mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-24 03:54:10 +01:00
Meik Sievertsen 1bf18e23ed - added acp_language (language pack management)
- minor adjustments to cope with PHP5.x

git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@5315 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
2005-11-30 17:48:06 +00:00

635 lines
16 KiB
Raw Blame History

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @package phpBB3
* Class for handling archives (compression/decompression)
class compress
var $fp = 0;
function add_file($src, $src_rm_prefix = '', $src_add_prefix = '', $skip_files = '')
global $phpbb_root_path;
$skip_files = explode(',', $skip_files);
// Remove rm prefix from src path
$src_path = ($src_rm_prefix) ? preg_replace('#^(' . preg_quote($src_rm_prefix) . ')#', '', $src) : $src;
// Add src prefix
$src_path = ($src_add_prefix) ? ($src_add_prefix . ((substr($src_add_prefix, -1) != '/') ? '/' : '') . $src_path) : $src_path;
// Remove initial "/" if present
$src_path = (substr($src_path, 0, 1) == '/') ? substr($src_path, 1) : $src_path;
if (is_file($phpbb_root_path . $src))
if (!($fp = @fopen("$phpbb_root_path$src", 'rb')))
return false;
$data = fread($fp, filesize("$phpbb_root_path$src"));
$this->data($src_path, $data, filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$src"), false);
else if (is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $src))
// Clean up path, add closing / if not present
$src_path = ($src_path && substr($src_path, -1) != '/') ? $src_path . '/' : $src_path;
$filelist = array();
$filelist = filelist("$phpbb_root_path$src", '', '*');
if ($src_path)
$mtime = (file_exists("$phpbb_root_path$src_path")) ? filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$src_path") : time();
$this->data($src_path, '', $mtime, true);
foreach ($filelist as $path => $file_ary)
if ($path)
// Same as for src_path
$path = (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') ? substr($path, 1) : $path;
$path = ($path && substr($path, -1) != '/') ? $path . '/' : $path;
$this->data("$src_path$path", '', filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$src_path$path"), true);
foreach ($file_ary as $file)
if (in_array($path . $file, $skip_files))
$this->data("$src_path$path$file", implode('', file("$phpbb_root_path$src_path$path$file")), filemtime("$phpbb_root_path$src_path$path$file"), false);
return true;
function add_custom_file($src, $filename)
$this->data($filename, implode('', file($src)));
return true;
function add_data($src, $name)
$this->data($name, $src);
return true;
function methods()
$methods = array('tar');
$available_methods = array('tar.gz' => 'zlib', 'tar.bz2' => 'bz2', 'zip' => 'zlib');
foreach ($available_methods as $type => $module)
if (!@extension_loaded($module))
$methods[] = $type;
return $methods;
* @package phpBB3
* Zip creation class from phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 <20> Tobias Ratschiller, Olivier M<>ller, Lo<4C>c Chapeaux,
* Marc Delisle, http://www.phpmyadmin.net/
* Modified extensively by psoTFX, <20> phpBB Group, 2003
* Based on work by Eric Mueller and Denis125
* Official ZIP file format: http://www.pkware.com/appnote.txt
class compress_zip extends compress
var $datasec = array();
var $ctrl_dir = array();
var $eof_cdh = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
var $old_offset = 0;
var $datasec_len = 0;
function compress_zip($mode, $file)
return $this->fp = @fopen($file, $mode . 'b');
function unix_to_dos_time($time)
$timearray = (!$time) ? getdate() : getdate($time);
if ($timearray['year'] < 1980)
$timearray['year'] = 1980;
$timearray['mon'] = $timearray['mday'] = 1;
$timearray['hours'] = $timearray['minutes'] = $timearray['seconds'] = 0;
return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) | ($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);
function extract($dst)
$header = $data = '';
$seek_ary = $mkdir_ary = array();
$j = 0;
fseek($this->fp, -14, SEEK_END);
$tmp = unpack("ventries/vtotentries/Vctsize/Vctpos", fread($this->fp, 12));
$entries = (int) trim($tmp['entries']);
$totentries = (int) trim($tmp['totentries']);
$ctsize = (int) trim($tmp['ctsize']);
$ctpos = (int) trim($tmp['ctpos']);
fseek($this->fp, $ctpos);
// First scan entries, pull out position of data, length, etc.
// and directory structure
for ($i = 0; $i < $entries; $i++)
$buffer = fread($this->fp, 46);
$tmp = unpack("vc_method/Vmtime/Vcrc/Vc_size/Vuc_size/vstrlen", substr($buffer, 10, 20));
$c_method = (int) trim($tmp['c_method']);
$crc = (int) trim($tmp['crc']);
$strlen = (int) trim($tmp['strlen']);
$uc_size = (int) trim($tmp['uc_size']);
$c_size = (int) trim($tmp['c_size']);
$tmp = unpack("Vattrib/Voffset", substr($buffer, 38, 8));
$attrib = (int) trim($tmp['attrib']);
$offset = (int) trim($tmp['offset']);
$filename = fread($this->fp, $strlen);
if ($attrib == 16 || $attrib == 0x41FF0010 || (!$uc_size && !$crc))
$mkdir_ary[] = "$dst$filename";
$seek_ary[$j]['c_method'] = $c_method;
$seek_ary[$j]['crc'] = $crc;
$seek_ary[$j]['strlen'] = $strlen;
$seek_ary[$j]['uc_size'] = $uc_size;
$seek_ary[$j]['c_size'] = $c_size;
$seek_ary[$j]['offset'] = $offset;
$seek_ary[$j]['filename'] = "$dst$filename";
// Create directory structure on fs
if (is_array($mkdir_ary))
foreach ($mkdir_ary as $dir)
if (!@mkdir($dir, 0777))
trigger_error("Could not create directory $dir");
@chmod("$dir", 0777);
// Extract files
foreach ($seek_ary as $seek)
$filename = $seek['filename'];
// fseek($this->fp, $seek['offset'] + 8); // To grab file header info
// fseek($this->fp, $seek['offset'] + 30 + $tmp['strlen'] + $tmp['c_size']); // To grab file header info2
// Jump to data
fseek($this->fp, $seek['offset'] + 30 + $seek['strlen']);
// Was data compressed? If so we have to fudge a solution thanks
// to some "issues" with gzuncompress. Else we just write out the
// data
if ($seek['c_method'] == 8)
// Temp gzip file -> .gz header -> data -> gz footer
if (!($fp = fopen($filename . '.gz', 'wb')))
trigger_error("Could not open temporary $filename.gz");
fwrite($fp, pack('va1a1Va1a1', 0x8b1f, chr(0x08), chr(0x00), time(), chr(0x00), chr(3)));
fwrite($fp, fread($this->fp, $seek['c_size']));
fwrite($fp, pack("VV", $seek['crc'], $seek['uc_size']));
if (!($fp = fopen($filename, 'wb')))
trigger_error("Could not create $filename");
@chmod($filename, 0777);
if (!($gzfp = gzopen($filename . '.gz', 'rb')))
die("Could not open temporary $filename.gz");
while ($buffer = gzread($gzfp, 1024))
fwrite($fp, $buffer);
unlink($filename . '.gz');
if (!($fp = fopen($filename, 'wb')))
trigger_error("Could not create $filename");
@chmod($filename, 0777);
fwrite($fp, fread($this->fp, $seek['uc_size']));
function close()
// Write out central file directory and footer ... if it exists
if (sizeof($this->ctrl_dir))
fwrite($this->fp, $this->file());
// Create the structures ... note we assume version made by is MSDOS
function data($name, $data, $mtime = false, $is_dir = false)
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
$dtime = dechex($this->unix_to_dos_time($mtime));
$hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7] . '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5] . '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3] . '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1];
eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');
if ($is_dir)
$unc_len = $c_len = $crc = 0;
$zdata = '';
$unc_len = strlen($data);
$crc = crc32($data);
$zdata = gzcompress($data);
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug
$c_len = strlen($zdata);
// Did we compress? No, then use data as is
if ($c_len >= $unc_len)
$zdata = $data;
$c_len = $unc_len;
// If we didn't compress set method to store, else deflate
$c_method = ($c_len == $unc_len) ? "\x00\x00" : "\x08\x00";
// Are we a file or a directory? Set archive for file
$attrib = ($is_dir) ? 16 : 32;
$var_ext = ($is_dir) ? "\x0a" : "\x14";
// File Record Header
$fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // Local file header 4bytes
$fr .= "$var_ext\x00"; // ver needed to extract 2bytes
$fr .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag 2bytes
$fr .= $c_method; // compression method 2bytes
$fr .= $hexdtime; // last mod time and date 2+2bytes
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32 4bytes
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize 4bytes
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize 4bytes
$fr .= pack('v', strlen($name));// length of filename 2bytes
$fr .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length 2bytes
$fr .= $name;
$fr .= $zdata;
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32 4bytes
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize 4bytes
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize 4bytes
$this->datasec_len += strlen($fr);
// Add data to file ... by writing data out incrementally we save some memory
fwrite($this->fp, $fr);
// Central Directory Header
$cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // header 4bytes
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // version made by
$cdrec .= "$var_ext\x00"; // version needed to extract
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$cdrec .= $c_method; // compression method
$cdrec .= $hexdtime; // last mod time & date
$cdrec .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$cdrec .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name)); // length of filename
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // file comment length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // disk number start
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', $attrib); // external file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', $this->old_offset); // relative offset of local header
$cdrec .= $name;
// Save to central directory
$this->ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
$this->old_offset = $this->datasec_len;
function file()
$ctrldir = implode('', $this->ctrl_dir);
return $ctrldir . $this->eof_cdh .
pack('v', sizeof($this->ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries "on this disk"
pack('v', sizeof($this->ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries overall
pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . // size of central dir
pack('V', $this->datasec_len) . // offset to start of central dir
"\x00\x00"; // .zip file comment length
function download($filename)
global $phpbb_root_path;
$mimetype = 'application/zip';
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header("Content-Type: $mimetype; name=\"$filename.zip\"");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.zip");
$fp = fopen("{$phpbb_root_path}store/$filename.zip", 'rb');
while ($buffer = fread($fp, 1024))
echo $buffer;
* @package phpBB3
* Tar/tar.gz compression routine
* Header/checksum creation derived from tarfile.pl, <20> Tom Horsley, 1994
class compress_tar extends compress
var $isgz = false;
var $isbz = false;
var $filename = '';
var $mode = '';
var $type = '';
function compress_tar($mode, $file, $type = '')
$type = (!$type) ? $file : $type;
$this->isgz = (strpos($type, '.tar.gz') !== false || strpos($type, '.tgz') !== false) ? true : false;
$this->isbz = (strpos($type, '.tar.bz2') !== false) ? true : false;
$this->mode = &$mode;
$this->file = &$file;
$this->type = &$type;
function extract($dst)
$fzread = ($this->isbz && function_exists('bzread')) ? 'bzread' : (($this->isgz && extension_loaded('zlib')) ? 'gzread' : 'fread');
// Run through the file and grab directory entries
while ($buffer = $fzread($this->fp, 512))
$tmp = unpack("A6magic", substr($buffer, 257, 6));
if (trim($tmp['magic']) == 'ustar')
$tmp = unpack("A100name", $buffer);
$filename = trim($tmp['name']);
$tmp = unpack("Atype", substr($buffer, 156, 1));
$filetype = (int) trim($tmp['type']);
if ($filetype == 5)
$mkdir_ary[] = "$dst$filename";
else if (dirname($filename) != '.')
$mkdir_alt_ary[] = $dst . dirname($filename);
$mkdir_alt_ary = array_unique($mkdir_alt_ary);
// Create the directory structure
if (sizeof($mkdir_ary) || sizeof($mkdir_alt_ary))
if (!sizeof($mkdir_ary) && sizeof($mkdir_alt_ary))
$mkdir_ary = $mkdir_alt_ary;
foreach ($mkdir_ary as $dir)
if (!@mkdir($dir, 0777))
trigger_error("Could not create directory $dir");
@chmod("$dir", 0777);
// If this is a .bz2 we need to close and re-open the file in order
// to reset the file pointer since we cannot apparently rewind it
if ($this->isbz)
fseek($this->fp, 0);
// Write out the files
$size = 0;
while ($buffer = $fzread($this->fp, 512))
$tmp = unpack("A6magic", substr($buffer, 257, 6));
if (trim($tmp['magic']) == 'ustar')
$tmp = unpack("A100name", $buffer);
$filename = trim($tmp['name']);
$tmp = unpack("Atype", substr($buffer, 156, 1));
$filetype = (int) trim($tmp['type']);
if ($filetype == 0 || $filetype == "\0")
$tmp = unpack("A12size", substr($buffer, 124, 12));
$filesize = octdec((int) trim($tmp['size']));
if (!($fp = fopen("$dst$filename", 'wb')))
trigger_error("Could create file $filename");
@chmod("$dst$filename", 0777);
$size = 0;
$size += 512;
$length = ($size > $filesize) ? 512 - ($size - $filesize) : 512;
$tmp = unpack("A512data", $buffer);
fwrite($fp, (string) $tmp['data'], $length);
function close()
$fzclose = ($this->isbz && function_exists('bzclose')) ? 'bzclose' : (($this->isgz && extension_loaded('zlib')) ? 'gzclose' : 'fclose');
function data($name, $data, $mtime = false, $is_dir = false)
$fzwrite = ($this->isbz && function_exists('bzwrite')) ? 'bzwrite' : (($this->isgz && extension_loaded('zlib')) ? 'gzwrite' : 'fwrite');
$mode = ($is_dir) ? '493' : '436';
$mtime = (!$mtime) ? time() : $mtime;
$filesize = ($is_dir) ? 0 : strlen($data);
$typeflag = ($is_dir) ? '5' : '';
$header = '';
$header .= pack("a100", $name);
$header .= pack("a8", sprintf("%07o", $mode));
$header .= pack("a8", sprintf("%07o", 0));
$header .= pack("a8", sprintf("%07o", 0));
$header .= pack("a12", sprintf("%011o", $filesize));
$header .= pack("A12", sprintf("%011o", $mtime)); // From a12 to A12
$header .= ' ';
$header .= pack("a", $typeflag);
$header .= pack("a100", '');
$header .= 'ustar';
$header .= pack("x");
$header .= '00';
$header .= pack("x247");
// Checksum
$checksum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++)
$b = unpack("c1char", substr($header, $i, 1));
$checksum += $b['char'];
$header = substr_replace($header, pack("a8",sprintf("%07o", $checksum)), 148, 8);
$fzwrite($this->fp, $header);
$i = 0;
// Read the data 512 bytes at a time and write it out
while ($buffer = substr($data, $i, 512))
$fzwrite($this->fp, pack("a512", $buffer));
$i += 512;
function open()
$fzopen = ($this->isbz && function_exists('bzopen')) ? 'bzopen' : (($this->isgz && extension_loaded('zlib')) ? 'gzopen' : 'fopen');
$this->fp = @$fzopen($this->file, $this->mode . 'b' . (($fzopen == 'gzopen') ? '9' : ''));
if (!$this->fp)
trigger_error('Unable to open file ' . $this->file . ' [' . $fzopen . ' - ' . $this->mode . 'b]');
function download($filename)
global $phpbb_root_path;
switch ($this->type)
case 'tar':
$mimetype = 'application/x-tar';
case 'tar.gz':
$mimetype = 'application/x-gzip';
case 'tar.bz2':
$mimetype = 'application/x-bzip2';
$mimetype = 'application/octet-stream';
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header("Content-Type: $mimetype; name=\"$filename.$this->type\"");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.$this->type");
$fp = fopen("{$phpbb_root_path}store/$filename.$this->type", 'rb');
while ($buffer = fread($fp, 1024))
echo $buffer;