this->template, $this->user, $config, '', 'php');
$this->assertEquals($helper->url($route, $params, $is_amp, $session_id), $expected);