mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-03-14 20:50:30 +01:00
Oliver Schramm 6c04a6715c [ticket/15389] Match multiple events in dispatcher in php_exporter
I've also improved some regular expressions

2017-10-04 20:12:34 +02:00

719 lines
20 KiB

* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
namespace phpbb\event;
* Class php_exporter
* Crawls through a list of files and grabs all php-events
class php_exporter
/** @var string Path where we look for files*/
protected $path;
/** @var string phpBB Root Path */
protected $root_path;
/** @var string The minimum version for the events to return */
protected $min_version;
/** @var string The maximum version for the events to return */
protected $max_version;
/** @var string */
protected $current_file;
/** @var string */
protected $current_event;
/** @var int */
protected $current_event_line;
/** @var array */
protected $events;
/** @var array */
protected $file_lines;
* @param string $phpbb_root_path
* @param mixed $extension String 'vendor/ext' to filter, null for phpBB core
* @param string $min_version
* @param string $max_version
public function __construct($phpbb_root_path, $extension = null, $min_version = null, $max_version = null)
$this->root_path = $phpbb_root_path;
$this->path = $phpbb_root_path;
$this->events = $this->file_lines = array();
$this->current_file = $this->current_event = '';
$this->current_event_line = 0;
$this->min_version = $min_version;
$this->max_version = $max_version;
$this->path = $this->root_path;
if ($extension)
$this->path .= 'ext/' . $extension . '/';
* Get the list of all events
* @return array Array with events: name => details
public function get_events()
return $this->events;
* Set current event data
* @param string $name Name of the current event (used for error messages)
* @param int $line Line where the current event is placed in
* @return null
public function set_current_event($name, $line)
$this->current_event = $name;
$this->current_event_line = $line;
* Set the content of this file
* @param array $content Array with the lines of the file
* @return null
public function set_content($content)
$this->file_lines = $content;
* Crawl the phpBB/ directory for php events
* @return int The number of events found
public function crawl_phpbb_directory_php()
$files = $this->get_recursive_file_list();
$this->events = array();
foreach ($files as $file)
return sizeof($this->events);
* Returns a list of files in $dir
* @return array List of files (including the path)
public function get_recursive_file_list()
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new \phpbb\event\recursive_event_filter_iterator(
new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(
catch (\Exception $e)
return array();
$files = array();
foreach ($iterator as $file_info)
/** @var \RecursiveDirectoryIterator $file_info */
$relative_path = $iterator->getInnerIterator()->getSubPathname();
$files[] = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $relative_path);
return $files;
* Format the php events as a wiki table
* @param string $action
* @return string
public function export_events_for_wiki($action = '')
if ($action === 'diff')
$wiki_page = '=== PHP Events (Hook Locations) ===' . "\n";
$wiki_page = '= PHP Events (Hook Locations) =' . "\n";
$wiki_page .= '{| class="sortable zebra" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"' . "\n";
$wiki_page .= '! Identifier !! Placement !! Arguments !! Added in Release !! Explanation' . "\n";
foreach ($this->events as $event)
$wiki_page .= '|- id="' . $event['event'] . '"' . "\n";
$wiki_page .= '| [[#' . $event['event'] . '|' . $event['event'] . ']] || ' . $event['file'] . ' || ' . implode(', ', $event['arguments']) . ' || ' . $event['since'] . ' || ' . $event['description'] . "\n";
$wiki_page .= '|}' . "\n";
return $wiki_page;
* @param string $file
* @return int Number of events found in this file
* @throws \LogicException
public function crawl_php_file($file)
$this->current_file = $file;
$this->file_lines = array();
$content = file_get_contents($this->path . $this->current_file);
$num_events_found = 0;
if (strpos($content, 'dispatcher->trigger_event(') || strpos($content, 'dispatcher->dispatch('))
$this->set_content(explode("\n", $content));
for ($i = 0, $num_lines = sizeof($this->file_lines); $i < $num_lines; $i++)
$event_line = false;
$found_trigger_event = strpos($this->file_lines[$i], 'dispatcher->trigger_event(');
$arguments = array();
if ($found_trigger_event !== false)
$event_line = $i;
$this->set_current_event($this->get_event_name($event_line, false), $event_line);
// Find variables of the event
$arguments = $this->get_vars_from_array();
$doc_vars = $this->get_vars_from_docblock();
$this->validate_vars_docblock_array($arguments, $doc_vars);
$found_dispatch = strpos($this->file_lines[$i], 'dispatcher->dispatch(');
if ($found_dispatch !== false)
$event_line = $i;
$this->set_current_event($this->get_event_name($event_line, true), $event_line);
if ($event_line)
// Validate @event
$event_line_num = $this->find_event();
$this->validate_event($this->current_event, $this->file_lines[$event_line_num]);
// Validate @since
$since_line_num = $this->find_since();
$since = $this->validate_since($this->file_lines[$since_line_num]);
$changed_line_nums = $this->find_changed('changed');
if (empty($changed_line_nums))
$changed_line_nums = $this->find_changed('change');
$changed_versions = array();
if (!empty($changed_line_nums))
foreach ($changed_line_nums as $changed_line_num)
$changed_versions[] = $this->validate_changed($this->file_lines[$changed_line_num]);
if (!$this->version_is_filtered($since))
$valid_version = false;
foreach ($changed_versions as $changed)
$valid_version = $valid_version || $this->version_is_filtered($changed);
if (!$valid_version)
// Find event description line
$description_line_num = $this->find_description();
$description = substr(trim($this->file_lines[$description_line_num]), strlen('* '));
if (isset($this->events[$this->current_event]))
throw new \LogicException("The event '{$this->current_event}' from file "
. "'{$this->current_file}:{$event_line_num}' already exists in file "
. "'{$this->events[$this->current_event]['file']}'", 10);
$this->events[$this->current_event] = array(
'event' => $this->current_event,
'file' => $this->current_file,
'arguments' => $arguments,
'since' => $since,
'description' => $description,
return $num_events_found;
* The version to check
* @param string $version
* @return bool
protected function version_is_filtered($version)
return (!$this->min_version || phpbb_version_compare($this->min_version, $version, '<='))
&& (!$this->max_version || phpbb_version_compare($this->max_version, $version, '>='));
* Find the name of the event inside the dispatch() line
* @param int $event_line
* @param bool $is_dispatch Do we look for dispatch() or trigger_event() ?
* @return string Name of the event
* @throws \LogicException
public function get_event_name($event_line, $is_dispatch)
$event_text_line = $this->file_lines[$event_line];
$event_text_line = ltrim($event_text_line, "\t ");
if ($is_dispatch)
$regex = '#\$[a-z](?:[a-z0-9_]|->)*';
$regex .= '->dispatch\((\[)?';
$regex .= '\'' . $this->preg_match_event_name() . '(?(1)\', \'(?2))+\'';
$regex .= '(?(1)\])\);#';
$regex = '#extract\(\$[a-z](?:[a-z0-9_]|->)*';
$regex .= '->trigger_event\((\[)?';
$regex .= '\'' . $this->preg_match_event_name() . '(?(1)\', \'(?2))+\'';
$regex .= '(?(1)\]), compact\(\$vars\)\)\);#';
$match = array();
preg_match($regex, $event_text_line, $match);
if (!isset($match[2]))
throw new \LogicException("Can not find event name in line '{$event_text_line}' "
. "in file '{$this->current_file}:{$event_line}'", 1);
return $match[2];
* Returns a regex match for the event name
* @return string
protected function preg_match_event_name()
return '([a-z][a-z0-9_]*(?:\.[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)+)';
* Find the $vars array
* @return array List of variables
* @throws \LogicException
public function get_vars_from_array()
$line = ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - 1], "\t");
if ($line === ');' || $line === '];')
$vars_array = $this->get_vars_from_multi_line_array();
$vars_array = $this->get_vars_from_single_line_array($line);
foreach ($vars_array as $var)
if (!preg_match('#^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$#i', $var))
throw new \LogicException("Found invalid var '{$var}' in array for event '{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 3);
return $vars_array;
* Find the variables in single line array
* @param string $line
* @param bool $throw_multiline Throw an exception when there are too
* many arguments in one line.
* @return array List of variables
* @throws \LogicException
public function get_vars_from_single_line_array($line, $throw_multiline = true)
$match = array();
preg_match('#^\$vars = (?:(\[)|array\()\'([a-z0-9_\' ,]+)\'(?(1)\]|\));$#i', $line, $match);
if (isset($match[2]))
$vars_array = explode("', '", $match[2]);
if ($throw_multiline && sizeof($vars_array) > 6)
throw new \LogicException('Should use multiple lines for $vars definition '
. "for event '{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 2);
return $vars_array;
throw new \LogicException("Can not find '\$vars = array();'-line for event '{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 1);
* Find the variables in single line array
* @return array List of variables
* @throws \LogicException
public function get_vars_from_multi_line_array()
$current_vars_line = 2;
$var_lines = array();
while (!in_array(ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $current_vars_line], "\t"), ['$vars = array(', '$vars = [']))
$var_lines[] = substr(trim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $current_vars_line]), 0, -1);
if ($current_vars_line > $this->current_event_line)
// Reached the start of the file
throw new \LogicException("Can not find end of \$vars array for event '{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 2);
return $this->get_vars_from_single_line_array('$vars = array(' . implode(", ", $var_lines) . ');', false);
* Find the $vars array
* @return array List of variables
* @throws \LogicException
public function get_vars_from_docblock()
$doc_vars = array();
$current_doc_line = 1;
$found_comment_end = false;
while (ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $current_doc_line], "\t") !== '/**')
if (ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $current_doc_line], "\t ") === '*/')
$found_comment_end = true;
if ($found_comment_end)
$var_line = trim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $current_doc_line]);
$var_line = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $var_line);
if (strpos($var_line, '* @var ') === 0)
$doc_line = explode(' ', $var_line, 5);
if (sizeof($doc_line) !== 5)
throw new \LogicException("Found invalid line '{$this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $current_doc_line]}' "
. "for event '{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 1);
$doc_vars[] = $doc_line[3];
if ($current_doc_line > $this->current_event_line)
// Reached the start of the file
throw new \LogicException("Can not find end of docblock for event '{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 2);
if (empty($doc_vars))
// Reached the start of the file
throw new \LogicException("Can not find @var lines for event '{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 3);
foreach ($doc_vars as $var)
if (!preg_match('#^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$#i', $var))
throw new \LogicException("Found invalid @var '{$var}' in docblock for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 4);
return $doc_vars;
* Find the "@since" Information line
* @return int Absolute line number
* @throws \LogicException
public function find_since()
return $this->find_tag('since', array('event', 'var'));
* Find the "@changed" Information lines
* @param string $tag_name Should be 'change', not 'changed'
* @return array Absolute line numbers
* @throws \LogicException
public function find_changed($tag_name)
$lines = array();
$last_line = 0;
while ($line = $this->find_tag($tag_name, array('since'), $last_line))
$lines[] = $line;
$last_line = $line;
catch (\LogicException $e)
// Not changed? No problem!
return $lines;
* Find the "@event" Information line
* @return int Absolute line number
public function find_event()
return $this->find_tag('event', array());
* Find a "@*" Information line
* @param string $find_tag Name of the tag we are trying to find
* @param array $disallowed_tags List of tags that must not appear between
* the tag and the actual event
* @param int $skip_to_line Skip lines until this one
* @return int Absolute line number
* @throws \LogicException
public function find_tag($find_tag, $disallowed_tags, $skip_to_line = 0)
$find_tag_line = $skip_to_line ? $this->current_event_line - $skip_to_line + 1 : 0;
$found_comment_end = ($skip_to_line) ? true : false;
while (strpos(ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $find_tag_line], "\t "), '* @' . $find_tag . ' ') !== 0)
if ($found_comment_end && ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $find_tag_line], "\t") === '/**')
// Reached the start of this doc block
throw new \LogicException("Can not find '@{$find_tag}' information for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 1);
foreach ($disallowed_tags as $disallowed_tag)
if ($found_comment_end && strpos(ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $find_tag_line], "\t "), '* @' . $disallowed_tag) === 0)
// Found @var after the @since
throw new \LogicException("Found '@{$disallowed_tag}' information after '@{$find_tag}' for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 3);
if (ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $find_tag_line], "\t ") === '*/')
$found_comment_end = true;
if ($find_tag_line >= $this->current_event_line)
// Reached the start of the file
throw new \LogicException("Can not find '@{$find_tag}' information for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 2);
return $this->current_event_line - $find_tag_line;
* Find a "@*" Information line
* @return int Absolute line number
* @throws \LogicException
public function find_description()
$find_desc_line = 0;
while (ltrim($this->file_lines[$this->current_event_line - $find_desc_line], "\t") !== '/**')
if ($find_desc_line > $this->current_event_line)
// Reached the start of the file
throw new \LogicException("Can not find a description for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 1);
$find_desc_line = $this->current_event_line - $find_desc_line + 1;
$desc = trim($this->file_lines[$find_desc_line]);
if (strpos($desc, '* @') === 0 || $desc[0] !== '*' || substr($desc, 1) == '')
// First line of the doc block is a @-line, empty or only contains "*"
throw new \LogicException("Can not find a description for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 2);
return $find_desc_line;
* Validate "@since" Information
* @param string $line
* @return string
* @throws \LogicException
public function validate_since($line)
$match = array();
preg_match('#^\* @since (\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:-(?:a|b|RC|pl)\d+)?)$#', ltrim($line, "\t "), $match);
if (!isset($match[1]))
throw new \LogicException("Invalid '@since' information for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'");
return $match[1];
* Validate "@changed" Information
* @param string $line
* @return string
* @throws \LogicException
public function validate_changed($line)
$match = array();
$line = str_replace("\t", ' ', ltrim($line, "\t "));
preg_match('#^\* @changed (\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:-(?:a|b|RC|pl)\d+)?)( (?:.*))?$#', $line, $match);
if (!isset($match[2]))
throw new \LogicException("Invalid '@changed' information for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'");
return $match[2];
* Validate "@event" Information
* @param string $event_name
* @param string $line
* @return string
* @throws \LogicException
public function validate_event($event_name, $line)
$event = substr(ltrim($line, "\t "), strlen('* @event '));
if ($event !== trim($event))
throw new \LogicException("Invalid '@event' information for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 1);
if ($event !== $event_name)
throw new \LogicException("Event name does not match '@event' tag for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'", 2);
return $event;
* Validates that two arrays contain the same strings
* @param array $vars_array Variables found in the array line
* @param array $vars_docblock Variables found in the doc block
* @return null
* @throws \LogicException
public function validate_vars_docblock_array($vars_array, $vars_docblock)
$vars_array = array_unique($vars_array);
$vars_docblock = array_unique($vars_docblock);
$sizeof_vars_array = sizeof($vars_array);
if ($sizeof_vars_array !== sizeof($vars_docblock) || $sizeof_vars_array !== sizeof(array_intersect($vars_array, $vars_docblock)))
throw new \LogicException("\$vars array does not match the list of '@var' tags for event "
. "'{$this->current_event}' in file '{$this->current_file}:{$this->current_event_line}'");