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synced 2025-02-24 20:13:22 +01:00
Template class passes extension manager to template compiler. Template compiler passes extension manager to template filter. Template filter will use extension manager to locate hooks as it is compiling templates. All extension manager arguments are optional. If an extension manager is not given, template hooks will not be invoked. PHPBB3-9550
597 lines
16 KiB
597 lines
16 KiB
* @package phpBB3
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
* BBCode class
* @package phpBB3
class bbcode
var $bbcode_uid = '';
var $bbcode_bitfield = '';
var $bbcode_cache = array();
var $bbcode_template = array();
var $bbcodes = array();
var $template_bitfield;
* Constructor
* Init bbcode cache entries if bitfield is specified
function bbcode($bitfield = '')
if ($bitfield)
$this->bbcode_bitfield = $bitfield;
* Second pass bbcodes
function bbcode_second_pass(&$message, $bbcode_uid = '', $bbcode_bitfield = false)
if ($bbcode_uid)
$this->bbcode_uid = $bbcode_uid;
if ($bbcode_bitfield !== false)
$this->bbcode_bitfield = $bbcode_bitfield;
// Init those added with a new bbcode_bitfield (already stored codes will not get parsed again)
if (!$this->bbcode_bitfield)
// Remove the uid from tags that have not been transformed into HTML
if ($this->bbcode_uid)
$message = str_replace(':' . $this->bbcode_uid, '', $message);
$str = array('search' => array(), 'replace' => array());
$preg = array('search' => array(), 'replace' => array());
$bitfield = new bitfield($this->bbcode_bitfield);
$bbcodes_set = $bitfield->get_all_set();
$undid_bbcode_specialchars = false;
foreach ($bbcodes_set as $bbcode_id)
if (!empty($this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id]))
foreach ($this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] as $type => $array)
foreach ($array as $search => $replace)
${$type}['search'][] = str_replace('$uid', $this->bbcode_uid, $search);
${$type}['replace'][] = $replace;
if (sizeof($str['search']))
$message = str_replace($str['search'], $str['replace'], $message);
$str = array('search' => array(), 'replace' => array());
if (sizeof($preg['search']))
// we need to turn the entities back into their original form to allow the
// search patterns to work properly
if (!$undid_bbcode_specialchars)
$message = str_replace(array(':', '.'), array(':', '.'), $message);
$undid_bbcode_specialchars = true;
$message = preg_replace($preg['search'], $preg['replace'], $message);
$preg = array('search' => array(), 'replace' => array());
// Remove the uid from tags that have not been transformed into HTML
$message = str_replace(':' . $this->bbcode_uid, '', $message);
* Init bbcode cache
* requires: $this->bbcode_bitfield
* sets: $this->bbcode_cache with bbcode templates needed for bbcode_bitfield
function bbcode_cache_init()
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config, $user, $phpbb_extension_manager;
if (empty($this->template_filename))
$this->template_bitfield = new bitfield($user->style['bbcode_bitfield']);
$style_resource_locator = new phpbb_style_resource_locator();
$style_path_provider = new phpbb_style_extension_path_provider($phpbb_extension_manager, new phpbb_style_path_provider());
$template = new phpbb_template($phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config, $user, $style_resource_locator, new phpbb_template_context(), $phpbb_extension_manager);
$style = new phpbb_style($phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config, $user, $style_resource_locator, $style_path_provider, $template);
$template->set_filenames(array('bbcode.html' => 'bbcode.html'));
$this->template_filename = $style_resource_locator->get_source_file_for_handle('bbcode.html');
$bbcode_ids = $rowset = $sql = array();
$bitfield = new bitfield($this->bbcode_bitfield);
$bbcodes_set = $bitfield->get_all_set();
foreach ($bbcodes_set as $bbcode_id)
if (isset($this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id]))
// do not try to re-cache it if it's already in
$bbcode_ids[] = $bbcode_id;
if ($bbcode_id > NUM_CORE_BBCODES)
$sql[] = $bbcode_id;
if (sizeof($sql))
global $db;
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('bbcode_id', $sql);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
// To circumvent replacing newlines with <br /> for the generated html,
// we use carriage returns here. They are later changed back to newlines
$row['bbcode_tpl'] = str_replace("\n", "\r", $row['bbcode_tpl']);
$row['second_pass_replace'] = str_replace("\n", "\r", $row['second_pass_replace']);
$rowset[$row['bbcode_id']] = $row;
foreach ($bbcode_ids as $bbcode_id)
switch ($bbcode_id)
case 0:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'str' => array(
'[/quote:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('quote_close', $bbcode_id)
'preg' => array(
'#\[quote(?:="(.*?)")?:$uid\]((?!\[quote(?:=".*?")?:$uid\]).)?#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_second_pass_quote('\$1', '\$2')"
case 1:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'str' => array(
'[b:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('b_open', $bbcode_id),
'[/b:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('b_close', $bbcode_id),
case 2:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'str' => array(
'[i:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('i_open', $bbcode_id),
'[/i:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('i_close', $bbcode_id),
case 3:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[url:$uid\]((.*?))\[/url:$uid\]#s' => $this->bbcode_tpl('url', $bbcode_id),
'#\[url=([^\[]+?):$uid\](.*?)\[/url:$uid\]#s' => $this->bbcode_tpl('url', $bbcode_id),
case 4:
if ($user->optionget('viewimg'))
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[img:$uid\](.*?)\[/img:$uid\]#s' => $this->bbcode_tpl('img', $bbcode_id),
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[img:$uid\](.*?)\[/img:$uid\]#s' => str_replace('$2', '[ img ]', $this->bbcode_tpl('url', $bbcode_id, true)),
case 5:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[size=([\-\+]?\d+):$uid\](.*?)\[/size:$uid\]#s' => $this->bbcode_tpl('size', $bbcode_id),
case 6:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'!\[color=(#[0-9a-f]{3}|#[0-9a-f]{6}|[a-z\-]+):$uid\](.*?)\[/color:$uid\]!is' => $this->bbcode_tpl('color', $bbcode_id),
case 7:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'str' => array(
'[u:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('u_open', $bbcode_id),
'[/u:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('u_close', $bbcode_id),
case 8:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[code(?:=([a-z]+))?:$uid\](.*?)\[/code:$uid\]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('\$1', '\$2')",
case 9:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#(\[\/?(list|\*):[mou]?:?$uid\])[\n]{1}#' => "\$1",
'#(\[list=([^\[]+):$uid\])[\n]{1}#' => "\$1",
'#\[list=([^\[]+):$uid\]#e' => "\$this->bbcode_list('\$1')",
'str' => array(
'[list:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('ulist_open_default', $bbcode_id),
'[/list:u:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('ulist_close', $bbcode_id),
'[/list:o:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('olist_close', $bbcode_id),
'[*:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('listitem', $bbcode_id),
'[/*:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('listitem_close', $bbcode_id),
'[/*:m:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('listitem_close', $bbcode_id)
case 10:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[email:$uid\]((.*?))\[/email:$uid\]#is' => $this->bbcode_tpl('email', $bbcode_id),
'#\[email=([^\[]+):$uid\](.*?)\[/email:$uid\]#is' => $this->bbcode_tpl('email', $bbcode_id)
case 11:
if ($user->optionget('viewflash'))
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[flash=([0-9]+),([0-9]+):$uid\](.*?)\[/flash:$uid\]#' => $this->bbcode_tpl('flash', $bbcode_id),
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array(
'#\[flash=([0-9]+),([0-9]+):$uid\](.*?)\[/flash:$uid\]#' => str_replace('$1', '$3', str_replace('$2', '[ flash ]', $this->bbcode_tpl('url', $bbcode_id, true)))
case 12:
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'str' => array(
'[/attachment:$uid]' => $this->bbcode_tpl('inline_attachment_close', $bbcode_id)
'preg' => array(
'#\[attachment=([0-9]+):$uid\]#' => $this->bbcode_tpl('inline_attachment_open', $bbcode_id)
if (isset($rowset[$bbcode_id]))
if ($this->template_bitfield->get($bbcode_id))
// The bbcode requires a custom template to be loaded
if (!$bbcode_tpl = $this->bbcode_tpl($rowset[$bbcode_id]['bbcode_tag'], $bbcode_id))
// For some reason, the required template seems not to be available, use the default template
$bbcode_tpl = (!empty($rowset[$bbcode_id]['second_pass_replace'])) ? $rowset[$bbcode_id]['second_pass_replace'] : $rowset[$bbcode_id]['bbcode_tpl'];
// In order to use templates with custom bbcodes we need
// to replace all {VARS} to corresponding backreferences
// Note that backreferences are numbered from bbcode_match
if (preg_match_all('/\{(URL|LOCAL_URL|EMAIL|TEXT|SIMPLETEXT|INTTEXT|IDENTIFIER|COLOR|NUMBER)[0-9]*\}/', $rowset[$bbcode_id]['bbcode_match'], $m))
foreach ($m[0] as $i => $tok)
$bbcode_tpl = str_replace($tok, '$' . ($i + 1), $bbcode_tpl);
// Default template
$bbcode_tpl = (!empty($rowset[$bbcode_id]['second_pass_replace'])) ? $rowset[$bbcode_id]['second_pass_replace'] : $rowset[$bbcode_id]['bbcode_tpl'];
// Replace {L_*} lang strings
$bbcode_tpl = preg_replace('/{L_([A-Z_]+)}/e', "(!empty(\$user->lang['\$1'])) ? \$user->lang['\$1'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', '\$1')))", $bbcode_tpl);
if (!empty($rowset[$bbcode_id]['second_pass_replace']))
// The custom BBCode requires second-pass pattern replacements
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'preg' => array($rowset[$bbcode_id]['second_pass_match'] => $bbcode_tpl)
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = array(
'str' => array($rowset[$bbcode_id]['second_pass_match'] => $bbcode_tpl)
$this->bbcode_cache[$bbcode_id] = false;
* Return bbcode template
function bbcode_tpl($tpl_name, $bbcode_id = -1, $skip_bitfield_check = false)
static $bbcode_hardtpl = array();
if (empty($bbcode_hardtpl))
global $user;
$bbcode_hardtpl = array(
'b_open' => '<span style="font-weight: bold">',
'b_close' => '</span>',
'i_open' => '<span style="font-style: italic">',
'i_close' => '</span>',
'u_open' => '<span style="text-decoration: underline">',
'u_close' => '</span>',
'img' => '<img src="$1" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . '" />',
'size' => '<span style="font-size: $1%; line-height: normal">$2</span>',
'color' => '<span style="color: $1">$2</span>',
'email' => '<a href="mailto:$1">$2</a>'
if ($bbcode_id != -1 && !$skip_bitfield_check && !$this->template_bitfield->get($bbcode_id))
return (isset($bbcode_hardtpl[$tpl_name])) ? $bbcode_hardtpl[$tpl_name] : false;
if (empty($this->bbcode_template))
if (($tpl = file_get_contents($this->template_filename)) === false)
trigger_error('Could not load bbcode template', E_USER_ERROR);
// replace \ with \\ and then ' with \'.
$tpl = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $tpl);
$tpl = str_replace("'", "\'", $tpl);
// strip newlines and indent
$tpl = preg_replace("/\n[\n\r\s\t]*/", '', $tpl);
// Turn template blocks into PHP assignment statements for the values of $bbcode_tpl..
$this->bbcode_template = array();
$matches = preg_match_all('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->(.*?)<!-- END (?:.*?) -->#', $tpl, $match);
for ($i = 0; $i < $matches; $i++)
if (empty($match[1][$i]))
$this->bbcode_template[$match[1][$i]] = $this->bbcode_tpl_replace($match[1][$i], $match[2][$i]);
return (isset($this->bbcode_template[$tpl_name])) ? $this->bbcode_template[$tpl_name] : ((isset($bbcode_hardtpl[$tpl_name])) ? $bbcode_hardtpl[$tpl_name] : false);
* Return bbcode template replacement
function bbcode_tpl_replace($tpl_name, $tpl)
global $user;
static $replacements = array(
'quote_username_open' => array('{USERNAME}' => '$1'),
'color' => array('{COLOR}' => '$1', '{TEXT}' => '$2'),
'size' => array('{SIZE}' => '$1', '{TEXT}' => '$2'),
'img' => array('{URL}' => '$1'),
'flash' => array('{WIDTH}' => '$1', '{HEIGHT}' => '$2', '{URL}' => '$3'),
'url' => array('{URL}' => '$1', '{DESCRIPTION}' => '$2'),
'email' => array('{EMAIL}' => '$1', '{DESCRIPTION}' => '$2')
$tpl = preg_replace('/{L_([A-Z_]+)}/e', "(!empty(\$user->lang['\$1'])) ? \$user->lang['\$1'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', '\$1')))", $tpl);
if (!empty($replacements[$tpl_name]))
$tpl = strtr($tpl, $replacements[$tpl_name]);
return trim($tpl);
* Second parse list bbcode
function bbcode_list($type)
if ($type == '')
$tpl = 'ulist_open_default';
$type = 'default';
else if ($type == 'i')
$tpl = 'olist_open';
$type = 'lower-roman';
else if ($type == 'I')
$tpl = 'olist_open';
$type = 'upper-roman';
else if (preg_match('#^(disc|circle|square)$#i', $type))
$tpl = 'ulist_open';
$type = strtolower($type);
else if (preg_match('#^[a-z]$#', $type))
$tpl = 'olist_open';
$type = 'lower-alpha';
else if (preg_match('#[A-Z]#', $type))
$tpl = 'olist_open';
$type = 'upper-alpha';
else if (is_numeric($type))
$tpl = 'olist_open';
$type = 'decimal';
$tpl = 'olist_open';
$type = 'decimal';
return str_replace('{LIST_TYPE}', $type, $this->bbcode_tpl($tpl));
* Second parse quote tag
function bbcode_second_pass_quote($username, $quote)
// when using the /e modifier, preg_replace slashes double-quotes but does not
// seem to slash anything else
$quote = str_replace('\"', '"', $quote);
$username = str_replace('\"', '"', $username);
// remove newline at the beginning
if ($quote == "\n")
$quote = '';
$quote = (($username) ? str_replace('$1', $username, $this->bbcode_tpl('quote_username_open')) : $this->bbcode_tpl('quote_open')) . $quote;
return $quote;
* Second parse code tag
function bbcode_second_pass_code($type, $code)
// when using the /e modifier, preg_replace slashes double-quotes but does not
// seem to slash anything else
$code = str_replace('\"', '"', $code);
switch ($type)
case 'php':
// Not the english way, but valid because of hardcoded syntax highlighting
if (strpos($code, '<span class="syntaxdefault"><br /></span>') === 0)
$code = substr($code, 41);
// no break;
$code = str_replace("\t", ' ', $code);
$code = str_replace(' ', ' ', $code);
$code = str_replace(' ', ' ', $code);
$code = str_replace("\n ", "\n ", $code);
// keep space at the beginning
if (!empty($code) && $code[0] == ' ')
$code = ' ' . substr($code, 1);
// remove newline at the beginning
if (!empty($code) && $code[0] == "\n")
$code = substr($code, 1);
$code = $this->bbcode_tpl('code_open') . $code . $this->bbcode_tpl('code_close');
return $code;